Old Love

By Alllfredh0oe

334K 18.7K 17.6K

Jorja and Sza are two hybrids that have been roaming the earth for thousands of years; however, they both hav... More

Catching up
Catching up pt.2
One of many
Highway to Hell
Thank you killer
Sexy ass white man
Filler Chapter
Marceline the Vampire Queen
I need help
Not evil...maybe crazy
Story time Pt.1
Story time Pt.2
Guess who's back
Not this shit again
Full moon
Think, think, think- FUCK
Give him a message
Monday, Monday, Monday
Sooo...They fucking right?
Well, there's this man
King's Reil
We're only soulmates after all
Cain and Abel
Bitch you killed her
I feel...powerful
I ship
I...Am shocked.
Hera's a bitch
Fuck these trees
I forgive you
Crossed fingers
Sza and Jorja
Once upon a time
Ma to the damn dea
no guarantee of tomorrow
White Rose
I fucking ran
I don't know
Give him hell
Unknown POV
Sza pt. 2
Jorja pt. 2
Everything went black
2500 BCE
Story time pt. 3
Only George.
Black Widow
Everything's been erased
Like old times
Date Night: Sza
Date Night: Jorja
Date Night: Normani
Normani is going to kill me
Its only us
Andrew Maguire
Resuce mission
Shoulder pats
The truth
Loki POV
It's all over
Old Love
Its been ages!!

Matrix shit

3.9K 200 184
By Alllfredh0oe

"Ohhh so you want to just skip school?" Sza asked.

Monday was finally over and it was now early morning the next day.

The day I get my excitement.

But first, I have to talk to Jorja and Sza.

The real question is, to lie or not to lie?

I laid my head on Jorja's stomach and smiled sheepishly. "Yesss, I need to bond with my brother."

Sza hummed. "Sure," she chuckled and shook her head. "I don't care Y/n, you don't have to ask it's your life."

I shrugged. "Yeah but, this bitch nosey." I looked up at Jorja.

She rolled her eyes before closing them as she draped her arms over my back. "Shut up I'm not."

She started to scratch my back and I raised a brow looking at Sza. "Why she being so nice?"

Sza shrugged. "She is half asleep so she might not realize that she's actually being nice."

I hummed looking back up at Jorja. I reached up and flicked her chin causing her to glare down at me.


I smiled. "Hi, how are ya."

She groaned and pushed me off of her before sitting up. "I hate you."

I snapped. "George is back," I looked at Sza. "I'm not sure which one I like more, George or Jorja."

Sza hummed. "Well, Jorja is nice and all but, George is funny."

I hummed. "Nice," I raised one hand. "Funny...Not sure."

"Yeah, difficult question."

She glanced between both of us and nodded. "Alright I have a question," she hummed. "Which one do you love more?" She asked looking at me.

I raised a brow. "Love between George and Jorja? Like Sza said, difficult question."

Jorja rolled her eyes. "No, who do you love most," she nodded towards Sza. "Between Sza and me."

My heart fell.

Sza's eyes widened before she hummed. "Good question."

I quickly shook my head. "I'm not answering that."

Jorja raised a brow. "You won't hurt our feelings."

This is definitely a trick question. No matter what my answer is there will be a bad outcome.

Okay Y/n, time to halfway answer.

"Well, I uh...I love both of you equally there's no more than the other because the love I have for each of you is different."

Sza rolled her eyes. "Wrong, answer the question."

I scoffed. "You answer the question."

Her eyes widened and she glanced between Jorja and me. "T-This isn't my question to answer."

Jorja raised a brow looking at Sza. "Well, now I wanna know." We both looked at her and she quickly raised her hands. "No."

"Look you two don't even want to answer so why should I?" I asked.

Jorja groaned. "Sza you just had to butt in."

"Shut up, that question came out of the blue."

I held my hands up as I came up with an idea. "Okay how about this, we all just say who we love most on the count of three."

Sza squinted. "Three?"

I nodded and looked at Jorja. "Three?"

Jorja sighed. "Three."

"Okay, 1...2......3."




My eyes widened. "Didn't expect that."

Jorja's cheeks turned red and she crossed her arms. "You love Sza more than me?"

