The will of the Gilbert's (An...

By calebdouglas74

16.5K 635 120

33 year old Brantley Gilbert is happy being away from the whole world. He likes being up on his mountain. Bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 35

208 11 1
By calebdouglas74

Etta's Wedding dress

Etta's Pov

I was still laying in bed on this great Friday morning. I'm so glad it's just my sisters, Aunt Luci, Dorothy Mae, Lydia, her youngest son Noah and I stayed with us for my last night because tomorrow is the big day. Today is the day. Today I leave my the name Ludwig behind and I become a Gilbert. This is the best day that I've had. But at the same time it's also my worst day. I've spent the last coupe of years taking care of my sisters and my pa after mama died. I just wish her and pa were here with me on my wedding day. All little girls need there pa's walk them down the aisle on there wedding day or having their mama help them get ready. No not me or my sisters. But I will be there for my sisters on there big day. 

I looked over at the window saw the sun was already in the sky. I moved the blanket and sheet off my body. I looked over at my bed and saw Alifair and Cora Lynn still sleeping. Last night since Lydia and Noah stayed with us, the girls let her have there room so we all slept in ma and pa's room. After today this bedroom will be mine and Dylan's room. After pa died Dylan moved in here with us, but he slept out in the barn. I told him he could stay in ma and pa's room, but he wanted too wait for us too spend the night in there together. I still don't know how I got a great man like Dylan but I thank God everyday for him. 

I walked out of the bedroom and saw Lydia and Noah sitting at the kitchen table. I walked over too Lydia. I'm so glad that the good Lord blessed Lydia and Cap with 3 sons. Every time I look at Lydia or Cap they have the boys with them. The boys are so blessed too have new parents like them. I still don't understand why there pa ran off like that but I'm happy he did it right here in our small town. 

"Morning Etta." Lydia said too me. I smiled at her. 

"Morning. Morning Noah. How are you doing sweetie?" I asked my soon too be nephew. Noah had the biggest smile on his face. He is so cute. 

"What time is it?" I asked her. 

"It's only 7. We all slept in." Lydia said too me. I smiled at her. She is right. All of us girls was working on getting mama's wedding dress ready for me. If ma can't be here then I will wear her dress. I'm so glad that Lydia and Mrs. Gilbert was here too help me. 

"Is Aunt Luci still in bed." I asked Lydia. Aunt Luci has gotten up at 4:30 am everyday that I could remember. 

"Yes. And mama needs too sleep." Lydia said too me. I looked down at her. 

"I didn't make her work too hard did I. Please tell me I didn't. I have even gotten married into the family and Aunt Luci already hates me. Lydia, what should I do?" I asked her. 

"You need too calm down. Mama is fine. And ma loves all of you girls. In fact it was mama who taught Dylan how too dance for the barn raisin we had---" I cut Lydia off. 

"Old Mr. Fuller's." I asked her.

"That's the one." Lydia told me. I smiled back at that memory. Had so much fun with Dylan. Dancing, talking and that was the night I fell in love with Dylan Percival Gilbert.

"That was the first time Dylan and I danced together." I told her. 

"I know Dylan begged mama too teach him so she did. All because he told her he wanted too dance with you and you only." Lydia said too me. I smiled at her. 

"We spent all night dancin together. That was also the night I was going too marry Dylan. And here I am 3 years later." I said too Lydia. 

"Dylan only has eyes for you. Dalton was wild and girl crazy. Not Dylan. No he wanted you and only you." Lydia said too me. I smiled at her. 

"I'm scared." I said to to her. I sat down at the kitchen table. Lydia took my hand and gave me a big smile. 

"He is scared as much as you are. Maybe a little bit more." Lydia said too me. 

"No not my Dylan. Look at him. He's not scared of nothing." I told Lydia. She gave me smile.

"I think you are wrong Etta." Lydia told me. I looked right in her eyes. 

"How do you know Lydia?" I asked her. Before Lydia could say a word I heard someone behind me.

