The will of the Gilbert's (An...

Autorstwa calebdouglas74

16.3K 635 120

33 year old Brantley Gilbert is happy being away from the whole world. He likes being up on his mountain. Bu... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 37

219 12 3
Autorstwa calebdouglas74

Nicholas Hoult as Dalton Keith Gilbert

The year is 1903 now and here is every age now.

Brantley is 67 years old

Luci is 51 years old

Dalton is 28 years old

Josiah is 24 years old 

Henry is 21 years old

Dorothy Mae is 17 years old

Edwin is 15 years old

Cap is 39  years old 

Lydia is 33 years old 

Abraham is 15 years old 

Otis is 13 years old 

Noah is 11 years old 

Dylan is 28 years old 

Etta is 26 years old 

Dylan Jr. is 9 years old 

Charlotte is 7 years old 

 Franklin is 4 years old 

Ruth is 2 years old 

Alifair (Etta's sister) is 22 years old 

Cora Lynn (Etta's sister) is 18 years old. 

Now everyone know's everyone age we can get back too the story. 

Dalton's Pov

I was trying too get back to sleep. You would think you let some whore spend the night you would think the would stay the fuck in bed. I looked around the small room shack and saw some red headed woman getting dressed. I don't remember much from last night. All I know is I feel like shit. I moved back over in the bed so I could go back too sleep. I would ask her if she wanted some money but I don't have any. I spent it all last night on drinks all night long. I was almost back too sleep when I heard the door slamming. I jumped out of my bed and walked over to the door. I don't give a fuck if I was naked or not. 

"Don't be slamming the fucking door you no good whore!" I yelled at the woman. She looked back at me. 

"You fucking drunk!" She yelled at me. Fuck her. I punched her right on her face. 

"Stupid whore." I said too her. I walked back inside so I could go back too sleep. It's way too early for this. I looked at my packet watch that I stole from my pa. It's almost 3 in the afternoon. I picked up my pants. I need a shot of whiskey. After I took a few sips of whiskey I walked out of my shack so I could wash off at the creek behind my shack. In a way I wouldn't think this was my life, but I don't care. No one has ever cared for me so fuck everyone. 

After I got done washing up I walked up too my shack. I was sitting outside when I saw someone on a horse. I grabbed my hand gun that I got a few years back from a man I killed. I can't remmeber how many men I've killed over the years. Give or take I can name 10 of the men I've killed. 

"Stop right there!" I called out too him. 

"Are you Dalton Gilbert!" The can called back out too me. 

"Who wants too know!" I yelled back too the man. 

"I got mail for a Dalton Gilbert." He said too me. Fuck. I can't believe the mail has found me after all these years. 

"Yeah that's me." I said too him. The man rode over too me. 

"Here you go mister. Have a good day." He said too me. I looked at him. 

"Yeah." I said too him. I took the 2 letter's from him. I walked back over to my chair outside. I saw that both letters are from Dylan. Over the years I got a lot of letters from '93 too '98, but the last 5 years nothing. Witch I don't care. I opened the first letter and looked over it. I saw it was wrote in 1900. Wow. 3 years ago. I opened up the other letter and saw the other letter was wrote less then a year ago. As I was looking at it I saw a picture. It was a picture of mama and pa. I haven't seen my parents in 10 years now. I picked up the bottle and took a few more drinks looking at the picture. 

10 years. 10 years since I've seen my family. I got all these brothers and sisters. All these nieces and nephews that I don't even know. What can I do about that? They all left me. I can't even look at my father. Why should I? But at the same time, I do miss my mama. 10 years with out seeing her. As much as I hate my father, I do love my mama. I got up and walked inside the small cabin. I put the picture next too my bed. I've been living in Minnesota for the past 2 years. I'm 28 years old not a care in the world. I can do what the fuck I want. I sleep with any whore I want. Hell I've slept with some wives here and there. 

After I was done sitting outside I walked over to my horse Jasper. Ma and pa got Dylan and I each a horse for our 14 birthday. Jasper is the only thing that pa gave me that was worth a damn. I petted his head. I was looking around the shack and I was thinking it was time too move on again. Might as well. Nothing is here for me. 

"Well boy I think it's time we left. What do you think old boy?" I asked my horse. He just looked at me. 

