Overflowing Lights // lee hae...

By kara_axo

300 24 16

street racing au / lee haechan things changed for Kora when she moved to Gwantoneon, a racing metropolis. sh... More



97 5 3
By kara_axo

The world seems to be going a million miles per day it feels like. Slowly the years of childhood are in the past, and present just seems to be an everyday task. But when we look back at those memories we somehow see the light when we couldn't back then.

As the crisp air blew through windows making my lungs feel tight, I tried keeping a steady head on the road in front of me.

The sun was just rising upon the horizon, and the street lights on the highway were almost useless. It had probably been 5 hours since my mini road trip had began, and I was already over it. The snacks that I picked up at the last gas station were eaten, and I maybe had half a bottle of water left. But Gwatoneon was almost in my grasp you could say.

With the skies spreading into pink and purple hues, the outline of the city in the morning was much apparent. Lights of the glimmering town were almost turning off one by one, and it felt like the city was beginning the day.

Gwantoneon was known as the city of overflowing lights. The nightlife was known to be insane and was becoming huge talk within the racing industry.

Slowly rolling to stop at the toll booth that stood in front of my now future, I grabbed my wallet.

"$2.50" the clerk sighs.

I could tell from her overwhelming dark circles and almost bloodshot eyes that she had the night shift.

Digging through my bag to find some sort of change that could suffice the 50 cents left, I could hear a slight huff come from the clerk. Glancing at her quickly and back at my bag I could tell she seemed annoyed.

"You know what, I get off in literally almost 2 minutes. I really don't want to watch you dig for 50 cents so just go" she said rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"Really? Are you sure? If I just-" I start while pointing to the direction of my bag. "Yes, I'm sure! Now go before I change my mind" she interrupts in an quite aggressive tone.

Watching the gate lift open, I was quick to put the car in drive and be on my way.

Slowing to a stop off the side of the street, I began to second guess myself while looking at my phone. Looking down a side street it seemed that no cars were allowed down, seeming to make things a tad bit harder.

Grabbing the bag that basically held my identity, money, and phone I finally stretched my legs outside the car.

Glancing up toward the entrance of the side street read the sign Masue Village. From the entrance I could tell some night life was evident as most shop owners were cleaning up.

Scanning the shops as I tried my best to look for a place named Umi Sushi, I was left almost lost. Most people were waking up the passed out drunks, opening up shops, or cleaning the litter from the night before.

"Excuse me, do you have any clue where Umi Sushi is located?" I ask approaching a middle aged man sweeping the front of a building. He wore a green apron that decorated with embroidered stitching that read Lu's Lily's. It didn't take much to notice that he worked in a flower shop and that wasn't just from the evident smell of pollen.

"Ah- down the end of the block and off slightly to the right" he explained after clearing his throat. Nodding lightly I left him to continue.

Masue Village was small and quaint. Not too much on the modern side, but not a complete dump you could say. Most buildings consisted of beige and whites, as most were plastered with neon signs only visible in the night time.

Approaching the the end of the street and turning slightly at the corner sat a small building in between many. What set it apart was the pair of stairs that elevated it by a two or three feet from the other businesses.

Trudging up the stairs to the glass door that was already propped open I could hear light laughter erupting near the entrance.

My eyes immediately landed on the large booth right next to the door. A group of 8 boys sat clambered in the large booth in front of the window with plates and bowls stacked up in front of them. After a couple of them matching my eye contact I found myself feeling embarrassed in front of the group.

Fixing my eyes passed the three other tables and to the counter, a middle aged woman appeared from the back kitchen. She was dressed in a pale blue dress with a dark grey apron wrapped around her waist. Her make up had seem to fade a bit as her mascara was smudged under her eyes. Or is that the dark circles? Her hair was tied up into a low bun with hair flying in all types of directions.

"Can I get you something?" she questions as if she's trying to hide the fact she's trying to catch her breath.

"I'm Kora, we talked last week about the room" I state inching forward to the counter as I knew my voice couldn't carry from the door. "That's right! I totally forgot you were coming" she replied with a huff.

"You boys will be alright? I'm just going to show her around?" she asked looking to the booth full of boys.

