Inexplicable (DEREK HALE)

By HorneSupremacy

507K 11K 3.1K

(NOW ON AO3) Sarah Stilinski the more popular, beautiful, smarter and talented Stilinski twin. Best friends... More

Extended Summary
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 20

9.9K 244 87
By HorneSupremacy

Season 2 Episode 12

"I have to meet the medical examiner and figure out what happened with Jackson, but i've got an APB out for Stiles's jeep 's still in the parking lot, which means... Well, i don't know what it means. If he answers his phone or email or if either of you see him-" Stilinski rambles, his hands are also shaky.

"We'll call you." Isaac interrupts.

"Guys, after everything that's happened lately.." Stilinski trails off, talking about the police station incident.

"He's probably just freaked out by the attention or something. We'll find him." Scott says, placing a reassuring hand on Stilinski's shoulder. He nods and gestures for his deputies to leave the changing room. Slowly everyone starts to leave, leaving Scott, Isaac and Sarah. "Is that everyone?" Scott asks Isaac.

"I think so." Isaac replies and the sound of a metal locker ripping off its hinges sounds out in the room. "You're going to find him by scent?"

"We both are. Here, smell this." Scott hands Isaac a shoe, while he holds a shirt.

"Why do you get his shirt and I get a shoe?" Isaac scoffs, but Scott doesn't answer, looking over Isaacs and Sarah's shoulder. Both of them spin around and lock eyes with Derek.

"We need to talk." Derek alerts.

"All of us." Peter responds, stepping out of the shadows.

"Holy Shit." Scott gasps, his eyes locking on Peter. "What the hell is this?"

"You know, i thought the same thing when i saw you talking to Gerard at the Sheriff's station." Derek scoffs.

"Okay, hold on. He threatened to kill my mom. And I needed to get close to him. What was i supposed to do?" Scott justifies.

"I'm going to have to side with Scott on this one. Have you seen his mother? Gorgeous." Peter rhetorically asks.

"Shut up!" Sarah, Scott and Derek say in unison.

"Just an observation." Peter sighs.

"Who's he?" Isaac asks, leaning down to Sarah.

"Derek's uncle. A little while back he tried to ill all of us so we set him on fire and Derek slashed his throat." Sarah sumarises.

"Hi." Peter greets.

"Good to know." Isaac mutters.

"How is he alive?" Scott questions.

"That doesn't matter, what does is Stiles, who is missing." Sarah scoffs. "Now, if you'll excuse me, i know exactly where he is."

"Wait, you can't go alone." Scott protests. Sarah pushes his hand off her arm and pulls a knife out of her boot

"Watch me." She says with a dark gleam in her eyes, a one that none of them had seen before. She leaves the school and heads to Argents house.

"That is Sarah Stilinski I could get along with." Peter remarks.

"Shut up." Isaac, Derek and Scott growl and he backs away. Sarah rushes up the stairs of the Argent house and knocks on the door, then Chris answers. She grabs her knife and pins it to his throat, pinning him up against the wall.

"Where is Stiles?" She asks, pushing the knife closer to his throat.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He grunts.

"Of course you do, your sociopathic father kidnapped him. So I'm going to ask again, where is he?" Sarah repeats.

"Sarah, i don't know what Gerard has done, but i promise, i don't know where your brother is." Argent honestly replies. "What i do know is that this isn't you. So i'm asking if you can let go of the knife and we can talk reasonably." Sarah looks at his eyes, which show nothing less than honesty, so she pulls the knife away and backs up from him. "I checked the basement and I let go of Erica and Boyd, so I don't think he's here. If he was, Gerard has let him go. We need to stop him."

"We?" Sarah frowns.

"He manipulated Allison, turned her against the code, turned her into Kate and I don't want that for my daughter. I'm assuming you don't want it for your friend." Argent explains and Sarah's expression softens. Argent has lost his Wife and his daughter in different ways.

"What about Jackson?" Sarah asks. "He died on the field tonight and i think it's going to make him a lot stronger than he has been."

"Wherever Jackson is, Gerard will be." Argent says and Sarah pulls out her phone, calling Scott.