"Yeah I miss home too." I said too my horse. I walked back inside so I can grab my few things so I can leave again. I don't know where I'll be going this time. I'll just ride until I get there. As I was l packing up my thing I looked at the picture of ma and pa. 10 years and I still think of that day. I sat down on my cot looking at the picture. I do miss ma's home cooking. Miss making the money from pa. I was making $100 a month off of pa working in the timber with him and Cap. Hell I spent most of that money drinking it up at saloons. I slid the picture in my back pocket and walked out of the shack with my bag. 

After I got Jasper all ready too leave I took one more look around. I've been living in that shack for 5 months now. I don't have a home of my own. Hell by now I would have thought I would have been killed by now. Hell I spent 2 years in jail back in '99 and 1900 for robbing a bank with a few men I meet. Well, I got thrown in jail and I haven't seen the men since then. Fuck them. I don't care. Hope each one is dead by now. Because if I see them I'll kill them right now. 

As I was riding I was riding south bound where I don't know yet. I'll find it sooner or later I guess. I've traveled a lot of miles in the last 10 years. Living here. Sleeping there. All I know is I don't want too see my family at all. If I knew I could see mama again I would but not pa. He's nothing too me. He got what he wanted in life and I wasn't good enough for him. 

I was re reading the letter's Dylan sent me over the years. Yes I have saved each letter. Lot's has changed over the years. What I don't know? I hate the name Gilbert. I hate the man that gave me my name. I don't care about that old son of a bitch. Spent most of my life hating him and wishing he was nothing too me. I was riding too the wild open plains. I took a look around and I don't know where I am going. I guess Jasper does. 

After a few hours of riding I come across a small town. I don't want no one seeing me right now so I just rode by the town. I'l keep going. Nothing there small people and small minded people. That's the last thing I need too deal with. I heard a noise behind me and saw a dog standing there. He was a big black dog. 

"Git!" I yelled at the dog but he just stood there. 

"Damn mutt I said git!" I yelled at him again. I grabbed my bottle of whiskey and took a few drinks. It's starting too get a little darker outside. 

"Well come on then you old mutt." I said to the dog. He was walking right behind me. I made it down too the river side. Tomorrow morning I'll across the river to the other side. I'll see what life will be over there. Like I said before no family of my own. I might have a few bastard out there but I don't know nothing about them and hell they won't ever find me. I'll make sure of that. 

I got off my horse so I could get a fire started. I think another reason why I'm still alive was all these years living in the timber. I know how too do a little bit of everything. Just keep too stop drinking all the time. Hell that won't work. Because if I don't have a drink of whiskey with me I have my smoke with me. Yes I do smoke weed. Why not? It's here. Might as well. Nothing better too do. 

After I ate some fish and drank my bottle of whiskey I was laying down looking up at the stars. I saw a few falling stars. I knew I should make a wish, but it's way to late for me. I closed my eyes and tried to forget the day. A day I won't get back. Just like the pass 10 years of my life. 

As I was sleeping I was seeing my family in my dreams. Ma, JJ, Henry, Dorothy Mae, Edwin. Even my twin brother Dylan. Lydia and Cap as well. Hell I even see my pa. I don't know why I'm dreaming of them. I haven't thought of my family in the past 9 years. The first year was hard, but it soon got easy to for get everyone. I opened up my eyes to see if anyone was around. That damn dog is laying next too me. I turned over on the ground so I could get some sleep. Haven't slept right in years. Why would tonight be any different?

I was up before dawn. I've already walked down too the river bed so I could wash up before I start on my day. Not stopping until tonight. Where I have no clue. But it will be far from here. I walked over to Jasper so I can get him ready for today. We have a lot of miles we are going today. And I would to getting started. After Jasper was ready I climb up on his back and took one more look around. New woods and I don't trust people at all. 

"Come on boy." I said to my horse. We walked too the river and Jasper jumped right in it. Old boy still loves to get wet. We was almost across the river when I heard barking behind me. I looked back and saw that damn dog having a hard time swimming across. 

"Come on boy. Come here." I called for him. He was trying so hard. 

"Fuck!" I said to myself before I jumped into the river to save his sorry ass. I shouldn't be doing this over a damn dog. No one has ever tried to save me, and here I am saving a damn dog. After a few minutes I got too him. 

"Damn mutt." I said too him. I swam back too the river side and saw Jasper was eating some grass and the dog ran over to the tree to take a piss. 

"Your welcome mutt." I said too him. I got up and walked over to Jasper. Got back on him and we left. Of course that damn mutt was right behind us. 

After a good 5 hours of riding and walking I came across a town. Now all I need too do is find a store get a few things and then I'll be leaving again. Might stay the night if there's a good saloon around. It's been almost 2 days since I've been with a woman. Hell I might get 2 or 3 tonight. 