"yeah, actually-.. we're gonna get our of your hair for now" a boy with dark black hair replied while putting money down on the table. The boy seemed to lead everything as the rest of boys didn't seem to argue and followed. But I noticed the gaze from someone. His eyes were quite intimidating and he'd probably scare me if he didn't have some soft features. It was also easy to distinguish him from others as his blonde/silver hair stood out to my eyes.

"Anyways, follow me" the woman stated as she opened up the half door and allowed entrance for myself behind the counter. The other side of the counter was a small table with a chair that was obviously a sitting area for the woman as her phone stayed plugged in on.

"I know we really didn't talk much on the phone, but I'm Yasana" the slightly shorter woman said turning around quickly to hold out her hand. Extending mine out she was quick to grab and shake my hand quite aggressively.

It's either she's running on straight adrenaline or she just did a line of coke or something.

Following her through a short hallway I was met with the kitchen of the joint where a mid- 30's man stood cleaning up for the morning.

"Alright so this is the kitchen. I'm pretty sure I mentioned in the ad, but I always have ramen cooking constantly for the place so take whenever you want" she explained pointing to the large pot on the stove that was providing the room with a nice smell. "But just try and stay out of Ben's way while he's cooking, and especially during rush hours" she added making me nod quickly. "Are you guys just opening?" I ask clutching the bag on my shoulder, as it was beginning to bother me. Ben let out a soft chuckle that was just a little evident to pick up. "We're just closing" she said rubbing her eyes tiredly.

Yasana didn't stay still to explain as she was moving to a staircase against the wall toward the backwall of the kitchen.

Making my way up the stairs in a pace to keep up with her, I was met with a dim hallway that was only illuminate through the slight sunrise of the morning.

"Alright so this room right here is mine. Try not to bother me unless you're like- you know.. dying or something" she states with a lazy shrug before walking down the end of the hall.

"And this is your room" she explains unlocking the door before swinging it open.

The room was quite empty. The walls were a plain white which seemed to be in good condition, and floors were light colored wood that's imperfections glossed in the natural light. Against the back wall was a sliding door that led out to a tiny balcony that maybe let you stand out on.

"I know you mentioned that you do photography, but you didn't mention for what. Try not to-... Look-.. I'm not trying to assume, but Gwatoneon is one of the fastest growing racing cities. Just try not to do something stupid, or get caught.. I really don't want the police here" Yasana said looking at me with an amused expression.

Was her assumption wrong? ....No.

"I'll try" I joke, but from Yasana's expression she looked like she was about to strangle me.

"Kidding" I dryly add awkwardly making Yasana walk away quietly.

Good one Kora, let's try and make our landlord hate us the first minutes we arrive.

The sun had set, and the moon almost had an effect on the city you could say.

Blues, pinks, and purples hued through the window of my room as I finished packing two batteries in my camera bag.

I was honestly running a bit behind as I woke up from my nap late, and not from the sound of my alarm but rather the commotion down stairs.

This place has to be packed from the voices, and music that are seeping through my floor and walls at this point.

Looking around the room for my headphones my eyes widened when I caught eye of the time.

11:15 pm


Disregarding the headphones dilemma, I threw my camera bag over my shoulder and practically ran down the stairs to the kitchen.

Ben's eyes widened as lunged down from the last step before speed walking through the hallway and out to the front counter.

Oh wow.

Taking in my surroundings I could barely focus on the over whelming image in front of me.

The restaurant was packed to the max as huge groups sat at tables, people squeezing into the booth, and some standing against the wall to eat their food.

Yasana seemed like she knew what she was doing, but whenever she saw another hand raise for something I swear I saw her body almost collapsed.

Reminding myself of the time, I tried to maneuverer around parties of people until I was now racing down the street towards my car.

11:45 pm

Grasping the strap to my camera, my nerves were a little heightened.

As I entered the 1st floor of the parking garage the scene reminded of a setting from a movie.

The low colorful lights reminded me of something of a club, and the crowds of people gathering at a certain point. The smell of substances so strong where my eyes would've watered if I didn't keep walking. Some wearing almost less than a swimsuit, and or layers upon styles.

Taking a couple snaps of show cars off to the side, I couldn't help but feel intimidated by the glares of others.

Just try and blend in. I tried to tell myself.