"Because he's a Gilbert." I heard Aunt Luci say from behind me. I looked over at her. 

"What do you mean by that Aunt Luci?" I asked her. Aunt Luci sat next too me. 

"Honey, every woman is scared there first time, but Dylan is not like most men. He's kind. Sweet and he was raised right. So you don't need too be scared. Because he is way more scared then you are. He's been talking too his pa about this." Aunt Luci said too me. I was looking down at the table. 

"Will I be a good wife too him Aunt Luci?" I asked her. Aunt Luci gave me a hug. 

"I know you will be. Even if I was looking for a wife for my son I would have picked you. Family or not." Aunt Luci said too me. I smiled at her. I'm so glad I have Aunt Luci. After mama died I spent so many hours talking too her and Lydia. 

"Thank you. Both of you. Ever since ma died I've been running too both of you for questions and how too do this? And I'm sorry and I'll try better." I told them. Aunt Luci and Lydia just looked at me. 

"Etta, I'm a grown woman that has been married for 5 years and I still ask mama questions from cooking too raising my boys too how to deal with a husband. So please don't be afraid too ask us questions." Lydia said too me. 

"A mother's job is too teach her children how too take care of themselves. Too love her children from the bad in the world. We are only here for a short time. I wish my mama was still here. I was only your age when my mama died. I had no one for 2 years. You have a big family behind you. So this is going too be a good day. Your mama is looking down and she don't want you too be sad on your big wedding day." Aunt Luci said too me. I wiped my tears away. 

"I love you Aunt Luci. You too Lydia." I said too them. They was both smiling and crying with me. 

"We love you too Etta. You, Alifair and little Cora Lynn will always be family. When Brantley and I moved here your ma was so in love your pa, Sally would go on for hours about her love too this big German man. Silly thing was we both needed each other. You know Aunt Sally watched you Lydia for a few times when you was baby." Aunt Luci said too Lydia and myself. 

"And you took Etta when she was baby so Aunt Sally and uncle Otto could sleep." Lydia said too me. I looked at over at Aunt Luci. 

"Let's just say you had your days and night mixed up for the first 3 months of your life. So I took you for 2 days and I got you on the right schedules for you and your folks." Aunt Luci said too me. I smiled at her. 

"Thank you for telling me all of this. And I love hearing the stories about you and ma and uncle Brantley and pa, I just wish they was here right now." I said too Aunt Luci. 

"I do too honey." Aunt Luci said too me. She was holding me. She kissed the top of my head. I may not have ma and pa here with me right now, but having Aunt Luci, uncle Brantley, Lydia and Cap with all of the Gilbert and Anderson's kids with my sisters will be enough. Ma and pa are both watching out for us. 

"Now how about we get ready for your big day." Aunt Luci said too me. I smiled at her. 

"Let's do it." I said to Aunt Luci and Lydia. Today by noon I will become Mrs. Dylan Percival Gilbert. After our wedding Dylan and I are going too come back too the cabin. Just us. Alifair and Cora Lynn are staying the night with Lydia, Cap and their boys. Here in a few hours I'll be apart of this big family. Mama and pa are here with me in my heart. Just like I know Dylan is thinking of his twin brother Dalton today. Wish he was here with all of us as well. 

"Come on bride too be, you need to take a bath, then we need too do you hair and your make up. Then we need too get you ready. Oh love is in the air today." Lydia said too Aunt Luci and myself. I smiled at her. 

"Well come on then." I said too my new sister in law. 


Dylan's Pov 

I was sitting at the kitchen table at ma and pa's house. I still can't believe here in a few I'm going too marry the woman of my dreams. I still can't believe this is happening. After today my world is going too change for the best. Yes sir. I am marrying my best friend. I took another sip of my coffee when I heard my brothers talking. I've been staying over at the Ludwig farm since Otto passed on, and yes I do see my pa and my brothers at work a few times a week and we have Sunday dinner's together but I miss them. I've been missing Dalton a lot in these pass few weeks. But what he keeps writing me he is doing okay. I still pray for him. But today is mine and Etta's day. Yes sir. After today that tiny woman is all mine. I can't wait too be the man that she needs in her life. 

