The Years of Blue [2]

By wintergirl08

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Book 2: After the disaster of last year, The Fountaine family has decided to take their daughter out of Hogwa... More

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Chapter 1: The Fourth of July
Chapter 2: The Guests
Chapter 3: Names and Surnames
Chapter 4: Quidditch and Letters
Chapter 5: I Leave at Last
Chapter 6: Paris
Chapter 7: The Carriage
Chapter 8: Beauxbatons
Chapter 9: The Fountain
Chapter 10: Another Surprise
Chapter 11: My Mother Shows Off
Chapter 12: Parents Weekend
Chapter 13: I Find Malfoy
Chapter 14: Theo
Chapter 15: End of a Term
Chapter 16: My Father's Temper
Chapter 17: Secret Passages and House Elves
Chapter 18: Dark Artifacts
Chapter 19: Christmas Eve
Chapter 20: The Worst Ending
Chapter 21: An Old Friend
Chapter 22: Sirius Black
Chapter 23: A Special Moment
Chapter 24: Letters in Spring
Chapter 25: My Future to Dread
Chapter 26: Finals
-Half Way Point-
Chapter 27: A Chaotic Summer
Chapter 28: An Election to Remember
Chapter 29: My Summer in Shatters
Chapter 30: Soufflé and Weasleys
Chapter 31: An Unwelcome Reunion
Chapter 32: Quidditch World Cup
Chapter 33: The Dark Mark
Chapter 34: A Time of Transition
Chapter 35: Back to Beauxbatons
Chapter 36: English Exams and Potions
Chapter 37: Rehearsal
Chapter 38: Beauxbatons takes on Hogwarts
Chapter 39: The Goblet of Fire
Chapter 40: Classes at Hogwarts
Chapter 42: Queen of Gossip
Chapter 43: Malfoy the Ferret
Chapter 44: The First Task
Chapter 45: Sibling Affection
Chapter 46: The Notice
Chapter 47: Politics of Dating
Chapter 48: A Worldwind of Dates
Chapter 49: Christmas Day
Chapter 50: The Yule Ball- #1
Chapter 51: The Yule Ball- #2
Chapter 52: The Yule Ball- #3
Chapter 53: Aftermath of a Ball
Chapter 54: Recovery
Chapter 55: Saving Grace
Chapter 56: The Merge of Friends
Chapter 57: The 2nd Task
Chapter 58: Snapshots of March
Chapter 59: Letters to Damion
Chapter 60: The 3rd Task
Chapter 61: A Time to Mourn
Chapter 62: The End for Now

Chapter 41: Hit with Reality

511 21 9
By wintergirl08

Within a week following the champions being picked, favoritism over which champion to root for became part of everyone's daily life outside classes. No matter where I walked, I'd overhear conversations on the Triwizard tournament and gossip over one or more of the champions. As expected, Harry Potter once again lead the tally of having the most rumors spread about him. And people weren't subtle about their thoughts either.

As he had told me and later I retold my friends, ¾'s of Hogwarts seemed to favor Cedric Diggory over Harry. The Hufflepuffs in particular had become rather blatantly brutal to most Gryffindors over the topic while the Ravenclaws I witnessed seemed to try and negotiate somewhere in the middle.

The Slytherins were just adding fuel to the fire.

Rosalie, Mila and I had just stepped out of dance rehearsal and were heading to lunch when we caught sight of a new fashion trend in the school.

Hogwarts students, no matter the house, were seen wearing colorful badges that flickered different slogans about the two Hogwarts champions.

Support Cedric Diggory- The Real Hogwarts Champion! One said in bright red lettering. Another broadcasted in green writing the simple phrase, Potter Stinks!

"If you didn't believe me before, I assume these badges are enough proof," I pointed out as my friends paused by the courtyard to gawk at the vast number of students wearing the badges. As if I was heard, three Hufflepuffs glanced up at me as I walked past with my friends following behind.

"Where do you think they got them from? A teacher wouldn't do this right?" Mila questioned curiously.

