Chapter 57: The 2nd Task

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*Another long chapter, folks!*

In the middle of January, we had another visit to Hogsmead planned. And on said day, I was the one catching up on introductions. Marie, having clicked easily with Sam, joined me while the others went off doing who knows what in the sweets shop.

Sam met us on the main path leading to the Three Broomsticks with the curly blonde Hufflepuff, Ella.

"Didn't think I'd be seeing you today," Sam called out, the moment she saw Marie. Marie waved back coyly in response.

"What can I say, Ava dragged me here."

"I did not!"

"Well I think that's nice," Ella inclined in a cheery voice. "Three is such an odd number. This way we are evenly matched!"

"Sure," Sam said with a sly smile, my way. I didn't know how to respond. "Ella, this is Ava. Ava, Ella, and this is Ava's Dutch friend, Marie."

Marie gave Sam a thumbs up as Ella came forward to shake my hand readily

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Marie gave Sam a thumbs up as Ella came forward to shake my hand readily. She then turned to Marie, who looked toward the Hufflepuff bemused as she shook her hand too.

"I've heard plenty about you. Ginny said you were a bit of a handful, actually," Ella continued, turning back to me.

"Did she?" I questioned, glancing at Sam's growing grin. "Do tell."

"Oh only good things really. She told me you were from the states and from a rather posh family. I've never been to Rhode Island but I heard the beaches there are simply fine!"

"Look at that, someone's done their homework," Marie commented, passing a funny glance my way. I chuckled, dropping my cold reserve.

"Where's Ginny? I'd have thought she'd join us?" I asked to Sam. She shrugged but it was Ella who responded.

"Supposedly she met a friend at the Yule Ball so they're going on a "date" today. Too busy for us." A knowing smile erupted on my face at the news. If I was right in thinking this date was with Michael, I was over the moon for Ginny. It's not often that someone you crush on like's you back.

"There now. The hard part is over," Ella said, noticing my smile. "Sam was telling me that the hardest part was going to get you to smile. But I see I beat her to that as well. Are you impressed, Sammie?"

I glanced at Sam who was starting to blush at the attention. "Sure. Now let's get inside. I'm bloody freezing out here."

As we walked the rest of the way to the bar, I fell into step with Sam while Marie struck a conversation with Ella.

"Sammie?" I questioned in an undertone. "You've gone soft." Sam only rolled her eyes, before pushing me forward.

"Oh shut up."

The Three Broomsticks were busy with people as per usual. Teachers, students, and passersbyers crowded the bar and tables, butterbeer in hand. Late set Christmas decorations remained on the walls and a Christmas tree continued to twinkle in the corner where Hermione, flanked by Ron and Harry stood, angled toward the corner table.

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