"Sarah, Stiles is okay, Isaac and I are on the way to the hospital, Jackson is in a cocoon of his own venom and we need to get him out of there." Scott quickly explains.

"Okay." Sarah replies and hangs up. "They're at the hospital, getting Jackson out of there. He's in a cocoon of his own venom, you wouldn't happen to know about that?"

"He's evolving." Argent realises and grabs a pair of keys from the front table. "We'll meet them there." He tells Sarah and jumps into his SUV, Sarah jumps in and they drive to the hospital, arriving when Scott and Isaac are carrying his body to Melissa's car. Argent decides to take the keys out of Melissa's car and stand to the side, waiting for them to notice, Sarah rolls her eyes at his dramatics and stands next to him.

"You're alone." Scott releases.

"More than you know." Argent says with a pained smile.

"Then what do you want?" Scott asks in a hurry.

"We don't have much in common, Scott. But at the moment we do have a common enemy." Argent reveals and Scott looks at the trunk of his car,

"That's why i'm trying to get him out of here." Scott exasperates.

"He's not talking about Jackson." Sarah speaks up for the first time, Scott and Isaac share a confused look but then Scott's eyes widen in realistation.

"Gerard." Scott sighs, looking at the trunk with growing fear.

"Gerard's twisted his way into Allison's head. In the same way he ate. I'm losing her. And I know you're losing her too." Argent explains.

"You're right. So can you trust me to fix it? For just a little while." Scott reasons and Argent slowly nods. "Then are you going to give me the keys?"

"No." Argent replies. "My car's faster." Argent leaves them and quickly gets his car, they put the body in the backseat and Argent drives to the warehouse where they need to meet Derek. "Where's Derek?" Argent asks as they pull the body into the warehouse, just as he says that, something starts leaping towards them with glowing red eyes, he does a flip in the air and lands in front of them.

"Somebody certainly enjoys making an entrance." Sarah mutters, not knowing that Peter said the exact same thing in the shadows. Derek focuses his gaze on Argent, giving him a glare.

"He's here for Jackson, not you." Sarah says, interrupting their hateful glares. "So, suck it up and work together to stop this." Derek approaches the body bag and slowly unzips it, revealing Jackson in his cocoon.

"Where are they?" Scott asks Derek.

"Who?" Derek frowns.

"Peter and Lydia?" Scott explains and Derek kneels beside Jackson. "Okay, hold on a second. You said you know how to save him."

We're past that." Derek protests.

"What about Lydia?" Scott questions.

"Think about it, Scott. Gerard controls him now. He's made Jackson his personal guard dog, and he put all this in motion so that Jackson could become even bigger and more powerful." Derek tries to let it sink in, but Argent immediately protests.

"No.." He trails off. "He wouldn't do that. If Jackson's a dog then he's turning rabid. And my father wouldn't let a rabid dog live."

"Of course not." Gerard remarks, stepping out of the shadows. "Something that dangerous, that out of control is better off dead." Derek takes this opportunity to slice Jacksons throat, but a hand creeps out of the bag and impales itself into Derek's chest, throwing him across the room. "Well doe to the last, Scott. Like the concerned friend you are, you brought Jackson to Derek to save him. You just didn't realize you were also bringing Derek to me." An arrow soar's past Gerard into Isaacs shoulder.

"Allison." Scott shouts in disbelief. Sarah rushes over to Isaac, pulling the arrow out of his shoulder, and helping him up from the ground which is when Allison comes back over. Sarah grabs the knife from her boot and another one from her other, counteracting all of Allisons strikes, when the kanima wraps it's hand around her throat.

"Not yet, sweetheart." Gerard stops and everyone stares in shock as the kanima forces Allison to drop the knife.

"What are you doing?" Allison asks Gerard.

"He's doing what he came here to do." Sarah reveals, walking next to Scott.

"Then you know?" Gerard asks Sarah, looking at Scott and they both nod.

"What are they talking about?" Allison frowns, but Gerard ignores her, his eyes focused on Scott.

