Dark Rogue

By xXSilentFearsXx

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By xXSilentFearsXx

                                ·Winter, 2014·

·P.O.V, Stuward·

                                        I stared up at the snow that fell from the sky. The sun contrasted against the bright blue colors and was lacking in its Summer heat. The darkness of Winter taking over as it turned over into the shortest day of the year.

The winter Solstice.

I was above finally. After many failed attempts of trying to escape up myself, I decided to ask Vixen and she said I wasn't a prisoner and could leave whenever I wanted too.

I had on extra layers of clothes so the icy breeze only slapped against my red cheeks. It stung though but made me wake up a bit more. Needless to say, I had the best sleep ever last night.

Probably because there wasn't anything to worry about. No Rogue, no nothing. Her name didn't even make me angry anymore. I was sure if I saw her it would resurface though.

I missed her madly. But she was a Were and could look after herself. She most likely forgot about me and is feasting as we speak. It's weird though, it's as if I can't picture her anymore but I can't remember her eyes color. My memoires feel like their being vacuumed up and I only just remembered everything.

The area was a meadow of snow stretching farther than the eye could. There wasn't any signs of life in either direction. But it was safe here, the Night Guards couldn't use their senses all that well in snow. Neither could Were's.

"So here you are, little cous."

Foosteps pantered up like a ghost and a hand was placed on my shoulder. If it weren't for her speaking I wouldn't have heard her.

I turned around with a small smile finding it even hard to do that in the last two days I've been here.

"Hello, Victoria." I said plainly eyeing my optimistic cousin with a raised eyebrow as my lips parted into a sigh.

I wasn't in the mood for her positive motives.

Victoria was a beautiful woman, her eyes just like her father Roland except holding the same motherly love as Vixen and filled with specks of orange. She had shiny brown hair clipped back into a side ponyatil that gave her a immature look even though she was twenty four.

But since she was a vampire. She had perfect skin, perfect everything really. Whilst Were's had to deal with the normal grown up things like spots and blackheads. Rogue though had the cutest face if I recall, no signs of any acne or annoying pimples. I growled mentally forcing my mind to think of something else.

"Momma wishes to see you, cousin." Victoria smiled showing her dainty fangs that were like cones sticking down from her pink gums overlapping onto her bright red lips.

I admit I found her attractive. But she's family, so she's defiantly off limits.

Slowly, I nodded feeling captivated by her feminine beauty and walking past her and down into the hideout. Vitcoria hummed in triumph and skipped after me, slamming the hatch down and locking it shut with the large silver key.


When I got to Vixens bedroom. She was awaiting for me in a red dressing gown sitting on the side of her KingSize bed. Her hair matted from an obvious shower as the steam wafted out from her ensuite filling the room up with fog and making everything seem wet.

I knocked on her door, her eyes quickly lighting up and meeting mine.

"Come in, Stuward." She called almost elated and holding her hands out to me.

I moved forward closing the door behind me. My feet making the floorboards creak in sync with my pounding heart of nerves. Sweat formed everywhere since I didn't really know what was going to happen and I was just a naturally nervous person.

She gripped my hands the second I sat down. They were warm from her shower and moist as well. Mine were only bigger than hers by an inch and she clenched them tightly in her hands and she smiled creepily.

I refrained myself forming gulping feeling a sense of confusion fill me and I licked my dry lips.

Vixen spoke proudly in a firm voice.

"It's finally time. Now that we've found you. I can complete the turning."

I opened my mouth to ask what she meant. But it was answered by a rough shove to the bed, the refraining of my wrists and with my Aunt hovering over me like a feline.

Her eyes flared with hunger and glowed with millions of emotions that could only add to my confusion.

Suddenly, my Aunt screamed with her sharp teeth elongated and then she did her evil deed and forced her teeth inside my neck as I struggled with screams of pain shaking the room.

The venom off her teeth surged through me making me gag with breathlessness and my eyes water. My body convulsed like a epileptic fit but I felt exhaustion as well and my body was weak from some sort of transition I was going through.

My eyes blurred and my Aunt disappeared from sight as my eyes shifted to a close.

And, I blacked out.



·P.O.V, Rogue·

                                  I stalked after my prey. The Woman giggled with her red hair flying everywhere along with her waist belt that half hung from her curvy body. Her boots crunched in connection with mine into the snow that was soon going to be covered with her blood.

The trees were my hiding saviors combining with my Greg fru and concealing me from view. I stared intently at her with the lick of my lips. My stomach growled with hunger and the need for blood was so overpowering that I barely had time to react when an arrow was implanted in the tree beside me.

I snarled jumping around whilst angling my body sideways. My feet skidded in the snow and I hunched up on my hind legs to show my dominance to the human that decided to be a hero.

Except his eyes begged to differ and I quietened my snarls only to stare at him with confusion. I sniffed in his scent that resembled mine too much. Apples and fresh mint, but he couldn't be one? Could he?

I shook my head and glared at him. Still if he was why'd he attack me? Especially when I was trying to feed.

With a growl of annoyance I moved to swipe at him, he expertly dodged with his long black hair flying dramatically as he side stepped me and causing me to fall into the lump of snow. It gave me a headache as the snow melted inside my mouth and I shivered.

"Whoa, calm down. I'm not here to hurt you." He said in a flat tone with his hazel eyes narrowing in warning when I climbed back to my feet.

"If you know what's best for you. You wouldn't try that again, Rogue." He snickered sarcastically saying my name and I backed away with confusion that he easily saw through.

He crossed his arms and smiled alleviated. "I've finally found you, soror."


Don't forget to vote and leave a comment to tell me what u think plz ^^ Have a great 2015 and thanks so much for reading!



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