"Are you ready for tonight son." I looked up and saw pa and Cap walking into the kitchen. I looked at Cap. 

"Yes I am. I'm nervous is that normal pa." I asked my father 

"Yeah. I mean I wasn't, but I knew your mama was scared when we got married." Pa told me. I smiled at him. 

"Of course you and Etta known each other for years. Luci and old man here just meet when they got married." Cap told us. 

"Son, you love Etta don't you." Pa asked me. How could he ask me that. Of course I do. I'll take a bullet for anyone in my family, but this small gal that I love she is the best. 

"Yes sir. More then you will ever know." I told my pa. Pa smiled at me. 

"Then you have nothing too be nervous about son. Love making comes in different ways. But just remember these sage words. Tell her you love her everyday. Be a good man. Remember too listen and you might be the man of the house but the wives run the family." Pa told me. He is right and I knew that. I just hope I'm half the husband that my pa is my my mama. 

"Plus it's a good thing Etta is on the cute side." Cap said too me. I looked at him. 

"Why are you even talkin? Your and old married man now." I said to my brother in law. 

"Yes I am ad I wouldn't change that for nothing. Nothing at all. I love my girl and my sons. Best thing I ever did was get a job for your pa. Thank you sir for allowing me too love and marry your daughter." Cap said too my pa. Pa smiled at Cap. Over the years Cap and pa have went from working together to friends to being in laws. Lydia is happy with her life with Cap and I know Cap is happy with his life. That's all he talks about. 

"Well son we better get ready." Pa said too me walking out of the kitchen. I took my last drink of coffee before I went up to my old room so I can get ready for today. Only in a few more hours I'll be married. It's a new start in my life. Only time will tell for my family. But the one thing that will never change is my love too Etta Lucille Ludwig soon to be Gilbert. 

By the time pa, Cap, and all the boys got too the church Ma and Lydia and Etta and the children was here. Some of our friends and neighbors were all here. We all walked in and Cap and I walked too the front of the church. Pa is walking Etta down the aisle. 

"Dylan, are you ready too see your wife too be." Rev. Mueller asked me. I smiled at him. 

"More then you know sir." I said to my family friend. Cap has the rings for us. So all I need is my girl. Mrs. Sims was playing the piano when I saw mama, pa and Etta walking in. I began to cry. They was walking closer too me. All I could do is just look at this beautiful woman that I get too call my wife, my love, my everything. 

"Today we are here too see the love that these young people have on each other. Since it's already hot we will get this done. I've smell your mama's cooking and we all know we love Mrs. Gilbert cooking." Rev. Mueller said. We all laughing because it's all true. Mama and aunt Sally was the best cooks around. And that was all due with there mama's teaching them and because of Maw. I'm glad she is still here with all of us. 

"Etta, do you take this man as your husband. Too love him, too be with him from this day on under God." Rev. Mueller asked Etta. Etta wiped her eyes. 

"I do." She said in a big smile. 

"Do you Dylan take this woman as your wife. Too love her, too be with her from this day on under God?" Re. Mueller asked me. 

"Yes sir I do." I said too him. 

"Well, for the first time---" I couldn't wait any more. 

"Come here darlin." I said too my wife. I pulled her up too my level so I can kiss her the right way. 

"Well Mr. and Mrs. Dylan and Etta Gilbert everyone." Rev. Mueller said. 

"I love you Etta. So much." I said too my wife. 

"And I do love you too Dylan. Kiss me again." Etta said to me. I smiled down at her. 

"Don't worry darlin you will be kissed like that all the time from this day until the day I die." I said to my wife. I don't know who is more happy me or my girl Etta. But as I was looking around the church I knew I made  the right choice on marrying her. Look at her. She is everything and much more and I get her all too myself. 









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