Unfinished Business |2| ✓

By vanilladrips

157K 4.6K 1.1K

In order to have a full understanding of this book I suggest you read the first part to this book 'Treasure' ... More

Unfinished Business: Book 2
The Beginning
The Museum
The Boss
The Girlfriend
The Channel
The Assistant
The Jealousy
The Skirt
The Doctor
The Surprise
The Client
The Mall
The Attention
The Phone Call
The Questions
The Hotel
The Robe
The Venue
The Hall
The Reveal
The Fight
The Arguments
The Assumption
The Rain
The letter
The Cheater
The Guilt
The Gala
The Patio
The Understatement
The Liar
The Sources
The Reservation
The Aftermath
The Desk
The Flowers
The Wedding
The Return
The Jacuzzi
The Skull
The Epilogue
Goodbye ✔︎

The Boyfriend

3.7K 120 5
By vanilladrips

"What?" Sage blurted out. My eyes fell to the ground in shame. Neither of us said anything, the only thing to be heard was the cars outside the complex. Quinton and Chelsea remained quiet, almost forgotten. My heart was doing backflips in the middle of this situation. I tried to avoid this for years, and for the worse time for it to happen, it happened.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She whispered in disappointment. I felt terrible. She probably hates me and feels like she cannot trust me. I don't blame her. I lied to her. "I didn't want to bring him up again, but then he showed up and I was reminded I didn't tell you, and then I know you would hate me since I kept the lie for so long," I rambled off.

She stared at me for a couple of seconds, just taking in what I hopelessly had to say. I wanted to know how Sage was feeling and what she was thinking. "I get it. That was honestly my first thought was that you lied to me when you could have told me the truth. But I know it must have been hard and you went with the easy choice. If you don't want to tell me the details, that's fine. But I deserve to know why Kolson isn't even in the little guy's life," she seriously told me. She was right. She does a lot for Declan. She deserves to know.

"I know, you deserve to know everything," I agreed. "You girls could have the apartment tomorrow. I'll take Declan to the arcade so the three of you could catch up and such," Quinton joined in. The idea did sound good but what was I suppose to say when she asked me why I forgave him after leaving for two years? No one knows about the rape story that happened seven years ago.

Only Verrin, Kolson, and the man himself. Thank God he's still in jail. "Okay sure," Sage confirmed, and then Chelsea and I followed. I'll have to think of something was the last thought running through my head before I walked into my bedroom. Thankfully, all that shouting didn't manage to wake Declan up.

The next day, when I got to work, everything was normal. This morning, however, it was not. There was much more tension in the apartment and everyone was cautious with what to say and do while moving around the apartment. Hopefully, later I'll get a chance to fix that. I've been contemplating for the past couple of hours if I should tell them about Verrin's dad.

As usual, there was a pile of work on my desk in which I was quick to start and attempt to finish. It was nearing my lunch hour when the phone beside me rang. That could only mean two things. Someone from the lower level was calling or Kolson. I held my breath and answered the phone. "Miss Kane, a handsome boy by the name of Alton Ambrose is on his way up the elevator to see you. He said not to tell you but it's protocol," the lovely girl at the front desk reported back to me. At the mention of Alton's name, I clenched the phone tighter in my hand.

Right then, my door open and there he stood. We were already looking at each other. He looked beautiful, with his dark brown waves and brown eyes. Today Alton wore black jeans and a navy blue that fit him perfectly. The long sleeves were pushed his arms, making him look sexier. "Alton," I let out, hanging up the phone. "You've been avoiding me Si," he revealed the truth, shutting the door behind him for privacy. I nodded my head, not even denying the fact. "I've had a lot on my hands, my life is changing and I can't add breaking your heart to the list," I don't hesitate to say.

All of college, Alton and I clicked and it was just normal with us. It was a type of friendship that you didn't have to hold back on anything even if it was him telling me my outfit was horrible. However, it remained that way for me but for Alton, feelings got involved towards graduation. I promised to give him a shot and agreed on the date. For the past couple of weeks, I've been ignoring him for that very reason.

I'm scared of what would happen if I give him a shot. "How can you say that without even giving me the date you promised?" He challenged. I sighed, walking out of my chair to lean on my desk with distance still between us. I wasn't going to tell him the truth.

