"Final shot at love: The Unkn...

By MTWdays

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*Read "One last shot at love" first before reading this continuation book. Few months has passed and Rainbow... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Warning: Make out scene
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29: Path A
Chapter 30: Path A part 2
Chapter 31: Path B (Alternate)
Chapter 32: Path B part 2 (Alternative ending)

Chapter 23

667 21 113
By MTWdays

After a few hours has passed, I slowly opened my eyes, only to see a completly dark room with a light shining above me.

My head still hurts from the huge impact a while ago, but what shocked me the most is when I realized I was tied up in a chair.

The last thing I remember was getting hit in the head and the next thing I know is Im tied up in a chair, alone in a dark room..

Rd: "Ugh.. Pinkie? Are you there?!" I asked with pure fear in my voice.

"Finally! Your awake!"

My eyes widened in shock when a female voice replied back. Her voice was somehow familiar to me. It wasnt Pinkie.. It was-

"Heya Darling.."

Rd: "R-rarity!?"

I cant believe it.. It was her all along. My whole body was trembling in fear as she stepped out of the shadows, along with some few friends of hers.

Rd: "Spitfire.."

Sf: "Long time no see Dash." Spitfire grinned evilly.

Rd: "W-what the hell is going on?!"

R: "Just a little play date for us, Rainbow! You know I missed you and our friends right?"

Rd: "I thought you were killed Rarity! I- i heard a gunshot when someone called me.."

Sf: "And you for it, such an idiot as always Crash."

Rd: "Screw you Spitfire! I thought you were in suspension?!"

Sf: "I was but that doesnt means I can go out and help my new best friend have some fun."

Rd: "Y-you.. Two are working together?"

R: "Certainly darling!"

Rd: "Hold on.. How did you even know I was in here?! The only person who know my location was.." I started, glancing at the two maniacs. But when I finally realized it, it made shivers went down my spine. "Is my online fan.."

R: "Yeah, and that's me sweetie, Im the unknown user.."

No.. It was her all along. All this time I thought the unknown user was a fan from school, but it all makes sense now.. The unknown user knew the exact dates of me and Aj's marriage.. So does Rarity.

Rd: "Rarity.. You f*cking son of a b*tch.."

R: "Dont use such language dear, you know your sexy when you curse a lot but please save it for later." Rarity replied in a flirtatious tone.

Rd: "Your disgusting.. Both of you."

Sf: "But you made already made out with us remember?"

Rd: "And I regret it.. Every f*cking second of it."

R: "Aww poor Rainbow Dash will never change, you remember when you tried to court me back at highschool but I dint answered you? Well my answer now is yes Rainbow!"

Rd: "Hell no.. That was a long time Rarity and I was desperate for love then! I already have Applejack.. Wait.."

R: "What is it Darling?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

Rd: "I thought you liked Applejack.. Not me.. And if your not dead, then why the hell are you not in prison?!"

R: "First off all, Yeah I did liked Applejack back then but who needs that cowgirl when I have a much sexier person right in front of me?" She answered before she placed her hand on my neck, making its way down to my breast.

Rd: "B-back off sicko!" I growled as I tried to loosen the tight ropes surrounding me but it was too tight.

R: "No. Second, I actually bailed myself out a prison weeks ago so I had plenty of time to spy on you.."

Rd: "Rarity.. Your sick.. You need some f*cking help."

R: "Im perfectly fine Rainbow, thank you very much."

When I glanced around the slightly dark room, I realized that Pinkie was no where to be seen..

Rd: "Wait.. Where's Pinkie pie? What did you do to her?!"

Sf: 'Will you relax Dash? She's with Rarity's boyfriend." She answered, leaning on the wall Wall afterwards.

Rd: "You have a boyfriend?! Why obsess over me if you already have a boyfriend!"

R: 'Dont tell this to anyone but.. " she started while leaning closer to my ear which made me even more uncomfortable. "Im just using him just for this special moment."

Rd: "Please Rarity.. Let her go! You dont have to hurt our friends just hurt me instead!"

R: "Im not planning hurting both of you darling, well I might but Im still thinking about it but for now.." She answered, cupping my cheeks afterwards. "I just wanna play with you right now.." She continued, licking her lips seductively afterwards.

Rd: "Y-your sick Rarity.. I already have Applejack why cant you just leave me alone!" I cried as tears slowly drip down my face.

Suddenly, I heard a deep male voice yelled out Spitfire's name. Its the same voice I heard in the call but its somehow lighter.

"Spitfire I need you back here!".

Sf: "Welp that's my cue, have fun you two." Spitfire lastly said before running into the darkness.

It was just me and Rarity alone in the room, my body was still trembling with fear, not knowing what Rarity is capable of doing.

My eyes widened in shock when the psycho started to remove her shirt, revealing her bra and a gunshot wound in the stomach.

Rd: "R-rarity.. Please leave me alone.." I begged in tears.

R: "Tsk, tsk, tsk but we haven't played yet Darling! This will just be quick.." She giggled after seating on my lap.

She then started to grope my breast, moving and playing it around repeatedly causing me let out a soft moan.

R: "I see that your enjoying it?"

Rd: "F-fuck you.."

R: "F*ck me indeed Rainbow Dash.. I want to feel you right now!"

Rd: "Your disgusting! I would never make out with you!"

R: "Shh! Were still inside the mall darling so keep your mouth shut! Luckily my new hot ass boyfriend and Fireass are securing all the doors leading into this room."

Rd: "The guards will bust in here any minute now.. So you better get your hands away from me!" I yelled back while secretly glancing at the room.

My eyes widened in slight relief when I noticed there was a broken sharp piece of metal underneath the seat and a metal pipe near by but its too far to even reach.