I frowned looking at Sza. "You love Jorja more than me?"

Sza glared at Jorja. "You love Y/n more than me."

Jorja hummed and nodded. "Touché."

I chuckled and shook my head. "At least no one has the most love and its evenly divided," I shook my head. "Jorja? Really Sza?"

Jorja scoffed.

Sza shrugged. "Well, granted we have been through more shit together plus I've known her for thousands of years. It'd be kind of hard not to be closer to her," she looked at Jorja. "At least I thought but, she loves you more."

Jorja shrugged and looked down as her cheeks turned darker. "I-I just...I don't know I get this sense of protection with Y/n a-and I've had this feeling even when we first met her," she met my eyes and shrugged. "I-I don't know I just...I guess maybe because I lost you once before I've gained a new kind of love for you...I mean...I cherish you now."

My heart skipped a beat and I swallowed before chuckling. "Ew."

She smiled and softly punched my shoulder.

I looked at Sza who was pouting.

She sniffed. "That was beautiful- oh my God you said you cherish her," she wiped a fake tear. "I fucking ship."

Jorja rolled her eyes. "Don't, she loves you more."

They both looked at me and I sighed.

"No- okay look. It's not a matter of who I love more but, more so of who I...bond with the most? I don't know, Sza just has this aura about her that draws me in," I shook my head and looked at Jorja. "But you...when you say shit like that you have no idea what happens to my heart."

She smiled softly.

I shrugged. "I was being honest, I don't love either of you more than the other but, I do have a stronger bond I guess. At the end of the day you both do the same thing to my heart so," I shrugged. "I love you both equally."

Sza nodded. "Exactly, like I said I'm just closer to Jorja, we've seen everything together so of course, my bond is stronger with her."

Jorja nodded. "And I never lost Sza so, losing Y/n definitely made me gain a special appreciation for her."

I nodded. "Good then, we're all on the same page. Equal love but, different bonds." I looked at Jorja who was still looking down. Glancing at Sza she nodded to Jorja.


She quickly looked up at me.

I held my hand out. "Can our ship still sail?"

She rolled her eyes and smiled softly as she looked down at my hand. She reached forward placing her hand in mines.

Chills instantly ran up my spine as I ran my hand over her knuckles before lifting her hand and kissing the back of it. I looked up at her and I watched her smile instantly turn into a fake ass pout.

I huffed. "You gonna make me cringe?"

She nodded. "We have a cringey love, say it."

I threw my head back and groaned before meeting her eyes. "I kinda, sorta, love you."

She smiled. "You ight."

Sza chuckled and I let go of Jorja's hand.

"I don't like you."

Jorja nodded. "Right because you love me," she gripped my chin and raised a brow meeting my eyes. "And I love you too."

"Guyssss don't leave me out."

I rolled my eyes. "Hush Sza we're having a moment."

Sza crossed her arms and Jorja chuckled as she let go of my chin and wrapped her arms around Sza's neck.

"Shut up cry baby, you know I love you," she leaned back meeting Sza's eyes. "I've been showing you that for thousands of years and I'll do it for a thousand more."

Sza smiled and raised a brow. "I'm liking this lovey Jorja."

Jorja rolled her eyes. "Well enjoy it, this is a brief moment of vulnerability."

Sza chuckled and pecked Jorja's lips before reaching out and grabbing my hand. She leaned up and pecked my lips before nodding towards Jorja.

"Now kiss Jorja so I can see my ship actually sail."

I looked at Jorja who was already looking at me. She leaned forward and kissed my nose before pecking my lips.

Sza gasped and clapped as I smiled and Jorja shook her head.

"Oh shit, I hope this isn't the titanic." Sza shook her head.

I shrugged. "I don't know, when Jorja turns back into George I might ram us into an iceberg."

Jorja pushed me away and laid her head on Sza's shoulder. "Shut up."

"And she's back, glad we had our monthly affection fest," Sza said as she kissed the top of Jorja's head before snapping her fingers. "Wow, you really tried it Y/n."

I frowned. "Huh?"

"You quickly steered away from our conversation so, now I'm being nosey. What are you and your brother doing that's sooo important?"

My eyes widened since I genuinely forgot about that.

After that moment we just had, I'm not sure if I really want to lie.

