Blue Eyed Boy {Completed}

By BoOk_DrEaMeR

346K 9.4K 756

Blue eyes. I was always a sucker for blue eyes. Every guy I've ever gone out with has blue eyes. I've seen al... More

Blue Eyed Boy
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter One
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Two
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Three
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Four
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Five
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Six
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Seven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Eight
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Nine
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Ten
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Eleven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twelve
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Fourteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Fifteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Seventeen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Eighteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Nineteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Twenty-One
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Two
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Three
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Four
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Five
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Six
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Seven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Eight
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Twenty-Nine
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-One
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Two
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Three
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Four
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Five
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Six
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Seven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Eight
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Nine
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Forty
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Forty-One
Blue Eyed Boy-Epilogue

Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Sixteen

6.9K 207 13
By BoOk_DrEaMeR

Hey! I hope you like!

LoVe Ya & GoD bLeSs


I woke up and Saturday morning just seemed like very other morning this week. My thoughts of Tyler had been washed away as I slept and so now I was left awake and refreshed. No thoughts of him leaked into my mind as I received a text from Spencer.

-The 'rents are gone for the weekend. I'm having a party. See you at Seven.-

When I received that text it did not enter my mind that, of course, Tyler was going to be there.

So now here I stood outside of the Hasting's house in a black mini skirt, booties, and a purple sparkly top. When I saw Tyler's car in the driveway it all came to me. I just hoped and prayed that there was going to be enough people here so that I would never encounter him. The party had just started and there was already at least ten people here so my luck was looking good.

I rang the door bell and was greeted by a smiling Spencer. She looked good in a tight, black dress.

"Nice dress,"I greeted.

"That's what I said when I saw it on the hanger! Then I put it on and it became an AMAZING dress, so I had to buy it,"she smiled.

I shook my head at her cockiness and made my way to the living room. There was an iPhone dock in the corning that was blasting hip-hop music. People were dancing around and holding red solo cups of alcohol, not yet tipsy. I smiled at the soborness and went and fetched myself a can of beer. I was planning on staying reletively sober so that I didn't blurt something to Spencer or Tyler.

Searching out Spencer in the growing crowd of people, I spotted a wheel chair edge coming around the corner so I rushed into the bathroom. I snapped on the light and locked the door. I sat on the closed toilet seat and looked up into the mirror.

I was a weakling. I'm not making myself confront him, but I could at least have the courage to be in the same room as him. If anything, he should be afraid to see me because if he comes up to me about this while I'm sober, I will most likely cuss him out and embarrass him. With these encouraging thoughts still cycling, I confidently made my way out of my hiding place.

No one looked twice as I blended into the crowd. I didn't see Tyler so I continued my search for Spencer. I found her in the kitchen, talking to Mark and Ryan.

"Hey guys!"I greeted.


"Spencer, how many people did you invite?"I asked, taking a sip from my cup.

I almost did a spit-take when she gave me an answer,"A little over sixty people."

"What? How do you plan on fitting them in your house?"

"I don't know. It's a party, so people are okay with being crowded,"she shrugged.

I shook my head at her and went to go mingle with some friends. I soon located one of my guy friends, Blake.

"Hey,"I greeted.

"Hey. I hear that you are single now,"he smiled.

"That I am,"I smirked.

"I also heard through the grapevine that it was you that ended it."

"You heard correctly,"I said, confused with where this was going.

"So this makes me assume that you are not moping around and feeling sorry for yourself,"he pushed.

"I'm not sad. Where are you going with this?"I asked.

"You see, I feel that you aren't in need of a rebound guy. So, I think that I should be your not-rebound guy,"he gave his most stunning smile.

His flirting was definetly repulsing me. It wasn't that he was ugly, with his raven black hair and green eyes, he was known as one of the hotter guys at our school. I found that it was because I was not attracted to anyone other than Tyler. I gave him a fake smile before answering.

"Umm, Blake. I'm sorry, but I'm not looking for a relationship not now or anytime soon. You might want to go flirt with someone else,"I said softly.

He looked hurt,"Oh. okay. I'm not really in the flirting mood right now so maybe I'll just hang with you. Do you want to dance?"

"Blake, I already said I wasn't interested,"I groaned.

"I know, I know. I heard you the first time. It's just an innocent dance,"he smiled.

I gave in,"Fine."

Blake and I danced for a couple of songs before I departed to find my best friends. I found them once again in the kitchen, except this time, they were doing shots. I joined in for two and I began to feel tipsy. I smiled as I looked at my three friends who were definetly more than tipsy. They were dancing around in a circle while holding hands.

"Ashes. Ashes. We all fall down,"they shouted and collapsed to the ground.

I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing and fell to the ground in hysterics when they started it up again. Suddenly a very handsome Tyler rounded the corner without a wheel chair. I had almost forgotten that his physical therapist was letting him upgrade to crutches.

"What's so funny?"he asked, looking around.

This stopped my laughing, but the other three kept dancing. As they fell to the ground again, Tyler burst out laughing.

"You guys are so wasted! You're gonna regret this in the morning,"he warned.

His eyes wandered over to me and his smile faded. His mouth opened like he was about to speak so I scarmbled up and stopped him.

"Hey guys, can I join you?"I asked the singing circle.

They nodded in excitement and let me join them. I distractedly followed their lead and eventually Tyler left the room. I sighed in relief and looked around at the flushed faces.

"Who wants to play beer pong?"I asked and was greeted with cheers.

