The Life of Emily Dolan

By justsochelsea

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After their dad died, couple of months later. Emily was forced to be with her brothers for summer which ended... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 {part 1}
Chapter 25 {part 2}
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29: Final

Chapter 26

179 7 0
By justsochelsea

Chapter 26:

Emily's POV

Okay... how was I gonna present this to my brothers that me and my friends wants to see Nicki Miniaj on a school night? We were each gonna tell our family today to see if one will say yes first before we give them our arguments.

Emily: hey Sophie? What did your mom say?

Sophie: she said no. Nicki Miniaj is to inappropriate for my age and I'm not allowed to listen to her music

Emily: did any of the others parents says yes

Sophie: Walker is working on it and Lev parents said no as well

Emily: this is making me nervous to confront my brothers about this. I mean I saw Nicki at Coachella last summer

Sophie: that was over the summer Em

Emily: they didn't find it inappropriate for me to be listening her songs.

Sophie: yeah but will they allow you to see her in concert on a school night

Emily: probably not even tho my grades have been improving

Grayson: Emily, dinner!

Emily: coming! That's my cue, bye Soph

Emily: bye Sophie

Emily hangs up on Sophie and heads to the kitchen to find her brothers waiting on her.

Grayson: talking to Sophie again?

Emily: yep *sits down*

Ethan: hands

Emily: right... *gets up to wash hands at the sink* what's for dinner?

Grayson: veggie pizza

Emily: yum *dries hand and sit back down*

They eat dinner and Grayson said.

Grayson: anything interesting you want to talk about?

Emily: *looks up* what do you mean?

Grayson: Miss. Fergi called me and warned me that you were gonna convince to see Nicki Minaj concert on a school night

Emily: *stop eating food* how did she know I was gonna ask you

Grayson: because you and Sophie have this thing you girls do, Sophie said to her mom that we already said yes. Was that your idea to ask her to lie?

Emily: Sophie can speak for herself you know

Grayson: 1... 2..

Emily: okay! Please can I go?

Ethan: what do we think we are dumb? No we are not allowing to go to a concert. You're 12!

Emily: lots of girls my age goes to concerts

Grayson: not inappropriate ones on a school night young lady

Ethan: we always told you if you have to go to a specific event it has to be over the weekend so it doesn't interfere with your work

Emily: I bet if I had straight A's ya'll would let me go *frowns*

Ethan: sorry Emily, even if you did have straight A's we wouldn't. We don't want you to miss a day of school

Emily: fine... I will drop it

Grayson: thank you

After dinner, Emily did a call with her friends on FaceTime.

Emily: boys said no, they didn't fall for our act Soph

Sophie: yeah my mom said I tried that again she would ground me

Walker: my folks also said no

Lev: *frowns* same

Jentzen: ditto

Jenna: my parents said yes

They all looked at her with two heads.

Emily: really why?

Sophie: is that even a question Em? She is the oldest one in the group

Emily: you're right, you're right. We are so lucky to have a friend in our squad that can drive now...

Jenna: didn't your brothers tell you no?

Emily: I haven't told them yet, I got a plan. But it will only work if you guys are with me on this, deal?

Sophie: I don't like the sound of this

Walker: should we even trust her?

Sophie: you want to be grounded for a year?

Walker: no

Sophie: I wouldn't

Emily: don't worry, this will be a good plan, and nobody will get hurt, I think...

Sophie: *mouth: don't trust her*

Emily: hear me out

Emily told her friends the plan and they all agreed with it.

They day of the concert.

Emily thought it was good to start her plan in the middle of the night.

Emily went to Ethan first and "looked" sick.

Emily: E... wake up

Ethan: *groans* Emily what ever it is, the answer no, go back to bed its *looks at alarm* 2am in the morning!

Emily: I feel sick

Ethan: I'm sure its nothing Em, go get some Tylenol and get ready for bed

Emily: can you at least feel my temperature?