"It was that night outside the hospital, wasn't it? When i threatened your mother? I knew i saw something in your eyes. You could smell it, couldn't you?" Gerard realises.

"He's dying." Isaac makes the connection and Gerard gives him a nod.

"I am. I have been for a while now. Unfortunately, science doesn't have a cure for cancer yet." Gerards gaze settles on Derek. "But the supernatural does." Allison tries to step forward but the kanima tightens the grip on her throat.

"You monster." Argent says, hatred filled in his voice.

"Not yet." Gerard smirks, he turns to Scott, wanting him to do what he wants.

"What are you doing?" Allison says, clearly panicked.

"You'd kill her too?" Argent asks as he sees Kanima's claws pushed further into her throat.

"When it comes to survival? I'd kill my own son." Gerard growls, a look of betrayal rests on Argents face while Gerard looks at Scott expectantly. "Scott?" He asks. Scott gives Sarah a look and she gives him a small nod, Scott then slowly approaches Derek, grabbing the back of his neck.

"Don't. You know he's going to kill me right after." Derek says, fear in his eyes. "He'll become an Alpha." Scott decides to ignore him, hoping that his and Sarah's plan is going to work.

"It's true but i think he knows that already, don't you, Scott?" Gerard asks and Scott pulls Derek up from the ground and walks him over to where Gerard is standing. "He knows the ultimate prize is Allison. Do this small task for me and they can be together. You're the part that doesn't fit, Derek. And if you haven't learned yet, there's just no competing with young love."

"Scott, stop. Don't Scott!" Derek starts to protest, unable to do anything against the you beta as he's forced towards Gerard.

"I'm sorry, but i have to." Scott sighs and forces his mouth open whilst Gerard rolls up the sleeve of his shirt. Gerard lowers his arm into Derek's mouth and Derek's mouth closes around it, giving him the bite. Gerard pulls his arm out of his mouth with an amused laugh, holding his arm in the air like a trophy, until black blood starts to pour from the wound.

"What.." Gerard tails off, looking at his arm and he starts coughing up more black blood. "What is this? What did you do?"

"Everyone kept telling me Gerard had a plan." Scott tells everyone.

"Well, Scott had one to." Sarah says with a smirk, placing a celebratory hand on his shoulder.

"No.... no..." Gerard repeats, pulling out his silver pill box and crushing the pills in his hand, only for them to let out a puff of black smoke. "Mountain ash." He growls, falling to the ground puking a fountain of the black blood, he falls to the ground and the black blood starts coming from everywhere.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Derek asks, his face showing surprise.

"Because you might be an Alpha. But you're not mine." Scott tells Derek, but they get interrupted when Gerard gets up for one final word.

"Kill them. Kill them all." He shouts to Kanima, who goes to attack but a familiar blue jeep comes flying toward him.

"Did i get him?" Stiles shouts from the passenger seat, rushing out of the car when he starts to get back up again.

"Jackson!" Lydia shouts, rushing over to the creature. "Jackson?" She asks, holding up a key. The kanima's eyes blink and he slowly turns back into Jackson, the moment he does, Derek and Peter attack him, impaling him with his claws.

"Do you... still.." Jackson groans, falling onto his knees.

"I do. I still love you." Lydia answers and Jackson's eyes close. Sarah rushes over to Stiles and pulls him into a hug.

"Don't you dare do that again, otherwise i'll kill you." Sarah mutters into her brother's shoulder, tears falling from her eyes.

"Love you too, sis." He laughs, returning the hug. They pull away as Jackson starts to raise from the ground, Scott, Derek and Peter prepare themselves for another attack, but Jackson's eyes glow a steel-cold blue and he lets out a primal roar as he's gotten what he wants. Sarah turns to look back at Stiles when she sees the sadness on Stiles's face.

"What?" Scott asks, clearly noticing it too.

"He scratched my jeep." Stiles sighs, looking at the claw marks. Sarah lets out a chuckle and walks over to Isaac.

"Hey, you okay?" She asks him, looking at where the arrow went into his chest.

"I'm fine, thanks to you." Isaac smiles.

