The Dragon's MC 🐉(Completed...

By MrsAshleyF

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Amethyst is the first female MC President of her MC. She is also in love with Tennessee who is the President... More

~Story Introduction~
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~
~Chapter 32~
~Chapter 33~
~Chapter 34~
~Chapter 35~
~Chapter 36~
~Chapter 37~
~Chapter 38~
~Chapter 39~
~Chapter 40~
~Chapter 41~
~Chapter 42~
~Chapter 43~
~Chapter 44~
~Chapter 45~
~Chapter 46~
~Chapter 47~
~Chapter 48~
~Chapter 49~
~Chapter 50 ~
~Chapter 51~
~Chapter 52~
~Chapter 53~
~Chapter 54~
~Chapter 55~
~Chapter 56~
~Chapter 57~
~Chapter 58~
~Chapter 59~
~Chapter 60~
~Chapter 61~
~Chapter 62~
~Chapter 63~
~Chapter 64~
~Chapter 65~
~Chapter 66~
~Chapter 67~
~Chapter 68~
~Chapter 69~
~Chapter 70~
~Chapter 71~
~Chapter 72~
~Chapter 73~
~Chapter 74~
~Chapter 75~
~Chapter 76~
~Chapter 77~
~Chapter 78~
~Chapter 79~
~Chapter 80~
~Chapter 81~
~Chapter 82~
~Chapter 83~
~Chapter 84~
~Chapter 85~
~Chapter 86~
~Chapter 87~
~Chapter 88~
~Chapter 89~
~Chapter 90~
~Chapter 91~
~Chapter 92~
~Chapter 93~
~Chapter 94~
~Chapter 95~
~Chapter 96~
~Chapter 97~
~Chapter 98~
~Chapter 99~
~Chapter 100~
~Chapter 101~
~ Chapter 102~
~Chapter 103~
~Chapter 104~
~Chapter 105~
~Chapter 106~
~Chapter 107~
~Chapter 108~
~Chapter 109~
~Chapter 110~
~Chapter 111~
~Chapter 112~
~Chapter 113~
~Chapter 114~
~Chapter 115~
~Chapter 116~
~Chapter 117~
~Chapter 118~
~Chapter 119~
~Chapter 120~
◇ Announcement ◇

~Chapter 9~

215 12 0
By MrsAshleyF

~Amethyst' POV~

My alarm is going off it's 5 am I get out of bed and head to my bathroom to shower. I take my shower and when I'm finished I dry off and get dressed. I blow dry my hair and straightened it I put my makeup on then I walked out of my room. I run into Xavier and Nikko 2 of the club players. Don't get me wrong they are hot but I don't fuck around with them. They both have been trying to get with me for a while now but it will never happen.

Amethyst- Xavier, Nikko what are you two doing on my floor?

Xavier- We came to see if we could help you in any way.

Nikko- Yeah it looks like you have been stressed out lately.

Amethyst- You will never give up, will you. I'm not going to sleep with you both. Plus I like someone and I have a date with him tonight.

Xavier- What the fuck you never date.

Nikko- Who the fuck is this guy?

Amethyst- Well it's none of your business but his name is Tennessee he is the President of The Grey Wolves MC.

Xavier- Oh fuck I heard about him. I still bet we could give you way more pleasure than Tennessee ever could.

Nikko- Fuck no you can't go out with him he is not right for you. Yeah, we can do a lot more things for you than he ever could. He probably couldn't even make you cum as we could.

Amethyst- Oh really and who is right for me? The 2 of you I don't think so. You 2 stick your cocks in anything that has a fucking pussy. That is why the 2 of you are club players now why don't you go and see what club members want morning dick and go pleasure them. Cuz I'm not and never will be interested oh and don't ever talk about Tennessee again cuz if you do I'll kill you. Do you both understand me?

Nikko- Yes boss we are sorry.

Xavier- Yes boss it will never happen again.

Amethyst- Good now go.

They go downstairs I follow behind them. When I get downstairs I see Dallas just sitting on the couch. She is never up this early something must be wrong. I walk over to her and I sit next to her.

Amethyst- Hey what's going on you never up this early?

Dallas- Just thinking about some stuff.

Amethyst- Some stuff or do you mean someone.

Dallas- Okay you got me yeah I can't stop thinking about Phoenix.

Amethyst- You must like him if you can't stop thinking about him. He seems like he is a really good guy why don't you just see where it could go.

Dallas- I rant too but I'm scared. every time I was in a relationship they ended up cheating on me. I don't want to get hurt again and we both know guys in the MC who have an old lady and they still fuck the club whores or whoever they want to. I don't know if I could deal with all that.

