Fat Girl - BTS FF

By tonibu76

163K 6.4K 2.4K

29 year old Y/N, goes on a series of failed blind dates. Her father is determined to marry her off asap. She... More

Chapter 1: Date with Namjoon
Chapter 2: My Best Friend Jimin
Chapter 3: Date with Yoongi
Chapter 4: Cheered Up
Chapter 5: Embarrassed
Chapter 6: Sunshine
Chapter 7: Profile
Chapter 8: The model relationship
Chapter 9: Plane Problems
Chapter 10: Welcome to Macau!
Chapter 11: Jin Again?
Chapter 12: Butterfly
Chapter 13: Confession
Chapter 14: Engagement Dinner
Chapter 15: Explain
Chapter 16: Wedding Day
Chapter 17: Burned
Chapter 18: Little Mochi
Chapter 19: Not Daddy's Girl
Chapter 20: "Judas Kiss" Ultimate Betrayal
Chapter 21: Awful Truth
Chapter 22: Retail Therapy
Chapter 23: Yohan
Chapter 24: Serendipity
Chapter 25: Stabbed In The Back
Chapter 26: The Prayer
Chapter 28: Friends
Chapter 29: Smothering
Chapter 30: JungshOOk
Chapter 31: Arrest
Chapter 32: No More Time
Thank you!
Chapter 33: I want Ramyeon
Chapter 34: The Nurse
Chapter 35: A Love Lost Forever
Chapter 36: Results
Chapter 37: Missing Baby Bump
Chapter 38: He's Stinky Butt
Chapter 39: Sold
Chapter 40: Tears
Chapter 41: Brightness and Goodness

Chapter 27: Mistake

2.5K 102 17
By tonibu76

NOTE: The cover photo has nothing to do with anything other than I think it's cute.



I stepped into Y/N's hospital room and closed the door behind me. As I step closer to her, I can see that her face is swollen and bruised. I assume it's from falling face forward onto the ground. There are several tubes attached to her. I am not sure what they are all for. She hasn't waken up yet.

I sit beside her and hold her hand and rub the back of it with my thumb... They are small and a little chunky. Even her pinky is shorter than mine! Strangely 3 of her fingers are connected by a splint.

My baby looks so pitiful. Her facial expression... Her lips are curved downward and her brows are scrunched together like she is thinking or uncomfortable... maybe dreaming.... I wonder if you can dream on anesthesia??? (FYI - People do not dream on anesthesia.)

I guess I would have that sad resting face too, if it were me.

My lovely girl. I kiss her hand and put some of her wild hair behind her ear. It's all over the place... If she was awake, I would tell her she looks a hot mess. She would laugh at my honesty.

She has a busted lip and her eye is swollen shut. I am so focused on her bruises that I am startled by the door opening.

Dr Chu: "Oh, Y/N's husband is here! Hello, I'm Dr Chu!" He says with a large smile.

Jimin: "Oh. Y-yeah." I lied. I stand up and we greet each other with a handshake.

I return to my seat waiting for the update on her condition. He walks over to the foot of her bed and picks up her chart. As he flips through the pages, he is very animated and smiling.... humming... and moving his head side to side as if he were listening to music.

Dr Chu: "I am going to check her vitals really quick!" He utters as he whirls around then struts over to Y/N's bed.

I am thinking to myself... why is he soooo happy. My baby is lying unconscious and he is basically dancing around the room... is he drunk??? Is he high??? I roll my eyes in annoyance at this guy.

Dr Chu: "Aww... how are you doing dear?" He greets the unconscious Y/N while he looks at her facial bruises.

Dr Chu: "Ohh... wow... you're so cute!" He adds, winking an eye at the unconscious Y/N, then writing info in her chart.

Did he just flirt with my unconscious girlfriend?! This is too much. I heave a sigh and clear my throat to make him stop leering at her. I take a mental note to make sure he is never alone with her... awake or sleep. He is a creep.

Dr Chu: "Ok... umm... yeah. I just have to check a few more things!" He hums as he checks everything else. However, when he lifts her shirt to check her ribs, I feel that his hand unnecessarily lingers on her stomach and even brushes against her breast.

Is this man for real? And WHY is he talking to her like she is awake? WHY did he touch her boob! I've had enough of this.

Jimin: "What are you doing Doc? Why are you basically prancing around at such a serious time! You are talking to her when she can't hear you! Actually FLIRTING! And you touched her boob. You are grinning like this is something funny! Is my girl's life a joke to you? AND... ARGH!!! What are all these tubes!?" I stand up and shout. My hands fly everywhere gesturing like a crazy man as I express my frustration.

Dr Chu: "Hold on young man. I just love my job, I do it well, and I am happy while doing it." He takes a step back and holds his hands up in defense.

Jimin: "I'm sorry... it's just that..." I breathe heavily, running my fingers through my hair. He interrupts me.

Dr Chu: "I can tell you are really worried about her, so I won't hold your outburst against you. I will explain everything. That is her IV, oxygen, chest tube, and catheter. This thing measures the amount of oxygen in her blood. That there checks her blood pressure, and those stickers monitor her heartbeat." He states in a serious tone as he points to each thing attached to her. I never stayed in the hospital overnight before and never been through any of this, so seeing my baby like this is shocking for me.

Dr Chu: "So now I will explain her status. Then I will answer any questions you have."

Dr Chu explained that fortunately her stab womb itself did not hit any vital organs. However, she had a punctured lung - which collapsed, due to broken ribs. She also had a broken jaw, three broken fingers, and some scraped knees.

