Inexplicable (DEREK HALE)

By HorneSupremacy

508K 11K 3.1K

(NOW ON AO3) Sarah Stilinski the more popular, beautiful, smarter and talented Stilinski twin. Best friends... More

Extended Summary
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 15

9.8K 257 124
By HorneSupremacy

Season 2 Episode 6 & 7

"So, the guy I've been seeing at School is Peter Hale, dead alpha werewolf who turned Scott?" Lydia asks and Sarah nods.

"I know it may seem like a lot to take in, but i've told you the truth and i've promised i will be there for you." Sarah tells her. "And now i promise that i will find out what's going on." Lydia nods and Sarah pulls her into a hug and she stays with her. Lydia decided to let her dog out for the bathroom and Sarah stayed in her kitchen whilst she did, hearing all of her conversation with no one. "Who was that?" Sarah asks with a frown.

"A guy from School." Lydia blushes. "He gave me a flower." She shows Sarah the flower, only for her to realise it's wolfsbane.

"Really? And what did he look like?" Sarah asks and Lydia gives her a description of a guy who could be a young Peter Hale. "Let's go to bed, you've had a long night." Sarah advises and they go to Lydia's room and fall asleep. They get up the next morning and go to School, Sarah didn't hear from any of the pack and was curious as to why her brother was absent all day and Scott and Allison left half way through the day.

"Hey Sarah." Matt says, walking next to her as she walks to her next class.

"Hi Matt." She smiles, stopping at her locker for some books.

"I was wondering if you wanted to study after school.." He trails off, waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, sure." Sarah gives him a genuine smile and closes her locker. "My place?" Sarah asks and he nods. "Cool, I'll send you my address."

"You don't have my number.." Matt trails off.

"Let's change that." Sarah pulls her phone from her pocket and hands it to Matt, who writes his name as 'The guy from school' and gives her the phone back. "See you after School, Matt." She walks into her class and takes a seat at the back of the class so she can text Matt.

"Stilinski, where's dumb and dumber?" Coach asks her.

"No idea cupcake." She replies and the class chuckles at the nickname. When Coach had his back turned to the class, Sarah pulled out her phone and sent the address to Matt then started to pay attention to the class again.

'Texting during class? Didn't think you were a rebel like that.' He responds.

'I guess you'll have to know me better.' Sarah texts back and places her phone back into her pocket. When the end of class comes around, she leaves and goes to her car and goes home. She quickly tidies her room and pulls out a few of her books when the doorbell rings. She leaves her room and opens the door for Matt, who greets her with a smile.

"Come on in." Sarah tells him, leading him into her house. "Welcome to my humble abode." Sarah gestures to the inside of her house and she leads him to her bedroom. They study together and take breaks to talk about their personal lives, Sarah obviously left out all of the supernatural stuff, when the day started to turn to night.

"I should get going." Matt sighs and Sarah gives him a small nod, leading him to her front door. "Tonight was fun, we should do it again some time." Matt tells her and she gives him a smile.

"Definitely." She replies and Matt gives her a smile of his own. They both stand awkwardly at the doorway of the Stilinski house when Matt decides to make a move. He lowers his head and traps Sarah's lips into a kiss, Sarah responds and wraps her arms around his neck whilst he goes around her waist. They pull away, staying close, and look into eachothers eyes.

"That was amazing." Matt whispers and Sarah nods, biting her lip as a blush spreads across her face.

"Yeah." She smiles and he pulls her into another kiss, when a phone ringing interrupts them.

"I better be going." Matt trails off, pulling away from the embrace. "See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." She bids a goodbye and answers her phone. "Hello?"

"Can you get to the station?" Her dad's voice came through the phone.

"Is everything okay, dad?" She frowns.

"Your brother has been getting himself into trouble, can you please come down here." He sighs, stress clear through his voice.

"Yeah, of course, i'm on my way." Sarah responds, grabbing her keys and leaving the house. When she walks into the police stations, she is immediately greeted with Mr Whittmore. "Mr Whittmore? Is everything okay?"

"Sarah? What are you doing here?" He asks in response.

"My dad called and said he needed me for something, are you okay?" Sarah asks, concerned for her best friend's dad.

"You don't know?" He frowns.

"Know what?" Sarah questions in return.

"Your brother and Scott McCall kidnapped Jackson today." Mr Whittmore reveals.

"They did what?" Sarah says raising her voice and crunching her eyebrows.

"That was my reaction too." He sighs and walks back into the interrogation room, Sarah walks into her dad's office where she finds Scott and Stiles on the phone.

"What the hell were you doing and why didn't you phone me?" Sarah asks them.

