Dark Rogue

By xXSilentFearsXx

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By xXSilentFearsXx

                                  ·Winter, 2014·


·P.O.V, Rogue·

                                           Christmas was celebrated for me in a small cell. Everything was silver so there was no escape. I stared at four walls for nearly a month with no blood. The withdrawals were slowly getting to me and I burned with sweat and aches and pains greeted by body with a hello as if they were old friends.

I was refrained from moving about the crepuscular cell because of my last attempt at escape. I nearly succumbed to my bloodlust and killed one of their human servants. Of course I was angry at myself for that so were my Were counterparts which is why there was a silver chain around my wrist.

It annoyed me to the extent that I wish I could force myself to rip it from the wall, but it would permanently scar my skin because of the type of metal.

Sighing I swallowed down the taste of sick that formed in my mouth and closed my eyes. I knew I was tried. I felt it in my bones and it would be best for myself if I fell asleep. But I choose not to, I want to face my addiction head on and not be a coward that sleeps away the days and nights.

I was surprised when I first met people like me though, well similar to me. It made me feel hope just like Stuward made me feel whilst we were together. It meant I wasn't alone like I thought I was. There were people out there who dealt with problems like mine. And, they're helping me with my bloodlust as we speak which is why I'm here.

There was the soft creaking of a door, the greeting of bright light and then the harsh pounding of feet. I knew who they were straight away, the few weeks I spent I tried to increase my senses and it worked in a way. I still recall what Mick said when I said I was a monster and didn't deserve his help a month back.

"In our world, Were's are perceived as monsters. Some may be. But Rogue, I'm giving you the chance not to be one."

He said a lot more things but that particular one stuck in my head replaying over and over like a recording. And after that meeting in the freezing snow, Mick led me back to his house where loads of other Were's lay. I only followed because of the prospect of there being others like me and Stuwards naivety has rubbed off on me.

"How's everything today?" Mick greeted with a small smile gracing his beatific face standing in arms reach to my cell.

His brown eyes were curiously eyeing my tired state with interest and slight pride.

My mouth felt dry and swallowing made me feel like a cement mixer. But other than being half dead, I was fine but still I let myself think for a second since I knew what was coming.

"I'm thirsty." I said after a bit of thinking.

He nodded and motioned for one of the human servants, a blonde hair skeleton thin woman to fetch me a glass of water. Her feet skittered on the cement floor and she quickly left back up the stairs.

"Are you ready?" He asked sternly shifting his body closer so that his voice went an octave louder and hit off the walls of my cells.

I bit my lip glancing away with a deep frown and a thoughtful expression. I knew what he meant and I wanted too. I just hated to fail in front of him since he always expected so much of me even though we're basically strangers and I can't even control my bloodlust that much yet.

Despite my negative thoughts, I nodded and he clapped his hands softly together with a delighted smile. Then we left once I got my much needed water off the servant.


Mick dodged me laughing amused when he tripped me with his foot causing me to slam down onto the floor of the warehouse that we used to train in.

I gritted my teeth, leaning up from the floor with both hands and growled as I swiped a punch at him in anger. He made it look child play as he danced away from me with sprit and a cocky smirk.

The sun gleamed through the top window above us that let in fresh air and the smell of mowed gress. Thankfully it had started to gradually turn hotter so it wasn't snowing anymore, only a few specks of slosh in random places. I held back my sneeze and clenched my fists glaring annoyed at Mick who waited for me to make another move.

"What's wrong, mutt?" He teased purposely trying to rile me up and it did.

With a growl, I swooped in with a uppercut. He of course grabbed my wrist and twirled me around pulling me tight against him. His taunting voice tickled the back of my ear as he leaned his head down since he had a good few inches on me.

"Don't let your emotions take control Rogue." He whispered softly.

I shivered from his voice. I know what he said was true,he preached it to me every single day. But I wasn't the type of Were to be told what to do, even though my actions could get me killed. I just think that they haven't yet.

"Fuck your emotions." I hissed exasperated flimsily trying to break from his hold. His arms making me feel uncomfortable. "And, let go of me!"

He chuckled patronizingly and tightened his hold just to spite me and I growled venomously trhashing against him which only thus increased the volume of his heart laughs.

"Tsk, tsk Rogue." He murmured amused into my ear. "You never learn do you."

That was is it. I stepped hard on his foot and he gritted his teeth in pain, fortunately he had to let me go since the obvious reaction was to hold the source of where the pain was.

I shifted backwards away from in sending Jim a sneer and a annoyed glare. My heart pounding from adrenaline and frustration building in my veins. I started to sweat and I licked my lips, knowing what I wanted; blood.

My face went downcast and I panted from sudden exhaustion. I collapsed onto my knees ignoring the slap of pain and slamming my hands onto the floor with a scream letting out my inner emotions.

Something I never did.

"I—I can't do this. I—I need blood.." I weakly said closing my eyes against tears something that made my heart clench in anger.

A hand touched my shoulder but I was so on the brink of tears that I didn't even bother to shove him away. Mick bent down to my level and smiled gently brushing away my tears.

"Don't worry, you can. You have me and I'll do my best to help you. I promise."

And, he kept true to his word. Every time I slipped up he would pick me right back up and I admit that I needed his help that I didn't want to kill anymore people. Finally I had two people that I could call true friends, Mick and my mate at the time.

Trying not to succumb to my inner monster was extremely hard. But I had Mick this time to guide me; since he taught himself the exact same way.

He was there every step of the way. Just like the father figure that should've been in my life. Of course I'd never tell Mick that, his ego was already too big.



     The third part won't be updated till I get a few more comments. Just to see what other people think :) Anyway have a great day! ^^

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