Fire vs Ice || Power Rangers...

By onlyhuman_05

7.5K 119 89

In this sequel, Sofia Oliver returns to Blue Bay Harbor following the decimation of Lothor a year prior. When... More

The Return
(Not So) Secret Admiration
Ancient Jewels Part 1
Ancient Jewels Part 2
Ancient Jewels Part 3
Opposites Attract
Crimson Jealousy
Fury of the Nymph
Shadow Deceit
Twisted Thunder Pt. 1
Twisted Thunder Pt. 2

Happy Birthday...Or Not

703 11 3
By onlyhuman_05

Summary: It's Sofia's 19th birthday, but it seems everybody has forgotten...or so it seems!

It was November 30th and it was a very special day for Sofia. Today, she turned 19 and she was stoked. She walked into Storm Chargers where the others were bustling about.

"Hey, guys," she greeted.

"Hey, Soph," they greeted.

"Do you guys know what day it is today?" Sofia asked, hoping that they had remembered her birthday. "Do you guys want to hang out today?"

"Yeah, it's November 30th... the day of the big skate demo that I'm doing," Shane replied. "Sorry."

"Okay," Sofia said, her smile fading. "What about the rest of you?"

"I want to get to the beach before the swell dies down," Tori informed.

"What about you three?" Sofia asked Hunter, Blake, and Dustin.

"We have to work, Soph," Hunter responded.

"Oh...okay. I guess I'll just go ride my bike or something," Sofia said dejectedly, turning around and walking out of Storm Chargers.

"I think we hurt her feelings," Tori commented.

"Yeah, but she'll get over it. She can't know about the surprise party," Blake replied.

"Alright, it's gonna be at Ninja Ops...oh wait...cake, who's getting the cake?" Shane wondered.

"Relax, Shane, Dustin's getting the cake, you guys are decorating, and I'm in charge of making sure that Sofia doesn't find out about the party," Hunter informed.

"Right, well we better get to it," Dustin stated.

They walked out of Storm Chargers to make preparations.

Doom Island

"Ahh, so it's the white ranger's birthday today," Diabolos drawled.

"I'll go give her a present that she'll never forget," the black ranger cackled.

"No, you'll lead my new monster into battle against her," Diabolos corrected.

"As you wish, Master," Black Ranger complied.

"Step forward Panoply," Diabolos commanded.

An armadillo-themed monster stepped out of the shadows. "Here I am," Panoply sang in his squeaky voice.

"You want me to lead him? He's a fool," Black Ranger complained, looking at Panoply who was murmuring and looking around the evil lair.

"Go! Before I reveal your identity to the rangers," Diabolos yelled.

"Yes, Master," the black ranger conceded. "Let's go." He made a ninja sign and the pair disappeared in a smokescreen of black flame.

"The white ranger is about to get a birthday gift that she won't ever forget," Diabolos cackled.

Ninja Ops

Sofia sat on the center table in Ninja Ops with her cheek against her hand. Cam approached her.

"Hey...why the long face? Isn't today your birthday?" Cam wondered.

"Yeah," Sofia mumbled.

"Happy Birthday," Cam congratulated.

" least somebody remembers," Sofia answered.

"Although it may not seem like it, your friends remember. They simply haven't shown it," Sensei intervened.

"Yeah...I guess you're right, but it doesn't make it hurt any less," Sofia sighed.

The computer beeped and showed a monster that looked like an armadillo led by the black ranger at the quarry.

"It looks like we have bigger problems to worry about than my birthday fiasco," Sofia commented, standing from the table.

"I'll contact the others and have them join you. Meanwhile, can you hold them off?" Cam asked.

"Yeah, I'll try," Sofia replied. "Blizzard Storm, Ranger Form, ha!"

She morphed and opted to take her Tsunami Cycle to the quarry over streaking.

The quarry

Sofia arrived at the quarry to the sight of the black ranger and Panoply arguing.

"You attack the others while I get the white one," Black Ranger ordered.

"Why me? Why not you?" Panoply argued.

