By Anakinkwhorehouse

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You are a new knight of ren, the most ruthless knight of any generation , named "bloodhound" officially, and... More



681 29 40
By Anakinkwhorehouse

The weapon pulled itself out from the body and into it's owners hands. "Kept you waiting, huh?", His vocabulator let out a chuckle. You squinted your eyes, shaking your head as if you were hallucinating. "Vicrul?.", you stammered.
"Can we talk later?, I have a revenge to seek", Vicrul jerked his head at the nearing attacker's.

"Get in line", you retracted your helmet, your eyes never ceased to surprise him. Vicrul faced the opposite from where you were facing. Your backs colliding with each other. He turned his head slightly, meeting his shoulders. You did the same, nodding. The men raised their weapons high; darting towards you. They let their fear of death dictate their actions. How weak.

Two Guavians on each side, charging their fists. You set Fury on your back. Your force pushed one, high up into the air. The second guard gained ground. You crossed your arms into a 'X', when the Guavian walloped with great force. Catching his fists before he could concuss you. He pulled at his arm, moronically. You jerked your head at him, reminding him that he had a free hand. The idiot shaked his head but before he could make use of his other hand, you snapped his neck to the side while he was in the midst of what look like a existential crisis.


Vicrul saved your ass yet again, halfway into the massacre. "I had that under control", you weren't sure if you were trying convince Vicrul or yourself.
"Yeah, I Bet", the grenade head scoffed as his scythe plunged into one of Oga's men. Your hair was now flowing from the previously tightly done Dutch braid. You looked around to make sure, the men were safe before you heard Vicrul grunting, blade meeting blade with his opponent. "Isn't it ironic?. How Cardo brought a weird gun to a knife fight".
You snickered under your breathe.
"You are aware that I can hear the both of you, right? ", Cardo spoke into your minds.
"Who are we kidding, Kuruk brought a literal gun", you chuckled.
"Watch it, I just saved your lives", Kuruk warned.
"Wait, what?... When?", You looked at the distant trees. Then, you heard it, a bullet flying by you, few inches away from your hair. "There", you could feel the sky expression on Kuruk's face. You returned the favour with a death stare, your eyes made it seem more diabolical than it's original intention. You heard a familiar groan. You pivoted on your heel, Kylo was swarmed by men. Though, he managed to fight some of them off. There was one adamant soldier. Trudgen bent his figure as you looked over to him. You ran to him, holding Fury between both your hands. Readying your arms for the powerful cut it was about to deliver. Your feet landed on Trudgen's back, he catapulted you into the air time as you flew closer to the man on top of Kylo. You sliced the attacker with one swift slash. The blood gushed on to Kylo's body. You fell on his body, knees resting by his hips. For a moment, you were enchanted by the amber eyes behind those terrifying visors . It instantly made you insecure about the dark ones that he saw. He must've heard your thoughts when placed his gloved hand on your cheek. "Beautiful", he whispered. In a moment of sheer panic, you averted your gaze from his heavenly ones. You quickly shot up from him, and held out a hand to him, a gesture of 'you're welcome' .

You and Kylo went your ways, the viscous attack from your blades, caused many to cower before their inevitable death. Kylo became more aggressive after the moment you both shared.


"WHERE IS BALA TIK?!", Kross screamed with great power as he held Wraith to the last man's throat. You noticed how your voices changed when your eyes did. They were yours but amplified to sound more demonic as if both the chords in you, chimed together to produce such horrific screeches.
You were kicked out of your trance as Ushar nudged you forward to question the man. Vicrul had beaten him to a pulp, worse than what they did to him back in Nar Shaddaa and threw him to Kross. The man knew the fate that awaited him would be ten times worse if he didn't cooperate. Yet, he hesitated. "Fine", you exasperated. "I'll do it myself", you placed a palm on his forehead. His head facing upwards.

He howled in agony as you and the knights got to work. You and the boys opened a doorway to the Guavians mind. This method of extraction was Kylo's area of expertise. He stepped in with great enthusiasm. You bit your cheeks, suppressing smirk as he did so. Outstretching his hand, his fingers were far apart. It took the man, a few moments before Kylo tore through the weak walls in his mind. You could feel and hear everything Kylo sensed. Once, he was content with information he had collected, he was about to withdraw his hand when you stopped it by placing a hand on his elbow. His eyes met your dark ones, once again. "Push further", you ordered. You could feel his anger rising at your demanding tone. His jaw tensed at you words. But he followed it nonetheless. The man was begging for his death, you could sense the sadistic pleasure emitting from Vicrul and Ushar. Torture was their job and they loved it.

Kylo pushed in more, this time in to the man's hidden memories. Screams tore through his lungs. You couldn't blame him, his weakness was being exploited. Something he buried deep within, now hung in the air. His ashen face was a proof of what he was experiencing. Kylo pulled away in an instant. Your feet carried you closer to him. The sound of dagger swishing alerted him. You could sense all that he felt. Horror, fear and disgust. What stood out was regret. Regret, a word that rarely existed in your world. Its as if the word held no meaning, just a letters thrown around producing a symbol of dread.

