Purple Midnight (TodoBakuDeku...

By wen_ur_actual_trash

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⤷ COMPLETED ⤶ Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, and Katsuki Bakugo all train to become assassins in a secret ac... More

~*Teaser Chapter*~
~*First Chapter*~
~*Second Chapter*~
~*Fourth Chapter*~
~*Fifth Chapter*~
~*Sixth Chapter*~
~*Seventh Chapter*~
~*Eighth Chapter*~
~*Ninth Chapter*~
~*Tenth Chapter*~
~*Eleventh Chapter*~
~*Twelfth Chapter*~
~*Thirteenth Chapter*~

~*Third Chapter*~

611 30 91
By wen_ur_actual_trash

*Major Cussing Warning*

"Oi dumbass! Get up, it's time for school!" Katsuki's mother shouted from the kitchen, too stubborn to go and wake her son up herself.

Groaning, Bakugo turned on his side, trying to fall back asleep, yet failing miserably.

"Katsuki Bakugo, if you don't get up right this instant, I-"

"Okay! I'm fucking coming, old hag!"

"Don't you curse in my house, young man!"

Grumbling as he got ready, Katsuki imagined how his day would go, thinking that for once it might not be that bad, since the teachers the day before didn't hand out as much homework as they usually do, and there weren't supposed to be any tests.

Then he thought about the green-haired squirt that was the only person in the whole class, besides Shoto, that actually had the balls to stand up to Katsuki, and he stopped dead in his tracks.

'Nope, scratch that, my day is going to be horrible,' Katsuki thought, aggressively grabbing his backpack that sat next to his bedroom door and angrily making his way to where his mother was making breakfast.

"Oh there you are, slowpoke. How'd ya sleep?" his mother asked of him, pouring the scrambled eggs that she had just made from scratch onto his plate that already had a biscuit on it and handing it to him. Immediately getting to work on the dishes, the normally-upset woman kept an ear open in case her and her son started a proper conversation.

"Okay, I guess. You?" Stabbing his eggs with more force than necessary, Katsuki stuffed his face with what he had managed to get onto his fork, and searched around for his phone in his pocket, only looking for it so he could check the time.

"Oh yeah, I slept pretty well, actually. I think it might be because of work. I'm getting real stretched thin, and it's probably helping me sleep-"

"Why the hell did you wake me up at 6 am when class doesn't even start until 8?! Why, old hag, why?!"

"Because I didn't want to see you rush out of the house late with a fucking empty stomach, okay? I was being a good mother, now shut up and finish eating," she answered, facing Katsuki as she talked, then going back to washing the dishes.

Dumbfounded, Katsuki said back,

"How in the fuck is torturing me being a good mother?!"

Alarmed by Katsuki's words, Mistuki her name was, turned back around and stared at her son for a few moments, scrutinizing each and every single inch on his face. She shook her head and sighed, rinsing the last couple dishes and setting them on the drying rack right next to the sink, and stood there for a moment, pondering. She then quickly walked up to Katsuki and smacked him over the head so hard his forehead banged against the counter with a loud bang!

Crying out, Katsuki gripped his head lightly so as not to make the pain worse, and returned the cold, hard glare that his mother was sporting.

"Sometimes, Kat, you can be the dumbest asshole I have ever met. Oh, and language," Mistuki said, shaking her head again and walking away to her bedroom near the back of the house.

At this, Katsuki cursed and wished that he could have been blessed with a better mother, even though deep down he knew he couldn't have.

Having nothing to do, and being in too much pain to properly focus, Katsuki just sat and looked at his food, picking at it as his appetite slowly slipped from his grasp.

Accidentally flinging a piece of egg and watching as it flew across the room and bounced off of a couple objects, before being smacked onto something, Katsuki cursed under his breath once again and got up to go pick up the athletic piece of egg.

He stopped and stiffened once he had noticed where the piece had landed; on the one picture in the entire house he absolutely despised.

It sat comfortably on a small table that was pushed up against a rather thick column that stood on one side of the hallway leading to the spare bedrooms.

Katsuki tried his best to not look at the picture, knowing that once he did completely look at it, it would capture him and his heart, and he really didn't want that; especially so early in the morning.

He, unfortunately, had no choice, as in the end, like it always does, the picture he stood before had him wrapped around it's non-existent finger. He lightly chuckled to himself as he ever-so-gently picked it up.

It was a picture of him, relaxing on the beach at around 12 years old, with his mother angrily chasing away seagulls that were trying to eat their food, and his dad in the corner of the image, being the one who had taken the selfie, smiling a big, goofy smile.

'You were a wuss, and could barely keep up with me and mom, but...I guess I miss you just a little, dad.'


"What?!" the entire class collectively whooped in disbelief, confusion spreading throughout the classroom like a contagious disease.