"Why? Would you like one?" I asked, peeved, but Mila was quick to shake her head before adding, "No, it's just complicated to make such a badge. With moving letters that show moving faces-"

"Most of Cedric's friends are seventh years like himself. It was probably one of them," I replied as we entered the Great Hall.

"But to do it with all that homework piling up? I mean we've been here for not nearly a full week and yet I've already spent little to no time doing anything other than read, write and study. And we're only third years."

"I think you misread the situation, Mila," Rosalie pointed out as we took our appropriate seats with our friends already digging into cold cut sandwiches.

"What's Mila done?" Ana asked, looking up from her copy of the French Post.

"She's overthinking the making of those badges, and how a seventh year couldn't make them," I let on as I placed my napkin in my lap.

"As long as a person has the will power to focus their time on the task, I'm sure anyone could do it," Rosalie stated simply.

"I don't believe it," Mila said back stubbornly. Jacqueline rose her brow over her cup of milk but said nothing.

"If you could make money making fun of a champion you hated, say Fleur Delacour for example, wouldn't you do it?" Ana asked innocently to her friend.

Marie and I made eye contact over the table before Mila admitted defeat.

November brought cold chills through the grounds of Hogwarts, making it impossible for us girls in blue to sit comfortably by the lake. Even walking to and from the carriage was painful, no matter how we rushed to keep up with Madam Maxime and her constant companion, Hagrid, who seemed to always be in his garden around the time Maxime lead us to dinner.

So, to compensate for a lack of a nice study spots outdoors, I introduced my friends to the vast library of Hogwarts. My Potions and Perfumes professor had also managed to find the library to her liking. So much so, that all her essays now included a section to reference resources from said library. So, there I was again, scourging through rows of books while the rest of my friends huddled at a table learning how to cross stitch for their elective.

Was the karma ever going to end?

I had roamed far away from my groups table in search of a particular text, leading me to the back end of the library. Stacks of bookshelves with duel sides towered over me as I scanned while students in nearby alcoves spoke in hushed voices in fear of Madam Pince. Finding the book at last, I pulled it eagerly and crossed the name off my list of texts. As I started to walk back, my eye continued to scan the potion books curiously until another text sparked my interest. I took out the book eagerly only to find someone standing on the opposite side of the shelve looking at a book he had just pulled. He looked up with a start, his grey eyes showing his earnest surprise at finding me here of all places.


I cut the gaze off hastily, pushing the book back in its spot and turned on my heels to make my escape. I hadn't made it far when I heard him coming around the corner and grab my arm, pulling me back to look at him.

"Going somewhere?" I wrung my wrist out of his grip and glared back at his comical expression. Why was he so happy to see me?

"What do you want?"

"What?" He asked, "I can't stop and say hi to you? You do realize that's the appropriate thing to do. Or has your mother forgotten to teach you manners again?" I scoffed and took a step away from him but he mirrored me and blocked my exit.

"Oh that's right. You keep running away from me," he added with a sly grin that I knew too well.

"Running? I don't run. I was merely avoiding. You know, since the last I saw you was in the midst of a Quidditch world cup disaster" I said back haughtily. Malfoy didn't seem fazed. In fact, he seemed to be enjoying this little spittle.

"Right. You know my mother got an angry letter from yours saying I left you in the middle of the chaos when if I remember correctly, it was the other way around." I took a step toward him so as to lower my voice, before speaking.

"I know your father was a part of that group. And like him you seemed to find joy in watching others get hurt-"

"And you're saying you're not the same? How about your father? Do you know where he was that night?"

"My father," I huffed, "was trying to get passage out of the campground with my family. My brothers were with him the entire time!" Malfoy's eyes slanted in disbelief but his smile remained the same to further irk me.

"Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?" He asked bemused. "Like I'm looking at a liar? Because that's what's you are. You know your brothers weren't with you father the whole time. They were with us before we bolted. And I'm pretty sure your mother will say anything to keep an alibi for the family. But that's fine," he added smugly while I crossed my arms, gripping tightly to my book. "Stay in blissful ignorance. That's what little girls are for, right?"

