Chapter 14

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I will be posting my others stories very soon, don't worry I have not forgotten about them, I just been into this new story lately. I love the Dolan Twins boys 🤍 and there's not many stories about them having to take care of their little sister and I wanted to be the first. This  was supposed to be chapter 15, but because the original chapter 14 is not done yet, I decided to hold off of it a bit until it's done.


Chapter 14:

Grayson and Ethan were filming for their YouTube.
Grayson: hey guys, after a long break, we are back!
Ethan: and we are gonna do something a little different today
Grayson: as you can see we are not in our usual spot anymore because we decided we want to make a change when we took a break from YouTube.
Ethan: we are actually in our sister room, she doesn't know we are in here because she's at school...
Grayson: here's the thing, our sister been kind of moody lately, and we don't know what's up with her. She use to be doing what she's is told to but now she's acting more like...
Ethan: a moody teenager basically
Grayson: so our plan was to sneak a hidden camera in her room with out her noticing to see if we can get her to do her chores, I wanna know what she's been up too
Emily: boys I'm home!
Ethan: quick hide the camera! Hold on honey!

Grayson found a place to hide the camera just as Emily entered the room.

Emily: *cross arm* what are you two doing in my room?
Grayson/Ethan: uh... nothing
Grayson: how was school?
Emily: *shrugs* it was okay
Grayson: okay, now that you're home. Would you mind explaining to me why your room isn't cleaned yet?
Emily: *shrugs shoulder* I didn't feel like it
Grayson: you know the rules, if your chores isn't done, you can't go out this weekend
Emily: but Grayson! I have plans
Grayson: to do what?
Emily: I was supposed to go to the movies remember
Grayson: well that's gonna have to wait until your chores are done, get to it
Emily: ugh!

Grayson and Ethan left her room and as Grayson close the door she through her clothes at the now close door and started mumbling things about them under her breath that the camera in her room could easily pick up.

Emily pouted for a w while, until she decided to do some tricks on her bed, she took out her phone and started filming herself doing tricks for her Tik Tok videos.

Couple minutes later Grayson walked in to check on her, and Emily immediately stoped when Grayson came in.

Grayson: alright hand over the phone
Emily: nooooooo!!!
Grayson: you mean to tell me after everything you did, you still have not clean up your room?
Emily: I didn't feel like it, ow!

She said pouting rubbing her butt after Grayson swatted her.

Grayson: clean your room, and if it's still not cleaned by the time Ethan calls you for dinner, your grounded
Emily: you can't ground me!
Grayson: oh yeah, watch me. Do not get on my bad side Emily
Emily: *mocks him* "do not get on my bad side Emily"

Grayson went to grab her but Emily squealed jump to other side of the bed.

Emily: don't spank me!
Grayson: I don't spank you and I wasn't going to
Emily: yes you do!
Grayson: I was stopping you from jumping on the bed because I didn't want you to hurt yourself
Emily: *roll eyes* sure...
Grayson: little girl, I am sick of your attitude! What is going on with you? You never been this disobedience before
Emily: I'm fine
Grayson: come on bud, you use to tell me everything

Emily refuses to look at him and say a word to him, and Grayson sigh and said.

Grayson: well, when you do want to talk to me, I'll be in the kitchen

Emily just pouted and Grayson sighs and left the her room. Emily looked out her window and sigh. Emily went through her backpack and got out her period pack that her sister gave her. She frowned and through it against the wall.

She picked up her phone and went to dial her sister, but it immediately went to voicemail.

Emily: sissy, please pick up. I don't know who I should talk to about this. I tried calling mom but I think she changed her number on me, please answer

Emily sighs and hangs out and tears welled up in her eyes.
Emily: she said she would be here for me *throws phone at the wall*

Her screen crack and when the boys heard a loud bang, they immediately ran into her room.

Grayson/Ethan: what the hell?!

The boys looked around her room and at their sister. Ethan went to pick up her phone and noticed the cracked screen and look at the ground and noticed her stuff laying on the ground.

Ethan: ohhhhhhh
Grayson: what?

Ethan showed Grayson what was on the ground and he sighs and took the camera that was hidden.

Emily: you guys hid a camera in my room!
Ethan: we're not gonna upload it! We don't want people to think you're a brat.
Grayson: We just wanted to know what was wrong with you since you couldn't tell us ourselves
Emily: *sighs* I have my period
Grayson: since when?
Emily: since Monday
Ethan: when you started acting moody
Grayson: why didn't you tell us?
Emily: I didn't think you boys would understand where I was coming from
Grayson: did you try calling Cameron?
Emily: I did but her phone been going to voicemail. She promised me she would answer when I had it and hasn't called me back in a week
Ethan: oh that's why you're upset 

*phones ring*

Ethan: *looks* it's Cameron
Emily: I don't want to speak to her *looks away* if she wants to ignore me all week, I'll do the same with her

Ethan answered the phone anyways and put it on speaker.

Ethan: hey, your on speaker. I have Emily's phone
Cameron: wait, what did she do to have her phone taken away?
Ethan: it's not taken away
Grayson: not yet
Cameron: I'm returning Emily's calls where is she?
Emily: *silence*
Ethan: come on bug, you got your chance now to speak with her
Emily: I'm not speaking to her
Cameron: come on little sister, please? I'm sorry for missing your calls, I just been busy with school. You do realize I have social life too
Emily: but you promise you would answer your phone if I had my- oh wait I'm not talking to you
Cameron: if you had your what? Come on Emily
Emily: *silence*
Grayson: Emily, if you don't tell Cameron, I will.
Cameron: tell me what?
Emily: *sighs* I called you because I had my period
Cameron: oh Emily, I'm so sorry. I should have answered when you called
Emily: why didn't you?
Cameron: it was complicated
Emily: "complicated" more like you don't want to speak to your little sister anymore
Cameron: that's not true Emily, I love you. Your the best little sister I always wanted. It's just college been really tough lately and I needed to focus on exams and my social life right now
Emily: *sighs* I get it
Cameron: I promise, when I come to town this weekend will have some sister bonding time
Emily: I like that
Cameron: great
Grayson: and Cameron would you please tell Emily to stop attacking up at home and do her chores
Cameron: Emily next time you're angry about something, please don't take it on the boys. Talk to them about it and they will understand, that's what they're their for to help you
Emily: thanks Cameron
Cameron: now, listen to the boys because they know best, and get started on your chores missy
Emily: yes sir, Miss. Cameron
Cameron: that's ma'am to you little lady. I love you
Emily: *smiles* love you too
Cameron: bye boys!
Ethan/Grayson: bye Cameron!

Ethan hung up and Emily said.

Emily: I'm sorry boys *hugs them*
Grayson: it's alright squirt *kiss top of forehead* don't let it happened again
Emily: I promise, for now I will obey you guys when you tell me what to do and no more talking back
Grayson: that's our girl *fist bump her*
Emily: welll... I'm gonna clean up my room
Ethan: and will be taking this

Ethan said putting her phone in his back pocket.

Emily: Ethan, noooo!!!!
Ethan: yes, no more distractions. Room clean now. You still got laundry to do and you have to take out the garbage
Emily: yes sir...
Ethan/Grayson: good luck

They each gave her a kiss on the cheek before leaving her room. Emily sighs and started picking up her dirty clothes off the floor.

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