From Loss to Love

By s715116

5.2K 105 15

Lance and Keith have been dating for three years. Keith's planning on proposing tonight. James and Kinkade ar... More

Tonight's the Night
Kicked Out
New Roomate
Hooks ups and Homework
Slam dunks and drinks
Hickeys and Hangovers
Kinkade's Reaction
Who's the Boss?
Texting the Team

And Keith's Drunk

433 9 1
By s715116

Keith POV

Around the time I was on my fifth beer, Lance walked in, a look of worry on his face. I glared at him and opened another bottle with my knife "What do you want? Here to break my heart again?" "No Keith, please, let's talk about this." He pleaded with those big blue eyes of him. The blue eyes that sparkled like the ocean, sometimes crystal blue, other times dark. "About what? You cheating? I don't think there's anything to talk about. It seemed pretty obvious to me. I wasn't enough for you anymore, and instead of breaking up with me like any decent human being, you cheat. With one of my friends." I finished, taking a swing of beer. "No Keith, it's not that." "THEN WHAT IS IT?" I roared, throwing one of the empty bottles at him. It missed by a mile, falling to the ground a few feet in front of his and making a satisfying crashing sound. "Look, can you please just put the knife down? Then we can talk about this like adults." I threw another bottle at him "I'm done talking to you." That's when two other people appeared at the door. One was Kinkade, and the other was someone I didn't recognize. But he was kinda hot. He had on skinny-ish jeans and a muscle tee, showing off defined arms and abs. I had abs. And muscles. But his made him look hot. "Who's this? The hot one?" Said boy blushed a bit, and Lance rolled his eyes. "That's just James. He's not important. But please, baby, put the knife down." "Why should I? Because that's what YOU want? It's always about what you want, isn't it Lance? It's alll about you." I sneered. Kinkade stepped forward "Keith, come on. Let's talk about this. I'm your friend." I smiled "Yeah. You are. You're a good friend, you know that right? But you know what else? Lance isn't a good friend. He's definetly not a good boyfriend, so you might as well give up now. He'll just date you for years and then break your heart by cheating on with one of your friends." Lance looked hurt, and Kinkade nodded. "I know. But that's why he's here. To apologize." I rolled my eyes "Yeah right. Lance never apologizes." And took another swing of my beer. This was number six, I think? Maybe seven. But who cares?  I certainly don't. Neither does Lance.

"Hey." I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I flinched and swung the knife towards the person, expecting Lance. But it wasn't. It was pretty boy. James. "Whoa. Okay, let's put that down." He said, easing the knife out of him face and my hand, setting it on the counter. "And the beer." he said, taking that too. "And let's talk." "Who? Me and Lance? I don't wanna talk to Lance. He's stupid. And an idiot. And he's ugly." I heard a gasp coming from Lance, and James smiled. "Yes, Lance is stupid. And an idiot." I frowned "But he's not ugly. I am. That's why he don't love me no more." I pouted. "Hey.." James said, cupping my face in his hands and looking into my eyes "You're not ugly. You're beautiful, and have goregeous eyes. Lance is just being an idiot. He never should've done this to you. Lance is stupid and ugly, and you're smart and beautiful." "Really?" I asked, and James smiled. "Really. Now lets sit and talk about this, okay?" I nodded "Okay." He took my hand and seated me on the couch, where Lance was already sitting. "Now, lets talk about this. Calmly." I nodded and smiled at him sleepily "Okay pretty boy." He blushed a bit, and my vision started going blurry. "Oh no he's gonna-" Someone said, and I pitched forward and everything went black.

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