I sighed. "We're going to do...Okay, we're going to steal an important item from a bunch of rich people."

She raised a brow and Jorja opened one eye.

"Alone?" Sza asked.

I gulped and shook my head. "Nor-Aphrodite is coming too."

Jorja instantly sat up as Sza nodded.

"Well, Aphrodite should protect-"

"No," Jorja scoffed. "Did you not hear what she said? Just because you can trust Aphrodite doesn't mean she's actually trustworthy."

I chuckled and shook my head. "Oh my Bob, if you two were my parents you would definitely be the mom and Sza would be the fun dad."

Sza chuckled and nodded. "Right, Jorja trust me okay? Aphrodite won't let anything happen to Y/n."

Jorja clenched her jaw. "Let me come with-"

I reached forward and cupped her cheeks. "You don't have to be so protective."

She rolled her eyes. "Well I wasn't protective enough last time and you died," she smacked my hands away and stood. "What don't you two understand? You act like my overprotectiveness is unjustifiable when she literally died. Sza we got a second chance and you're just letting her do whatever."

Sza sighed. "Then-"

"No. Don't Thena me please."

I stood up and sighed gently grabbing her fingertips. "Question. How did I die?"

Jorja scoffed and frowned. "You remember."

I nodded. "I died trying to protect you two, shouldn't that say something about what you're doing now?"


"Look, I get it. You don't want to lose me again but, when you try too hard to protect others you end up getting hurt."

"Then let me," she rolled her eyes. "At least you wouldn't die."

I smiled softly and pulled her closer. "Don't be selfish Jorja," I shook my head. "Care about me, that's fine but, don't overdo it. Like you said you two got a second chance and so did I. Getting that chance wasn't for nothing."

She bit her lip and looked down before meeting my eyes. "Okay but," she came closer. "You have to promise you won't die from anything other than old age."

I chuckled and shook my head. "Jorja shit happens I'm human- I could have a heart attack at fifty-"

"Okay fine then...Promise you won't leave me anytime soon."

Can I promise that?

Yeah...I'm pretty sure I'll make it to at least forty...thirty-five.

"I promise." I held out my pinky and she quickly wrapped hers around it.

She kissed her thumb and I kissed mines. We pressed them together before pressing our lips together.

I slowly pulled away and Jorja sighed. "Okay."


She opened her eyes and nodded. "Yeah just...Be careful okay?"

I nodded. "I will."

My phone pinged and I looked back at Sza. She looked down at my phone. "Adam."

I nodded. "I have to go."

Sza stood and walked over to us. She placed her hand on Jorja's shoulder before leaning up and pecking my lips. "Like she said, be careful. I love you."

I nodded. "I love you too," I looked at Jorja. "Can we say see you later like normal just this once?"

Jorja smiled softly and closed the gap between us as she wrapped her arms around me. I wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her cheek.

"I love you."

She looked up at me and smiled softly. "I love you too."

I pecked her lips and smiled.

Fuck am I lucky.


I yawned and rubbed my eyes as I pushed Normani off of my shoulder.

She jumped and her eyes snapped open before she glared at me. "Why the hell did we come so early?"

Adam shook his head. "It's ten?"

"Yeah but, I've been up since four." I mumbled.

"Big whoops, I've been up since three." Normani grumbled.

"Wooow you want a cookie?"

She jumped at me and I flipped her off.

"Nobody told you two to be up early. Y/n you could've talked to Sza and Jorja last night and Normani...That just sounds like a you problem." He shrugged typing on his phone.

He's been really into his phone lately.

Normani scoffed and crossed her arms. "I was excited, it's been a while since I've been out in the real world."

He nodded and continued typing. "Wow."

I squinted. "Wow, I just saw tinker bell."

Normani gasped. "Where?" I raised a brow at her. "What?"

I nodded over towards Adam who didn't reply as he smiled down at his phone.

Normani looked back at me. "So...no tinker bell?"

I rolled my eyes. "No dummy."

She pouted. "Asshole."

I chuckled slightly and looked at Adam. "Hey Adam, I think my period just started."

"Huh? Yeah um, we're almost there."