Making my way toward the crowd I was finally able to get a good look of cars that were racing tonight.

My eyes could barely stay on one, as each one had me intrigued.

The first car was a sparkling black Mazda MX-5. A pair of cat like eyes behind the steering wheel sat on her phone. "Yeji! How much longer?" an energic voice called to her. The young girls eyes glimmered under the light and her smile spread across her face.

Before I could even snap a photo of the hood of the car I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

Am I in front of someone?

Taking my eye away from the lens I turn slightly to see a girl staring right back at me. Moving aside in a guess she needed to get through, she instead stood still.

"Don't you need to get through?" I asked, but she shook her head.

"I just wanted to introduce myself" she replied, moving next to me.

Her features were delicate, and when she smiled softly in embarrassment it almost made smile in return.

"Sorry this is so awkward, I'm just wanting to make a friend" she explained fixing a piece of hair behind her ear.

A part of me felt super weird by a random girl introducing herself, but that could just be because I'm anti-social. But another part of me was interested in becoming friends with her.

"I'm Kora" I said extending my hand with a slight chuckle.

"Shuhua" he replied shaking my hand happily in return.

Bringing the camera back up to my face I snapped a couple quick photos before any people could get in front of the car.

"So you're a photographer?" I heard Shuhua ask beside me.

"Yeah you could say. I usually only take photos of street racing for commissions" I explain still keeping my eye through the lens and on the car.

"See that's so cool. I just watch the races, well I also talk to the racers. It sounds weird, but trust me it's not. My dad is just a manufacturer for cars so I tend to give them inside news, but I actually am a fan of cars. Some people might say-"

Shuhua trailed off with her words I immediately noticed she could be quite a talker.

She ended up following me as I moved to a deep red Chevrolet Corvette C6. The car was honestly gorgeous and looked breath taking under the neon lights.

"So after that moment I never ate another strawberry" Shuhua randomly finished her rant.


Taking my eyes away from the camera to look at her with a confused expression.

"You weren't listening were you?" she asks putting her hands on her hips.

"After explaining you're a big fan of cars, you lost me" I admit with a chuckle.

"It's alright. You'll have plenty of time to hear it again!" she says excitedly with a smile.

"But anyways, I actually want to ask you something" Shuhua states a little shyly.

"Go ahead" I reply simply.

"Are you new to town? I'm only wondering because I don't recognize you-.. okay wait that sounds super creepy" she asks while palming herself.

Shuhua had a quirkiness to her that just made her so enjoyable to be honest.

"It's fine" I say with a slight laugh as the doll like girl pursed her lips. "But, um- yeah I am new to town. I literally just got here this morning from Roscu" I explained.

"Ah, I've been there before. I can see why you left" she replied making me smile.

"Yeah really isn't the place when you need a lot of business. Like we only had one day a week when races were held, and although we had like 20 races in a whole night... it was just exhausting and not really worth it. And not to mention I wanted to take my chances on a bigger city" I went into detail.

"Wait how long have you been doing street racing photography?" Shuhua asked.

"I got my first personal camera when I was 15, so I'd say then. But I really didn't take off until 2 years ago" I answer before snapping a couple more photos of the red C6.

"What made you-" Shuhua started but was caught off by someone's voice.

"What's up Shuhua, excited for the race?" a boys voice asked exiting the passenger door of the red C6.

"Oh Hey Bangchan! You bet" she replied with a sweet smile.

It took me maybe milliseconds before my stomach dropped and I recognized the guy.

Bangchan was guy at Umi Sushi this morning. I mean least it's not the guy with-

But my thoughts were too optimistic as he was quick to exit the drivers door after Bangchan.

"Oi Shuhua, who's your friend?" the blonde haired guy asked. His voice even almost made my eyes widened.

"This is Kora" she replied.

The dudes gaze once again just as intimating when I saw it the first time. But this time he seemed to know who I was.

"Kora, this is Felix" Shuhua stated.

Extending my hand Felix shook is nicely before shoving it into the pocket of his jeans.

"Oh- and this is Bangchan!" she added.

The black haired guy shined a literal drop dead smile as he extended his hand to be shook.

"I've seen you somewhere" Bangchan said as he shook my hand with a curious expression. "Oh", was all I could let out before being interrupted. "Umi Sushi" Felix stated.

