By Anakinkwhorehouse

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You are a new knight of ren, the most ruthless knight of any generation , named "bloodhound" officially, and... More



786 28 48
By Anakinkwhorehouse

~ Kross and Kronix ~

"GODS, Nix. Why'd you have to get mixed up with a fucking death gang", Kross murmured under his breath as he took a sip of his surprisingly well made gin.

The plan was very plain and simple. Kross, checks out your arrival in Canto Bight. Being one the most successful business men in the galaxy, he gets a free pass in then Kronix gets a signal from Kross. Setting the plan in motion, which was to make his brother, the bait. He knew he should've refrained himself from speaking to you. But there you were, the very girl, he grew up with eons ago. The girl he always took a certain adoration to. The best friend he lost. Kronix was too young to remember much of you. But how much ever he did, he never hesitated when it came to helping you.

"You nervous for tonight, Little brother?", Kross polished his loafers.

"Nah. I was born ready, old man", Kronix chuckled. Kross shaked his head. "Remember the General's order", Kross prodded his brother.

"Yeah, yeah. Get arrested, help Pandora. Pandora then saves her son, yada yada yada", Kronix rolled his eyes. "Hey, how come I always get to be the one that gets arrested, concussed, turned into a hostage but you always remain in your well made and ironed suit", Kronix tilted his head. Better yet, why are we helping the goddamn Resistance?".

"I don't expect your cell less brain to possibly find a way to get a grip of this. But I am have economies depending on this very three piece and you know as well as I, Pandora is our main objective and to get to her we need the Resistance. Besides, someone has to handle finances for the Resistance, I can't have Poe deplete all the resources", Kross winked at Kronix.
"That's true, him and that boyfriend of his. I mean.. I know it's love but it makes me nauseous. Jesus!, the amount of gifts he buys Finn!!", Kronix's hand ran along his outfit. "Mind you, brother. You tell Rey, the same thing and she will drive that saber of hers, up your ass", Kross chuckled.

"OKAY, I'm ready", Kronix sighed heavily. "Alright, Lupus Die. Let's go save our friend", Kross threw his hands around the back of his brother's neck.

The day of Kronix's Interrogation:
Kross never knew, the effect of entering your mind would almost cost his brother's life. How the hell did Palpatine lock your memories. Your mind was goddamn death maze, traps placed everywhere. You were brainwashed so well, you don't even remember your own people.

He could feel his brother's force become stronger, which was a very worrying situation. Kronix was a force void. As kids, Kronix used his gifts to hide better than anyone in hide and seek. The force around Kronix was always weak. So much so that, if in full effect, he has the power to drain force users of their powers. That's why he was a better smuggler than even the Hutt's. His ability allowed him to fly under the Kylo Ren's nose; couple that with his absolute charm and cunning attitude. Kross however, inherited only a portion of his brother's gifts. Kross always had to be a father, mother and brother to Kronix. Kross was well versed in the ways of defence. Manifesting escape portals, making hyperdrives obsolete. Kross, could bend the force to his will but what he mastered was his ability to create effective force fields. He was his baby brother's guardian, even though he wanted to learn more about using the force as a weapon. For his brother's sake, he had to stick to the Jedi ways. But their charms and ability to manipulate came naturally to then.

Rescue mission:
Kross received a transmission from Kronix, who was heading to Batuu because of the unwanted attention, the man he shapeshifted into got. That was the last transmission Kross received from his brother before the news of a Knight of Ren within the grasp of the Guavians reached Kross's networks. He knew for a fact that it wasn't a Knight but his reckless brother.

Batuu was not an easy place to navigate through when one had a rescue mission at hand. So asking people questions like "hey, uhhh.. my brother is shapeshifting force void captured by the Guavians cause he decided to turn into a fucking Knight that killed over a 100 people in one night. Oh and uh..where can I find the Lions den?". No no, those questions were not an option.

After moments of exhaustive searching. He had finally reached the Lions den, "Really?..... Is this supposed to be creative?", He looked at the design of hotel. A cave like interior. He was welcomed by a stench and cool breeze. He followed the smell to it's origin. He slowly pushed open a door to the lounge. The room was littered with bodies, covering the marble floor. The bodies were practically the floor. The smell of blood was fresh and ripe. The bodies were dismantled and disintegrated; sliced with precision. Your handy work, no doubt. The room was painted bright red. Kross wasted no time, following the trail, you so well hid. The breadcrumbs were microscopic, but he was a master at tracking your scent. You taught him that, when no one would.