Normani hummed. "Adammmm, Y/n told me you wanted to be my Saltine...I have some Tuna for you to scoop with that cracker."

"Yup, sleep is key."

My eyes widened as I slowly looked at Normani. She met my eyes and shrugged. "What?"

"Fishy pussy?"

She frowned. "What no? I just thought we were saying shit that isn't possible."

I raised a brow.

"Nigga my pussy not fishy."

"I don't know, that dress you got on not holding in any type of smell."

She smacked my arm. "Miss me with that...Your balls probably smell like salty meat sacks."

I looked down and hummed as I tried to imagine what that would smell like.

That was pretty specific.

I shook my head. "Shut up," I looked back at Adam. "Brother?"

He looked up from his phone. "Huh?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

His cheeks turned red as he quickly put his phone away. "Wha-Wha no- oh look we're here."

The limo came to a stop and he quickly climbed out as Normani and I chuckled.

"He's definitely getting some."

I nodded as I climbed out. "Hopefully it's not fishy like yours."

She smacked my butt causing me to jump. I turned around glaring at her as she climbed out.

She winked at me. "You kinda thick-"

"Shut up."

"Guys," we looked at Adam. "Come on."

We rushed over to him and then the three of us started in. I smiled at the security guards as Adam flashed them a card causing them to step away from the door.

We walked in and down the steps. Adam looked back at us and raised a brow. "Everybody ready?"

Normani shrugged. "It's only two of us you didn't have to say-"

I clicked her ear before nodding. "Yeah."

He sighed and shook his head. "God help us all."

I glanced at Normani who looked down. Looking back at Adam I frowned at him and he grimaced.

"I forgot." He mouthed and I just rolled my eyes. He cleared his throat. "Ummm, let's go." He pushed the door open and we walked in.

We were immediately greeted with the sound of chatter, laughter, and music.

Adam nodded and headed off in one direction as Normani and I started towards a table.

You think he can get back there?

Definitely, he's slick.

"Drinks ladies?" A bartender stood by the table.

Normani smiled at him and took a glass. "Thank you."

He smiled at her and walked away.

I scoffed. "He didn't wait for me to grab a drink."

She smirked. "Because you're not beautiful."

I smacked my lips. "Bitch, I'm gorgeous."

She hummed and took a sip of the champagne. "He doesn't think so."

I rolled my eyes and looked towards the back seeing two guards blocking it like Adam said.

I huffed. "I'm ready to fight."

She gripped my bicep and shook her head. "Be patient, you'll get your fight."

I looked down at her hand and then slowly met her eyes. I cleared my throat and quickly looked away.

She chuckled and moved her hand. "You think he's in now?"

"Ummm," I watched as the lights dimmed and the announcer walked out. "There's our answer."

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We have many rare and important collectibles for sell this morning. Are you all ready?!"

Everyone cheered and clapped.

"What? Just because the announcer is out on stage?" Normani asked.

"Yup, that announce is the most important person in this room. If Adam wasn't in the vault he would've been caught by now. And if he was caught there would be no way they'd let that man out on stage."

"Now, we usually start off small but, tonight we'll be starting off with the most important item."

She hummed and sat down her glass. "You two are smart."

I smiled slightly. "I guess we are," I looked over at her. "Okay, you can do your thing now."

She shook her head. "Not until he looks at me."

I huffed. "Well, be sexy so he can look over here."

"Ummm, I already am."

"The first item is a rare and very real Minotaur hand."

My eyes widened and I nudged Normani. "You have to hurry."

This was supposed to be the last item, what the hell?

He looked around and smirked.

"You can't be too predictable at these things, especially since we may have a mole tonight."

Everyone looked around and talked all at once.

"No worries, we'll handle them."

He looked in our direction.

"The darkweb sees all after al-"

He suddenly stopped and Normani hit my arm. "I got him, hurry and go. Make sure your brother is okay."

I looked back at the announcer to see him standing as he stared off into space.

I quickly walked away from the table and towards the door.

I heard the crowd gasp and I looked back onto the stage to see the announcer slowly raise the microphone.

The guards at the door rushed over to the stage.

The announcer brought the microphone down hard and hit the top of his head, then he did it again, and again, and again before he collapsed to the ground.

