Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:
Grayson: what are you doing?
Ethan: looking for her birth certificate, maybe there something on it that we don't know about. *looks at it* no way!
Grayson: what? What? *looks at it* can't be...

And Now...

Ethan: Emily is not mom's daughter
Grayson: who is this women name on Emily's birth certificate
Ethan: I don't know
Grayson: you think dad cheated on mom?
Ethan: oh I don't know Grayson, why don't you go look at our 11 year old little sister!
Grayson: well how was I supposed to know...
Ethan: it's pretty damn obvious Grayson!
Grayson: so... Emily is our half sister?
Ethan: I guess so, but she's still our sister no matter what
Grayson: we can't tell Emily this, what if she wants to look for her birth mom
Ethan: if we don't tell her, she gonna find out from someone else Gray
Grayson: *sighs* I don't know what to do... your the older brother. Why don't you tell her
Ethan: oh now you make me the older brother all of the suddens
Grayson: because you're
Ethan: *sighs* fine... but you're coming with me for protection
Grayson: okay

The boys walked into Emily's bedroom to find her playing on her Switch.

Emily: hi boys!
Ethan/Grayson: hi Em
Grayson: can we talk to you sweetie
Emily: this must be serious *pause game*
Ethan: it is, and you might not like this, but we want to tell you first before you hear it from someone else
Emily: okay, what's up
Ethan: remember when I told you, you were staying for a year?
Emily: yeah...
Ethan: I lied...
Emily: so... I'm just staying for the summer? That's totally fine
Ethan: no, actually you're staying for a lot longer than that
Emily: watcha talking about Ethan?
Ethan: *sighs* mom hand me over the papers and wants me and Grayson to sign them so that we can officially be your legal guardians
Emily: what?! WHY?!
Ethan: we didn't know why she did it, until we went through your birth certificate. It turns out that your mom isn't actually your mom
Emily: wait a minute, your telling me, the women I thought I knew was my mom, the one that raised me is not my real mother and she's letting me stay with you guys permanently
Ethan/Grayson: yeah pretty much
Emily: is she stupid?! You guys aren't even 20 yet, how are you gonna be responsible for a 11 year old? What is that women thinking?!
Ethan/Grayson: hey!
Emily: no offense boys, I love you and all. But why would she do this now and keep this from me
Ethan: I don't know, I guess she was just waiting for the right time to do it
Emily: which was over the summer when she knew I was planning to stay with you guys for the summer. She was planning to get rid of me this whole time. That women never loved me
Ethan: that's not true Emily
Emily: yes it is, she wanted to get rid of me so badly after dad died that's why she kept that whole lie from us
Ethan: Emily...
Emily: I hate her! The nerve of that women
Grayson: hey she still our mom
Emily: no she isn't, that women is now dead to me
Ethan: do you wanna talk about it?
Emily: *shakes head* no thanks, I just wannabe alone please
Ethan: okay... well if you want information on your birth mother, we will help you look for her if you want
Emily: I just need time to think about this...
Grayson: *sighs* okay Emily
Emily: you guys are still my brothers tho right?
Grayson: of course
Ethan: always, you're technically our half sister, but we will love you no matter what kiddo
Emily: thanks boys *hugs Ethan, hugs
Grayson* I love you guys
Ethan/Grayson: we love you too
Emily: thanks for telling me, I know it was hard trying to tell me
Ethan: anytime kiddo

Ethan kisses the top of her forehead, then Grayson and the two of them left the room. Emily sighs and picked up her phone and dials a friend number.

Emily: hey Soph, can you come over? Yeah, I can really use a friend to talk to right now. Okay, I'll let the boys know if it's okay. *goes into the kitchen* boys, is it okay if Sophie come over
Grayson: sure kiddo
Emily: awesome *on the phone* yeah the boys said you can come over, see ya in a few *hangs up*
Ethan: Em, are you sure you're okay?
Emily: I'm perfectly fine Ethan, you have nothing to worry about
Ethan: okay

Sophie came over and I hugged her, she said hello to the boy's and Grayson asked if she wanted to stay for dinner, she said yes but has to ask her mom first. After she told her mom, we went upstairs to my bedroom, and we sat in my bay window and I told her everything.