"We knew you would disagree, so we didn't tell you." Stiles instantly answers. "We took him after he turned into the Kanima and tried to explain what was happening."

"So he was in a fugue state, like Lydia?" Sarah says and they nod.

"He'd have to forget everything. The murder, coming home..." Scott trails off.

"Getting rid of the blood." Allison bluntly replies.

"But he had help with one thing. The video." Stiles frowns. "Someone else helped him forget that."

"Whoever's controlling him." Sarah tells them and they share a nod.

"Are you sure Jackson had no clue about any of this?" Allison questions.

"He thinks he's still becoming a werewolf and that being with Lydia somehow delayed the whole thing." Stiles scoffs.

"So do we try to convince him he's not?" Allison asks.

"If it helps us figure out who's controlling him, then yeah." Scott replies.

"You think he'll talk to us after what we did?" Allison asks and that's when Scott and Stiles look at Sarah.

"Not us." They say simultaneously and Sarah notices their gazes on her.

"Me? Really?" she sighs and that's when Scott and Stiles are dragged into an interrogation room. After they were given their restraining order, Sarah took Stiles home so they didn't have to watch their dad get shouted at by Stilinski. They leave for school early the next day and meet Allison in the library, who hands over a translated version of the bestiary.

"It's everything Lydia could translate. And trust me, she was very confused." Allison tells them as Sarah looks over Lydia's notes.

"What did you tell her?" Scott questions.

"That we're part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." Allison informs them.

"I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." Stiles tells them.

"Of course you are." Sarah mutters. "Does it say how to find out who's controlling him?"

"Not really. But Stiles was right about murderers. It calls the kanima a weapon of vengeance. There's a story in there about a south american priest who used the kanima to execute murderers in his village." Allison starts to explain.

"So maybe it's not all bad." Stiles sighs in relief.

"Until the bond grew strong enough that it killed whoever it wanted to." Sarah reads.

"All bad. Very bad." Stiles panics.

"Here's the thing, though. The Kanima's actually supposed to be a werewolf. But it can't be until.." Allison trails off as a teacher walks by.

"Until it resolves that in its past which manifested it." Scott says, reading the extract.

"If it means Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could've told you that myself." Sarah scoffs.

"What does it have to do with his parents? His real parents." Allison concludes.

"Does anybody know what happened to them?" Scott questions and their eyes lock on Sarah.

"Lets just say they were dead before he was born." Sarah tells them.

"I'll talk to him, see if he'll tell me." Allison concludes and walks away to talk to Jackson. Sarah leaves the library to go to her locker and notices Matt approaching her.

"Hey." He smiles.

"Hey." Sarah replies.

"Did you hear about that underground show? I guess they have some big name spinning." Matt tells Sarah.

"You mean like a rave?" Sarah says with a smirk.

"Is it still a rave if you don't roll? I just call it a concert." Matt jokes. "Anyways, i've got a hook-up for tickets if you're down. Should I grab you one?"

"Yeah, that'd be great." Sarah tells him and his smile widens.

"All right, cool. It's friday." Matt says and she nods.

"Looking forward to it." Sarah smiles as Matt walks away into a different hallway. Sarah grabs her books and places them in her bag when she hears fighting down the hallway, she rushes down to the boss's locker room to find Scott attacking Jackosn.

"Enough!" Harris shouts and points to Jackson and Stiles. "You and you. Actually..." He trails off looking at the crowd. "All of you. Detention. Three o'clock." They all let out a sigh and meet in the library after school.

"We can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against these tools." Jackson clarifies as Sarah takes a seat at the table Jackson was sat at with Matt.

"All of these tools?" Harris gestures to everyone in detention.

"Just us tools." Stiles points to himself and Scott.

"Fine. you two. Overthere." Harris points to a desk the furthest away from the table. Sarah starts doodling in one of her notebooks and only looks up when she hears Matt mutter something.

"Kanima." He looks down to his computer intently, like he's reading something that's deeply interesting. What he didn't notice was Sarah's questioning gaze lingering on him, thinking about what he knows. He then pulls out a bag of chips and offers one to Sarah, which she happily accepts and starts a conversation.

"What if it's matt?" Stiles asks Scott, looking at the man in question who is flirting with his sister. "This whole thing comes back to the video, right?"

"Danny said Matt's the one who figured out there were two hours of footage missing." Scott shakes his head.

"Exactly, he's trying to throw suspicion off himself." Stiles tells Scott.

"So he made Jackson kill Isaac's father, one of Argent's hunters and the mechanic working on your jeep?" Scott raises his eyebrows.

"Yes." Stiles immediately answers.