I found some plastic cups and grabbed a twelve pack of Coors Light. I brought the supplies to the garage where there was a plastic table set up. Organizing the cups in the triangles, I heard the rest of my group come in and shut the door. Once I was done, I poured a can of beer in each. I ran out and sent Ryan to go get some more.

"Singles or teams?"I asked Mark and Spencer.

"Tsheams,"Spencer slurred.

"Shounds goo to me,"Mark chorused.

I just nodded and continued to fill the cups with the beer that Ryan had brought. I looked at the drunk faces surrounding me, contemplating how to pair up.

"Girls against guys,"I finally decided.

There were no arguments on my decision and we parted ways. Before we started I felt that there needed to be some rules. I quickly figured some out.

"Rules! You and your partner take turns drinking. That means that one person drinks a cup and then the next person. Also, if your team mate throws up then you have to finish drinking the rest of the cups on your side. Lastly, no cheating or fights. You are, however, allowed to playfully banter."

They nodded and the game began. After Spencer and I had had three drinks a peice and Mark and Ryan had only had one each, I decided that Spencer and I sucked at this game. Halfway through, when Spencer barfed, I learned that those rules were a total backfire.

I turned to glare at Spencer,"I hate you."

"Love you, too!"she laughed.

I picked up the cup closest to me and chugged. When I looked up to find I still had four cups left, I groaned.

"If I drink anymore I'm going to end up like Spencer,"I whined, pointing to the passed out girl next to the partially cleaned up up-chuck.

"So? It's you fault fo makin' tha ruse,"Ryan said incoherently.

I frowned and chugged the rest of the beer. By now I didn't even taste its bitterness as it glided down my throat. I started dancing crazily in victory.

"Since I did that, I'm going to get a bonus shot before we pick up. If I get the ball in the cup closest to me, then you both have to drink a cup,"I suggested.

They agreed and I lined up my shot. Turns out when you are drunk your vision gets blurry and you have horrible aim because my shot missed the cup and hit the wall behind them. They burst out laughing and I frowned at them. This losing was killing my buzz so I decided to leave.

"Ryan, take Spencer upstairs and put her on her bed. I'm gonna go PARTY!"I shouted.

I headed into the living room and squeezed my way through the dancing bodies. If you call grinding against each other dancing. I started rocking my body to the beat, when somebody came up behind me and put their hands on my waist. I started dancing with them and snaked my arms behind my head and around their neck.

It was only after the song had ended that I realized I was grinding on a complete stranger. I spun around in panic to see an extremely tipsy Tyler, barely standing with his crutches. Wy would you get drunk and lose your balance, when you can't even walk correctly in the first place? My concern was quickly replaced with drunken anger as I clenched my fists and stared at him.

"Get your filthy ass hands the hell away from me!"I shouted at his confused face.

He put his hands up in surrender,"Sorry. No need to get fiesty, though it sure does make you even sexier." His eyes raomed up and down my body. I should have felt flattered, but instead I wanted to stab him.

"You son of a bitch! You hurt me! I tell you that I have strong feelings for you and you just hang up! You have no respect! You could have at least told me that the feelings weren't mutual,"I screamed, causing some people to watch the fight.

"What did you want me to do? I can't like you back,"he muttered, looking at the ground.

I tiny hope that was living inside of me died,"Then you say that. Instead, you left me hanging and wondering!"

It seemed that the whole room was looking at us now. He did'nt reply so I carried on.

"How can you say you don't like me? You have fun with me. You kissed me and then admitted that you wanted to! You bipolar ass!"

"I never said I didn't like you! I just said I couldn't!"he finally yelled back, getting angry.

"Why can't you?"I asked, all anger gone and replaced with confusion.

"Because you are that one girl. The one girl that is too good and perfect for me. You don't deserve my baggage and problems,"he explained with downcast eyes.

It finally clicked. I was that girl he was always talking about. I'm the one that I was jealous of. All this time he was talking about how great I was right in front of me. He thought I didn't deserve him.

"You're right, I don't deserve you,"I admitted.

He looked hurt before masking it over and scowling,"Told you."

"I deserve way less than you. I deserve some jock asshole who will never treat me right. I deserve someone who will end up breaking my heart in the end. I deserve all that crap, but I don't deserve you and your honesty, kindness, and heart,"I gave a sad smile.

"You underestimate yourself. You are gorgeous, funny, nice, and an amazing girl. You deserve the best of everything, and I can't give you that,"he frowned.

"I don't care! When will you just understand that I don't give a shit! Does it matter if you have problems? Doesn't everybody? It doesn't matter how big or how small. All I know is that I guess I deserve to be happy. You make me happy, so that means that I deserve you,"I pointed to him and took a step forward so that there was no more distance between us. 

"If I make you happy then I don't know what to say. I guess you should find somebody else who makes you happy,"with that he stormed off to his room.

The whole crowd was looking at me with open mouths and wide eyes. My cheeks flamed and I glared at them. There was no telling the rumors that will be spread about this by Monday.

"What the hell are you looking at?"I yelled, flicking them off.

I stormed out of the door and walked home without any shoes on. Halfway there, I had to pause and let go of my dinner and lunch, along with my alcoholic consumptions. My head was pounding and my feet were sore by the time I had climbed into my bedroom window at a little past midnight. I didn't bother with changing or cleaning up, I just collapsed on my bed and fell asleep.


I hope you liked!I love writing in drunk Spencer's POV! I would love you soooo much if you would check out my new short stories that I recently posted, I Will Avenge and Silent Love. Thanks! Happy Thanksgiving! That deserves a comment and vote since I uploaded on a holiday!


Song: Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5

LoVe Ya & GoD bLeSs<3

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