Amethyst- Dallas I get it I do the same things run through my head as well about Tennessee and he has it harder cuz he is the President. Women throw themselves at him probably every day all day but I want to see where this could go so I'm going to trust him that he won't hurt me. I hope he can trust me as well cuz these damn horny club players are always trying to get in my bed.

Dallas- Okay I'll try to trust him. It's just I have never felt this way about anyone before I think that's why I'm so scared. Phoenix might be the one but I don't know if he even likes me. But I guess I will find out today won't.

Amethyst- Yeah you will. We should get breakfast going it's already 6:30 am and the guys will be here at 7:30 am. So we have an hour to kill so we might as start cooking for everyone. Oh, and the guys are eating with us that's why they will be here in an hour.

Dallas- You sneaky bitch you had this all planned didn't you?

Amethyst- What can I say I didn't want to wait any longer to see Tennessee.

Dallas- Wow you got it bad for him don't you? Why don't you just jump on his cock already and fuck his brains out?

Amethyst- Oh trust me I want to but I also want to take it kind of slow.

Dallas- I get it I'm the same way with Phoenix. I want to fuck his brains out but I also want to take it slow. This is not going to be easy, is it?

Amethyst- No it's not. I'm here if you ever need to talk now let's get a move on this food. We need to have all this food done by the time the guys get here.

Dallas and I head to the kitchen and we start cooking a bunch of different things. We got sausage, bacon, eggs, French toast, hash browns, fresh fruit, pancakes, omelets, orange juice, and coffee. I think we killed this breakfast it's almost time for the guys to get here. The girls are finally up and ready. Sapphire comes downstairs and comes right towards me. She doesn't look happy I wonder what the fuck happened now. She comes over to me and just gives me this look.

Amethyst- Dallas I'll be right back Sapphire needs to talk to me.

Dallas- Okay Prez I can handle this while you go see what's going on now.

Amethyst- Okay Sapphire let's go talk in my office quickly so you can tell me what's up.

Sapphire- Okay Prez.

We walk to my office we had inside. Sapphire closes the door behind her. So that way no one can listen to our conversation once my office is soundproof right along with the chapel.

Amethyst- Okay what's fucking going on?

Sapphire- Okay so I was in my room I just got out of the shower so I was getting ready in the bathroom and I came out to find Max looking around my room.

Amethyst- What the fuck was a club player doing in your room without your permission. What did he do or say to you when he saw you?

Sapphire- He said that he will only talk to you why I have no fucking idea.

Amethyst- Okay go back by Dallas and the others and I'll talk to Max.

Sapphire- Okay do you want me to get him for you?

Amethyst- No it's okay I will yell for him that way he will know that his ass is in fucking trouble.

Sapphire just nodded her head. She stood up as well as I did we walk to my door and opened it when we hear the doorbell fuck the guys are here.

Amethyst- Sapphire can you please let Tennessee and the guys know I will be right there I just need to handle some Club business.

Sapphire- Sure thing Prez.

I wait until Sapphire gets down the hall before I yell for Max

Amethyst- Max you have one fucking minute to get your fucking ass in my fucking office.

I go and sit back down at my desk and sure shit as soon as my ass hits the seat. Max comes running in and shut the door behind him and he takes a seat.

Amethyst- So Max do you know why I called you in here?

Max- Yes boss I do. I was in sapphire' room without her permission. But I have a really good explanation.

Amethyst- Okay I'm listening.

Max- Okay so I overheard Fallon and Cherish talking about some plan. Fallon had a brown paper bag and then they went into Sapphire' room they were in there for about 5 minutes then they came out and they didn't have the brown paper bag. I think they are trying to set up Sapphire.

Amethyst- Okay I believe you I need you to go into Sapphire room and find me that bag. Once you find it you bring it to me right away.

Max- Yes boss but I must ask why do you believe me I'm just a club player?

Amethyst- Max I believe you cuz I see you as more than a club player. Plus you don't go around sticking your cock into every woman here. So how about this if you find that bag and bring it straight to me I'll make you a club member.

Max- Fuck are you serious right now. I have always wanted to be a club member but with you changing it to an all-women's MC I had no choice but to become a club player.

Amethyst- Well if you do this for me you will get your dream and become a dragon.

Max- Thank you so much boss I won't let you down.

Amethyst- You're welcome Max. And I know you won't let me down. Now I have work to do so I'll check in with you later. Oh and don't tell anyone about this until we get that bag got it.

Max- Yes boss I understand don't tell anyone.

Max gets up and leaves to go to Sapphire' room. This is so fucked up that I think Fallon and Cherish might have stolen the 20,000 from this MC. I need to find out and fast. I leave my office and I heard to the dining room where everyone is sitting and talking.

Amethyst- What's everyone talking about?

Sapphire- Anything and everything Prez.

Amethyst- Okay then.

Tennessee- Hey beautiful is everything okay?

