Chapter 10

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*Warning: Spanking in this chapter!*

Chapter 10:

Emily's POV
The first week of school went great. I'm starting to remember where everything is. I can even walk home from school on my own now, but I still have to call to let them know if I go anywhere else. After they had a talk with me a week ago about calling them when going somewhere.

I hang out with my friends at school and one of them suggest we should cut gym. I didn't know how I feel about that because I think that's a rule about something with my brothers about how I'm suppose to ask permission to leave campus. But my friends just want to hang out at the beach near the school and it will only be for a little while...

We were walking towards the beach and I stopped Sophie.

Emily: Sophie, I don't think this is a good idea
Sophie: me either, but we have done this a bunch of times and never got caught
Emily: really?
Sophie: uh huh, we will make it back before our teacher notice
Emily: o-okay
Sophie: I know how you feel, I was nervous my first time ditching too plus nothing ever happens in class the first week on Friday. We normally just sit around anyways and they make us read a book or tel us what we will be learning for the rest of the year
Emily: I guess your right

I guess none of us paid attention to the time because we stayed longer here than expect and my phone kept ringing. I answered without looking and the voice on the other end said.

Emily: *wince* hi Grayson...
Grayson: your principal called us in and said you missed a couple of your classes
Emily: oh snap! What time is it!
Grayson: 1-

Before Grayson finished his sentence, I hung up on him (even tho I will get hell to pay for that later) and check the time and my eye ya widen, I turned off the music and my friends went "hey!" My direction.

Emily: guys! We are in big trouble, we lost track of time and forgot to come back to school!
Friend: oh snap!

My friend check their phones for any miscalled from their folks before we gather our things and ran back to the school.

When we made it to school, the principal must of all the folks, I see a bunch of my friends being dragged home. I walked up to Ethan and Grayson and they glared at me when they see me and I said.

Emily: look I know your mad but let me please explain
Grayson: no need, let's go *grabs me by the wrist* you're in so much trouble
Emily: that's not fair! You didn't make it a rule that I couldn't cut school

I said pleading to the boys as they dragged me to the car.

Grayson: do you want us to make a rule for ever little thing you do?
Emily: no sir
Grayson: you're big girl now, you should know from rights and wrong already
Emily: but it wasn't my fault
Grayson: who choice was it to leave the school?
Emily: me- but-
Grayson: doesn't matter, we told you, you're not allowed to leave the campus area during school hours didn't we?
Emily: I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Grayson: didn't we?
Emily: y-yes sir

My brothers were so gonna kill me now...

End Of POV

They made it home, and Emily was told to go to her room. Ethan and Grayson paced nervously in the family room, wondering what to do.

Ethan: what are we going to do Grayson? She acts like the rules don't matter to her
Grayson: we give her rules for every little thing. She saying we don't give her enough rules, well we are gonna give it to her
Ethan: okay, so now what are we gonna do since she broke two major rules today?
Grayson: what I suggested a while ago
Ethan: I don't think I'm much of a spanker Gray
Grayson: I can do it, then she knows I mean business when she doesn't follow the rules

Grayson left the room and Ethan sigh and sat down on the couch and prayed everything goes okay.

With Emily:
Emily was laying on her bed, waiting for her brothers to give her, her punishment. She heard her door open and she sat up when she saw Grayson.

Emily: h-hi
Grayson: hey, we need to talk *sits down next to her*
Emily: Grayson, I'm so sorry
Grayson: I know you're, but that doesn't change the fact about what you did today
Emily: how much trouble am I in?
Grayson: well... you broke 2 rules, you're not to leave campus unless you ask our permission, and you were suppose to call us whenever you plan on going somewhere since you're still new to the neighborhood
Emily: but I wasn't alone
Grayson: doesn't matter, I don't know those kids very well or their parents and I need to know where you are at all time. You know when the principal called us we thought something happened to you!
Emily: I'm sorry...
Grayson: you know I've been hearing sorry from you a lot lately, and I'm not believing you until you can actually prove Ethan and I that you're
Emily: how do I do that?
Grayson: by following our rules. You think the rules don't matter to you
Emily: that's not true
Grayson: really? Did you think that something could happened to you at the beach with your friends? Or, what you would be doing at the beach? Or, if you got caught?
Emily: we didn't think we would get caught because they done this before
Grayson: what?!
Emily: ops
Grayson: and you still went ahead and done it didn't you
Emily: yes sir
Grayson: you could have said no Emily. Do not be pressure by your friends just because they think it's okay
Emily: yes sir
Grayson: you have your own mind, and I want you to use it the correct why. "If this is something that's gonna get me in trouble by my brothers, should I do it" the answer is no and walk away
Emily: if I walk away, I'm gonna look like a baby and people won't hang out with me anymore
Grayson: then they're not your real friends if they can't understand that
Emily: I get it Grayson, thanks for the talk
Grayson: I'm finish
Emily: there's more?
Grayson: plenty
Emily: aww man
Grayson: what are the rules you broke today?
Emily: I'm not allowed to leave campus without your permission, and if I have to call you when I'm going somewhere
Grayson: and what did I say would happened if you broke the rules?
Emily: oh no pleaseeeee Grayson
Grayson: Emily Clarissa Dolan
Emily: o-ooookkaayyy, a spanking
Grayson: and that's what you're about to get right now
Emily: Grayson, no wait!

Emily said as Grayson tipped her over his lap as she tried to wiggle away, Grayson hand came down on her butt, and she "ow!" When it landed.

Grayson: you will not cut school, you will not get pressure by your friends, you will tell Ethan and I where you're going at all times, you will answer your phone when we call you. Don't you ever hang up on me again! Do I make myself clear?

Grayson said with each word as he spanked Emily bottom.

Emily: ow! Yes sir! *sobs*

Grayson continued spanning over her jeans for 2 minutes, and when he was done he made her sit on his lap and she wince and buried her face in her brothers shoulder.

Emily: I'm sorry
Grayson: I know, I know. You're forgiven, the next time you cut school again or dodge our calls, your pants will be going down
Emily: yes sir

Grayson kissed the top of her forehead  and made her stand up.

Grayson: go wash your face, and come back to living room. We got some more stuff to talk about with you
Emily: yes sir

Grayson left and close her door and Emily sigh and look behind her and took a peak at her bottom and see that it's red from Grayson hand prints. She rubbed the sting away and went to change into comfortable pants before cleaning her face.

The boys spoke to Emily about some changes happening around here and Emily was not liking the new changes, she know she deserve it because she kept pushing her brothers too much where they had enough. Which was her fault and all on her. She took her punishment and agreed to the new rules because she knows her brothers are just looking out for her well being.

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