Jimin: "I have questions... If she was stabbed, why does she have all of these other injuries?" I inquire as I rub my temples out of confusion.

Dr Chu: "Other than the scraped knees, these injuries were NOT sustained from the stabbing or from the fall." He explains.

Jimin: "Then how?" I say shakily because I am afraid to hear the truth.

Dr Chu: "It appears she was beaten."

Jimin: "WHAT?! I don't understand... I- I don't know how to take this news." I rest my head in my hands and start to sob uncontrollably. This is unbelievable. After this I couldn't focus. I couldn't hear anything else he said.

Dr Chu: "As the ......... passed, her face ........... After......... detectives will ask you..." I couldn't tell you what the doctor said or when he left the room or how long I sat their crying for Y/N.


After a while Y/N wakes up. When I see her open yet crossed eyes, I felt a deep relief. They are temporarily like that because of the anesthesia. I took a picture to show to her later.

She's groggy and starts asking questions.

Y/N: "Hi Jimin. What happened?" She says with a weak voice.

Jimin: "Honey, you were attacked. Someone stabbed and beat you. You needed surgery and now you are in recovery." I tell her and hold her hand.

Y/N: "Oh." She closes her eyes.

A few minutes later:

Y/N: "Hi Jimin. Why am I here?" She says delicately. I frown at the repeat question.

Jimin: "Honey, you were stabbed?"

Y/N: "I was? Why?" She furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

Jimin: "I don't know." I state frankly. She turns her head toward me and smiles.

Y/N: "You're a pretty baby. I like you. You look like a good boy." Her eyes roll back and closes.

A few minutes later:

Y/N: "Hi Jimin. Is this the hospital?" She looks around the room confused.

Jimin: "Yes." I say monotone.

Y/N: "My stomach hurts. Did we have a baby?" She closes her eyes. But mines widen at her words.

A few minutes later:

Y/N: "Hi Jimin. My stomach hurts. Can you take me to the hospital?"

Jimin: "We are already at the hospital?"

Y/N: "No we aren't... stop lying?" She closes her eyes.

A few minutes later:

Y/N: "Hi Jimin. Don't leave me in the hospital?" She says with a small voice.

Jimin: "Ok, I won't." I stand over her and kiss her cheek. She smiles slightly.

Y/N: "OK. Everybody tries to hurt me... Please protect me, ok?" She closes her eyes as tears fall down her cheeks.

She repeats the same questions, then nods off to sleep over and over. I personally feel that I win the award for 'world's most patient boyfriend.'

Eventually the anesthesia wears off and she fully wakes. I am so happy, because if I have to answer one of those questions again... I will scream.



Jimin goes to the hospital waiting area while the detectives talk to me alone. One detective stands on one side of me while the other sits in the chair beside my bed.

Detective Mo: "Mrs Jeon, we have some important questions to ask you about your attack." The standing detective says pulling out a small notebook and pen.

Y/N: "Huh? Mrs. Jeon?" I look around for Jungkook's mom, not realizing that I AM MRS JEON.

Y/N: "Oh y-yeah, that's me." I look down embarrassed that I forgot that awful name was mine.

Detective Bang: "Can you tell me what you remember from your attack?" He asks and crosses his legs in the chair beside me.

Y/N: "I blacked out after I was stabbed. But I woke up to being kicked in the face. I guess I passed out again." I say uncertain.

Detective Mo: "Can you tell me what you were doing before you were attacked?

Y/N: "I was walking to my in-law's home to serve my husband divorce papers... DIVORCE PAPERS! Where are they?!"

Detective Bang: "There were no papers collected from the crime scene. From the information we have, you were stabbed in the back, kicked several times in the abdomen, kicked in the face, and hand stepped on. Your hand and abdomen had shoe impressions. I want you to look at the crime scene photos." He says and hands me a small stack of photos.

Y/N: "Oh my God. These shoe print look like combat boots. My husband wears combat boots. Would he go this far not to sign divorce papers?" As bad as things are with me and Jungkook, I would be shocked if he did this.

Detective Mo: "We will take your husband to the station for questioning. I will update you on the progress." They leave my room and I wait for Jimin to return.



The detectives have been in Y/N's room for a long time. When they step out, I am beyond relieved. They are talking to the doctor, who is pointing toward me. I cannot hear their conversation, but when detectives approach me. I smile and bow to them.

Jimin: "Hello Detectives. Have you found out what's going on? Who hurt my Y/N?"

Detective Mo: "You come with us down to the station." He grabs my left arm.

Jimin: "Hold on. What? Why?" I unsuccessfully shake my arm loose.

Detective Bang: "You are under arrest for the attempted murder of Jeon Y/N!" He grabs my right arm very tight shaking me.

Jimin: "You've made a mistake! Let go of me!" I yell while trying to set myself free of their grips.

Detective Mo: "This is not a mistake. We've identified her husband as a main suspect. Dr Chu told us you said you were her husband." The detectives hold my body against the wall and pinned my hands behind my back as I still struggle.

Jimin: "Yes, but... I'm not-"

Detective Bang: "Not cooperating!" I stop moving when I am slammed harshly into the wall and handcuffed.

Dr Chu: "See what I told you... he has a bad temper. He shouted at me earlier!" He reveals.

Jimin: "This isn't right! Y/N!!! Y/N!!!!!" I shout as I am being dragged out of the hospital down to the police station.



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