I smacked him hard on the arm with my book, my face bright red. He stepped back but still collided with the hard cover.

"I'm not daddy's little girl, if that's what your implying and I'm not blissfully unaware you absolute ass-"

The sound of hasty steps coming towards us snapped Malfoy's glaring eyes from me to the sound before grabbing my arm again and dragging me reluctantly past rows of shelves while I tried to wring my hand out of his.

"Shut it or we'll get Pince to deal with," He warned before releasing me behind the last book shelf next to the gated restricted section. I rubbed my wrist, irritated, while Malfoy peered around the shelf, eyes directed at Pince's angry profile a few shelves down. I spotted a table of Ravenclaw fifth years watching us curiously from the other end of the room One girl was looking directly at me before turning to her friend to whisper. What the hell?

"That was close," Malfoy muttered, turning to look back at me. "Last thing I need is to lose points because you lost your temper."

"I'm still fuming."

"Obviously," He said, eyeing my tight grip around my book.

"What's this?" He took the book easily out of the crook of my arm and viewed the cover. "Perfumes of the 18th century? Really, Fountaine? Don't you have anything better to do?" I punched him in the same shoulder I hit him earlier before snatching my book back, muttering how it was for a class.

"I'm not surprised," He admitted as he rubbed his shoulder ruefully. "After that entrance your school made, I wouldn't think you'd learn anything other than how to wear ribbons and dance ballet. Now it's obvious that you don't even learn correct potions."

"It's an elective. I take duel potions, more so than you. And I'd like to hear your side of Hogwarts's greeting in the great hall on Halloween. You looked miserable trying to say the cheer while I at least had a clean and perfected entrance. Hogwarts was a freak show." He matched my look before smirking again.

"You were watching me?"

"Oh please," I muttered, rolling my eyes as I tried to backtrack. "I've got no time for this."

"Time for what?" He egged on making me stop to look at him pointedly.

"I don't want to be talking to you. It's such a waste of time and I have work to do."

"Really?" He asked as I turned to go. "I was going to ask about that pound water you gave that mudblood, Granger, the other day. It sent the girls off when they found out what she took. Pansy might try to befriend you again."

There are many things I find Draco Malfoy to be bad at, but finding a conversation starter to stir me was not one of them.

"We both know that's never going to happen. And I'm shocked you'd bring the topic up, as if I don't know how Hermione got injured in the first place," I argued, returning to my spot in front of him. He seemed pleased.

"Sure, thank me, why don't you. After all, because of me, she might have a chance with Weasley if she keeps that mane of hers down."

"Maybe she should take lessons on hair care from you, Malfoy," I retorted sarcastically. "If I remember right, you used to love gelling your hair back." He gave me a glazed look before turning to his pocket and pulling out one of those badges I saw earlier.

"You're not really that tacky as to wear a badge, are you?" I quipped at him as I eyed the badge in distaste. He chuckled before looking back at me.

"They're not tacky when you think of how much money I make handing them out to those Hufflepuffs. They'll do anything to spite Potter and I'm only too happy to help. I even offered Granger one before Potions, but Potter couldn't help himself and tried to jinx me."

"Right, and I'm sure you did nothing to provoke it," I said back in disbelief. Malfoy shrugged, turning back to the badge proudly. I couldn't believe Malfoy could make those badges from pure skill, but then again he did hate Harry among all things. If there's a will, there's a way.

"I'd offer you one for free but I don't think you'd wear it."

"You're right," I said back with a smug grin to Malfoy's rising brow. "I'd trash it before I left the library."

"That's not what I meant," He began, as he took a step toward me, putting the badge back into his robes. I met his gaze daringly. "You're prettier without it."

My body went full traitor, allowing the blood to rush to my cheeks before I had a chance to snap back. All I could do was scoff at the devious look on his face before turning on my heels and rushing back to my friends table who had little idea how long I had been gone. The cross stitch seemed to be taking all of their attention.

