Life In Pictures | Book 2 | [...

By Starrynight_Hobi

112K 2.7K 843

Married life, 5 kids, a traveling photographer and a model all under one roof. what could go wrong? book 2 of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Writers block
Chapter 6
Advice/ Chat
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Heads up
Chapter 11 [JKs birthday special]
Chapter 12
Updated Face Reveal
been a while
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Ad #2
Chapter 16
I got tagged!
Chapter 17
Happy Halloween!!
Chapter 18
Please Read
Please Read prt2
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Ad #3
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Character Q and A
Character Q and A answers
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Merry Christmas!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Ad #4
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Book 3!

Chapter 2

4.7K 115 41
By Starrynight_Hobi

Today was just a normal day in the Kim household.

At least normal to Namjoon.

Jin was out of town for a few days for a shoot which left Namjoon to work at home and take care of the kids.

All the kids were at playdates except for Jungkook, who was in Namjoons lap.

He was happily sucking on a pacifier with a bunny stuffed animal firmly in his grasp.

His little doe eyes staring at the computer screen where Namjoon was working.

Namjoon was softly humming a song as he finished a touch on a photo.

The peaceful aura of the room was interrupted by Namjoons phone going off.

He looked and saw it was Jin wanting to facetime.

He smiled softly and answered.

"Hi Joonie! Hi little Kookie! " Jin greeted happily.

Jungkook looked at the phone in front of him and squealed at the sight of his papa.

He then took his pacifier out and giggled "papa! Miss you!" He squealed.

"I miss you too sweetheart" Jin smiled.

"Where are the other joon?" Asked Jin.

"Playdates, it's just me and little Kookie for now. How's the shoot going?" Asked Namjoon.

"Its going great. I cant wait to see you all soon. Two more days!" Said Jin.

" we cant wait to see you either honey. " said Namjoon.

The couple talked for around an hour.

Jungkook had become occupied playing with Namjoons hand halfway through.

"Dont the boys have dance practice soon Joonie?" Asked Jin.

Namjoon looked at the time, his eyes widened when he realized.

"Oh no they're gonna be late! Sorry Jinnie I'll call you back soon love you!" Namjoon hung up quickly.

"Okay Kookie let's go" he scooped up the child from his lap and hurriedly grabbed the keys.

On his way to Seonghwa and Hongjoongs house, jungkook had thrown up in his carseat.

Namjoon groaned and pulled into the driveway.

Jungkook was crying his eyes out and kicking his legs.

Namjoon quickly got out and picked up Jungkook.

Namjoon wasnt too thrilled about holding him at the moment but he couldnt let him cry.

"Shh shh Kookie its okay Appa isnt mad. Please dont cry bun" he soothed while rocking the hysterically crying Jungkook.

Namjoon looked at his watch and sighed "they're late" he mumbled to himself.

Pushing it aside that the boys were late, Namjoon knocked on the door.

Hongjoong opened the door and gasped at the scene.

"Here let me help joon, all the kids are in the livingroom you can clean up kook while I get them ready. Jimin has dance practice right?" Asked Hongjoong.

"They're already late, I think they'll have to miss thank you" replied Namjoon.

Jungkook had finally calmed down and was laying his head on Namjoons shoulder.

"I'll get them home, go take care of Jungkook" offered Hongjoong.

"Thank you, but I have to pick up Hobi too. Hes with Changbin, he's having a playdate with Mingi and Felix " explained Namjoon.

"Don't worry I can pick him up just go take care of Kookie don't worry" said hongjoong as he urged Namjoon to go home.

"I owe you one" was all Namjoon could say before he was pushed back to his car.

Namjoon drove home quickly, one they arrived back at their house Namjoon got Jungkook cleaned up.

Jungkook had a small fever and just wanted to lay on the couch.

He hated seeing his baby look so weak.


Just as he said, Hongjoong had picked up all the kids and brought them home.

"Do you mind keeping an eye on him while I clean up his carseat?" Asked Namjoon.

"I don't mind at all go ahead" Hongjoong smiled.

Namjoon thanked him and quickly cleaned up his car the best he could.

Once he was done, Hongjoong left which left Namjoon with 4 still hyper kids and a sick 2 year old.

All the boys started playing tag and running around the house.

Namjoon already told them to not run but what broke his heart was the sadness in Jungkooks eyes.

He sat down next to Jungkook and rubbed his back.

"I know you want to play bun, let's get you some medicine." Namjoon got up and headed to the bathroom, grabbing the medicine he was in search for.

Of course he knew Jungkook would never willingly take the medicine so he braced himself for the upcoming fight.

Jungkook was still laying on the couch with his thumb in his mouth watching cartoons.

"Thumb out of your mouth sweetie" said Namjoon as he gently pulled Jungkooks thumb out of his mouth.

The action only resulted in Jungkook pouring and whining.

"I know baby appa is just so unfair huh?" He chuckled.

He knew it wouldnt be fair, but he was going to trick his baby into taking the medicine.

"Want some liquid candy bun?" Asked Namjoon as he held the small cup.

Jungkook, who was unaware of what the medicine actually looked like, immediately reached for the cup.

Namjoon smiled and gave him the cup.

Jungkook instantly downed the medicine and had a look of disgust.

"Bad candy" he mumbled and gave Namjoon the cup.

"Good job baby, lay down so you can rest" said Namjoon as he kissed his forehead.

