A Court Of Fire And Pain

By EmpressLilyana

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6 years after regaining her throne, Aelin is bored. But that doesn't mean she's prepared when her 3 children... More

A new start...
Figuring things out
Searching for answers
And they meet.
actually it's they meet again
The walking dead
Finding answers
Familiar face
Old foes
I know you.
Looking for clues
Figuring more things out
Chapter 22
Bad things happen
Chapter 27
Thank you so much!
Getting ready
Please, please help us
Uncomfortable speeches
Theres Hope.... Right?
Kind of a Filler
The meeting of royals
Fenrys and Azriel go on a date... Kinda
Azriel might be in love
Just something
Face to face
Azriel is maaad
From a different perspective
Not a chapter
Ok fine, have a chapater
Again not a chapter but !!!!
Almost there
Not a chapter, sorry
You're safe
I love you...
I love you too
One Shots!

Oh gods...

476 18 0
By EmpressLilyana

Chapter 28 Aelin:
When I woke up I was alone. I changed into a new pair of clothes. I had fallen asleep without changing last night and now the bed had a bit of blood that came off. Apparently my wounds weren't completely healed.
After I cleaned off and woke up a bit more I headed out to find Rowan and the others. I found him with everyone else in the main room focused in Connall.
"What's going on?"
Rowan dragged me onto the couch. "Connall just got back from visiting his friend."
"Wait what!? We were supposed to go investigate while he was doing that!"
Rhys spoke dryly. "Well yeah that was the plan."
"What's your problem?"
He gave a look of mock distress. "Nothing. But maybe if you woke up earlier we would have some greatly needed information."
Feyre stood up and smacked him. "RHYSAND! What is wrong with you? Lately you've been so rude."
Rowan glared at him. "Aelin needs rest. I know you're worried, we all are. And I know you're strong and don't fully trust us. But you try being covered in... Ashwood and still use your magic, and escape a Valg king while bleeding inside and outside!"
Rhys went to retort but I held up my hand. "He's right Rowan. This is about more than just us. Our children's lives are at stake. And more than that, both of our worlds could be Orcus's next targets. And if I had paid more attention I might know where our kids are. No matter what happens there's no changing that. So we need to get a move on."
Feyre was still glaring at Rhys and he sighed. "I'm sorry. But I can't help being angry. No matter how hard I want him back, so far I've been useless in helping Suriel. Before... even if things weren't going well, I was doing something. But now all we're doing is sitting around. I'm frustrated. And you're right, I don't fully trust you. Too much has happened."
"I understand."
Before I could continue, Azriel spoke. "I believe we can trust them." He was looking at Fenrys. "They have the same things, if more, at stake here. And besides, they've allowed us to remain here in our home."
Feyre looked shocked, like she hadn't thought about it.
Azriel continued. "We have portals, we could easily be having these conversations back in their kingdom. But they haven't been back for most of this time. They haven't asked to go home or relax. If that doesn't show how much they are willing to do, then I don't know what will."
Fenrys gave him a little smile.
After a moment of silence Rhys stood up and bowed. "I apologize. You've given up more than we have and yet I throw accusations your way."
I waved him off. "Blah blah blah can we get back on topic? Connall. Did your friend say anything interesting?"
He shook his head. "Apparently his friend who works in the castle didn't say anything of use. Although I did learn that the castle informant had tattoo looking things all over him. I think that means the castle staff have Wyrdmarks preventing them from saying anything that would harm the Valg."
"Dammit. I guess we'll have to find out ourselves then."
I created a portal and along with Rowan, Rhys, and Feyre, jumped through.
By now I was used to the sensation of moving between worlds and landed on my feet. We followed the directions Connal gave us and began to walk.
"Why didn't we bring him with us?" Feyre asked after we got lost a third time.
"Because, we didn't. Deal with it."
"Fireheart maybe I should take the lead."
"No, I can do it."
Despite my claim it took about an hour until we found the closed off area. But it looked promising. After making sure no one was around we reached the gates. "Hold on. There are Wyrdmarks. Feyre could you get some water and wash them away?"
"Sure." She pointed star them at a stream of water shot out, effectively breaking their power."
"Wait!" She held up a hand before we could move. "There's a spell. Give me a minute." After a while of staring at her face of concentration, she exhaled and nodded. "Got it. I don't think I was too obvious, but someone might figure out we're here. So let's move."
We climbed over the gate and crept through the alley. I stopped when I heard... something.
"What is that?"
"Must be their weapon creature thing. We need to be stealthy. We'll open our minds to you."
They nodded and I attempted to lower the wall of flames surrounding my mind.
Did it work? Can you hear me?
Good. Let's go.
We reached a dead end. But the sounds came from behind the wall.
It's an illusion. You can walk through it.
To prove her point Feyre walked straight through the wall. We followed her and reached a set of doors.
Should we open them?
It's our only option, so yeah.
We opened it only a little bit and I peered through.
It's too dark. I can't see anything.
Feyre's finger began to glow, illuminating the room. When we look back we all gasped at once.
Are those...
Indeed, the room was filled with bodies. That wasn't what the sounds were coming from though. We slipped through the doorway and crept past. Why were there so many dead people? And where did they come from?
We found the noise's origin in the next room.
There were people, thankfully live, working on some of the bodies.
What are they doing?
I'm not sure but it doesn't look good.
Then one of the bodies they were surrounding jerked upright and screamed.
Holy shit it was alive!
Without speaking one of the workers slit its throat.
Oh fuck this wasn't normal. What kind of ritual shit was going on here?
We watched in silent horror as they collected the blood pooling from the wound. They then wheeled the body and bucket of blood over to another group of people in the back of the room. Someone started heading towards us and we froze.
Rhys, Feyre, if you can do something then do it!
Just as the person neared us we were cloaked in darkness. They didn't see us and passed right by. We didn't dare move and waited for them to return.
They did, hauling another body with them.
What. The. Fuck. Was. Going. On.
The same thing happened. They did something to the body and collected its blood. The they wheeled it over to the other group. One of them yet again went past us and returned with a new body.
We should get out of here.
I agree. We've seen enough.
We crept away. I stopped in the body room and leaned closer to one.
"Oh shit."
"What is it?"
"They aren't dead. Whatever those people are doing, they're doing it to living beings. But why do they need them alive if they end up killing them?"
"So whatever they're doing needs to be done on a living thing."
"This is sick and twisted. I never expected Ianthe to be part of something like this."
Feyre looked like she was going to throw up.
We heard footsteps and ran out. We climbed the gate and went back to our portal area. Once we returned to the night court we collapsed on the couches.
Everyone immediately swarmed us.
"What did you find?"
We glanced at each other.
"To be honest... we don't know."

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