"Because I'm the one in charge here, not you. Now do what I say before I destroy you myself," the black ranger countered.

"Go right ahead and do it," Sofia spoke up, sitting casually on the bike. "It'll make my job a whole lot easier."

"Ahh, all alone, are you!?" the black ranger drawled. "Where's your friends?"

"None of your business, but you're not going to ruin my birthday," Sofia growled.

"That's what you think," the black ranger said. "Revolters!"

The ugly lizards popped out of the ground. "Attack!"

They charged at Sofia, who revved up her bike and fired the white plasma lasers, knocking the Revolters out of her path.

"I'm not here for them," she growled, dismounting her. "I'm here for you."

The black and white rangers removed their blades and engaged in a massive duel, neither side winning.

Storm Chargers

Tori and Dustin walked into Storm Chargers and Dustin held the box containing Sofia's cake.

"Okay, dude, we have the cake," Dustin announced.

"Oh, sweet," Shane said, opening the box and looking over the tasty pastry.

"Let's get to Ops and set up the party," Hunter said, picking up a bag of decorations.

Shane's morpher beeped. "Go for Shane."

"Shane, you and the others have to meet me at the quarry. Sofia's already there and she needs help," Cam informed.

"On our way," Shane assured him, hanging up. "Let's go!"

The rangers nodded, placed the stuff in the lounge, and ran out the door.

The quarry

"Armadillo rolling attack," Panoply ordered, folding himself into a ball. The black ranger released the white ranger and used his blade to light the armored ball on fire, launching it at Sofia.

Sofia attempted to block it with her Snow Sabre, but the combined powers were too much and she was thrown back, rolling across the gravel. The other rangers rushed to her sides.

"Sofia! Are you okay?" Hunter asked, grabbing her arms and pulling her up.

"I'm fine," Sofia answered, ripping out of his grip.

"Ah, the cavalry has arrived," the black ranger uttered.

"Nobody asked you," Sofia growled. "Let's put it together!"

"Snow Storm Cannon!"

"Fire," Sofia ordered, pulling the trigger and releasing the orb.

"Panoply, now!" Black Ranger commanded.

Panoply stepped in front and used his armor to deflect the blast back at the rangers, sending all seven sprawling into the rocks.

"Why so down, rangers?" Black Ranger cackled. The evil villains turned and began walking away.

Sofia snarled and somersaulted over to her crossbow, folding it into a bow-and-arrow form and pulling a string. She released the string and released an arrow at the retreating black ranger. It missed as they disappeared in a twister of black fire.

Sofia growled and waved her hands in frustration before turning and storming away, leaving the other rangers confused.

"Whoa! What's up with her?" Shane asked.

"She's hurt because she thinks that you all forgot her birthday," Cam answered.

"You didn't tell her about the party, did you?" Hunter interrogated.

"No, but it wouldn't have killed you to at least wish her a happy birthday," Cam replied coldly, running after the fuming white ranger.

"Cam's right, you guys, Sofia doesn't like surprises so there's no telling how she'll react to this," Tori sighed.

"Yeah, maybe this party wasn't such a good idea after all," Hunter said, looking in the direction where the white and green rangers had disappeared.

Ninja Ops

Sofia and Cam sat by the computer looking over the schematics for a new weapon when the other ninjas walked in.

"Hey, what are you guys working on?" Shane inquired.

"We're working on a new weapon that'll shatter Panoply's armor and give us a chance to defeat him," Sofia replied, looking up from the monitor.

"It's called the Drill Blaster and it should be powerful enough to get through the plating," Cam added.

"Dude, what if he goes big? Our zords were totally destroyed when we fought Vexacus and Lothor," Dustin mentioned.

"Ah, we've thought of that," Cam answered.

"Huh?" the rangers murmured.

"Follow us," Sofia ordered.

Zord bay

The Rangers entered the subterranean hangar where seven massive, multi-colored machines shaped like various animals and creatures.

"" Hunter wondered.

"Too complicated to explain," Sofia answered. "Reintroducing..."

"Hawk zord."

