Bakugo x Depressed Reader (DI...

By random_writer_uwu

91K 2K 2.4K

(Y/N) is a girl wanting to achieve her dream of entering UA High and becoming a hero, but she comes to find o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Thanksgiving special!
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 (unfinished)

Chapter 5

6K 129 87
By random_writer_uwu

A/N: Since it isn't revealed to (Y/N) yet to what their names are I am gonna call Dabi Burnt Man and Shigaraki Handyman



"Do you want to come back to my base and train?" All I could do was keep crying into his shoulder in shock, he didn't care if I wanted to be a hero?


After awhile of me crying I eventually calmed down. I let go of him and tried to stand but fell in the process. The man looked like he wanted to help but he couldn't, and I mean I don't blame him. Having a quirk that can decay anything you touch is both beneficial and horrifying. I try to stand up again and after a few attempts of falling the man spoke up "I can call one of my members to come get you if you need help, I can't due to my quirk" I looked at him with a small smile and replied "That would be nice" He soon took out his phone and called someone, but it seemed he was talking to a few different people. I just left it at that and sat on the ground waiting for him to be finished so I can get out of this dark place...After five minutes a portal appeared  and a male walked out of it. The male that walked out had burn scars covering his face and arms, to be honest it looked pretty cool. Then he looked down at you then the other male.Since I haven't learned the names of both of them yet I guess they get nicknames until they tell me. The one with the burn marks I'll call...Burnt man! And the one with the hands Handyman. Burnt Man started talking to Handyman "Sir is this what you need help with? Really?" "Yes Dabi I cant pick her up and she can't walk yet so I need you to carry her through the portal and sit her down on one of the bar stools" So the burnt ones name is Dabi? Cool! Dabi didn't look to happy about it but complied anyways. He picked me up and put me on his back and MAN was he tall. We all went through the portal and appeared at what looked like an abandoned bar. Dabi set me down on a stool and left the room, then Handyman walked around the bar and gave me a water bottle. "Here you go, you look dehydrated" I took the water bottle and gulped half of it down, I was so thirsty...I had no idea how long I was in there but it felt like forever...Then Handyman called a meeting and suddenly a lot more people showed up. All of a sudden my breathing picked up and my heart started racing...What was happening to me?

Dabi POV

Shigaraki called a meeting and I assume it's so we can all meet the girl he made me carry back. I was the first person there since I had barely even made it down the hallway in the first place. As more and more people showed up I could notice the girl was starting to freak out, but why was she freaking out? Out of nowhere her heavy breathing became audible to all of us and she looked faint "Hey are you-" she started to fall out of the chair so I ran over and caught her. She must of had a panic attack, at least thats what it seemed like...

                                                                           *A few hours later*


I started to wake up again and this time I could actually grab my head so I knew what happened prior wasn't a dream...I sat up and opened my eyes to scan the room. I saw Dabi sleeping in a chair across the room, Handyman asleep in a chair next to the bed I was sleeping on, and right as I was gonna wake up one of the males a girl who looked to be my age walked in asking if I was awake. She seemed really worried about me...Was I really worth all the trouble and worry..? "Oh! You're awake! Thats good, had us all worried for a second there." She walked over to me and sat on the bed and handed me my water bottle from earlier and what I assume was pain killers "Here your head must hurt from the sudden fall" She gave me a warm smile and i took the medication. She seemed like a really nice person and they all did, I wonder what happened for them to become villains? I asked the girl "So...Whats your name? And whats his name if you don't mid telling me" I pointed to Handyman and waited for a response. "Wow he brought you here and didn't even tell you his name?" She giggled then continued "Mine name is Toga and Handyman over here, his name is Shigaraki" I gave her a warm smile and i gulped down more water. They all seemed nice and had nice names, it made me really happy that they were all treating me with such kindness even if I didn't deserve it..! Once my headache had passed I shook Shigaraki awake "Hey Shigaraki? I have a question" At first he didn't wake up so Toga stood up, what was she gonna do? She then yelled "Shiggy! Someones messing with your father!" He jolted up and looked ready to kill someone "WHOS GOT MY FATHER" That...well that just happened. It took him a minute to realize something, but what? he spoke again "Toga father is on my face why did you scream that!" I was confused and what did he mean his father was on his face? There was only a...detached...Oh my god his dads hand is on his face..! He looked over at me and I flinched. " You okay over there?" Guess I gotta ask him now then later "What do you mean by your father is on your face?" He looks down at the ground and back up to me with a sad expression "My family passed so I was given their hands by my boss All for one" All for one...Why did that sound familiar?

Words total:1054

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