Amethyst- Yeah everything is fine. Can I talk to you in my office I need your input on something?

Tennessee- Yeah sure beautiful lead the way.

Amethyst- We will be right back.

Everyone nodded Tennessee stood up and then we walked to my office. Once we got to my office I opened the door and then I shut the door behind me then I take a seat on the couch. I pat down on the seat next to me to let Tennessee know to come and sit. As soon as he sits down he takes my hand in his and just holds my hand. He must know something is bugging me he is just waiting for me to speak.

Amethyst- Okay so the other day me and Sapphire were doing the books for one of the hotels and we found something we didn't like. We found 20,000 missing someone is stealing from us.

Tennessee- Okay so who all knows and do you know who it could be?

Amethyst- Only Sapphire and I know. And I just got some information today about who it might be and if it's true then there are 2 of them. Also, they are trying to set up Sapphire.

Tennessee- Why do you think they are trying to set up your VP?

Amethyst- Well someone saw something and heard someone talking about a plan.

Tennessee- Okay and who would this person be that saw something? I'm going to need to know if I'm going to help you.

Amethyst- One of the club players his name is Max. I have him looking into it now for me. He should be reporting back to me very soon.

Tennessee- Okay well I'll be in here when he comes in. What do you have him do?

Amethyst- Well he was caught in Sapphire' room without her permission this morning he was looking for the proof. So I sent him back up there to look for it and I told him to bring it straight to me. I also told him that I would make him a club member. He has always wanted to be a member and he doesn't fuck around. Yeah, he's a club player but he's not that type of guy. I trust him so if he can complete this challenge then he will be a member.

Tennessee- Damn you are so smart I would have never thought of a plan like that. So do I need to worry about this Max guy trying to get with you?

Amethyst- No Max has never tried to get with me or anything. He is kind of like a little brother that I never had. I will be straight-up honest with you. I don't hook up with the club players but 2 club players will never stop trying to get with me. Their names are Xavier and Nikko they will stop at nothing to get with me. They even tried this morning but I told them I'm going out with you and they didn't like that one bit. So I'm just giving you a heads up about those 2.

Tennessee- Thank you for being honest with me. I will also be honest with you I also don't hook up with club whores. So Nikko and Xavier seem to be cocky little fuckers if they ever touch what is mine I'll kill them.

Amethyst- Damn that's sexy when you get all alpha male and possessive. And so you know if any club whores touch what's mine I'll kill them as well.

Tennessee- Damn that's sexy. You are mine and I'm yours. I think after our date we should announce it to our clubs.

Amethyst- I think that's a good idea. That way everyone will know that you are off-limits and I'm also off-limits.

Tennessee- Okay so now let's make it official. Amethyst Gray, will you be my Queen?

Amethyst- Tennessee Adams I will be your Queen as long as your my King.

Tennessee- You now are mine forever I'll never let you go.

Amethyst- I wouldn't want it any other way.

Tennessee- Kocham cie. (I love you in polish)

Amethyst- Tez cie kocham. (I love you too in polish)

We share a passionate kiss. We ended up breaking the kiss cuz there was a knock on the door. I'm pretty sure it's Max well I'm hoping that it is.

Amethyst- Come in.

Max- Sorry boss I didn't know you had someone in here with you. I can come back later if you want?

Amethyst- Max please come in and shut the door and then take a seat.

Max- Okay boss.

Max shuts the door and then takes the chair that was in front of my desk and turns it to face us. Once we are still sitting on the couch.

Amethyst- Max this is Tennessee President of The Grey Wolves MC. Tennessee is also my King so I hope that you will treat him with the same respect that you give me.

Max - Yes boss. It's nice to meet you Tennessee I'm Max.

Tennessee- It's nice to meet you, Max.

Amethyst- So Max did you find what you were looking for?

Max- Yes boss I did.

Amethyst- Okay Max I have told you before when it's just as you can call me Amethyst, Am, or sis once you are like a little brother I never had.

Max- Sorry sis I didn't know if you wanted me to call you anything other than boss or Prez around your King.

Amethyst- Bro you are fine to call me sis, Amethyst, or Am around Tennessee.

Max- Okay sis well here is the brown paper bag that Fallon and Cherish had. I don't know what's in it but it must be something that could get Sapphire in trouble.

Amethyst- Okay well let's take a look. A bit before we do let's get Sapphire in here.

I get up and walk to my door I open it and yell for Sapphire.

Amethyst- Sapphire could you please come to my office right away.

I go and sit back down and we wait for Sapphire to come to the office.

~End of Amethyst' POV~

~New Character Introductions~

Nikko Woods
27 years old
Club Player The Dragon's MC

Xavier Smith
28 years old
Club Player The Dragon's MC

Max Carter
29 years old
Former Club Player
Club Member of The Dragon's MC

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