Ethan: fine... *feels forehead* whoah, that's not normal

Emily: I told you I wasn't lying

Ethan: go get the thermometer for me

Emily: I already checked *shows him* see fever

Ethan: *looks* if you're not better when you wake up, no school. I don't want you getting other kids sick right now

Emily: yes sir

Ethan: what are some signs?

Emily: *lies* uh... I woke up and I vomit, my tummy started hurting and headache

Ethan: alright take some medication from the cabinet then get some sleep. We will see how your temperature is later today

Emily: okay E

When Ethan turned back around. Emily smirked and walked away, she crawled back into bed.

The Next Morning.

Ethan and Grayson quietly walked into Emily's room and Grayson whispered.

Grayson: are you sure she's sick?

Ethan: yeah that's what she told me

Grayson: are you gonna believe her words? Emily lies you know

Ethan: she came to me last night with a fever, I checked her temperature and everything

Grayson: let's check again while she's asleep so she doesn't have time to fake it

Ethan: you think she's faking?

Grayson: kids can lie to get out of school Ethan

The walk over to Emily to make sure she's asleep and went to her bathroom cabinet.

Emily peaked her eyes open after hearing her brothers whisper. She hurried and got the thermometer that was next to her and use a flashlight. Ethan saw what she was doing and hit Gray in the shoulder to make him look, he mouth that he was sorry.

After Emily heard their voice, and they were coming out, Emily put the thermometer back and went back to sleep.

Ethan and Grayson came out and found back "asleep", Ethan and Grayson looked at each other and shook their head. Ethan told him he got a plan and sat on Emily's bed and the boys started playing around with her.

Ethan: oh there's the thermometer we were looking for, oh and its the same temperature like last night 104°.

Emily open her eyes when she heard the number but didn't turn over.

Grayson: Ethan Grant Dolan. You know that's not a normal temperature

Ethan: it isn't?

Grayson: a regular fever is 100.4 to 102.2, anything higher that need medical attention

Ethan: you mean the hospital?

Emily froze under her covers, she hates going to the hospital.

Grayson: that's exactly what I mean

Ethan: we should probably wake her up to take her to nearest emergency room

Grayson: the emergency room? Where all the nurses and doctors will check her temperature and give her SHOTS?

Emily: wait! *turns over* NO SHOTS! I made it up, I'm not sick!

Grayson: Emily Clarissa Dolan, you know faking sick is wrong, especially with what's going on right now

Emily: I know... I'm sorry

Grayson: why did you do it?

Emily: I don't want to go to school today

Ethan: that's not a good enough reason young lady

Emily: *sighs* there's a test today and I didn't want to take it, so I pretended to be sick

Grayson: oh Em, you know we are gonna have to punish you for this

Emily: why?! What did I do wrong?

Ethan: are you seriously asking what you did was wrong. You knew exactly what you were doing when you planned this young lady

Emily: but E!

Ethan: no buts, and since you're the one that lied to me. I will be the one to punish you

Emily: pleaseeee I'm sorry, Grayson!

Grayson: you heard what Ethan said. What are the rules?

Emily: no lying to either of you

Grayson: and what happens if you lie?

Emily: I get punished... but-

Ethan: again with the but *pulls her over his knee* SMACK! You will not lie to is again! SMACK! Lying to us about being sick right now is not only putting yourself in danger but us too. SMACK! We talked to you about what's going on around the world SMACK! And how to protect yourself! SMACK! The fact that you think faking sick is funny right now, it's not!

Emily: I'm sorrrrryy, SMACK!! ow!

Grayson: *comes close to her face* if there's any real reason you're doing this, you better come clean now young lady. Or its gonna be a lot worst for you later on.

Emily: nooo, I just don't want to go to school right now

Ethan: SMACK! Not an excuse *pulls down pants and underwear*

Emily: NOOO!!!

Ethan: yes, its been a while since we done this without protection

Grayson: *hands him thermometer* check her temperature again

Emily: no please! I'm sorry!

Ethan grabbed the thermometer in her butt hole and Emily squirmed uncomfortable.