Somewhere deep within you, kept telling you to have mercy. "What would little Roxy think of daddy's endeavors when she finds out, hm?", clearly you kicked the good in you back to where it belonged. In a place of neglect. You killed the honor in you. Your gloved fingers ran along the sharp edges of the blade.

"You wouldn't-", he voice broke. You looked over your shoulders; nodding at Cardo. He takes off with Trudgen towards the market. You shift your focus back to the Guavian.
"Oh, but I would", your corners of your lips curled upwards to the softest of sinister smirks. You brought the dagger closer to the skin on his neck. Drawing a thin, small line across his flesh. You were slowly and steady, the cut was so straight, its as if it was almost done by a surgeon's hand. You the slowly trailed the dagger upwards against his skin, stopping at his. "Unless, you tell me where Bala Tik is", you whispered inches away from his shuddering breath. "Please no, he'll hurt me, you don't know how dangerous he can be", he stuttered, lips quivering.

"My love", you fixed your stance. Bringing your lips closer to his ears, just so your message can be loud and clear. "From what you've seen, here. Are you sure, a mere human is the biggest of your worries?", you scoffed.
"He will kill you for this", the man warned. "Funny, I'm going to do the same thing", you scrunched your nose.

You turned your head slowly as Cardo and Trudgen threw a woman holding a child tight in her arms.
"Ah, and who do we have here?", you played with the dagger on your palms before placing it back into its bed, while you hopped towards the woman and crouched; the light snow creating whirlpools under your boots. You laced your fingers under her chin, lifting her head up. "Hm, I wonder", you sighed heavily, scanning her features. She was young, way too young to be married; around your age. This wasn't the woman from his memories. Fear orbited around her ocean blue eyes. You were surprised to see no creases at the corners of her lips. Sadness masked her delicate skin like a dark cloud hovering above, only her. Her features beared stark resemblance to yours. You could tell that she derived of joy.

She shaked her head under your touch, bringing more hair to cover her left eye. You squinted your eyes, when a small mark of black and purple caught your eyes.

"What is that?", your voice turned back to its original. You gingerly brushed her back, she winced at the touch. "Roxy dont say anything!-", the man scolded, you sharply turned yout head. Kross immediately clobbered him to silence, his back slid onto the ground.

You returned your fingers; pushing her platinum hair delicately behind her ear. A fresh bruise came in to view. You were taken aback by how dark it was. You blinked profusely at the sight, your eagle vision arose. You scanned every pary of her upper body until you reached the lower. Her inner thighs were badly beaten. Her vulva was brutalized. You blinked away the vision and cupped her cheeks. She was struggling to hold back the tears forming at the ducts from the care you provided. You understood that he life so far was that of absolute cruelty . "Did you he do this to you?", you searched her eyes as it held it's gaze to the ground in shame. "Is he your father?", you asked her, she nodded whimpering. "Is that..", the words that left your lips caused chills down your spine. "Is he, the father?", you pointed at the child. She nodded again.

The knights stepped back at her answers, clearly bewildered. They looked at you as you rose up; giving you their blessing to wreak havoc. Your eyes returned to its black shade. Kylo's anger fueled yours more. All the energy you felt around you was pure disgust and hatred and you fed off it. You crept up to the man as he cowered in fear. You grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked it back. He groaned in response. "So you like forcing yourself upon young girls huh?", your knees resting beside his thighs. You were on too of him. "Hurting those who stand no chance against you, hearing their cries and pleads for you to stop", your hands traveled to his cheeks. Fingers digging into them. "That's what gets you going right?", you yanked his head back harder. "ANSWER ME!", a bellow of anger coarse through the words.
The man looked to his side at the volume of your cry.

"Puh....please. You can take her", he raised his hands infront of his face. Shielding himself from staring in your monstrous eyes.

"Wrong answer", you raised a dagger above your head and drove it-
"STOP!!!", Roxy screamed. The dagger only a inch away from penetrating the man's heart. You stopped dead. She shivered as she straightened her posture. "I'll do it", she cleared her throat. You took her words into deep consideration. But before you could answer, the dagger went flying to Kylo's gloves. Your eyes followed the blade. He handed the blade to Roxy, who claimed it with shaky hands, placing the youngling on Trudgens arms. He hesitated it at first but had quickly gotten comfortable with the child.
"Master", you stomped towards Kylo. "She's but a kid".
"So are you", his cold voice remained unphased. You tried thinking of words to counteract his response. But all that left, your lips were whimpers and huffs. Oh, he was so going to pay for that.
Roxy eagerly walked over to her father's paralysed body. Kylo's doing.