"You know Umi Sushi? I love that place" Shuhua exclaims while looking at me.

"I mean I'm renting a room above Umi sushi" I explain causing all three of them to nod in undertsandment.

"Wait so you live in Masue Village?" Shuhua asks with a tilted head.

Nodding my head yes, her eyes lit up.

"I know just who introduce you too!" she says excitedly. Grabbing me by the arm I was quick to make sure I still had my camera secured with me.

"Nice meeting you!" Felix called off, but due to Shuhua's fast pace I was only able to send a slight wave.

"Slow down! My legs can barely keep up with you!" I chuckle, but Shuhua didn't seem to regard.

After shifting through crowds of people we came upon what I'd like to call the jewel of cars.

"An R34 Nissan Skyline GT-R" I spoke out loud. I was basically mesmerized.

"Yeah it's pretty" was all Shuhua responded with before looking around.

"Just pretty? Look at it! I've never seen this shade of white before!" I say excitedly while snapping multiple photos at a time.

The car was a literal gem. The glossy white had the reflection of all the blues, pinks, and purples all over. Not to mention the black spoiler, and rims added beautifully. But the reason they're considered gems are since their illegal in the US.

Who owns this car?

"Jaemin there you are!" Shuhua calls off to someone, but I was honestly too busy with the R34.

"Shuhua! I didn't know you were here tonight" I heard a charismatic voice reply. The tone of the strangers voice made anyone feel like they'd known him there whole life.

"When do I ever miss a race?" she cooed

"Not usually unless your stubborn boyfriend has something to do with it" I heard the voice retort.

"Hey play nice! But anyways I was actually busy introducing my friend Kora to Bangchan and Felix" Shuhua replied while pulling me away from my focus through the lens.

Finally finding out who the voice belonged to, I started to wonder what type of city this was.

"What's up Kora, I'm Jaemin" that same charismatic voice stated while holding out his hand.

Is this city just filled with hot people left and right?

"But anyways. Kora just moved here Roscu and is staying in Masue Village" Shuhua explains making Jaemin's eyebrows rise.

"Oh really? Well if you see some dumbass causing problems in the village let me know" he says crossing his arms. I felt quite confused as Shuhua chuckled lightly from his response, but it was quick to stop when the drivers door of the R34 swung open".

A boy with deep auburn hair taking a puff of a cigarette emerged from my literal dream car, and I couldn't keep my eyes off of him.

"That's the dumbass" Shuhua whispers softly to me, making me chuckle softly for the late context.

"Hey Jaemin, you got any clue when we're starting up?" the boy asked while still staying close to his car.

"It's 11:50 Haechan, stop getting your panties in a twist" the girl from the pervious Mazda MX-5 called back to the boy.

"Damn Yeji, last time I remembered I asked Jaemin and not your nosy ass" the tempered boy retorted back to the girl. Yeji's eyes were fierce and basically pierced in his direction.

"why you suddenly in a rush" Jaemin asked while looking at the obviously antsy boy. He was checking his phone repeatedly, and looking in every possible direction.

"I ran out of cigs" he reply's before shoving his hands in his pockets.

"And you can't go a half an hour without them?" Jaemin asks with his arms crossed.

"You know I get adrenaline rushes before races dude, I just need them to keep my mind easy" he replies walking over near us. "Please?" Haechan asks widening his eyes like a puppy and grabbing Jaemin's arm. The whole encounter was quite funny.

"You know I quit last month" Jaemin replies, making Haechan's face drop.

"I have a pack on me" I state, making everyone look at me.

"Seriously?" Haechan asks widening his eyes a bit.

Reaching for my camera bag I dug to the bottom and pulled out my half empty pack. Opening it up to show the cigarettes' Haechan reached for one, but before he could even touch them I shut it quickly. Causing the boy to jump and give me a look like he was about to square up.

"I want something in return" I state.

"I'm sorry, but.. do I know you?" Haechan asks in slightly cold tone.

"Oh, this is Kora-" Shuhua started, but was shut down pretty quickly by Haechan signaling her to hush.

"That was rhetorical question Shuhua..." he says looking at her before back to me.

His eyes were quite intriguing. The type to make you feel weak, but I knew I had the power in this situation.