Ethan: you want to lie to us about being sick again. Your bottom gonna be the same temperature as your butt now

Emily: *sniffles* E... pleaseeee

Ethan: no I'm done with hearing excuses after excuses, Gray hand me her hairbrush


Grayson got her hairbrush on her vanity and hand it to Ethan. Ethan continued to spanked Emily with the hairbrush as she wined and complained to her brother.

Ethan stopped spanking when she had enough and broke down crying. Her bottom had went to white to bright pink in seconds, Ethan took out the thermometer and check the temperature and said.

Ethan: regular temperature 98.6, not sick *shows her then, throws in garbage* do not lie to us again, or that will be doubled, understand me

Emily: *sniffles* yes sir...

Ethan: come here kiddo

Emily sit up and wince as she sat on Ethan lap before hugging him and he kissed the top of her forehead as well as Grayson, before sitting down next to them.

Grayson: we know you learned that lying is wrong, so... if you lie to us again it will be a lot worst then this time

Ethan: that means no warm ups

Emily: *gulps* yes sir

Ethan: we caught you using your flashlight to check your temperature, so the next time you say you're "sick" will be checking ourselves

Grayson: now... do you have anything else to say to us? Speak now because if we find out later your bottom is toast

Emily: *bites lip* no sir

Ethan: good girl, go to the corner and sit your bottom in your time out chair that we kept over their for you

Emily blushed and walks over to the time chair. She winced sitting down, and Grayson timed it and the two of them talked quietly among themselves. Emily smirk silently in her chair knowing part of her plan worked even tho she had to suffered the consequences for it. She sat down squirming in her time out chair while watching them talk.

After Emily sat in time out, the boys brought Emily to school and made sure she went into the school, before driving off.

Emily called one of her plans, and told her the planned worked and to have Jenna come pick her up.

Emily met up with her friends and they all got in Jenna's car and started driving away from the school.

Sophie: *whispers* what was the point of your plan, even tho you got in trouble

Emily: *whisper* so my brothers doesn't suspect the real reason, and normally if I get caught for this the boys don't spank me twice in one day

Sophie: genius

Emily: I don't get that quiet often

Sophie: and that's the last compliment you will get

Emily: okay now... we are each gonna call the school, but not at the same time so it doesn't make it that suspicious and we are gonna each gonna pretend to be our folks

Lev: you are amazing you know that

Emily: *blush* thanks

Sophie: *whispers to Emily* he so loves you

Emily: *whispers* shut up

When Emily's squad made it to the venue, they were told that the concert was no longer happening.

Jenna: what why?

Security: apparently Nicki cancelled it because of Cov-19 and kids were planning on skipping school so she rescheduled

Jenna: aw man

Emily: so we came all this way for nothing?!

Security: I'm afraid so, sorry

Emily: great, now what?

Jenna: we already called in sick, so we can't go back to school

Emily: might as well have some fun while we are at it *smirks*

Sophie: can't we just go home and face the music

Emily: nah... my fun is more dangerous

Sophie: of course

The squad headed to the mall to hang out, and it was mostly filled with adults and younger kids.

Sophie: maybe we should go back to school

Jentez: Sophie relax, if anything happens, I will protect you

Sophie: okay, I just don't like betraying my mom

Emily: if anything happens, your mom can bail us out

Sophie: Em, you know my mom not super women. Just because she's a cop, she can't bail us out of everything. She has to follow the rules, just like all cop parents with kids. Also I do not like my mom being taken advantage of

Emily: sorry Soph, I didn't mean it like that

Sophie: I know... so what do you guys want to do

Emily: let's make a challenge. So we have to buy something in our favorite color, and it has to be under 50 dollars

Lev: so the limit is 50 dollars?

Emily: yes. My favorite color is rose gold

Sophie: I can't decide between purple or blue

Jentez: how about this, I take blue and you take purple

Sophie: *smiles* okay

Lev: I like red

Jenna: I'll take yellow

Emily: okay we all go in teams, Sophie, Jenna and I, and you boys can go together. Readyyyy.... Go!

All the girls ran the other way, and the boys look confused at each other and ran the other way. 

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