"You okay, Ava? You look very red," Gisele asked I dropped into my seat feeling mortified. I dropped the book on the table and hid my face in my hands before groaning.

A few shelves down, Madam Pince shhed me.

That next Monday was sunnier, so the girls and I walked around the courtyards and out towards the Herbology greenhouses after classes finished for the day. Jacqueline was in a huff for the last few days and blamed it on not having a cigarette to smoke.

"I'm sure you'll live," Gisele said back before grabbing a hold of Marie, who had been reading while walking, and stirred her away from the stone wall she had almost smacked into.

"Ava, can't you check to see if any Hogwarts student has anything? I swear if I just have one I'll feel much better."

"Don't give it to her Ava. This cleanse is good for you, Jacqueline. Besides, haven't you always joked about needing to stop?" Rosalie questioned her friend earnestly. Jacqueline ignored her.

"If none of you are going to help me then I'll just ask your brother. He seems like he can help," she said, eyeing me. I nodded, completely agreeing with her, and watched her rush ahead of us to the bridge leading to the grounds.

"She's never going to stop at this rate, Rosalie. Might as well give up," Ana advised, circling an arm around her pouting friend. When we reached the other side of the bridge, Jacqueline had managed to find Theo dressed in Quidditch gear on his way to the field. And by the expression on my brother's face, she had already asked him what she was looking for.

"Your brother plays quidditch?" Mila asked, stopping short next to me. I started to nod but then stopped when my gaze shifted past my brother and Jacqueline to Sam who sat suspiciously alone near one of the trees, petting a black cat.


Ignoring the calls from my friends, I strutted over to Sam, gaining looks from some of the other Hogwarts students sitting nearby as I went. Sam saw me coming and made no attempt to move as she seemed blissfully happy petting my traitorous cat, Oliver, with her Quidditch gear packed beside her.

"Hey," I said, stopping short in front of her. Sam's dark eyes glanced up to me lazily before repeating what I said.

"I see you've kidnapped my cat."

"He came to me, in the Slytherin common room if you must know. And I don't blame him either. If I had to choose between a pretentious blue carriage and the entire Slytherin common room, I too would pull traitor."

I watched Oliver lean his body against Sam's leg, purring blissfully. What an oblivious cat. I watched Sam sit up to face me again, this time adjusting her Quidditch robe well enough to get my attention on the badge she wore just below her house crest.

"What?" She asked innocently, noticing the look of disgust on my face. She glanced down and flicked the badge so that the green letters Potter Stinks! Flashed in front of my eyes.

"Why are you wearing that?" I asked trying to keep my voice calm when all I did was make my voice go unnervingly quiet. All the same, Sam was unaffected as she waved a dark curl from her face; her family ring glinted at me mockingly.

What was with British families and having family rings?

"The badge? Ella gave it to me. Said that it was the only way she could sit with us given all the drama happening between the Hogwarts champions." I took too much time trying to think of who Ella was so Sam continued.

"Your Beauxbatons champion seems interesting. Fleur, was it? She's cute."

"Mockery, Sam? Really?" I said, cutting her short. "It doesn't suit you, nor does that badge, no matter what that Ella girls says. Is she that Hufflepuff I saw you sitting around with?" I asked, biting back jealousy. Even so, Sam could tell, revealing that characteristic spark in the corner of her dark eyes.

"Yes, that's her. The curly blonde one. She's nice."

"Really?" I said in disbelief. "You sure you're not just using her for something?"

"Using her?" Sam repeated sarcastically. "Me? Last I recall it was you who used people, not me. I like Ella. She's sweet and loyal. Unbelievably so actually. If I moved to a different country, I'd probably get a letter from her every day at the very least." My eyes gave the hardest eye roll before returning to watch Sam give Oliver a nice itch between the ears.

"Olly's missed me, hasn't he?" She cooed to my traitorous cat who looked longingly up at her and meowed in pure devotion. I was going to have a word with my cat the next time I had him.

