A Series of Unfortunate Event...

By Duskprincess89

285K 3.5K 3.5K

This is just a collection of preferences and imagines from some of my favorite characters from ASOUE, I notic... More

How you met
The first time you cry in front of them
They catch you singing
Your Favorite Book to Read Together
Your First Kiss
Not an update (Requests Closed)
Love Confession
Your Relationship Song
Glasses - Klaus Baudelaire x Female Reader
How they comfort you on your period
Their name in your phone
Your name in their phone
Your First Date
How they snuggle with you
Your Netflix show you watch together
You Break up
Your break up song
You get back together
Couple Pictures
Valentines day gifts from them
How they act when they're drunk
How they react when you get hurt
Long Distance Isadora Quagmire x Reader
How you spend your one year anniversary together
Moving in together
What they love about you
How they comfort you after you have a nightmare
Engagement Photos
Your Wedding Outfit
Your Wedding Day
Where you go for your honeymoon
Pets you get together
Telling him your pregnant
Pregnancy lead up to the birth
You give birth
How they look after your child at night
How many kids you have (All)
Your favorite romance movie to watch together
How they comfort you when you suffer a family tragedy
What they get you for your birthday
How he reacts when you suffer a miscarriage
Your summer family activity
Your favorite musical to watch together
Your romantic song you sing onstage together
How they take care of you when your sick
Burn Olaf x Reader
I think about you Duncan Quagmire x reader
Runaway lovers Klaus Baudelaire x reader
Pregnant Quigley Quagmire x Reader
Not an update
Prom Klaus Baudelaire x reader
I have no words
Stressed out Violet Baudelaire x reader
The Funeral Quigley Quagmire x Reader
Sacrifice Violet Baudelaire x Reader
Ariana Grande's sister Esme Squalor x reader
What your kids look like
Dance with me Duncan Quagmire x reader
Halloween Costumes you wear together
It's not you, it's me Klaus Baudelaire x reader
How they react when you have depression
I found love Klaus Baudelaire x reader
Burn Olaf x reader Part Two
Friday night, Girls night Fiona Widdershins x reader
The Phone Call Quigley Quagmire x reader
Your Disney movie you watch together
Birthday Surprise Klaus Baudelaire x reader 🎂
Updated Rankings!
Your Youtuber you watch together
Your Promise Ring
Their pick-up lines
He defends you in public
The Best Birthday Gift Ever Klaus Baudelaire x reader
Holy Cow! Thank You!
The End

Come in from the storm Quigley Quagmire x Reader

4.5K 36 9
By Duskprincess89

A/n:  Hey guys, @-CRACK-HEAD-BABY-requested some Quigley Quagmire imagines. I hope you guys enjoy this one, I stayed up until two in the morning working on this! Love you guys!

Y/n's P.O.V.

When I walked over to my car, it started to rain. I wasn't too worried about it, but as I made my way home, the rain started to come down harder, and the traffic became worse. While I was stuck in traffic I decided to call Quigley and tell him that I was going to be late for date night. "Hello?" Quigley answered the phone. "Hey babe, I just wanted to let you know I'm stuck in traffic because of the storm, so I'm probably gonna be late for date night," I said turning on the wiper blades so I could see better. "No problem babe, I'll wait for you,"

I felt better knowing that he understood the situation I was in. After about a half an hour, there was less traffic, and I felt confident that I was gonna make it home in time for date night. But when I pulled up to my apartment building all of the parking spaces were full.

"Oh, come on!" I groaned as I drove a few blocks away from my building. Finally, I found a parking space, and I looked through the backseat hoping to find my umbrella. "Come on, don't tell me I left it at home," I muttered to myself. But, I couldn't find it.

I was not thrilled that I had to walk home in the pouring rain, but I had no other option. I got out of my car and ran under nearby cover, and wait for the right moment to make a run for it. I crossed the street and didn't stop running until I made it to my apartment. When I knocked on the door, Quigley opened it and his eyes grew wide as saucers.

"Baby, you're soaking wet!" he exclaimed. "I forgot my umbrella," I shivered. Quigley took my hand and led me inside our apartment. "Come on, let's get you into some dry clothes," he said leading me to our shared bedroom. He looked through the closet and pulled out one of his oversized t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants.

Quigley turned around while I changed. When I put on Quigley's clothes, started to feel better. "Here, I'll hang this over the shower," Quigley smiled taking my wet clothes. I sat down on the couch with him, and he wrapped a blanket over me. "We'll wait until you feel better to go out on our date," he whispered as he gently stroked my hair.

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