"Why?" Scott frowns.

"Because.." Stiles trails off, trying to come up with an excuse. "He's evil."

"You just don't like the way he's flirting with Sarah." Scott laughs.

"The guy bugs me. I don't know why.." Stiles trails off, not knowing how right he was.

"I need to use the bathroom." Jackson alerts Harris.

"You all right?" Harris asks. "You don't look so good."

"I just need some water." Jackson dismisses and rushes out of the class with Harris on his tail.

"No one leaves their seat." Shortly after Scott was called to the principal's office and Harris came back in, picking up his bag.

"Oh no, i'm sorry. Yes, i'm leaving, but none of you are. You may go when you're gone re-shelving." Harris points to the carts overflowing with books. "Enjoy the rest of your evening." He smiles and leaves the room. They let out a groan and start re-stacking the shelves. Sarah, Matt and Jackson were in row and Scott, Stiles, Erica and Allison were in the other. Sarah looks at Jackson in concern when his breathing is loud and out of pattern.

"Are you okay, Jack?" Sarah asks and he gives a slow nod. Then everything happened so fast. Jackson turned into the Kanima and cut a whole in Matt's neck, it then headed towards Sarah, but stayed in place and inspected her. It whipped it's tail around her neck and left a cut at the back of her neck that should paralyse her. But it didn't. The Kanima tilted his head to the side in confusion and grabbed her, throwing her into a table, drawing everyone's attention.

"Sarah?" Scott frowns rushing out of his row with Erica and they growl at him, but Jackson is more powerful and he throws them across the library. He walks over to the chalk board and writes a message: 'Stay out of my way. Or I'll kill all of you'. Sarah slowly gets up from the ground, her arm aching, but she ignores it and walks over to where they all were.

"I think... i think she's having a seizure." Stiles informs them and he grabs her in his arms. "We need to get her to a hospital."

"No, take her to Derek." Sarah tells them.

"No, we need to take her to the hospital." Scott starts.

"To Derek." Erica groans.

"Let's go then." Sarah sighs and Stiles picks up Erica, with help from Scott, and they rush her out of the school, into the back of Sarah's car. Sarah gets in the driver's seat and speeds down to Dereks. They pull up outside and Sarah turns off the engine, opening the door for Stiles and Scott who rush her down the stairs.

"Derek? Derek!" Scott shouts, carrying her into the station.

"Follow me." He demands and they lead her inside a train.

"Is she dying?" Stiles asks.

"She might. Which is why this is going to hurt." Derek groans and snaps Erica's arm, she lets out a scream of agony, which settles after a while.

"You broke her arm?" Stiles asks in disbelief.

"It'll trigger the healing process. I also have to get the venom out. That's the part that's going to hurt." Derek sighs and presses on the wound, taking the venom out of her blood. She finally settles and passes out after whispering something to Stiles. Scott and Sarah follow Derek out of the train.

"You know who it is." Scott tells Derek who nods, ready to admit it.

"Jackson." He says.

"You just wanted Erica to sconfirm it, didn't you?" Scott asks and Derek gives another nod. "I'm going to help you stop him. As part of your pack." Derek looks at him in surprise. "You want me in? Fine. but one condition. We're going to catch him. Not kill him."

"And?" Derek asks.

"And we do it my way." Scott tells him and he nods.

"Now that you guys are friends or whatever..." Sarah trails off, the pain finally getting to her. "My adrenaline is running off and I need one of you to put my shoulder back in place."

"What?" Scott frowns, rushing over and pulling off her flannel, showing her left shoulder out of place.

"It's going to hurt." Derek tells her. "We can give you some kanima venom so you don't feel it." He suggests.

"I would accept that, apart from the fact it doesn't work." Sarah sighs.

"What do you mean, Kanima venom doesn't work?" Scott frowns and Sarah turns around, lifting up her hair, showing the line slashed in the back of her neck but it also shows the claw marks from Jackson from a few days ago.

"That's what i mean. Now can you do it, I'd rather not do it myself." Sarah tells them and Derek grabs her arm.

"It really is going to hurt." He tells her.

"Call it payback for the other day." She smirks, but he doesn't return it, snapping her arm back into place. "Son of a- motherfu-" She groans, doubling over in pain. "That hurt more than the time I was shot."

"You were shot?" Derek asks, frowning.

"It was one time, Sarah, and I said I was sorry." Stiles shouts, walking out of the train.

"Still hurt." She tells him.

"I was seven and it was an accident." He protests.

"So was i, but you don't see me going around shooting you, do you?" Sarah questions and he shakes his head, cracking a smile.

A/N: Vote and Comment

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