"You don't. But I'm someone who has something you want, and you have something you can do in return for me" I state crossing my arms.

Him matching me and crossing his arms, the boy leaned down slightly in a way to intimidate me.

"And what is that?" he asks tilting his head slightly.

If it wasn't for the left over adrenaline I had from getting to the race last minute, and running into the boys from Umi Sushi... I don't think I would have the confidence for this.

"Let me take photos of the interior of your car" I state.

Haechan gave me a look that I couldn't totally put my finger on.

"Nope" He replied with a cocky grin.

'Alright, suit yourself" I state grabbing one of the cigarettes' and placing it in-between my lips.

"Any of you got a lighter?" I question looking at Shuhua and Jaemin.

Jaemin had a cheeky grin om his face as he reached into his back pocket. "Sure thing" he replied handing me a red lighter.

Haechan stood poking his tongue against cheek while shaking his head.

Taking a puff of the cigarette I blew the smoke right in the face of the boy who seemed to think he could control every situation.

"Alright fine" Haechan suddenly said, earning glances from all of us.

"You can take pictures after the race, and I want the rest of the pack" he states holding out his hand.

Shaking lightly I placed the pack in his hands and he was quick to get back in his car.


"Where the hell have you been dude?!" Haechan yells making Jaemin pursp his lips as if he's wondering if he has a stop a fight of some kind.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry. Thinks got a little carried away in a deal and I'm a bit behind" a dude said holding a duffle bag, that I could only assume was full of cash.

"Bit behind? We usually start races by 11:50!" Bangchan yelled from leaning against the side of his car.

"Are there more races going on tonight or something?" I ask turning to Shuhua who was watching the scene in front of us.

"No. Season doesn't start till next week" she replies not breaking eye contact from the deal.

"Wait-.. This many people here and it's not even season?!" I ask with slight shock evident in my voice.

Shuhua chuckled softly while looking at me.

"This is actually a slow night, and not to mention this is right below leagues" she says with an amused expression on her face.

"What do you mean leagues?" I ask in confusion.

"These people here, they're right below what we consider 'experienced riders'. Racers like Haechan, Felix, Yeji, etc. are our age, and are quite good. But there divisions haven't been through the industry long enough" she explains.

"Ah so they're not necessarily beginners but not yet professionals" I add trying to understand better.

"Exactly. But they will eventually. The guides and leaders will decide when they're able to rank up" Shuhua says.

"And who are they?" I ask.

The industry in Gwantoneon was far different from Roscu. It didn't matter your age or experience, as long as you had the money you were able to race.

"Each belong to a certain group, and each have leaders" she replies

"For example..." she says pointing to Yeji the girl who practically burned holes in the back of Heachan's head.

"Yeji is apart of a racing group called Itzy. She's actually the leader of the group so in that case high ups apart of the racing community decide when she or others in her groups advance" Shuhua explains making me more interested.

"How many people are in the group?" I ask trying to count the girls around the familiar black sparkling car.

"5. The one over there getting in and out of the passenger seat is Yuna, the youngest"

I recognize her.

She was the one with the glimmering eyes when I first walked into the race.

"She's adorable" I reply as I see her flashing a smile to Yeji.

"Yeah, lowkey scares me sometimes" Shuhua says shuddering.

"How?" I turn to look at her almost in a offense.

"Although she races every now and then, but the girl craves the energy of driving no matter what. Which means she's always in the passenger seat for Yeji's of Ryujin's races" she goes into detail.

"Is that Ryujin?" I question pointing to the girl with her arms crossed as she looks around

"No that's Chaeryeong" Shuhua replies

"She doesn't race. But rumor has it she attends every event in hopes finding her sister who ran away from home to become a street racer" Shuhua explains.

"Damn, that's dark" I reply almost feeling bad for someone I've never even met.

"Alright racers in your cars now!" the announcement boomed through the parking garage making Shuhua and I jump.

"Come on I'll get you a good shot!" Shuhua yelled over the engines revving in loud masses.

Pulling me through the formations of crowds, she gets me front and center next to Heachan's dream of a car.

"Alright no stupid shit tonight, lets keep things professionals before season starts" the same voice boomed through the speakers of the parking garage.

