Caeli |(EDITING)

By Dream_Writer11

1.9K 561 52

A Paranormal romance by Shodimu Sophia, Dream_writer11 A paranormal romance by Shodimu Sophia (Dream_writer11... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 17

49 22 5
By Dream_Writer11

DOMATOPHOBIA: Fear of houses or being in a house.


"Hello Caeli, Lux" He smiled like he didn't just stay away for a whole year and suddenly appear 

He looked better than before. His skin was bright and glowing, he had gained a little weight so he wasn't as skinny as before and he had a bright smile plastered on his face.

His eyes looked more alive than they did before. It gained more colour and sparkle.

I wasn't sure if I was meant to be mad at him for trying to kill me or be surprised he just strolled in after a year of complete absence. I wouldn't say I was mad cause I kind of got over it months after he left. I was at the beginning but I figured out there was no point in staying mad at someone these doesn't even live with you.

Not to talk of the fact Lux was just worried about him like a second ago.

Lux didn't say anything either. He was just as surprised as I was and for that moment, we were both stuck in one position. In each other's arms.

When I noticed how awkward it was, I broke away from the hug and left him standing on his own.


"You've learned how to use your powers" He said and pointed at the little forest I made "That's quite impressive"

I cleared the shrubs immediately. The little stems and leaves fell on the ground, leaving behind dead withered leaves. "Thank you?"

"I'm really in need of a shower and i'd like to reduce the tension in the air so how about we all go down and I'd prepare breakfast when I'm done" He said and walked past us to the elevator.

Lux was still frozen in one position. It was until I gave him a tug he snapped back to reality. "Aren't you happy?"

"I am, just surprised"

"Come on, let's go" I held his hand in mine and leaded the way to the elevator because I knew he'd still be in one position if I didn't offer to help him.

His hand was bigger than mine so it almost looked like he was holding me not the other way around.

His palm was a bit rough but warm and assuring against mine.

When we got to the elevator, Axel was already in it waiting for us. His smile was getting creepy already cause the Axel I used to knew always had an emotionless expression on.

I didn't trust that smile one bit and I didn't trust him either.

He tried to kill me a year ago, he was still the same person and he could attempt to do it again. First, because he didn't apologise after he did it and didn't admit he was wrong. Instead, he stood by his decision and left. Second, people never change. The best they can do is to cover it up just for you.

Once we got in, I made sure I stood at the further end of the elevator, just for safety.

"Why did you leave?" Lux finally got his voice back. He turned to Axel and folded his arms and if I were to be in his position, I wouldn't think twice before poofing away again cause he had tons of questions waiting for him.

"Because my stay wasn't welcomed"

"What the fuck are you talking about?_"

"Language Lux, we have a little girl here"

Wait a minute, am I the little girl?

"You've been here for years. Why would your stay suddenly be not welcomed?"

Just then, the elevator stopped moving and the door opened, revealing Ignis, stealing Lux's chicken.


He never learns.

I wasn't sure if he dropped it because Lux came in or because he saw Axel walk in but either ways, the chicken fell on the floor.


"Ignis. I missed you the most"

Ignis, unlike us, ran towards him and gave him the biggest hug. He looked so happy, I'd never seen him smile that much without food. 

It was a beautiful sight, seeing two brothers see each other again after a year.

Ignis was happier than Lux and I to see Axel again. Don't get new wrong, we were also happy but our happiness had more of surprise and confusion than happiness itself.

I had a lot of questions running in my mind and I knew Lux also had the sane in his mind so I was going to leave him to do the talking.

"I missed your foo_ I mean, you too" He said as they pulled away.

"We're not done here Axel" Lux reminded him "Why would you think your stay wouldn't be welcomed"

"I figured out it would be uncomfortable for me to stay in the same house with her." He pointed at me. "Not because I have a thing against her but because you all think I wanted her dead"

"Well, it kinda looked like it, you know." Ignis pointed out "News flash, you pushed her into a running water. Not just any running water, the one that leads to Bellum. The city of psychos"

"You mean the city of war" Lux corrected "It's the city of war, you idiot"

"Hey! Can you at least not insult me, Axel is here now. Shower him with attention please"

"I did it because if she had stayed just a little longer, even if it's just a second, without any help, the water would've stopped"

It was my turn to but in so I took the chance.  "What? Why?"

"Everything in Anel follows your command, Caeli. Nothing, I mean nothing, can cause your death if it's not related to the royal family. Do you know what that means?" He paused "Xelexia is the only person with the power to kill you and she can only do that with her powers. Trust me, if she pushes you into a running water, you wouldn't die."

"I didn't know about my powers then"

"If you knew it or not, it doesn't matter. The point is that, I couldn't have killed you, even if I tried. If your hands had left that plank, the water would've went still" He paused "You know that Lux"

"No, I don't. You spent years studying about her, I didn't so you're the only that knows that"

"What happened to the classes we used to have together?"

"Yeah, about that" Ignis started "We never really paid any attention to that cause we're not nerds like you"

"The point is that she wouldn't have died. I just wanted her to know her capabilities first before we started the real training. We all know she wouldn't have believed us as fast as she would if we just showed her"

"We spoke to her after it and she believed" Lux said "The way you should've done it"

"And who did she believe?"


"That's because they both have a thing for eachother" He rolled his eyes.

Let's just say I turned red after that.

Very red.

I could literally feel my head turn to a tomato and the fact that Ignis was laughing about it only made me more embarrassed and I turned even redder than before.

"Yeah, that's true. In fact, they both kissed that same day"

"We didn't kiss!" I said for the millionth time. Ignis just couldn't get it out of his head and he didn't believe we didn't kiss.

"Then why was he holding your hand"

"He was just reassuring me, that's it. Why would I fall in love with a man in just three weeks?"

"Umm duh" Ignis rolled his eyes "Ever heard of love at first sight?"

"Yes and it doesn't work on me"

"Well, how are you sure it doesn't work on him?" Ignis said, pointing at Lux.

"Even if it does, I can't fall in love with her. Ever"


Thanks for reading another chapter! I've gotten rid of my laziness so might publish more chapters than usual! Besides, I really wanna complete it cause it still has a lot of drama and twists and I can't wait for you find out *wink*

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Instagram: sophia_shodimu

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