"Yes, all of you amazingly talented young students heard me correctly. We will be switching teams for the day to test how well you all work with other people. It is not very uncommon for things to go wrong during an assassination, so you have to be ready for anything! That includes changing partners!" Mr. Toshinori passionately exclaimed, his excitement bubbling up to the surface.

Several complaints could be heard from almost the entire class at these statements. Afterall, they had only just gotten used to the people they were forced to work with since day one, now they had to kill with entirely different people?! If you asked them, it was definitely unfair in every way possible.

Izuku, though? He didn't particularly mind as much as all the others. And it wasn't just because he didn't enjoy having to put up with Bakugo's bullshit everyday, but mainly because he wasn't a big fan of teaming up with people in the first place. Yes, it would be difficult transitioning from working with Shoto and Katsuki's way of taking people out and starting all over with the two new kids, but either way he saw it, he was losing horribly in the game called life. 

Calling out the last of the names, Mr. Toshinori continued to smile all the way through teams set-up.

"Young Todoroki and Young Bakugo, you will now be working with Young Kirishima. Young Midoriya, you will now be working with Young Iida and Young Uraraka. Young Kaminari and Young Sero, you will now be working with Young Mina. And that is it for the new teams of the class! I hope you all get along well in the time that I will give you to get to know each other, and that you go Plus Ultra for this next exercise!" the blonde sensei concluded, clapping his hands together and happily taking a seat at his desk, looking over the preparations for the test one last time.

Izuku sighed as he saw his new brown and blue haired teammates get up from their seats and make their way over to him.

'This will surely turn out to be quite interesting,' he thought, nodding his head to the students that had taken their places on either side of him. The girl, Uraraka as she introduced herself to be, held her hand out and told him that she hoped to become good friends with him, of which he responded to with the same notion, even though he had his doubts.

Iida then repeated what his bubbly friend did, and started a small conversation with Izuku quite easily, which shocked the emerald-eyed teen to no end. How was he so natural with these people right off the bat? He was never this open.

But then again, Mina was the only person in his entire life that had ever been as friendly as these two were acting, and it didn't take long for her to grow on Izuku either. Guess he just didn't have a soft spot for assholes like other people tended to.

"To be honest, Midoriya, we have only just become acquainted as of now, so we understand if you don't trust us enough to follow through with this fake assassination, just as we don't you, but we should all try our best nonetheless, yes?" Iida proclaimed, moving his arms up and down in a robot-like fashion continuously as he talked.

Completely agreeing with everything the glasses-wearing teen was saying, Izuku nodded his head and said he believed the same thing.

'Let's hope it all works out in the end.'


"Alright, can I please have Young Midoriya's team assemble in front of the entrance to the training area?" Mr. Yagi ordered, pointing at the metal door that stood off to the left of him and the rest of the class.

The three students did as they were told, and nervously waited for more instructions from their rather boisterous teacher.

"As you can see, we have a clear view of what will take place during this fun exercise with the convenience of the glass windows and the cameras towards the end of the vicinity. The mission is simple, my young pupils: Avoid the sniper that is hidden somewhere in the building to your right to the best of your ability on your own, and then eliminate him as a group once all of you have passed through. If any of you get shot, that is alright. Just keep going, and we will take care of said student," their sensei explained, pointing at certain places within the area as he talked.

'Fun exercise my ass,' Izuku thought, seriously regretting not just taking a knife and stabbing himself earlier that morning. He absolutely hated stealth related things, simply because it required so much self-awareness and brainpower. Yes, Izuku had both, an incredible amount of each, actually, but it still was difficult to use such assets nonetheless. He just hoped it wouldn't turn out as hard as it both sounded, and looked.

"Young Midoriya, if you would please do the honors of going first..?" Mr. Yagi suggested, cocking an eyebrow as his already-face cracking smile grew a bit wider. Izuku released a sound that was between a groan and a sigh as he nodded, prepared in no way possible for what was about to take place, yet taking one for the team anyway.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for only a second, concentrating as hard as he could with his anxiety slowly creeping its way up from his belly and all the way up to his brain. When he opened his eyes, he felt that he had gotten enough control of his emotions to go forth with his actions, and opened the door just slightly. It only took him a second, maybe even less than that, to realize that the sniper was looking right at him, and he managed to dive behind a wall right in front of him before the beebee bullet they shot, hit him.

"You got this!" his brown-haired acquaintance whisper screamed to him, winking at him and letting Iida give his encouragement as well before slamming the metal entrance-way shut.

Letting his situation sink in, Izuku took in a breath and held it as he barely even peeked around the corner of the wall he was sitting against, letting it out all in a rush as another bullet whizzed passed him just in time.