The three cars engines were louder than the crowds as everyone cheered for their favorites.

"Wait you said Itzy had 5, where's the rest?" I scream in confusion over to Shuhua.

"Oh, Ryujin isn't here tonight and the other Lia just likes to work on the cars!" Shuhua yells back.

Nodding in understandment, 3 lights shine in front of cars.

"Nothing new, when the light turns green you go!" the announcer yells over the mic, almost making me flinch from the echo's.

As the light shined a vibrant red the sound of cars switching gears was enough to form a pit in my stomach. Not a bad one though... It was a more a pit of excitement, a feeling I got before most races.

The light switched to a orange and I was quick to set my camera in place and get a good photo.

Snapping photos I didn't even realize the color was green as I was busy snapping photos of the send off.

The three cars took off out the parking garage and I could hear them down the street.

"So you said there were other groups?" I ask finally taking my camera away from my face.

Turning to look at Shuhua she was staring down at her phone texting quickly.

My eyes widened as I saw her in an obvious argument from the continuous paragraphs being sent back and forth.

"Sorry, my boy friend is being difficult" Shuhua says snapping her head up and shoving her phone in her back pocket.

"But yeah, there's loads of groups. The ones attending tonight are Itzy, Straykids, and NCT" she says turning the conversation back to my question.

"The two guys Felix and Bangchan in the red car are apart of Straykids" she says referring to the boys who I saw in Umi Sushi this morning.

"How many people are in that group?" I ask as we keep our place in the crowd for when the racers return.

"8. Bangchan is the leader of the group. He's probably the nicest guy in the world, and the winner of putting the most people in the friendzone" she says making me chuckle.

"The blonde guy was Felix. Both him and Bangchan are from Australia, and have been best friends since they met" she adds.

"Felix is the one racing tonight?" I ask as I remember him getting in the drivers side.

"Yeah, he's one of the newest up coming racers" she replies earning a nod from me.

"The other 6 aren't here tonight, but you would know as they're just as noisy as the crowds most nights" Shuhua says making me chuckle.

"And I'm guessing Jaemin and Haechan are apart of NCT?" I ask glancing over to Jaemin who was chatting up some girl and her friends.

"Yep, but their group dynamic is interesting" she says making me furrow my eye brows in confusion.

"NCT is already a recognizable group made up of 23 members currently" she explains making my eyes widen.

"2 more and they'd have a professional baseball team" I joke.

"Yeah in the next year or two I could see it being possible" she responds making me tilt my head.

"Now it may seem confusing but they all have their subdivisions; 4 of them to be exact. 127 who is involved within the leagues and on the more professional end in Gwantoneon. Then Wayv who dominates the racing communities in China. While having one for on the minors known as Dream, and U where they tend to just mix up and have fun" she explains.


"So Heachan and Jaemin are apart of Dream?" I ask making sure I'm getting everything correct.

Shuhua tilts her head and then nods in agreement.

"Why did you waver?" I ask giving an unsure look

"Everyone is apart of U in a sense, but you could say Haechan has some special privilege's" she replies

As in....?

Reading my confused expression Shuhua sighs due to the hard explanations.

"Haechan in all honesty is a very talented driver. So much that they wanted to get him experienced within the professionals early so he's apart of 127" she explains.

"So he's not even supposed to be apart the professionals?" I question as the race almost seems unfair.

"No not necessarily..." she replies

I'm even more confused.

"Haechan can be... how can I say this? A dumbass. He gets into trouble constantly and if he wants to race with 127 regularly then he needs to in a sense grow up more. Because the dude is someone who can seriously keep up with the racers within 127, but they just know he needs a little bit time" Shuhua says explaining better.

Haechan had the look to him that somehow I knew he wasn't a saint.

He seemed like the type fuck someone one night and leave them hanging the next morning. And not to mention probably ate all the food in their fridge with no apology.

But before I could think deeper I was interrupted by the sounds of engines revving down the street.

"Come on they're almost here!" Shuhua says with a wicked smile while pulling me past the barriers.

"Eh ladies!" someone yelled as if I knew immediately we weren't supposed to be on the track.

"Don't worry about it they're with me!" a familiar voice called.

Looking around I noticed Jaemin walking towards us with his arms crossed and shaking his head.