"Dolphin zord."

"Lion zord."

"Crimson Insectizord."

"Navy Beetle."

"Samurai Star Chopper."

"And...Leopard zord."

"Amazing," Tori uttered in amazement.

"No lie," Dustin agreed.

Shane's morpher chimed and he raised his wrist to his lips. "Go for Shane."

"Shane, you and the other rangers must intercept Panoply and Black Ranger in the warehouse district," Sensei's voice ordered.

"Cam, what about the Drill Blaster? It's not done," Sofia mentioned.

"I'll send it to you when it's finished. Now go," Cam said.

The rangers streaked out of the zord bay.

Warehouse District

Panoply used his scary form to terrify the workers. The rangers rode in on their Tsunami Cycles.

"That's enough, freak job," Sofia called, dismounting her bike with the other rangers following suit.

Tori and Sofia ran to the scared workers while the males faced the villains.

"Run to safety," Sofia yelled kindly.

"You're safe now," Tori added.

"Thank you," one worker said with gratitude.

"You're welcome. Now go," Sofia rushed. The worker muttered his thanks again and followed his fellow co-workers. "Shall we?"

"We shall." Tori nodded. The girls rushed over and split into two. Sofia went to help Shane against the black ranger while Tori went to help the Thunders and Dustin against Panoply and his troop of Revolters.

"Dude, what's your problem?" Shane asked as he struggled to keep the black ranger's blade away from him.

"Red Ranger, you're not the one I was- ah!" He was interrupted by a slash down his back.

"Looking for me?" Sofia asked as he fell to his knees.

"There you are," Black Ranger drawled, scrambling to his feet. He attempted a blow to her head that she ducked around and went to stand by Shane.

"Double team?" Sofia suggested.

"You know it," Shane agreed.

The red and white rangers clapped their blades together and charged at the black ranger. Fazing into their ninja streaks, Shane and Sofia struck the wicked ranger with their swords together. Sparking like crazy, the black ranger fell to his knees and then onto his stomach.

"Great job," Sofia complimented.

"Hey, we did it together," Shane laughed, holding his hand out for a handshake.

"Bring it in," Sofia said, pulling Shane's arm and bringing him into a friendly hug.

"How cute!" Black Ranger mocked, getting to his feet unscathed. "It'll be so much more bittersweet when I destroy both of you."

"Huh? He's not even scratched," Sofia squeaked, pulling back from the red ranger.

"Ha! You think that feeble attempt can knock down a soldier of the mighty Diabolos," Black Ranger cackled.

"Well, uh, yeah," Shane countered.

"This is how it's done," the black ranger said. "Dragon Blaster." He pulled out a blaster that was modeled after a dragon with the head and neck being the barrel of the blaster and the tail being the handle and trigger. He pulled the trigger and a black ball of fire barrelled towards the two rangers.

"Allow me," Sofia said, stepping in front and holding out her blade to block the fireball. With help from Shane, who held her waist as support, she was able to knock the attack to the ground where it dissipated.

"What!" Black Ranger exclaimed in surprise.

"Ha! You were saying?" Shane jeered. "Let's do this!"

Shane took out his Hawk Blaster while Sofia converted her Snow Sabre into its blaster mode. Shane kneeled on one knee while Sofia put her blaster over his left shoulder. "Fire!" Both rangers pulled the triggers and the red and white blasts twirled and combined, barrelling at the black ranger who barely had time to shout before he was hit and blasted into a building.

"Oh, finally," Sofia breathed.

The others were having a difficult time breaking through Panoply's plated armor. Hunter's blasts from his Crimson Blaster bounced right off and the same with the lasers from Dustin and Tori's rifles. Blake's Navy Antlers had the best results with a few sparks from the armadillo, but still, nothing major happened.

"You ready, guys?" Tori asked.

"Oh, yeah," Dustin, Blake, and Hunter replied.

They removed their respective blades and flipped through the air. "Ninja power!" They brought the weapons down his chest and shoulders causing him to stumble back. Both sides regrouped.

"Great, what?" Shane asked.