'Fuck my life.'

Izuku shook his head and grumbled muffled curses under his breath as he leaned back a smidge, and peaked again, this time not even bothering with dodging the bullet that missed him by a longshot, him thinking that the sniper didn't anticipate he would have changed angles as he shot.

Taking the precious few seconds he was given to analyze his situation with the utmost seriousness, Izuku realized why getting through the training space would be a challenge.

It was because the area he had to get through was a narrow alleyway with few spots to hide behind; each spot a good enough distance between each other to give the sniper the upperhand.

'Oh for fuck sakes! This is way worse than I thought,' Izuku swore in his head, definitely taking comfort in complaining about what was happening in the moment.

Purposely-planted sand bags were his protection against the fatal injury-causing flying projectiles coming his way, and there was one pile that was close to him; though it looked a little too far away for him to be able to get to without something to distract the sniper.

'Wait! That's it! Good lord, I can sometimes be a genius when I want to be! Okay, I just have to look for something that will temporarily gain the shooters' attention. What oh what could that be...'

Spotting a shiny object in the distance, Izuku got an idea. Though granted the idea was absolute shit unless he could get to the first sandbag pile without getting hit.

'I can't see anything that will be to my advantage as of now..what in the actual hell am I supposed to do?! Rely on pure luck?! Tch, as if!'

Izuku pinched the bridge of his nose out of frustration, thinking that whoever created this horrible excuse for a training session clearly didn't think things through. He had no chance of executing his plan without assistance, and he couldn't call for help.

Should he just go for it? I mean, surely the author had something up her sleeve other than just letting him scrape by unscathed for the start of the exercise? Surely that wasn't the case...right?


'I really hate myself for doing this, but...here goes!' Izuku, out of nowhere, recklessly jumped out into the fray, determined to pass this mini exam one way...or another. Not letting the sniper get comfortable with where Izuku was like before, he dove for the nearest pile of sand, and exhaled a relieved sigh when the beebee bullet that the sniper shot had only kissed the side of his shoe; causing the littlest of damage to both his foot and his sneaker.

Grabbing the shiny object he saw earlier that sat snuggly in between two bags, Izuku examined it further. It was a hand-sized mirror shard.

'Oh goodie, this thing will only faze them for a second; how the hell is that even remotely enough time to pass between sandbag shields?!'

Huffing, Izuku ground his teeth and tapped the shard as he allowed himself to be immersed in deep thought for only a moment.

'No! It will be enough. Because I'll make it be enough.'

Having his determination filled up once again, Izuku sucked a breath in, and pointed the shard he had in his hand in the direction he estimated the sniper to be not too long ago. Realizing that no shots were coming his way as he held up the shard, a beam of light reflecting off the surface and into the snipers' eyes he presumed, Izuku bolted with his hand still held up, taking advantage of this opportunity he had made, and sliding behind a broken down car that was parked by the building the shooter was holed up in.

Changing the angle of which the shard was pointing so it was even more effective, Izuku ran to the driver's seat and hopped in, dropping down as low as he could when a flurry of bullets shot through the already-cracked windshield in an attempt to practically murder him right then and there.

As the bullets kept coming his way, Izuku started to hotwire the car while he was seated in it, thinking that once he got it moving, and kept his head low for the most part, the sniper would have a pretty damn hard time "killing" him. Once he connected two of the wires he had pulled out as the last step in his hotwiring, the old car revved up and let out a succession of noises that indicated it was ready to go at a moment's notice.

Sitting up only slightly, Izuku was astonished that he had actually managed to start a car up, and that he could drive it with no one there to stop him. Not even the sniper.

'Holy shit!'


"Midoriya! We did it! All three of us! Isn't that great?!" Uraraka exclaimed as her, Izuku, and Iida made their way out of the building that the now "dead" sniper was once shooting from.

"Yeah, yeah. It was all pretty awesome. Now do you want to wait for all the other teams or do you wanna go grab something to eat? Because I am starving, and either way, I get food," Izuku lazily responded, strolling out with the other two as nonchalantly as one could be after doing something as intense as they did.

"I think it would be beneficial for us to wait for the others; as we could hear how they made it out, and improve our own ways of escape for future notice," Iida answered, Uraraka nodding along to what he was saying vigorously.

"Okay, if that's what you guys want. But I'm just letting you two know now that if we get to have fries, your hands shall go nowhere near mine, or else I'll chop them off with whatever cheap spork they hand to us. Got it?" Izuku commanded, his words oozing with sarcasm.

His two kind classmates agreed, no fear present in their eyes at his threat. The trio made their way out of the training alley and circled around to an outside lounge area that was near the entrance to the exercise. Tables were scattered about, and paths leading to smaller, more private hang out places extending from the main one.