"Are you two trying to get hit by one of them?" Jaemin asked, referencing toward the sound of the engines getting closer down the street.

"I wanted Kora to get a closer shot" Shuhua says making Jaemin chuckle.

"Do you always do this?" I question as Shuhua was now pulling me closer towards the middle.

"Not always, only when I know I can get away with it!" she gleams with a cheeky grin.

I grabbed my camera still slung over my shoulder and got ready to line up my shot.

"So who you betting on winning tonight?" I ask glancing through my lens and then to Shuhua.

"Haechan hands down" she replies

"What about Yeji or Felix?" I question taking a tester shot to make sure my camera was in focus.

"Yeji is good, but she has a habit of getting into her own head sometimes. And although Felix is and is good competition against Haechan, but somehow Haechan always pulls through" she explains.

I could hear the engines arriving at the entrance of the parking garage and adrenaline starting picking up again.

We were still a good 20 to 30 feet behind to where they were supposed to stop, but who says Haechan wouldn't just run me over after my little stunt with the cigarettes'.

The screeching of tires echoed throughout the parking garage at this point and the first to turn the corner was the familiar icy white GT-R; which was closely followed by Felix's red C6. Yeji was quick to follow right behind the two boys.

She wasn't wrong.

As the car inched closer Haechan passed the line with a close call with Felix, and next Yeji. As the cars all screeched to a stop Yeji was first to get out of her car with a quite pissed expression.

While some cheered, others seemed to match Yeji's sour expression. Felix was next out his car and followed by Haechan.

Jaemin approached him as he was adorned with a cocky expression that would make anyone want to punch him in the face.

Bangchan seemed to get out the passenger door of the C6 and talk to Felix before patting him on the back.

"You know next time we gotta watch" Shuhua says looking around the crowds.

"What do you mean?" I asked as we were here the whole time.

"Well if you know the routes, then you know the check points. Meaning next time we'll just hop in my car and see them race for ourselves" she explained which took me by surprised.

"Together?" I asked

"Well yeah, were friends now dummy" Shuhua says a sweet smile before hugging my side.

I've never really done this with anyone.

Well I'm not saying I've never had friends within the community, but someone who would tag along and actually do this stuff with me.

I send her a smile back in agreement.

I glanced over to the others who were graciously earning the proceeds from the race.

"You're an asshole you know that. You were literally maybe an inch off from hitting my car!" Yeji says to Haechan which only seems to widen Haechans grin.

"Get good Yeji. You're freaked with me an inch away from your car which you were riding my ass all race. Your lucky I didn't brake check your ass, but then again Felix would've taken the lead" Haechan replies.

"Shuhua!" Bangchan called over from Felix's car

Me thinking it left sometime to scroll through some photos I was wrong as Shuhua grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the gorgeous C6.

"What's up?" she says with a smile.

"You and Kora down to hang out at 5up?" Bangchan asked with smile that was almost difficult to look away from.

"What's that?" I ask in confusion.

"5up is this club. Most people after races go chill, drink, smoke, etc" Shuhua explains

I've never been to a club.

"Don't really think I'm dressed for the occasion" I joke looking down to my outfit.

My shorts and oversized sweatshirt wasn't really what I think people wear to a club.

"Whatcha guys talking about?" Felix asks in his deep tone that it could almost give me shivers.

"Just asking these two if they wanna join us at 5up" Bangchan explains.

"Ah yeah, you guys should definitely come" Felix says looking at me a smile.

"Yeah don't worry we can fresh' in up at this one place in the city and we can join them" Shuhua says trying to convince me.

"Probably not, sorry guys. I'm running off of a couple hours of sleep and I got stuff to unpack" I say shrugging.

"Don't worry about it, but you still joining Shuhua?" he asks looking to her.

"Nah, if Kora isn't going neither am I" she replies which took me off guard.

"Alright. But I'll see you, and it was nice meeting you Kora" Bangchan says getting into the passenger side of the C6.

"See yah Felix!" Shuhua calls as he walks towards the drivers side.

"Drive safe both of you" he replies sending a wink before getting in his car.

Although the wink made my eyes widen a bit by the move I suddenly remembered my deal with Haechan.

But just as I turned around his car was no where in sight.