Sofia's morpher beeped and she raised it up.

"The Drill Blaster is ready, sending it now," Cam's voice informed.

In a flash of white light, a large drill with two side drills appeared.

"Oh, nice," Dustin laughed.

"Drill Blaster, powering up," Sofia said as the three drills began spinning as they came alive with green energy. A swirling blast was launched upon the two, destroying Panoply and sending Black Ranger into another building.

The rangers celebrated in victory. The black ranger stumbled out of the flaming rubble.

"You aren't done yet, Rangers," he growled. He snapped his fingers and a golden arrow made its way into the flaming remains of Panoply, making them glow until he rematerialized and grew to Megazord size. "I'm on a roll now," he cackled. The black ranger snapped his fingers again and a roar sounded above them. A large shadow soared above them. Looking up, they saw a large, black, and gold dragon soaring above. "Later days!" He streaked into the dragon. "Black Dragon, battle mode."

The zord transformed into a humanoid figure with a grey head, red eyes, black helmet, the dragon head on its chest, the tail became the arm blades, and the dragon feet folded to become the feet of the Firestorm Megazord.

"Time to call in the zords," Shane said, raising his morpher to his lips. "Cam?"

"The zords are on the way, Shane," Cam confirmed, pressing the red button on the keyboard. The six zords let out caws and roared as they arrived. The rangers streaked into their zords and found they had improved cockpits. Instead of control levers in a dark space, they sat in a space ignited with their ranger colors with colored orbs on the panels.

"This is sweet," Dustin laughed.

"No doubt," the boys agreed.

"Can we get back to work?" Tori snapped.

"Oh, right," Shane muttered.

"Storm Megazord!"

"Thunder Megazord!"

"Blizzard Megazord!"

They formed the three Megazords. The first two battled Panoply while Sofia fought the black ranger.

All the blasts from the Storm and Thunder were deflected off of Panoply's armor.

"I'll show you some real power," Panoply laughed. He curled into a ball and spun through the Megazords, sending sparks flying all over and throwing the rangers around inside.

"We need to somehow crack that armor. Or else we won't have a shot at beating this guy," Hunter complained.

The communication screen on Shane's console beeped and Cam's face appeared on it.

"Use the Ram Hammer. It'll weaken the armor long enough for you five to form the Thunderstorm Megazord and activate the Lion Laser," he informed.

"Right," Shane agreed. "Guys, you got that?"

"I've got the Ram Hammer," Dustin called. "Power disk...locked and dropped."

He released the hammer and the Storm Megazord pounded the now unfurled Panoply with it, severely weakening his plating.

"No! My precious armor," Panoply cried.

"Thunderstorm Megazord," the five rangers called. The two Megazords combined into one large one.

Still smoking and weakened, Panoply stared at the towering zord in front of him and panicked.

"Lion Laser!"

The lasers were fired and Panoply crackled heavily. "I was on such a roll!" he screamed before falling and exploding.

The rangers cheered in victory.

"Your friend is gone and you're next," Sofia spat.

"Huh?" Black Ranger muttered, looking over at the flames where Panoply once stood. "No!"

While he was distracted, Sofia waved her hands over the silver orbs on her panel to activate the final attack. "Blizzard Fury!"

When the black ranger looked over, he saw a powerful torrent of ice barrelling towards him. By the time he took control of his zord, the ice collided with it. The Firestorm Megazord sparked madly and the black ranger cried as he was thrown around in his cockpit. "We're not finished, White Ranger," he hissed. Black Dragon turned into its dragon formation and disappeared in a whirlwind of black flame.

"Whew," Sofia breathed, leaning back in her chair in relief.

Doom Island

The black ranger walked into the main room, expecting to find Diabolos waiting to tell him off, but he found that he was alone.

"Whew, I thought Diabolos or Serios would be standing here to yell at me when I got here," he sighed, turning to leave. He was stopped short by Diabolos' chest.

"Going somewhere?" he asked, advancing upon the ranger with Serios flanking him.

