Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

The Next Day.
Cameron went out bra shopping with Emily and her friend Sophie.

Sophie: thanks for taking me shopping with you Cameron
Cameron: of course, I want to get to know you a little better before I trust you with my baby sister
Emily: what crazy stories have the boys told you about Sophie?
Cameron: oh, I don't know about all the time she broke into the house, or the time she ran in on Grayson in the bathroom
Emily: you did that?
Sophie: *sighs dreamily* yeah... those were the days. *snaps out of it* but,  I'm not like that anymore. You can trust me with Emily now. I already promise the boys that I'm not using Emily to get close to them
Cameron: good, when did you first meet?
Sophie: when she first came for the summer  
Cameron: that remind me of something, hey Emily, didn't you have a friend like Sophie back in Jersey... um... Mariam?
Emily: yeah, she's gonna hate me for not saying goodbye to her
Cameron: did you text her?
Emily: no because mom made me change my number when I moved here. She gonna think I'm dodging her calls. Mom didn't want anyone to know I was staying here forever. I didn't even know I was staying here forever.
Cameron: I bet the boys were surprised
Emily: they were, they were really pissed at mom for springing this on them with no warning
Cameron: how do you feel about all this?
Emily: About moving? Or finding out my mother isn't actually my birth mother
Cameron: both
Emily: I guess it's okay. I mean, I love the guys don't get me wrong but I wish mom didn't shift me off with no warning whatsoever leaving all my friends behind back home
Cameron: well when I visit mom next weekend I will tell Mariam what happened, alright?
Emily: thanks Cameron
Sophie: whose Mariam?
Emily: my first best friend
Sophie: I thought I was your best friend
Emily: oh you're my best friend of course, but you weren't my first
Sophie: oh...
Emily: come on Sophie you gotta have friends besides me, what about Quinn and Hayley, or Jenna?
Sophie: Quinn never liked me, and Hayley hangs out with Asher's sister London now. Jenna is the oldest squad member she mostly hangs out with the big kids
Emily: Jenna is our friend too
Sophie: I know, but you're my real friend
Emily: *smiles* thanks Sophie, but I'm gonna have multiple best friends and you have to understand that
Sophie: I know
Cameron: alright, I took you the pharmacy and bought you shaving stuff for when you have hair, also facial stuff for when you have acne. I recommended you some pads for when you have your first period
Emily: Cameron!
Cameron: what?
Emily: it's embarrassing!
Cameron: oh relax Emily, it's perfectly normal for girls have period
Emily: but you don't need to say it out loud for the whole mall to hear!
Sophie: *giggles, sees the look, stops* sorry...
Cameron: fine... I won't say it out loud. Now we have to find you bras
Emily: Cameron pleaseeeee
Cameron: be quite Emily, I'm only trying to help
Emily: sorry... *blush* but I already have bras
Cameron: you have training bras, your starting to show and you need regular ones now
Emily: *to Sophie* kill me now


Emily came home by herself frustrated and sat on the couch.

Ethan: *comes in* Emily? Why are you home by yourself, where's Cameron and Sophie?

Emily went to say something when Cameron came in.

Cameron: Emily Clarissa, you're in so much trouble!
Grayson: *comes in* what's with all the yelling?
Ethan: I'm trying to find out, what happened?
Cameron: this little girl decided to ditch me and Sophie in the Uber because she got so mad at me for embarrassing her in public and Sophie and I had to walk home to catch up to her
Ethan: is this true Emily?
Emily: part of it
Grayson: which part?
Emily: the whole thing, she humiliated me in front of a bunch of people, talking about my bra size in front of everyone in the store
Cameron: she asked me what size you were!
Emily: we could have done that privately!
Cameron: still give you no rights to leave Sophie and I behind
Grayson: which we will talk about later young lady
Emily: yes sir...
Grayson: for now, go to your room while we talk to Cameron
Emily: am I in trouble?
Grayson: will talk about it when you're in your bedroom thinking about what you did, now go!

Emily sigh and got up, Ethan ruffles her hair as she left towards her room. 

Grayson: Cameron, I understand what you're trying to do for Emily, but really Ethan and I can handle this
Cameron: really? Because with the stories you boys tells me doesn't seem much progress
Ethan: that's because we only call you when Emily has problems at home. We don't call you when things goes smoothly at home
Cameron: that's the problem guys, I feel like I missing so much of my sister life because I'm in college most of the times. While you guys get to be their with her everyday. I was just trying to help her out
Grayson: I get it, you wish you were the one taking care of Emily, but your life is school now, don't you want to be the first Dolan sibling of our generation to graduate from college? Don't you want to make dad and mom proud
Cameron: I do... I mostly want dad to smile at me down from heaven when I receive my diploma
Ethan: good, because Emily will still be here right after you graduate cheering you on
Cameron: thanks boys *hugs them* I love my little brothers
Ethan/Grayson: we love you too big sis

Cameron smiles and kiss them each on the cheek and Cameron got up and said.

Cameron: I'm gonna have a talk with the brat of our younger sister
Grayson: go easy on her, because I'm next

With Emily:

Emily was making Tik Tok videos in her room, when someone knocked on her door and opened it and she turned around and said.

Emily: what do you want *paused video*
Cameron: I thought Grayson said to think about what you did, not make videos online
Emily: I'm just giving my fans what they want, unless you want to embarrassed me some more
Cameron: I'm sorry I embarrassed you Emily
Emily: why are you doing all this?
Cameron: *sits down at her bay window with her* I kind of feel bad for missing your life. I feel like I'm not helping out like the boys are
Emily: I understand Cameron, but I don't need my big sister or big brothers telling me to take care of my body. I will figure some stuff out on my own, and if I have any questions I will come to you
Cameron: *smiles* that's all I want to know, hug?

Emily smiles and hug her big sister and Grayson was standing at the door way and smiled and said.

Grayson: awwwww, I just love a sister bonding time

The girls Pulls apart and look at Grayson standing at Emily's doorway.

Emily: but did you have to ruin it?
Grayson: sorry, but couldn't help but overhead. Speaking of ruining things *gives Emily a look*
Cameron: that's my cue to go *starts to get up*
Emily: *hugs Cameron* wait Cameron don't leave me!
Cameron: sorry squirt, I gotta go start dinner, Emily, let go!
Emily: pleaseeeee I apologize for leaving both you and Sophie stranded, please don't let Grayson spank me
Grayson: how do you know I'm gonna spank you?
Emily: because you gave me your "I'm in trouble look" *imitates his look* and Ethan doesn't have the guts to do
Ethan: *yells from the other room* she's right!
Grayson: shut up Ethan!
Cameron: Emily, you have to face the consequences. I'm not letting you get off that easy, that Uber driver could have kidnapped you and taken you somewhere else. Plus, the boys told me you're still new to California, so how would you find your way home. So take your punishment like a big girl and maybe next time you will think about your actions before doing so
Emily: *sighs* yes Cameron

Cameron kiss the top of Emily head before saying to Grayson.

Cameron: she's all yours

Grayson hugged his older sister before Cameron left the room and Grayson closed the door behind him.

Emily: so are we gonna get this over with or what?

Grayson sighs and explained to Emily what she did wrong. She did and Grayson spanked Emily with his hands over her underwear for a couple minutes and told her if she break the same rule again she was gonna remove her under wear and get her hairbrush on spanked her on her  bare bottom. As always Emily promise her brother she won't sneak off again without permission.

Chapter End Notes:
Next chapter will be, Emily finding a stray animal that Grayson is allergic too.

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