I was looking around the town and saw some people looking at me. I just kept riding. I've learned a lot after all these years being on my own. I don't like people and most people hate me. Oh who fucking cares anymore. I don't. I stopped at the town store. I jumped off of Jasper. Him and that damn mutt just waited right there. As I was walking in I heard yelling from inside the store. I shut the door and walked over to where I needed too get a few things. 

"I'm telling you right now you dumb whore you will be marring that son of a bitch. If not I'm going too kill you." I heard a man yelling. I looked over and saw a young woman crying. She don't look like a whore too me. She ain't dressed as one at least. 

"Pa I'm sorry---" The young woman was shut up by her pa hitting his daughter. The young woman kept yelling. 

"Please stop pa! I'm sorry!" She yelled. I was watching this man beat his own daughter. But no yelling and no pleading was helping this young woman. 

"Excuse me but I'm in a hurry could you stop beating your own daughter long enough so I can get the hell out of here." I asked this man. He looked back at me and the cruel and meanness in his eyes made my stomach turn the wrong way. He smiled at me. 

"You want a no good whore? Do ya." The man asked me. I looked down at the small woman. Her face is black and blue. 

"Thanks, but she ain't my type." I said too him. The hell she ain't. Just looking at her makes me fell different. She is a real beaut. Long brown and blonde hair. Prettiest big blue eyes I've seen in all of my life.

"Good. Damn whore went out and got herself knocked up. Again." The man said too me. I looked back at her. She can't be no more then 19 years old. 

"Again huh. Might want too get her married off." I said too the man. 

"Hell look at her. No man would want that no good bitch. Her bastard is only 3 and knocked up again. Bitch you better be cleaning up the mess you made. And shut that bastard up before I put a bullet in his head." The man said. I looked at him. Then I looked at the young woman. 

"How much." I asked him. 

"$2.25." He said too me. I looked at him. 

"How much for the girl?" I asked him. I knew the woman dropped something because the man looked back.

"I told you be---" I cut him off. 

"I'll marry her right now and take her and her bastard away from you." I said too him. He looked back at me. Why did I just say that for?

"You really want a ruin woman son. Hell look at her. She ain't no good." The man said too me. I walked over too the small woman. 

"Dalton Gilbert." I said too him. She looked up at me then put her head down. 

"Zelda Jones" She said too me. 

"You seem too got in some trouble here, mind if I help you out of this." I asked her. Zelda looked up at me. 

"Why? So you could beat me just like he does." Zelda asked me. Now I would never beat any woman. Yes I have slapped a few women here and there, but nothing like what Zelda's pa has done. 

"Yes or no. I'm moving on in a few and---" Zelda cut me off. 

"Your leavin? Where?" She asked me. 

"Well I'm not so sure. Might try Tennessee or Kansas again." I said too her. 

"Pay me and get the hell out of here." The man said too me. I looked down at Zelda. 

"Now or never." I said too her. 

"I need too get my son ready." She told me. Yeah she has another kid. 

"Okay." I said too her. 

"She ain't leavin." The man said to me. I looked over at him. 

"How much." I asked him. 

"What?" Zelda and her pa said at the same time. 

"I won't say this again. How much so I know she and her son will never be touched---" The man cut me off. 

"She's my kin. I will touch her if I want too." He said too me. He grabbed Zelda by her hair and threw her out of the room. 

"Get out of my store." He said too me. 

"I will. After I marry Zelda." I said too him. He walked over to his gun. But by the time he got too his gun, I already had both of my pistols out pointin at him. 

"Now why are you being like this? You don't want her, I do. Plus you won't have too worry about her nor her bastards." I said too him. 

"$20 and she and the kid is yours." The man said too me. I looked at him. 

"$10 and you will never see her again." I said too him. He smiled at me. 

"Zelda get your ass in here!" The man yelled. This is taking way too much time dealing with all of this shit. 

"Yes." Zelda walked out with a small little boy in her arms. He looks scared too death. 

"This is your new husband. Get your things and get out of my store. Don't ever show your face around here again and if---" I cut him off. 

"Zelda, get your things. Your pa and I are going to have a small talk." I said too Zelda. 

"Okay Mr. Gilbert." She said too me. She walked out of the store. 