The crowd was now in uproar as people began to scatter. I jogged towards the door and quietly pushed it open.

I walked into the room and noticed the vault open. "Shit."

I started over to the vault but, the hairs on the back of my neck stood causing me to quickly turn around and dive to the side as a big ass axe hit the ground where I was standing.

I slowly looked up the axe and at a big ass- Minotaur?


He growled and pulled the axe out the ground before raising it over his head.

He swung it down again and I rolled out of the way before jumping up.

Of fuck fuck fuck.

He looked over at me and pulled the axe out of the ground again before running towards me.

Scariest shit ever.

I didn't know how to react or what to do but, somehow my body did.

He swung the axe horizontally and I leaned back on some matrix shit. I watched as the axe swung over my face before I laid my hands flat onto the ground and lifted my legs sending a kick to the Minotaurs stomach.

He stumbled back with a groan allowing me to stand straight before jumping up and sending three punches to his face while still in the air. He stumbled back with each blow.

As I went to land my head snapped to the right as I noticed his fist coming towards my side.

My eyes widened and he hit me before I could react.

The hit was powerful, so powerful that it sent me flying across the room as my side burned. I flew back and grimaced as I landed on a glass case causing it to shatter.

I groaned and rubbed my side as the hairs on the back of my neck stood again. I sat up slightly as saw the Minotaur charging towards me again.

I quickly looked around and noticed a sword on my left. I quickly grabbed it just as the Minotaur got to me.

I quickly rolled over and placed one hand onto the ground as I pushed up while simultaneously kicking my foot out. I sent a spin kick to the hand holding the axe sending his arm to the side.

I then pushed myself to stand up before swinging the sword at his head. He stepped back and swung at me causing me to jump back. He then swung again and again making me constantly jump back.

I reached behind me with the sword and heard the sword hit metal.

A pole.

I nodded and turned around sprinting towards the pole as I heard the Minotaur run after me growling.

I reached the pole and threw the sword up high before I wrapped my hands around the pole and spun around it.

He got to me just in time for me to send a kick to his face.

(I can't find any accurate gifs so I'll use the closes anime gifs to portray what I want. Bear with me.)

He fell back and I reached up catching the sword before charging at him. I jumped up and swung the sword at his neck.

Blood sprayed everywhere as his head disconnected from the rest of his body.

I panted and held the sword up looking at it.

"Fuck me." I shook my head and started towards the vault. Walking in I spotted Adam getting his ass whooped.

Not actually but, it was five guys so I had to help.

I cleared my throat causing everyone to stop and look at me before I raised a brow.

"Come on guys, where's my love?"

One of the men nodded at me causing three men to charge at me.

I gripped the sword- feeling like it was a part of me. And then I attacked. After killing the first three I charged at the fourth guy.

I looked at the last guy who was watching me with wide eyes. I slowly started towards him and he held his hands up.

"P-Please don't I-I have a family."

I tilted my head before looking behind him at Adam. Adam snarled his lip and pressed his pocket knife against the guy's neck before slicing through it.

The man dropped to the ground gripping his neck as Adam stood over him. "Shouldn't have spit on me bitch."

The man's hands fell to the side as he died.

Adam looked at me as I looked at him. "Nice sword."

"Thanks, you got the hand?"

He nodded towards the bag on the floor. "Got it-"

"Woah Y/n are you okay?" Normani rushed to me and placed her hand on my bleeding stomach.

I grimaced as the adrenaline of the fight started to wear off and all the pain I was in became prominent.

"Uh," I groaned. "I'm cool."

She shook her head. "Let's get you out of here. I cleared out all the guards out there."

I nodded and leaned onto the sword as I felt my legs get weak.

"Here," Adam said as he grabbed the bag. "We got you."

Normani grabbed my free arm and threw it over her shoulder as Adam grabbed my other one and threw it over his shoulders.

We started out of the vault and out of the building passing a bunch of dead guys that Normani handled.

"Well, this was a fun date guys."

Adam chuckled. "Glad you liked it:"

Normani shook her head. "Man, I seriously can't with you."

I smiled slightly and looked at the sword that was gripped in my hand.

What an eventful morning.


Question that's not important or anything, just curious...

Who do you all like the most?

Sza or Jorja?

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