"Who cares how much she writes. No one has such an interesting life to fill letters with every day. And if they did, they would be too busy to even write such an array of letters. Plus, I remember you using Hufflepuffs as the butt of your jokes last year.  You couldn't have changed that much humor-wise." Sam looked up at me with a stony expression.

"What can I say, we were short a blonde in our group." I did my best to gulp down the rising stone in my throat while Sam seemed to be completely at ease. She was being remarkably unreadable today.

"It doesn't matter. If you mean well by what you say about friendship, you wouldn't wear that badge. You know Harry, and the least you could do is cheer him on, even if that means skipping the badge."

"Harry Potter? Friend? Ava, do you even remember our first year?"

"Yeah of course I do-"

"No, you really don't," Sam argued. "You ran off with the golden trio. Not me. I had nothing to do with them. So, I don't have to do as you say, nor will I ever. Unlike your flirty French friends, I do what I want without you bossing me around." Her words were hitting me like concrete.

"What is that supposed to mean? I don't boss any of my friends around! And who are you to call them flirty?" Sam gave me a disbelieving stare.

"Seriously? Do you think your brother sits by you because he finds you entertaining?" She then nodded behind me, making me turn to see my friends watching me from a distance with my brother muttering something to Rosalie, and cracking a grin.

"Look at them. You mean to tell me you didn't just run off telling them to stay put and not get involved in this discussion?" I turned to Sam who seemed to be looking right through me as if I was glass. It was getting harder to swallow down the emotion welling up in me. Why was Sam getting under my skin like this? She was angry, I knew this much. But now it was like she was out to get me and I didn't seem to stand a chance.

"I don't boss my friends around and I don't know how you could think I would. You know I dropped that in the beginning of first year after my time in Newport."

"I don't believe that," Sam said. "People have been watching you and they hear what you say, you know. All this oohing and ahing over the American girl that used to go here is so stereotypical of you, I'm surprised I didn't think it of you sooner. I knew you liked attention but this type of attention seeking is obnoxious."

"What are you talking about?" Sam only scoffed before turning back to Oliver who was now looking up at me, as if sensing something was off.

"I'm not going to play this game with you, Ava," she continued, looking up. "Do what you like here. Enjoy your time back at Hogwarts. Reminisce with your new-found friends about your first year, but don't expect me to join in on the game. I don't have time to get my feelings stomped on by you. I'm not that desperate."

I grabbed Oliver before she could pet him again and made sure I stood over her so she looked up at me before spitting out the only thing I could think of.

"Say what you want about me, you're not much better. Malfoy made those badges so you're a hypocrite to wear them unless you too have changed your feelings about him. Surprisingly, unlike you, I haven't lost faith in you. So, cut the crap."

I raced back across the ground without another word. But the flood gates opened before I had made it to my friends watching and I was sobbing by the time I reached Theo who was no longer laughing.

"Ava- what.."

"If you hang around my friends just for them and not for me, tell me, because I'd at least like to know the truth from you for a change." Oliver meowed in protest as I hugged him tighter while Theo seemed to be at a loss for words as he stared from me to Sam over my shoulder.

"Ava, what did she say?" Marie asked soothingly, coming to my side. I hid my face in Oliver's fur as I felt a hand brush through my hair.

"Take her back to the carriage, people are watching," Theo instructed in fast French, his voice hard. The girls pushed me foreword as Theo retreated behind me, toward Sam who was waiting for him.



Apologies, I way over shot my chapter planning. I thought this chapter would have the ferret scene but there was still other scenes to write and I didn't want to cut them in half just to write a quick version of Mad eye vs Draco Malfoy. If I'm not mistaken, it should be coming up next chapter. 

As for the updates, there has been confusion on my end as well as a lack of a drive to write recently. Part of it has been because of COVID and how family I know and people around me have been hit with it. I've been worried for them and have basically become mother hen on that end, trying to help. Writing was the least on my mind.  I want to say things will be better for now for me to write on time but I don't want to lie to you guys again. So as of now, expect a chapter within the next week, but I can't really say what day that will be. I'm sorry for how vague that is. I just don't want to get your hopes up.

With love,


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