That's the thing when feelings come to play between friends. You can deny it how much you want, but the confession will change everything. "I didn't say that. I'm saying that I'm busy," I sighed my words. Alton took a step closer and raised his eyebrow suggestively at me. "I don't mind taking you out for lunch at least, I honestly miss spending time with you," he countered.

"I told you, I don't care if you don't like me back, just give me a chance because you owe me to find out if that's a possibility," Alton continued and I began to feel more guilty. "I know, but I don't know about that. I'm busy and I think it would be best if we remain friends," I falsely admitted, looking at the ground.

That was until I felt his hand under my chin, tilting my head to look into his eyes. "Come on, Si, you have to feel something," Alton whispered, his other hand sliding up my thigh, running up my back before settling on my neck. My lips parted when he began to lean in, my heart already racing at the thought of us kissing.

We were merely an inch away when the door flew open and we pulled apart. My eyes widened in shock and embarrassment when I saw Kolson standing inside my office. "Kolson, how can I help you?" I asked, fixing my skirt and trying to ignore that he just saw any of that. "What the hell is going on here?" He spat harshly, shutting the door behind him.

Red alarms went off in my head, already predicting that this wasn't going to end well. "Who's this?" Alton sternly asked with his fists forming at his sides while he glared at Kolson. Kolson didn't hesitate to repeat, seeming more intimidating than he needed to be.

"I'm her boss. Who the hell are you?" Kolson proudly answered. "I'm her boyfriend and her nephew's teacher," Alton didn't hesitate to say. Must have failed to mention that he also taught Delcan at preschool. Engineering wasn't working out for him because no one was accepting his offer. They said that he was too qualified for the jobs in California which made no sense but nevertheless, he went to his backup option while he waited for others to reply to his resumes.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Alton is just a friend, you haven't stated what you need me to do," I corrected Alton. Kolson's eyes drifted to mine after staring at Alton. "You do know this isn't a motel right? You can't just hook up in the middle of work," he snapped, ignoring what I said. I took a deep breath to calm myself as well as keeping an eye on Alton even though he wasn't the one to start fights. "Like I said, Mr. Starvi, Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Alton was just visiting and we almost got carried away. Nothing you're not used to," the last words flew out my mouth before I can stop myself.

But it was true though, I did catch Nessara and him in a worse position than Alton and I was in. "I am your boss. I can do whatever I want, remember?" Kolson reminded me. I rolled my eyes at how huge his ego was. "Do you like her or something? You do know that it's unprofessional and basically forbidden. You both would lose your jobs and stuff," Alton mentioned. I wouldn't say that was exactly true. "Relax loverboy, I'm not taking your girl. I'm happily engaged," Kolson scoffed.

"Damn right and I know these CEOs are a fan of affairs so stay away from Siya. You have no idea what she's been through and she doesn't need someone like you getting in her way of success," Alton instantly fumed. Kolson tilted his head to the side, shoving his hands into his pockets. This isn't going well, and if I knew Kolson, he wasn't going to take this lightly.

"Oka-" I tried to intervene but Kolson beat me to it. "I know a whole lot than you do, townie. Don't underestimate me, I could ruin you," he harshly reminded Alton. His eyebrows furrow in confusion, deeply thinking about what he said. "Okay, that's it. Alton, you need to leave and Kolson, you need to get out of my office," I finally interrupted them. They both looked at me as I stepped between them. "I told you I'm not leaving, he has to leave first," Alton declared.

I shut my eyes, the fact hitting me like a brick wall. I needed this to drop and they both needed to leave. "Fine. I'll go on the date with you on Saturday. Just please leave," I compromised, hating that I was pushed to this but I really didn't have another option. His eyes lit up and he stared at me in disbelief. "Are you serious?" He asked. I nodded my head, not removing my eyes from him. Alton walked up to me, his hand on my neck as he pressed a firm and sweet kiss to my forehead. "I'll message you the details for Saturday," he confirmed before turning around and leaving the office.

Finally, my eyes met with Kolson who looked nothing but pleased. "Siya..." he softly said, much more calm and with soft eyes. "Get out," I ordered. "You can't tell me what to do," Kolson defended. I sighed, walking back to my desk and resuming work. Kolson tried talking to me which I ignored and eventually, he gave up and left.

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