Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:
With Emily and Sophie at school.

Sophie: so what are you gonna tell your brothers when you get home
Emily: that I'm going on a group date
Sophie: no don't say group date, than they will think it's a date and won't let you go
Emily: fine I'm going out with 3 of my friends
Sophie: okay, and thank you for doing this for me, my mom wouldn't allow me to go out on a date. She said if I go out with a boy I must have a friend tag along, but no dating. She said I'm not "mature" enough to date
Emily: same exact thing my brothers said
Sophie: exactly, but what they know
Emily: right, my brothers were my age once, I bet they had their first date at my age
Sophie: especially your brother Grayson, he's so hott!!!!
Emily: okay, what did we talk about calling my brothers the h word in front me
Sophie: to not too...
Emily: thank you
???: hey girls, can't wait for our date this weekend

Ryder said coming up with Gavin.

Sophie: it's not a date remember, it's a group outing with friends. My mom can't know we are dating
Emily: same with my brothers, they will have a fit and their goes our plans this Saturday night. *to the boys* Oh and remember I have to be home by 10pm on weekends
Gavin: I thought you didn't have a curfew?
Emily: ever since your party, my brothers got worried sick when I didn't show up for 2 hours

They all gave Ryder a look.

Ryder: hey it wasn't my idea, it was all Coco
Gavin: oh of course always gotta blame the girls for your schemes
Ryder: it's the truth! Why don't you people believe me, that girl is evil! EVILLLLL!
Emily: y-yeah, anyways. So my brothers will drop us off at the arcade and will meet you guys at our usually booth
Ryder/Gavin: okay

Emily's POV
After school, I was talking to my brothers at the kitchen table while eating my afternoon snack.

Grayson: so it's a date?
Emily: it's not a date, it's a group outing
Ethan: I don't know Emily, seems odd that 4 12 year old kids are 2 boys and 2 girls going out together. That seems like a double date
Emily: not a date! I'm just helping out a friend who can't go on a date by herself
Ethan: ah ha! So you admit it's a date
Emily: I-I d-didn't-I mean- UGHHHH!!!! You boys got me confused. It's a group outing not a date! Why don't you guys believe me
Grayson: your lying record around here hasn't been the best Emily
Emily: look, I know I lie a lot but what kid doesn't
Ethan: she's got a point
Emily: please, can I go?
Grayson: you have to promise to have your school work done
Emily: okay
Ethan: text us when you get here-
Emily: *squeals* I can go? *hugs them* thank you boys
Grayson: no problem kiddo, just please answer your phone when we call you this time
Emily: I will, I love you boys
Grayson/Emily: we love you too kiddo

After Emily left to start her school work, Grayson got a call from Emily's teacher.

Grayson: oh really? Oh, boy...
Ethan: what?
Grayson: shh! No not you, yes I will tell her. Thank you for your call *hangs up*
Ethan: who was that?
Grayson: Emily's teacher, she called and told me that Emily hasn't been doing so well with math
Ethan: I thought she was good in math?
Grayson: her last d on her test says other wise and she forgot to let us sign it. Emily get your butt in here! I'm gonna teach that girl to not sneak things behind our back
Emily: *comes in* yes Grayson
Grayson: your teacher called me
Emily: uh-oh, I can explain
Grayson: alright explain to me why you didn't tell us about the grade
Emily: because... I didn't think you would let me go on the group thing if I told you
Grayson: and now you will not be going
Emily: but Grayson-
Grayson: no buts young lady, what is always the rule about your grades
Emily: if I can't keep my grades up I won't be able to stay with you guys for the summer. But I live here now
Grayson: no the new rule
Emily: oh I forgot
Grayson: *sighs* we told you if you don't keep your grades up, you can kiss your weekend plans goodbye and hit the books
Emily: that's not fair! My best friend is counting on me, please Grayson!
Ethan: and we were counting on you to do well in school. What happened Emily? You were so great in school.
Emily: *shrugs shoulder* new school, new challenges. I never been to a prep school before I didn't know the classes were gonna be difficult
Grayson: why didn't you tell us you were struggling, we could have gotten you a tutor
Emily. *shrugs shoulder* I was afraid I would disappoint you guys. You guys give me a great life and now I'm ruining it
Ethan: hey kiddo, we love having you here, you're not ruining anything, in fact you make our life easier now
Emily: really?
Grayson: really
Emily: thanks boys *hugs them* well... bye
Grayson: not so fast! We have to sign the paper and find you a tutor, your teacher said you can retake the make up test
Emily: okay, you need a really good tutor too, Algebra is so confusing
Grayson: any other classes you're struggling in that you want to let us know now before we find out from someone else?
Emily: *thinks* nope, let me get my back pack *leaves*
Ethan: well... that was easier than I thought it would be
Grayson: she must really want to go on date huh
Ethan: not a date, but we made a commitment with her and she lost it
Grayson: you're right Ethan, I can't back down on my words. Did I just say that out loud
Ethan: yep, you heard it world, Grayson just said that I am  right! *fist pump in the air*
Grayson: and I'm very proud of you, you're really growing up Ethan
Ethan: thanks, and you were right, we are taking of a 12 year old and that things needs to change around here
Grayson: I think I'm gonna cry, hug me brother!

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