Sophie: I'm so sorry Emily
Emily: it's okay
Sophie: on the bright side, we get to go to the same school together and be neighbors too!
Emily: I guess there's a bright side to something
Sophie: so, are you gonna take the chance to finding your birth mother
Emily: I don't know, I don't think I'm ready for that, I don't want to be disappointed if she doesn't like me, after all she did give me up
Sophie: how do you know she gave you up?
Emily: I mean, why else did I live with my dad and my "supposedly mom" all this time and not her?
Sophie: maybe there's a reason why your dad didn't tell you
Emily: I guess, but if we are gonna look for my birth mother, I don't want the boys to know yet. I don't want to upset them
Sophie: I'm sure the boys wouldn't mind helping you. Do you know your mom's name?
Emily: yeah, I saw the birth certificate. Her name is Christina Gardner
Sophie: so that means your Sophie Gardner-Dolan
Emily: all we have to do now is search up my hospital records. But the problem is, I know nothing about hacking and I can't fly all the way to Jersey without my brothers being suspicious
Sophie: I know a computer expert. He goes to my school, his name is Gavin
Emily: you never mention any Gavin to me
Sophie: that's because you're barely hear. Now that you're, I'll introduce you to him
Emily: just one problem, I can't leave the house without my brothers permission. I have to let them know where I am going at all times
Sophie: just tell them you will be hanging out with me all afternoon, I mean it's sort of the truth
Emily: I guess...

So we contact this Gavin fellow and he told us to meet him at our spot that Sophie and I like to hang out when I come to visit my brothers.

During Dinner.

We sat quietly at the dinner table and Sophie nudge me to tell the boys and I said.

Emily: uh... boys
Ethan/Grayson: *looks up* yeah
Emily: is it okay, if I spend the rest of my afternoon with Sophie tomorrow?
Grayson: uh... I don't see why not, Ethan? You're the oldest, what do you think?
Ethan: we trust Sophie, so we know you will be in good hands. Just text us where you will be going
Emily: *smiles* thanks boys
Grayson: so what are you two doing tomorrow?
Emily/Sophie: uh... movie/mall *looks at each other
Grayson/Ethan: *looks suspicious*
Emily: *gulps* uh... we are going to movies inside the mall
Sophie: yeah what she says, we were gonna spend the whole day at the mall together
Grayson: alright just be home before the streetlight turn on
Emily: *pouts* I thought I didn't have a bedtime
Grayson: it's your curfew. I don't want you being out all hours of the night in California. You're only 11 Emily
Emily: mom never gave me a curfew or a bedtime
Grayson: well we're not mom
Emily: Ethan!
Ethan: hey this is between you and Grayson
Emily: but you're older
Ethan: true, but Grayson really good at these type of stuff
Grayson: thank you Ethan
Emily: this is totally not fair *cross arm frustrated*
Grayson: it's either that, or you're not leaving the house at all
Emily: this su-
Sophie: she'll take it. *glares at me and whisper* what are you doing? Are you trying to get yourself into trouble?
Emily: *mumbles* sorry
Sophie: just don't blow your cover
Grayson: blow what cover?
Sophie: uh... nothing

After dinner, Sophie and I wash the dishes, I clean while Sophie dried.

Sophie: you need to stop arguing with your brothers if you want to go out tomorrow
Emily: I'm sorry but they get under my skin and it makes me so mad. I'm not a little kid anymore
Sophie: I know, but they're just doing this to protect you Em. There's a lot of crazy people in California
Emily: *sighs* I know, I'm sorry
Sophie: plus you're not the only one with rules, I have a curfew as well. So we won't be out for long
Emily: at least I'm not the only one, with over protective parental guardians
Sophie: that's true

We finished up cleaning the dishes and I said goodbye to Sophie and got ready for bed.

Emily: come in

I said reading my book in bed after hearing knock on my door, Grayson and Ethan both came into my room.

Grayson: just came in to say goodnight and to not stay up so long
Emily: yes Grayson

They both kissed me on top of my forehead before leaving the room. I sigh and took out my laptop and started searching up my mom's name on my own.

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