Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

I promised Grayson I would be on my best behavior tonight, and I ruined that for him. They will probably never trust me to be home again. I would probably have to be on the round with them when they travel for now on.

I heard a knock on my door, and I told them the person to come in, and both my brothers entered and look down at the floor.

Grayson: look at us
Emily: *looks up* hi...
Ethan: are you gonna give us a hug kiddo

I went to hugged them, than realize how much trouble I'm in and went back to my bed to sit.

Emily: how much trouble am I in?
Grayson: mom told me what happened and what you said
Emily: whatever she told you is a lie!
Grayson: so you didn't come home after school when you were supposed to it
Emily: kind of...
Ethan: or you went to Sophie's place after Grayson and I told you no
Emily: ouch, that's 2
Grayson: and disrespecting mom when she only trying to be nice to you, that's 3
Emily: but she slapped me!
Grayson: I know she told us, and that's 4 young lady. You know how mom gets when her children cuss at her
Emily: I'm sorry last time I recall, I wasn't her children
Grayson: is this what this is about Emily? Your still mad that she sent you here?
Emily: yes! I'm furious! What kind of mother does that, I may not be her blood but she did help raised me. It's like after dad died she didn't care about me at all. All those feelings she had for me was all a lie 
Ethan: Emily...
Emily: Iook, I know you boys wanna defend your "mother" but she's not right for what she did to me
Grayson: I agree, and neither are you, what did you promise me?
Emily: Grayson...
Emily: *sighs* that I would behave
Grayson: and did you?
Emily: no.... but Grayson-
Grayson: no Emily, I'm very disappointed in you
Ethan: we both are
Emily: *looks down* I'm sorry
Grayson: go to the corner and think about why you're sorry little girl, while Ethan and I talk punishment for you
Emily: yes sir

I got up and went to the corner as the boys discussed my punishment quietly.

End Of POV

The boys walked out of Emily's room and were discussing what to do with Emily.

Ethan: so what are we gonna do Grayson?She broke 4 rules when we were away
Grayson: we can't trust her at home anymore, so next time we have to go out of town to do video we have to bring her with
Ethan: agree, will just leave her with a sitter while we do our thing. Like we can't dropped everything for Emily, we have to make money for a living or else we would have to go back to college and start earning our own money
Grayson: yeah and a lot of a fans will be disappointed
Ethan: man who knew this will be difficult with Emily in the picture. I love Emily I do, but I agree with Emily about mom.
Grayson: I know, as much as it kills me, we can't let mom and Emily be near each other again after what happened
Ethan: that means no more going home for the holidays
Grayson: mom will be disappointed
Ethan: well it's her fault for springing her on us. We weren't supposed to take care of Emily until something happened to her, that was the deal her and dad made after he died
Grayson: mom will be leaving tomorrow, so we keep Emily in her room until then
Ethan: agree, now what's Miss trouble maker punishment
Grayson: hairbrush spanking by the both of us and grounded for 1 week, agree?
Ethan: agree, you go first
Grayson: of course

The boys walk back into Emily's room and Grayson grabbed the hairbrush from her vanity desk before sitting down next to Ethan.

Ethan: Emily, turn around and come over here we need to speak with you

Emily sighs and turns around, when she did she noticed the brush in Grayson's hand, and went to make a run for it but Ethan said.

Ethan: you step your foot out of the door and the belt coming off

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