"Joint effort." She dismisses, returning the smile. Scott leaves with Allison and Argent, Stiles takes lydia and Jackson back home, leaving Sarah, Derek, Peter and Isaac. "Finally, it's over." Sarah says, resting her head on isaac's shoulder, sighing in relief. They begin a slow walk back to the Hale house when Peter starts to make conversation with Sarah.

"So, where did you disappear to?" Peter asks, walking alongside Sarah whilst Derek and Isaac walk in front.

"Threatened Argent by putting a knife to his throat, then worked with him to stop Jackson." Sarah sighs.

"Remind me to never threaten Stiles." He mutters.

"He told me that you threatened him the night of the winter formal." Sarah remarks.

"I-" He starts, trying to formulate a sentence, but ends up staying silent.

"I'll let it slide since you helped me the night at the station." She replies.

"Let it slide? I could easily kill you." Peter scoffs.

"Then do it, Satan in a V-neck." She provokes and a humorous smirk settles on Peter's face.

"Satan in a V-Neck?" He questions.

"You wear V-Necks and you are Satan, therefore Satan in a V-Neck." Sarah elaborates. "Either that or Derek's psychotic uncle."

"I prefer the latter." Peter replies.

"Then i'll call you Satan in a V-Neck." She smirks, knowing it will make him angry.

"I swear you were a lot less annoying when you were dying." He mumbles to himself.

"And I swear you were a lot less annoying when you were dead, but we can't always get what we want." Sarah retorts. "Actually..." She trails off. "You might have been more annoying when you were dead."

"And how is that?" Peter questions.

"Because I had to look after Lydia ever since you died, then she started seeing you and led me to a trophy and a picture of a young version of you." Sarah explains and takes this as a chance to make fun of him. "Captain of a basketball team?"

"Hey, we were the best team that Beacon Hills ever had." He tells her matter-of-factly.

"Clearly it wasn't because of your leadership qualities." Sarah mutters and she could hear a small laugh in front of her. They continue the walk to the Hale house and pause outside when they see a symbol on the front door.

"You haven't told them everything yet, have you?" Peter questions and Derek shakes his head.

"What do you mean?" Sarah and Isaac frown, looking at Peter for answers.

"Why do you think Derek was so quick to build a pack? So eager to strengthen his number and power? When there's a new alpha people take notice." Peter explains.

"People like who?" Isaac asks then he looks at Derek. "What is this? What's it mean?"

"It's their symbol. And it means they're coming." Derek sighs.

"Who?" Isaac asks, annotated that he has to keep on repeating himself.

"Alphas." Sarah unexpectedly speaks up.

"More than one?" Isaac asks, looking at Sarah for answers instead, whilst Peter and Derek look at Sarah in a mixture of shock and surprise.

"A pack of them." Sarah informs him. "An Alpha pack, and they're not coming. They're already here."

"How does that even work?" Isaac frowns.

"There's some kind of leader, he's called Deucalion." Sarah tells him, looking back at Derek and Peter who nod.

"How do you know this?" Peter questions.

"Deaton." Sarah simply says. "Well, as fun as that was, I need to get going." Sarah says, giving them all a smile and walking off into the distance.

"I'll give you a ride." Derek tells her, pulling the keys from his pocket and walking over to his car.

"You have enough on your plate with the Alpha thing, you don't have to." Sarah dismisses but he shakes his head.

"I can spare a few minutes to give you a ride." He says, opening the passenger door for her, she gives him a thankful smile and jumps into the passenger seat. He shuts the door as Peter rolls his eyes, knowing that the last time he liked someone like this, she died.

"When is he going to tell her he loves her?" Peter mutters to Isaac, receiving a chuckle from him but a glare from Derek who can hear him with his werewolf hearing. Derek knows he should say something, but he can't put her through the pain he put his last girlfriends through. But it was going to be hard, since she knows about the Alphas she's going to be spending her free time trying to find them. Sarah also decides she's going to go to Deaton so he can teach her everything he knows, so she's more prepared for the situation. You could say that Sarah is going to have a busy summer.

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