"Appa! Jimin wont let me play with Tae!" Yelled Hoseok.

Namjoon saw Jungkook was asleep, so he got and went to take care of the others.

He walked into the playroom and saw, what he felt like, was a warzone.

There were pillows all around Jimin and Taehyung.

It looked as if Jimin was guarding Taehyung.

Yoongi was asleep on his Kumamon plush, and Hoseok was trying to get past fort Jimin.

Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseoks eyes all looked up at Namjoon.

"Hi appa!" Said Taehyung, completely unaware of the chaos.

"Hi Taebear, Jimin let Hoseok play with Tae too" instructed Namjoon.

"But Appa! Then TaeTae wont play with me!" Argued Jimin.

"Honey he'll play with both of you, now let him out of your fort" said Namjoon.

Jimin knocked down the pillows "can Kookie play now?" Asked Jimin.

"No sweets, he asleep and doesnt feel well. How about we talk to Papa?" Offered Namjoon.

All of the boys lit up and ran to Namjoons feet at lightning speed.

Yoongi woke up from all the noise and rubbed his eyes.

"Hey suga, you wanna talk to Papa?" Asked Namjoon as he noticed Yoongi wake up.

Yoongi nodded and got up,bring Kumamon along.

Namjoon smiled and sat on the floor.

All the boys gathered around him as he called Jin.

Jin answered and smiled at the sight of the kids.

"Papa!" Yelled Hoseok as he got closer to the phone.

"Hi Hobi! How was dance?" Asked Jin.

Hoseok looked at him confused.

"No dance today Papa" he answered, making Namjoon a little nervous.

"Oh I see baby, that's okay. Did you have fun today?" He asked.

All the boys nodded and began telling him about their Playdates.

"Then we takes Mingi to jail! But he not really in jail papa it just fun jail!" Explained Hoseok.

Jin chuckled and smiled fondly as he listened to his kids.

"That sounds exciting baby! Wheres my little Kookie monster?"

"Poor thing isnt feeling well right now, hes asleep on the couch." Explained Namjoon.

"My poor baby, at least I'll be home soon" replied Jin with a slight frown.

After explaining to Jin the reason they didnt go to dance practice and Jin being able to say goodnight to all of them they ended the call.

"Okay babies bedtime" say Namjoon as he scooped up the kids.

One by one he got them all in pajamas and got them in their beds.

He read the stories, made sure there were no monsters under the bed (per Taehyung and Jimins request) and got them to sleep.

All but one, little Jungkook.

It was heartbreaking he couldn't sleep.

Namjoon naturally stayed up fairly late, he had the two year old laying all over him.

Every once in a while Jungkook would whine uncomfortably.

Jungkook still had a fever the whole night.

He had a light blanket draped over the both of them and would rock him to sleep when he woke up.

Jungkook had woken up around 3am and couldnt go back to sleep.

Namjoon noticed and held him closely.

"How about a story baby? Sound good?" He offered.

Jungkook nodded and rubbed his head into Namjoons chest.

"Let's see, how about Yoongis first day of school" mumbled Namjoon.

" you may not remember since you were an itty bitty bunny, we took Yoongi and all your brothers in to his classroom." He began while rocking Jungkook.

"He didnt want us to leave but we had to. They had pop tarts on the desks for everyone and your silly brothers all took Yoongis and ate his." Namjoon chuckled to himself.

"Yoongi only wanted to nap the whole time, he sat down and started coloring it's like we didnt exist after the colors were in his hands" Namjoon looked down and saw Jungkook smiling, half awake.

It was his adorable bunny smile, Namjoons heart melted at his sick baby.

He heard Tiny footsteps and looked over to see a teary eyed Taehyung.

"Aw sweetheart was it a nightmare?" He asked while gesturing for Taehyung to join them.

"Careful Taebear, Kookie is still sick" said Namjoon as he adjusted them both.

"Would you like to hear a story too baby?" He asked Tae.

The toddler nodded and cuddled into his Appas side.

He told stories all night and smiled at the memories. Who knew they could be good bedtime stories?

He took Taehyung back to his bed, tucked him in and put Jungkook to bed as well.

"If only you were here to see how precious this is Jin " he murmured.

He checked on all the kids one by one.

Hoseok was fast asleep with his teddy bear tugged to his side and star fished on the bed.

Yoongi had his precious Kumamon in a firm grip with his blanket piled on top of him.

His lips were pouty, it reminded Namjoon of when Yoongi was a baby.

Jimin was hanging off the bed, a blanket was laying on the floor next to the bed.

Namjoon gently adjusted Jimin on the bed and placed the blanket back on the bed.

He once again checked on Taehyung, who was now fast asleep.

Jungkook was finally comfortable and sleeping soundly.

Namjoon smiled and went to bed.

He kept the monitor next to the bed incase Jungkook woke up again.

It may have turned into a hectic day but that's how Namjoon liked it.

It was boring without a little chaos in his life.

He dreamt of the trip to Malta that was drawing soon.

He smiled in his sleep as he saw his handsome princes face in his sleep.


Hi! How are you guys??

Cases of covid are rising here so its getting a lil more scary here but I'm okay I promise! 💜

I've been listening to musicals all day and it put me in a good mood haha.

I missed you all :) had a little writers block but it's okay!

Stay safe love yall and hope you enjoyed this mess of a chapter 💜💜


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