The clearing behind him, became thinner as he entered the dense forest, to make matters worse the snow made it harder to maintain stealth. The barren tress reflecting upon the lives that resided in the planet, no purpose, no destiny, freeyet lifeless.

Halfway through the forest, your trail; now more visible. A sudden sharp and agonizing pain shot into his bones, his kneeled on to the ground, groaning. His mind was now a white noise. The pain; unimaginable. "Aghhhhh", he tried his best to be as quite as possible.

Then he felt it...... the minuscule presence of his brother's force vanishing. The evidence of Kronix's life, gone. He gasped as the clutches of pain, loosened their grip on Kross.
He was on his hands and knees, supressing a sob. He crawled closer, palms deep in the brutal snow. He saw you supporting a man's head on your lap, whilst your fingers intertwined with his. Tears trickling down your soft, pink skin.

Kronix felt his brother's presence in his heart. Kronix smiled at the feeling of his family together, finally. Kronix prayed with all his will, to hold you and Kross in his arms one last time. But he knew, his prayers were going to waste. He spoke to his brother, through their force bond. "It'll be all okay, I know it will".
Kross bit his bottom lip, aggressively as he felt the sorrow building in his heart. Too much to take.

In his fleeting moments, Kronix had all the memories of you and Kross blanketing the fear in him. The path that ahead of you; the one you'd have to continue on, without him. All alone. The woman he always looked up to, who provided his life with happiness. He was leaving you without answers, that became his greatest regret. His eyes slowly losing their function. There was but one memory that filled his soon to be empty soul with joy. Your home, Earth. The sunflowers in the field swaying as the wind instructed it. Sun dancing on your skin, a bronze shine emitting from you. You and Kronix ran like children in the field to cover Kross with your kiss and Kronix's aggressive pats. Kross welcome it with open arms. You jumped into Kross's arms while Kronix pulled his brother with immense force into his chest. Kross twirled around with you on his arm and another around Kronix's neck and there it was a blinding light taking him away from that moment. It's as if his eyes were closed for him. In an utter darkness, a door flew open. A blonde haired man entered in his dust white Jedi attire. "Welcome, young Padawan, I've been waiting for you", he smiled and extended his hand towards Kronix to help him up.
he patted Kronix's shoulder.

"I'm Luke and we have got some work to do".

Kross watched as the luminous light from under his brother's hand traveled to yours. He was aware of the fate that now awaited the soldiers. He wanted to be the one to rip their heads of his bare hands but that wouldn't as painful as what you were about to do. The corner of his eyes caught bodies of men in black armour, moving in. He immediately recognize them, at the way they carried themselves. The knights were here and present and so was their ruthless leader. They meant something to you which meant they too were important to Kross. He closed his eyes, as you slowly stood up. Breathing in and out, Control. Control. Control. His lashes fluttered open as they men were knocking over the force field he had just placed. "Shit", he cursed at himself for not realising that there were not one but six force users with stubborn minds; he needed the save. He darted across the trees, making his way to the men. Kross watched you the whole time. Almost there, he picked up his space.

There it went, an explosion on power. Kross was mere seconds from failing. He glided and outstretched his arms as the knights ducked behind him. Veins popping out in his arms and neck, whilst he gritted his teeth. Your force lighting was much more powerful when emotions controlled it. He grunted and cried out loud as your power challenged his shields. The knights watched at awe. He pushed further while simultaneously putting a barrier around the Knights and their leader.

Kross shut his eyes I'm attempts to fight your lighting and pushed in once more, closing the distance between you. He felt all the pain, you were experiencing only for it to magnify his own. He was constantly groaning in frustration and struggle.

He didn't think when he grabbed you. His eyes were pleading for you to stop, but that wasn't enough. This time, he blocked out all his hesitation in him; pulling you in to his arms. A part of him knew, the hug was not for you only but him too. He needed it for what he was about to face now. He buried his face in the crook of your neck. The scent of vanilla infused with the stench of a war ridden soldier was something he was used to but this... This was different.

He held his brother one last time. A son and brother he raised for millennials laid pale. Kronix was gone but not entirely..


"He came out of nowhere", Ushar finished explaining to you; all that happened. You looked back a Kross, his jaw tensed as you narrowed your eyes on him. The corner of his lip twitched with the softest of smiles but something was behind that perfect face. You raised your brow indicating you could feel it too. Anger and hunger for retribution.

