Friends With The Bad Boy

By Jojoestiel

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Good girl Hailey arrives in town ready to have a new start with her mom but as you know fate has a weird way... More

Relax, Gonzalez......
You are a boy magnet....
Finally Liam and hailey....
...... damn hot looks!
..... see you never
Sure, I understand
.... that was on purpose
a fucking bucket....
... looked like a caged puma
A girl punched me...
..... Liam was a lying bastard
.....what's in it for you
......she whoops my ass
... locked up in here with them
we did it..... they are kissing
You're... mean are always grumpy like Gru in Despicable me
Are you asking me out?
... a hard nut to crack
... old Hailey is back!
..... you like Jake
.... Puberty I guess?
.... don't stoop to his level
Don't do this...
I have to talk to him
leaving him is hard...
I don't get it, Hailey..
Is she happy
friends? you
...she's mine
mom's boyfriend is home!
Jake Reeves is my son
give each other some space
put his ass in the slammer

A fresh start

1K 101 135
By Jojoestiel

Author's note
Thanks to y'all who gave my story a shot. Frankly, I finally mastered some courage to actually publish my own story, so this is huge for me.

Don't know about the rest but I've always been the addicted reader who's been reading books all her life but never got the courage to publish her own🙈🙈😳. Why you ask?  Because I thought I didn't have it in me to even write!!

I know I'm not the only one here, so no one should judge me🤫🤫but I'm here to tell you we are all different in one way or another and each one of us have unique and wild imaginations, so for those who've wrapped themselves in their small cocoon, get out there, unleash your imagination, get some courage and publish your own book!!!😄😄

Ps: I'm always open to suggestions on this book, so drop your thoughts as much as you can.......

But please take it easy on me, this story may have some grammatical errors

So here I was a fresh new start,new friends, new school. I completely understood my mother's decision on moving away to California, after all dad had cheated on her and he had the nerve to ask for forgiveness after 20 years of marriage so yeah I was cool.

Now here I was, walking my way down the halls of East wood high to the principal's office. Yeah after the secretary asked me a couple of questions I entered the principal's office.

I remembered clearly my mum's words,"Hailey be on your best behavior while talking to the principal, after all you want to make a good first impression"

So despite his shiny bald head, and his glasses which were slightly falling off his nose...I sat there smiling alot and answered a couple of questions and finally the old man stood up and said,"Nice to have you here,Miss Gonzalez,I'll just call someone to help you around."

"Thank you" I said and after a while a brunette girl knocked and escorted me out.
"So my name is Elizabeth Delgado, what's yours?"
She said directing her hand at me.

"Um,Hailey..Hailey Gonzalez, nice to meet you Elizabeth" from the way this was going I could tell I'd definitely want to be friends with her I mean she was friendly and all, to top it off no bitchy attitude.

She cut me off my thoughts when she said,"No need to be formal, my friends call me Zee, I never did like the name Elizabeth anyway, it's too brit"she  laughed and I laughed with her because the name didn't really suit her.

"So this ain't what I was expecting but the school is nice," I said this in the best way I knew how , I didn't want to lose the only friend I had made so far.

"Yeah once you get used to everything'll fit in just fine"she assured me.

"I've got a class right about now,so shall we get to it,I'll escort you to your class"

"Yeah sure,thanks Zee for everything"So on reaching the classroom's door I bid her ado before opening the door.

Next thing I knew , my legs were woobly from all the people's stares , I mean who would have thought that a class would have this many students, much less all eyes on me.

"Class, I would like to introduce you to Miss Hailey Gonzalez I expect you to treat her accordingly"the middle aged teacher then directed me to a nearby chair.

So I'm practically walking my way to my desk when my face hit the floor, hard. Then I heard a girlish giggle then, "How's the view from down there,redhead?"

And the whole class burst into laughter as I tried to stand up without getting humiliated, but you know what, I was used to this and I should have seen that coming.

Despite everything , the teacher , did nothing and instead acted as if everything was fine.
And please redhead is too cliche , yeah did I forget to mention I had ginger red hair , that's the one thing I got from my dad that I was actually grateful for.

So I was removing my books when I heard a male voice beside me,"I'm sorry about that, you'll get used to her, she does that to all newbies"right? so my mind was actually telling me that these were one of those male dudes in school who  were bullied alot , geeks and all that weird stuff.

Actually I was in great shock on seeing  the boy seated next to me..I mean the perfectly blonde hair, the green emerald eyes but there was no way I'd let him see me ogling at him, I've seen better I  said this as I laughed at myself.

"Yeah, I'm cool thanks"I managed to say as I looked away from him.

"It's Jake by the way,Jake Reeves"

"Hailey Gonzalez"is all I managed to say before the teacher started the lesson. So far so good , I didn't know about the rest but I was currently enjoying the lesson until we were rudely interrupted by a standing figure at the door.

"Mr Liam Lopez, this is the fifth time you come to my class late,this is the last draw young man, to the principal's office"and of course there he was standing as the girls were gawking at him, your typical bad boy ,lanky, black haired, tall,lean and of course the hazel brown eyes!

Looking straight into the teacher's eyes he said in a raspy voice "Mr Collins,need I remind you who my dad is?"

And just like that he went straight to his seat , I mean the nerve of this dude but then again all bad boys were like that . After the long class we had with Mr.Collins , it was finally lunch and I couldn't wait to find Zee.

Then the unexpected happened I mean Jake approached me,"Um,Hailey since you new and everything you can have lunch with me"as much as I was flattered there was no way I'd have lunch with him ,I mean guys you just met can be dangerous, pretenders even , and I was not ready for another hell of a show starring me...

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Jojoestiel 🍂

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