"Uh, Master, heh, um, Panoply was...err... destroyed by the, uh, pesky power rangers," Black Ranger stuttered nervously, backing into a weapons case.

"And who's fault was that?" Diabolos interrogated.

"Uh, mine," the black ranger replied. If he were demorphed, he would be sweating like a pig.

"Correct, and do you know why?" Diabolos questioned.

"Not really, no," Black Ranger answered.

"Because seeing your sister, the white ranger, has jarred memories...memories of happier times before your parents were slain," Diabolos told him.

"What?" Black Ranger whispered. "The white ranger is my long-lost sister."

"Yes," Diabolos confirmed.

"And all this time...I've been hurting her... physically and emotionally. She must hate me," Jacob uttered.

"She doesn't know who you are, but I will reveal your identity if you fail me again," Diabolos threatened.

"I don't care. Sofia deserves to know that I'm the black ranger who has been attacking her," Jacob snapped, beginning to walk out the door.

"Serios, now," Diabolos ordered.

"My pleasure," Serios laughed. Ribbons of purple electricity encircled his hands and he struck the black ranger with it, incapacitating him.

"When he wakes up, he won't remember a thing about today's events," Diabolos cackled. "He'll be an evil soldier!"

Storm Chargers

Sofia sat in the lounge with her hand on her hands. Kelly approached her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" she asked the forlorn white ranger.

"It's friends, even Hunter, forgot my birthday. On top of that, it's been a long day," Sofia admitted sadly.

"Okay, well if you need anything...let me know," Kelly said. "And happy birthday."

"Thanks, Kel." Sofia smiled. Kelly nodded and walked back behind the counter.

"Why so down?" Hunter asked, approaching her.

"You know exactly why," Sofia snapped. Hunter's smile faded as he sat on the table across from her.

"Soph, I know you think we forgot your birthday, but there's one thing you don't realize," Hunter said. Sofia's upset expression softened to one of confusion and adoration.

"And what's that?" Sofia asked.

"We all love you, especially me... you're the best thing that's ever happened to me...other than Blake. And to show you how much... we're inviting you to Ninja Ops," Hunter responded.

The couple stood up from their positions. Sofia wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his around her waist. She glanced down at his luscious lips and back up at his blue orbs. They leaned in until their lips met in the middle in a soft, yet passionate kiss. When they parted, Sofia smiled at her love as she played with the hair at the nape of his neck.

"Shall we?" Hunter murmured, unraveling himself from her and holding out his hand.

"We shall...I guess," Sofia agreed, taking his hand.

They walked out of Storm Chargers.

Ninja Ops

"Hunter, can I open my eyes yet?" Sofia asked as he guided her into a dark Ninja Ops.

"Yes, you can now," Hunter said, releasing her shoulders.

Sofia opened her eyes and frowned. "It's dark," she commented.

Hunter clapped his hands and the lights flickered on to reveal party decorations strung up and a cake on the center table.

"Surprise!" the rangers yelled, appearing from their hiding spots.

"Guys, are you kidding me? A surprise party," Sofia exclaimed.

"Yeah, we're sorry that we acted like we forgot your birthday. We never wanted to hurt you, but we weren't sure how you would react to the surprise...seeing as how you don't like them," Tori explained.

"I don't like surprises...but this one...I don't mind at all," Sofia confessed.

"Hey, hey, how about we crown the birthday girl," Dustin laughed, pulling out a white tiara.

"No, Dustin..." the rest of her protest was quieted out as Dustin placed the tiara on her head and the rangers cheered.

"Let's dig into some cake," Shane called, picking up the white and silver cake up. The rangers sang the Happy Birthday song as Sofia blew out the 19 silver candles.

Sofia was sandwiched between Hunter and Shane as the friends embraced the white ranger in a group hug.

"Thanks, guys, I really appreciate it! Now... let's eat some cake," Sofia cheered.

The ninjas' voices were lost in a sea of agreements and cheers as they hugged one another.

A/N: I hope you liked that! And that little thing with the black ranger just kinda happened, but I hope you enjoyed it! See you soon!

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