R: "Your stubborn as always I see. Fine, lets make a deal shall we? If I hook up with you right now, we'll set Pinkie free okay?"

Rd: "I'll do anything to protect my friends.."

R: "Well I guess its settled then."

Rarity slowly leaned closer to my face which made me really uncomfortable. I know this is so wrong.. I literally vowed to stay loyal to Applejack but.. Im betraying her again..

But I have no choice, I want to protect my friends even if my life depends on it. This is the right choice.. Right?

R: "Im gonna enjoy this.." Rarity grinned before smashing her soft sweet lips against mine.

Even though I tried my best to pull away from the kiss, she kept on pulling me closer to her till it came to the point where.. I kissed her back.

I can feel her hands groping my breast repeatedly as she continued to kiss me in insanely yet passionate way.

Rd: "Im so sorry Applejack.. Im so sorry Applejack.." I kept repeating in my mind with pure guilt.

After Rarity pulled away from the kiss, her gaze slowly shifted to my.. Special part.

Rd: "Rarity.. Dont you dare.." I begged, still trying to loosen the ropes around my arms.

R: "I- I always wanted to try this with a girl.." She grinned with a sinister smile before sucking her fingers.

Rd: "No, no, no Rarity get the f*ck away from me!" I yelled again.

R: "This won't hurt Darling.. Besides, you and Applejack do this all the time, I can always see you two have s*x in your room." Rarity laughed, taking off my shorts and moving my underwear.

Rd: "Y-your a monster.. Rarit- AHH!"

Before I could even finish talking, I felt her fingers enter my pussy-

(okay wtf im too young for this XD)

Making me moan loudly but she immediately covered my mouth with her hand while she kept thrusting two fingers in and out my delicate part.

Rd: "Ahh.. R-rarity p-please stop!"

R: "This feels so good eh Rainbow? You seemed to be enjoying it darling."

Rd: "Applejack.. Im so sorry.." I moaned in tears.

R: "Your girlfriend wont know we made out Dashie! Just lie to her just like you lie to me.."

I just stayed silent that moment but nothing stopped me from moaning.. In pleasure? Luckily my moans were being muffled by Rarity's hand so no one can hear us outside.

Even though I tried to scream for help, the loud music in the event kept on overlapping my calls, making Rarity slap me right in the face.

R: "Stop that! No one will hear you, now moan for me!"

Rd: "C-can we just ta- ahh.. Take a b-break please?!"

R: "Ugh fine." She agreed, removing her two fingers out my delicate part and licking it afterwards.

I was panting heavily at the time while tears freely flow down my face. This girl is really traumatized me for the past year.. I can't take this crap anymore..

R: "Im just gonna go check on Spitfire, I'll be back for part 2 Darling!" She lastly yelled before leaving me alone in the room.

After Rarity left the room, I immediately took the chance to grind the ropes in my hands with the sharp metal under the seat.

I was feeling to weak to even move but I knew Rarity could come back any second. As soon the ropes successfully split into two, I immediately untied myself to the chair, grabbing my shorts to wear afterwards.

But when I heard footsteps coming closer to the room, I quickly grabbed a metal pipe on the ground and hid behind the counter near the seat.

Sf: "Hey Crash, its my turn to have some fun."

As soon she realized I was gone in the seat, I immediately sneaked around her and slammed the pipe right in the head, sending her to fall on the ground, unconscious.

Rd: "That's for traumatizing me loser.."

I then carefully entered the room where Spitfire entered a while ago, only to see Pinkie pie.. On the ground.

My eyes started to tear up again, glancing at my friend's bruised body, her mouth was covered by a duct tape and her body was filled with bruises.

But what shocked me even more is when a tall man entered the room, shining his flashlight on my friend. I've seen his body structure before.. Could he be..?

Suddenly, he placed the Flashlight on the desk before removing his hoodie and face mask.

Rd: "No.. It can't be.."

"Oh Thunderlane baby did you see Spitfire?"

Th: "I think she went outside to watch Countess Coloratura.. "

R: "Ugh I told her to spy on Rainbow! What ever I'll find her myself, just watch Pinks and Dashie okay baby?"

Th: "Yes babe."

No.. Thunderass was in this thing the whole time?! She's Rarity's girlfriend?! I can feel my anger getting worse as I tightened my grip on the metal pipe.

I waited for seconds till Rarity went outside to find her friend, not knowing that I knocked her out.

Rd: "Well.. Its f*cking now or never Rainbow.." I said to myself in slight nervousness.

Who knows what could Thunerlane have? He might have a gun on him or a knife.. I need to take him out silently. (Ps: I have Last of us 2 vibes while writing this XD)

When he turned around, I immediately charged at him and smashed the pipe directly to his back, making him gasp in pain.

Th: Ahh! What the hell?!" He growled back, turning around and grabbing the metal pipe before I could even slam it on his face.

Rd: "Y-you traitor!"

Th: "Dash! Aren't you supposed to be in your seat!?"

Rd: "You weren't always the brightest Thunder ass." I yelled, delivering my right foot directly to his delicate part which sends him to fall in his knees and groan in pain.

I then threw the metal pipe of the ground before rushing to Pinkie pie, removing the duct tape in her mouth afterwards.

Pp: "D-dashi- "I quickly covered her mouth with my hand to avoid Rarity from hearing us from outside.

Rd: "Shh.. Everything's gonna be okay Pinkie.. Thank god your alive.." I cried after pulling her into a quick hug.

Pp: "I- im fine Rainbow but.. What did they did to you?! You look awful!"

Rd: "That Isnt important Pinks.. Lets go before-"

Pp: "R-rarity.."

Rd: "Yeah before Rarity's sees you.."

Pp: "No.. Look.. Rarity.." Pinkie mumbled as she lifted her arm to point something behind us..

Pp: "Rarity.."

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