'Maybe they picked up on my semi-joking tone...or they're delusional,' Izuku wondered, his hand on his chin as he pondered at their reactions to him.

"Ohmigod, they have pizza! Iida, come on, we have to get it!" Uraraka shrieked, grabbing onto his arm and leading him to the table closest to them that was covered in paper plates holding the slices of pizza that the bubbly girl exclaimed about and the french fries Izuku so desperately craved.

'No, yep, definitely delusional.'

Grabbing his own fair share of food, Izuku sat at a random table closer to the back of the patio-like space, and scarfed down three fries at once as soon as he sat down.

"Excuse me, Midoriya, I know it is rude of me to ask you of something while you are in the middle of eating, but I really must do so despite that fact," the blue-haired rationale said to Izuku, waving his hands around in the air like he usually did.

Midoriya paused his chewing and looked up at the teen before him, looking him up and down for a few seconds before swallowing and standing up himself.

"Where'd you want to go, Iida? I know you want to speak to me in private from the way you're acting," Izuku said, already walking to the nearest private hang out place. Iida said nothing back as he merely followed after the green-haired teenager, walking more robot-like the more antsy he got from his slight nervousness.

Sitting down on a spare chair that wasn't already at a table, Izuku waited for Iida to say what he wanted to say, though quite surprised with what it was he said.

"Look, Midoriya. We haven't known each other for that long, I know this. But we are going to see a lot more of each other from now on because of the momentary team-switch, so it has become apparent to me that I do not wish for us; you, me, and Uraraka, to be uncomfortable around one another.

So it would be in my great appreciation...if you would have a smoke with me?" Iida professed, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from an inner pocket of the navy blue suit he was wearing. Opening it, he took out two cigs and offered one to Izuku, waiting patiently for his response.

Izuku was stunned speechless. Iida, the class goody-two-shoes, the teacher's pet that was rarely ever wrong...smoked? And at such a young age?! It was absolutely astonishing to Izuku, and it made him even more surprised that Iida was nice enough to offer him one; almost as if he were giving him a gift as a sign that he cared.

'Goddamnit, I have a feeling that we're gonna become friends after this if I accept the smoke. Should I? You know what? Screw it. This will most definitely, in every way imaginable, turn out wrong in the end, but who am I to care about all that?'

Izuku slowly nodded his head, his mouth still slightly agape from the sudden development that Iida had caused.

"You know, I didn't peg you as the kind of person to smoke, Iida. Don't you know the risks?" Izuku stuck the cig into his mouth and watched as Iida lit his own before lighting Izuku's, of which Izuku replied to with a small, "Thank you" while he inhaled the nicotine-filled gas into his lungs, coughing a bit as he exhaled.

"Yes, I of course, know the risks. It's just...my illogical side seems to find comfort in the relaxing nature the cigarette brings, and so I cannot stop. I am sorry that I encouraged you to do something that can kill you, but, I just thought it would be...nice, I suppose? To share such a moment with a person such as you, Midoriya," Iida replied, inhaling and exhaling with way more ease than Izuku.

"Such as me? What does that mean?"

"It means that you are more of a friend than most of the people I have met before U.A., and even though you don't realize that, it's true. I've seen the way you treat others, and it is clear that you try not to care, yet, you just can't seem to get yourself to do it. I like you...and I hope we can become friends. True friends, at that." Iida smiled a small smile, one that lit up his entire face, and one that made Izuku wish that he didn't have as big a heart as he did.

Izuku wanted to be stone cold, because he knew if he wasn't, it would lead to nowhere. Izuku wanted to have the capacity to hate anything and everything, but he just...couldn't. Exactly as Iida described.

'I'm going to regret this,' Izuku thought shallowly, sighing deeply as he turned a little bit more towards Iida, taking in another breath of cigarette air as the faintest of smiles crept onto his face.

'No you're not,' a small voice murmured to him in the back of his mind, Izuku easily pushing said voice away as he spoke:

"What makes you think we aren't friends now?"

Hey guys! Don't ask why I stayed up until 2 am writing this chapter and am now posting this at another ungodly hour. 'Cuz I don't know either. Oh, and please excuse the fourth wall break. That was my tired ass projecting onto the chapter, and I didn't feel like taking it out, so.

Now some of you are questioning Iida and Izuku smoking, so I'm just gonna say this real quick. These kids, teenagers that kill for money, are not phased in the least bit by the threat of a tobacco stick that can give you lung cancer.

And neither are the teachers. There's also a young age limit in Japan for smoking and drinking, so if you would please, stop with those kind of comments. It makes sense for the story, okay?

Anyways, that's all I have to say, and,
I hope you all have amazing days/nights/weeks! 🤍❤️🧡💚

3995 words

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