"Where's Haechan? We literally made a deal" I huffed looking around.

"The idiot probably bailed or forgot. But don't worry I'll make sure you get it next race. Now let's walk you to the car!" Shuhua says in measurement.

It was really weird I've never had a friend like Shuhua, or in all honesty met a person like Shuhua. I'm not the most open when I talk to her, and not mention sometimes I just stare and watch. Yet she still talks to me, and includes me to make sure I'm involved.

As we walked out the parking garage to where cars were parked I stared up at the sky for a split second to find the moon. It was only half full tonight, but I was still able to see most of the craters upon the surface.

"Watcha doing?" Shuhua asked as we stood in the parking lot.

"Just looking at the moon" I reply simply.

"You know, you're an interesting person Kora" she says suddenly.

Approaching my car I rested my camera upon the roof of my car.

I had a fixed up 1985 Subaru XT that I loved with every once of my heart.

"Shuhua if you don't mind me asking..., why are you so nice to me?" I ask looking at her.

All the dainty girl did was stare and shrug her shoulders.

"I don't know. I attend these races all the time and have no friends" she explains.

"What about people like Bangchan, Jaemin, etc?" I ask.

"I do consider them my friends, but not like friends- friends. You know? I used to attend a private school, and the friends I had all wanted to either kill each other, or acted like they didn't. And most people here know where I attended and try not to associate with me, mostly thinking I'm like them. But you!" she explains walking to stand right in front of me.

"You didn't know me, and I didn't know you. And whether it was fate in the universe, but something told me to talk to you" she added.

The whole explanation made me feel a bit soggy.

"I'm glad you talked to me" I say sending her a smile.

"So.. I don't mean to sound direct, but when are you giving me your phone number? We need to make plans!" she says excitedly

Her excited expression caused my smile to grow as I grabbed my phone from my camera bag.

1:30 am

The night was still young in Gwantoneon.

As I walked down the familiar street from this morning towards my now new home the scene had turned different.

The flower shop was now closed for the night, bars had been opened, and not to mention the streets glimmered of neon lights.

The early brinks of tipsiness was evident in the people I passed; and as I turned the slight corner to get a look upon Umi Sushi the restaurant seemed to boom with people.

But in all honesty I was more focused on the neon balcony that was settled right above the bustling establishment, where I now see as home.

Walking through crowds I pass by Yasana who seemed to be in a slightly better mood. Her blue dress had been swapped for a light pink one that settled right below that same grey apron. Her hair was still a mess, but her make up was more defined and left her looking more young.

"I see you're back early! Can you grab the back booths order and serve it to them!" she calls before trailing to the kitchen.

You're kidding right?

Waiting a split second for a "just kidding" I give up and set my camera bag down behind the counter.

Picking up the tray of noodles I tried my best to maneuver through crowds before greeting the group of teens settled in the booth.

"Alright, and anything else?" I ask which was met with shakes of heads as they were too busy already eating.

Heading back to the counter I'm met with Yasana checking out a customer before I reach around her to grab my camera bag.

"Go grab some noodles from the back, and there should be some dumplings ready" Yasana says before walking away to take an order.

Maybe it was worth it.

Heading to the back of the kitchen I was met with the sound of soul jazz playing through out while Ben was moving around quickly.

Trying to stay out his way I maneuvered quickly to grab a bowl and get some noodles, before grabbing two dumping's on the side.

I was starving as I hadn't had anything since my little road trip.

"Ending the night early?" Ben asked as I was balancing my bowl and chop sticks in one hand.

"You could say so, but then again I still have a long night ahead of me" I reply before heading towards the stairs

"I could say the same!" he calls back, but I don't care to respond except let a slight chuckle out.

Making my way through the dim hallway I don't bother switching on any lights out of laziness and fear of not knowing where the switches are.

And finally trudging to my room I was quick to set my camera bag on the ground while still keeping my food in hand.

I make my way for the balcony find myself greeted by those same neon lights.

Taking a bite of the food in front of me it made me realize why Umi Sushi is so busy.

Yasana has some attitude, but she knows what she's doing.

As I ate my dinner I reflected for a second and realized where I was.

I was settled in the center of the bustling urban city known as Gwantoneon.

The city of over flowing lights.

And you could say it well for my first day here....


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