"Hell I'm going too miss that ass of hers as she---" I cut him off by punching him in his face. Once he was down I kicked him a few times. I made sure he was out cold before what I did next. I grabbed the money that he had. I threw some can foods in my bag. I walked over too his whiskey cabinet and took 5 big bottles and 5 little bottles. That will keep me happy for the next 4 or 5 days. I took another look around the store to make sure I wouldn't need anything else. 

"Zelda hurry up!" I yelled for her. 

"I'm coming. Sorry it took so long. I had too make sure I got my picture of my mama. And made sure little Cain had his favorite toy. Where is pa at?" Zelda asked me. I pulled her outside. 

"He's away. Come on." I said too her. We walked over to Jasper. 

"Puppy." The kid said looking down at the mutt. 

"Yeah." I said too him. I got on Jasper. I want too get the hell out of this town. 

"Give me the kid." I said to her. Zelda handed me the kid and I sat him in front of me. I helped Zelda up behind me. 

"You good." I asked her. Zelda smiled at me. 

"Thank you Mr. Gilbert." She said too me. I smiled at her. 

"Dalton and your welcome Zelda." I said too her. 

"Come on Jasper." I said too him. The little boy looked back and called for that damn mutt. 

"Come on puppy." Cain called for him. 

"Cain honey don't be moving so much. Mr. Gilbert-- I mean Dalton, you want me too take him." Zelda asked me. 

"He's fine." I said too her. What in the hell was I thinking? Taking this young woman and her son away from her pa. Why did I have to walk into that damn store. I'll just drop them off in a few towns away. I mean she ain't showing yet, so she can find a man and marry him. Yeah I'll do that for them. 

"Thank you again Dalton." Zelda told me. 

"It's fine." I said too her. 

"I'm scared." Zelda told me. 

"Why?" I asked her. Little Cain was looking around. Petting Jasper hair. Poor kid has a lot of dark hair on the top of his head. 

"I don't even know you and here I am willing too marry you and starting a new life. I can cook and clean. I'll be a good wife to you." Zelda told me. I'm 28 years old. I'm not ready too get married. I'm not raising no children. I'm not going too be a good husband too her nor any woman at all. 

"Yeah well once we get to Kansas you will marry someone and start a new life away from here." I told her. 

"Oh. I'm not going too marry you?" Zelda asked me. 

"No." I said too her. After that Zelda didn't say much too me. Her son Cain wouldn't shut up for nothing. For being only 3 he likes too talk way too much. It was getting dark when we stopped for the night. It's going too take at least 2 weeks to get too Kansas so that means 2 more weeks of hearing this kid keep talking. 

"Cain honey come here and sit down." Zelda called for her young son. 

"Me is happy mama." Cain said too his mama. I was watching her feed her young son. 

"How old are you?" I asked her. Zelda looked over at me. 

"I just turned 18. How old are you?" Zelda asked me. I looked over at her. 

"28 ma'am." I said too her. I can be kind if I want too. But there's not a lot of times I've been kind too most people. 

"Cain honey you need too eat." Zelda said too her son. 

"Me want too sit next too him." Cain said to his ma. I looked over and saw Cain walking over too me. He sat down next too me. 

"Me like you." Cain said to me. I looked down at him. He was sitting next too me. 

"Thanks kid." I said too him. I took out my bottle of whiskey out. Zelda looked right at me. 

"You want a sip." I asked her. Zelda just shook her head no at me. 

"We should be in Kansas in 2 weeks give or take." I told her. 

"Why are we going too Kansas?" Zelda asked me. I took a big drink of whiskey. 

"A new start for you." All I told her. I got up and looked down at her. 

"I'm taking a piss." I said too her. I walked away from Zelda and Cain. 

I walked over to the tree so I can do my busy. I still don't know why I'm taking this young woman and her son with me. All I'm doing is dropping them off in Kansas before I go down too Mexico. After I got done taking my piss I walked back over too the fire and saw Zelda and Cain was sleeping already. I threw a blanket over their bodies. I sat back down and took another sip of whiskey. Might try too see if Dylan is home and see him. Maybe. Maybe not. 

After I was done with my bottle I laid down so I could get some sleep. I was almost asleep when I felt someone lay next too me. I opened up my eyes and saw little Cain laying there. 

"Me is sleepy Dalton." Cain said too me. 

"Lay down and shut your eyes kid." I said too him. He did. He laid right next too me and went back too sleep. Poor kid. The sooner I get them too Kansas the sooner I can be going down too Mexico. And once I'm there I'm never coming back to Kansas nor will I ever have too see this young woman and her son nor will I have too see my family. 










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