You stepped forward, crouching. Finally accepting that there was no way around this, no loophole. The girl had her mind set on being the one to taker her abuser's life. You understood how she felt, that is why you were going to teach her the ways in which she could make him suffer.


"Careful now", you warned her. "We dont want to give him a quick death", you stopped her before she could advance further.

"The blade is quite sharp, it isn't just a tool. It's your shield, your guardian, your protector. Make her feel at home, respect her and she will flourish under your command", you traced the blade.

She fiddled with it, getting used to its weight. She nodded at you. You began to walk away.
"Please, dont do this. I can... I can tell you where Bala Tik is", he begged.
You pivoted on your heel. "Oh honey", you smirked. "We Already Know", you and the knights said in unison.

Roxy was ready but something didn't add up in your mind. You didn't want her to kill even though, you would've done the same. Maybe because you knew, what would happen after this, all too well. Your thoughts were broken by a sudden plead. "Please, you're my daug-", she sliced his throat with one swift movement. Blood spattered onto her dress and the hard gravel. She sat still as her fathers blood soaked her. She turned around, looking you dead in the eye, tears cascading down her flushed cheeks, lips parted. You gave her a curt nod. Reassuring her that you were with her. You couldn't help but smile when you sensed her relief. She shivered as she made her way to you. Holding the dagger delicately between her palms. She brought her hands forward. You slowly moved it away. She watched you in bewilderment. "Keep it, you need her more than I do. Besides I think she took quite a liking to you", you pet her hair. She rushed into your body, blood sticking to your armour. You stood very still, arms tight on your sides. Her hug didn't leave any space for you to return the same.

She soon realised how long she had been holding you. She backed away, swallowing thickly. "Go home, Roxy. No one will bother you now", you jerked your head at Trudgen, you placed a hand behind her back, instructing her forward. She dropped her gaze to the ground in sadness.

'Was she sad because she had to leave me?', you thought to yourself. A part of you was disappointed. Disappointed at the lack of time of you had with her. All you wanted was to teach her, guide her when no one could guide you.

You felt the chill of the snow touch your cheeks. You've been numb for so long, you hadn't realized how cold it was getting nor how icy your skin was to the touch. Your heart and the weather were one. Cold and unforgiving.

Your eyes wanderd at every corpse you've damned to hell with your weapons. How many fathers, brothers, sons and husband's, you and your men have taken. How much their families would miss seeing them come home just as you'd miss Kronix's presence. It was selfish but worth it. Your body grew tiresome from all the battles; the one with your mind and the other with the world. The galaxy is beyond repair and undeserving of the hope that some give it. Yet, here you are debating between freedom or order. If someone were to ask you, a month ago where your loyalties and beliefs lie. You'd pick the dark side in an blink of an eye. Now, every cell of your being is questioned. With Kronix's power coursing through your veins. Your journey for truth would come to an end. You weren't ready for it, even if it meant finding your true self. Because if you did, would you lose this version of your self. The version, you know have imprinted in your soul.
You needed to this to be over with. you needed to make sure, Kronix's honor and death would be avenged. You'd be Bala Tik's personal 'angel of death'.

You entered the empty Cantina before the men. The whistle of the blizzard echoed throughout the empty walls. You ran your fingers along the shelves behind the bar. Pulling out every drink, reading their labels. "Hm, anyone here drinks mercury rather than an actual drink?", you asked; turning your head slightly over your shoulder. The men shook their heads to a 'No'. Kylo made his way to the stall. Cloak blowing back as his powerful strides wrestled with the wind. You quickly moved to the side, to avoid being pushed by his towering height. His gloved fingers curled behind his mask, taking it off with a familiar hiss. You immediately focused your eyes on the riddle at hand so as not to get distracted by the honey dew irises nor the plump lips that would be accentuated under the lightning. Luckily, the puzzle was hard to figure out; making it more challenging. After a couple minutes of studying the bottles, something clicked as you went back and forth with the empty shells beside the bottles. You looked at Kylo with excitement blooming in your eyes. He didn't look back.
"It's a Pattern", you uttered in unison with Kylo. Although he didn't turn to you, you knew he was impressed. The mercury bottles were misplaced to confuse any normal being but if brought together, it would represent the letter 'B' . Didn't matter if it signified Blutopian or Black spire.

The shelves were quite high. So you decided to work with the ones with in your reach pulling at them with absolute certainty. The puzzled had to done in an order. Once, the bottles were placed only the same ones on the top shelves were sitting idly to be arranged. You tried reaching for them, but to no avail. You huffed in frustration. Right then, you felt two large arms around your waist. You looked at Kylo in surprise, without warning, he hoisted you up with little difficulty. You didn't wait, eagerly putting the bottles back to its place. With a small click, the shelves moved inside slightly and then to the side. Kylo delicately placed you on the ground, you looked down at dark stairs and then back at Kylo, whose eyes never left your small figure. "After you", his hand gestured at the staircase.

This was it. Now, you could finally avenge your fallen friend.

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