You were walking towards land again, when the boys stopped you. Kylo said nothing, he was lost in deep thought and shock, you could sense it through the red cracks of his mask. You jerked your head at Kross, gesturing for him to follow you. He obliged. Someone replaced Kross that moment, someone that has been rattling the cage he create in his mind. "You boys coming or what?", you a cocked an eyebrow. Kross walked over to you and the Knights followed suit. What was about to happen wasn't going to be pretty. Kylo hesitated, but he needed to fulfill his little girl's wishes. He saw himself in you. The day he killed Ben Solo. He walked out in powerful strides past the Knights, his pace became slower as he now walked aside a beast that was as Kross. He had no weapon in hand indicating his strength and determination for his new bloodlust.

The town was thriving with life. The townspeople scurrief to seek shelter at the sight of the Supreme Leader in their planet. Olga's spies stepped out of their shadows. The knights scanned each and every body that was to be torn sort tonight. You jaw tensed, when several of not hundred soldiers in red came marching in front of you.
You halted dead in your tracks. The knights pushed into each other. Kross furrowed his brows as he watched you intently.

You unsheathed a katana. Awakening Wraith from her peaceful slumber. You twirled her on your palms, admiring her sight. Your reflection clear. You threw her in the air, holding you palm up as you caught the blade, it cut right through your gloved hand, blood gushing from your palm as you held her tight. You turned around, now facing Kross. Walking closer to him, you held Wraith to him. You glanced at the weapon and back at him. He grabbed the weapon from your hand as he walked infront of you. He looked around at the rooftops. You scanned the knights. Seeking their permission, that they were ready. But you noticed a lesser number of men than you did before. Kuruk was missing out of the knights. But you knew he was back at the forest. Watching you with his scope.

"Ready when you are, empress", he communicated through the force. Kylo scoffed as he too heard the transmission, you looked over your shoulder, your gaze lingered at his visor. He nodded at you. The thumping of metal boots grew louder. You walked over to Kross, who was bending his knee slightly in anticipation.

Oga's men along with Guavians readied their stance.
"Shall we?", You grinned. Every soldier sprinted with their weapons by their sides. You unsheathed Fury and jerked your head at Kross. He was backing up whilst he moved Wraith with ease. He looked back at you, he smirked as his eyes turned black.

You did that same, swiftly bringing your mask to cover those sinister eyes.

The cries of the soldiers as they dashed always excited you. With a flick of a wrist both Fury and Wraith thundered themselves into fiery starving creatures, waiting for more blood to coat their shining skin, Wraiths fire was purple whilst Fury reflected the very darkness that you allowed to consume you, Black fire. You rushed towards a hut made of clay. You jumped; placing your feet on the strong structures; horizontally, swinging Fury with great force, the sharp blade cut through the robotic and human bodies alike.

As the block houses came to an end, you sprang up. With your feet up in the air, performing a backward somersault. Steadying yourself on the gravel with one hand, as you kneeled with on one leg and the other spread the your side. You used your stance to jumpstart a run towards the hordes of men. They charged with their guns and knives. Their mortifying attempt at injuring you almost caused you cringe in response; there was no way you'd let a bunch of untrained cocksuckers get a jump on you whilst you were in the middle on waiting out the embarrassment from their attacks.

You picked up three grenades from Cardo's belt as you rushed the men. Pulling off the rings, you threw one into a dark alleyway, blowing up approaching bodies into pieces. The second one at Kross, who immediately grabbed it; tossing it lazily behind him as he plunged Wraith into two men. You were quite impressed by his precision. The last grenade was moments from exploding. You signalled Kuruk to shoot right through the Guavian standing in front of you. The headshot was spot on, the gaping hole from the man's head was big enough to fit a grenade in. It was almost inviting you to, and so you accepted. You placed the grenade in his head and grabbed the deadmans neck; "Boys!!", You screamed at Oga's men. "I think he needs a medic", you force pushed the Guavian onto the men. On cue, the explosion from the grenade created beautiful flames as organs flew into the air and back to the ground like rain.

The once full of life land was now a sea of dead bodies. You fought your way more men as they focused all attack on you. The sound of a sharp blade, behind made your turn your head sharply as a man stared at you with wide eyes and quivering lips. He fell the ground with a loud thud. He was sneaking up on you. You expression soon resembled the man's face when you recognized the weapon that was used. A scythe.

A/N: I've decided to post once a week, every Saturday to be more precise.

Because my chapters are getting longer and taking more time than I would it like too. But nevertheless, I'll still continue my writing. Also I'm writing a Modern AU for Kylo. Sooo... Stay tuned for it in the near future

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