Chapter 1

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I should be asleep but let me upload this chapter first!.

Chapter 1:

Emily's POV
I was so excited to be with my brothers for the summer! Mom wanted me to go join my brothers while she was grieving the lost of our dad (even tho she hasn't said that, I know that's why she letting me go.) We lost our dad about 6 months ago and it hasn't been easy on any of us.

I'm 11 almost 12 years old and will be staying with my brothers for the entire summer. If it works out, it might live with them for the entire year!

So basically if anything happens to mom while I'm staying here, the boys will have custody of me instead of my older sister. My sister is in college right now so she can't take care of me if anything happens to mom.

I love my mom a lot, but she needs a vacation, and personally I need a vacation away from her.

Emily: Ethan!
Ethan: *comes into my room* what is it Em?
Emily: nothing, I just wanted to see if you would actually enter when I call
Ethan: *roll eyes* anyways, Grayson and I need to speak with you
Emily: I didn't do it!
Ethan: *raise eyebrow at me* what didn't you do?
Emily: um... n-nothing.

I got up from my swing in my room that Grayson built for me. If Grayson wasn't a YouTuber right now, he would be a great construction worker.

Emily: Grayson, you and Ethan needed to speak with me?
Grayson: Emily, have a seat
Emily: whatever it is, I didn't do it!
Ethan: why do you always assume you did something?
Emily: because I always do something
Grayson: she's not wrong
Emily: *roll eyes* why am I here?
Grayson: we understand that you're just here for summer vacation, but that actually been extended
Emily: *confused* what do you mean?
Ethan: mom called, she ask us if we can keep you for a year
Emily: really??? Why?
Grayson: she said she needed some time for herself
Emily: oh...
Grayson: that doesn't mean she doesn't love you. She just not ready right now.
Emily: mom's been taking dad's death really hard. I hope she's okay
Ethan: she's fine Emily, and you have nothing to worry about
Emily: *sighs* okay, what about school?
Grayson: don't worry about that, we got that taken care of, you will be starting school here in September, mom will send us all your transcripts so we can send them to your new school
Emily: can't I just be homeschooled?
Grayson/Ethan: no
Emily: it was worth a shot
Ethan: we want you to experience a real school
Emily: okay, is that all?
Grayson: no, mom want us to give you some rules for you while you're staying here
Emily: *groans* she acts like I'm a trouble maker
Grayson: rules are important kiddo
Emily: rules stinks and shouldn't exist
Ethan: I agree *fist pound her*
Grayson: Ethan!
Ethan: what? I'm just saying
Grayson: am I gonna be the only strict one around here, or are you two just gonna gang up on me the whole year

Ethan and I both shrugged and Grayson rolled eyes and said.

Grayson: rule 1, no leaving the house without our permission. We have to know where you're at all times
Ethan: adding to the rule 1 to make that rule 2, always have your phone on you. You don't answer, we worry.
Grayson: rule 3, keep your room clean. You know how I feel about messy room's
Ethan: I think we all know how you feel about messy room's

I giggle at Ethan's side remark and Grayson glared at him and then back at me and I kept my mouth shut.

Grayson: speaking of clean room, you have chores to do as well
Emily: *groans* oh come on!
Grayson: no complaining, if any of these rules are broken their will be consequences
Ethan: oh and more rules will be added along the way
Emily: I feel like I'm back at home. I came to live with you guys to have some fun not be ruined with rules
Ethan: hey we can still have fun and have rules
Grayson: oh, I almost forgot, bedtime at 8
Emily: at 8pm are you kidding me? Little kids go to bed at 8pm Grayson,and as you can clearly see, I'm not a little kid anymore
Ethan: your still little to us
Emily: well of course I am, because you two are my older brothers!
Grayson: fine, you can go to bed anytime you want in the summer time
Emily: sweet!
Grayson: but if things changes, you have to agree to the bedtime we give you
Emily: okay, but can it be 10?
Grayson: 8:30
Emily: 9:30?
Grayson: 9...
Emily: 9 it is!
Ethan: she made you fall right into that
Grayson: yep...
Emily: since I can stay up, to however I want now, can I go play my Switch?
Grayson/Ethan: sure!
Grayson: Ethan will get you when dinner is ready
Emily: okay!

I said running off to my room and I connect my switch to my tv and sat down on my customaed swing and played Mario Kart.

With Grayson and Ethan:
Grayson: can you believe we are gonna be guardianship of our little sister for a whole year?
Ethan: it might be longer than that...
Grayson: I thought mom said for a year?
Ethan: if she said for a year, why would she sent, Emily papers works and sending all her stuff next week if she's just staying here for a year
Grayson: woah, is mom actually giving Emily to us? But it's too soon. She's gonna be heartbroken
Ethan: I know, which is why we can't tell her
Grayson: we have to tell her Ethan. It's better if she hears it from us
Ethan: maybe there's a reason mom gave her to us
Grayson: you don't think her and dad were keeping a secret to us do you?
Ethan: there's only one way to find out *looks for something*
Grayson: what are you doing?
Ethan: looking for her birth certificate, maybe there something on it that we don't know about. *looks at it* no way!
Grayson: what? What? *looks at it* can't be...

Chapter End Notes:
What do you think Ethan and Grayson saw? Find out in the next chapter!

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