Chapter 5: I Leave at Last

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Dear Ava,

I am going through a miniature hell that only a younger sister can give you. My sister, Tatiana is joining Hogwarts next year and she will not leave me alone about it! Honestly Ava, you should feel lucky at not having to deal with a younger sibling, let alone five. Tati believes she will be the best witch of her year (not possible, she already snapped her first wand last week) and that she will transfer classes to join ours by the following term. Absolute nutter! And my parents are encouraging her! Or at least, my mum is. My dad has been in a fit at having to shell out another set of gallons over a new wand for her. Ollivander was not pleased to see us, you should have seen his face. Looked like we had killed his puppy or something. I spent my last two weeks avoiding my sister by spending time with my grandmother Spencer-Moon. She lives on the edge of Brighton and has kept me busy. Who knew a woman as old as she could be so social!

Has your mother given up on keeping your mail hostage or are you reading this two weeks later? If I don't hear from you in a week I'll know my answer. I told mum about what your mother has been doing to you and she thinks there is a good reason behind it. She doesn't know how much of an absolute stuck up your mother truly is like I do though. By the way, the invitation to come visit my house is still open. Maybe we should have our mothers run in to each other at the house. I'm sure my home will not be grand enough for the likes of you and your family. Not posh enough, I'm sure. Your mother will judge my mum so badly! Speaking of judging, have you met up with the Malfoys' yet? What's happened? Knowing Malfoy, I'm sure the pair of you have gotten into at least one argument. Throw any mud at his face recently? I'd be happy if you did.

Don't send him my regards. He doesn't deserve them.

Please Write Back!


I turned away from the letter and went for my parchment and quill that stood by the desk across the fireplace and got back to work on my reply.

I was in the library where I felt alone from the numerous people currently running around the halls. Apart from the sound of a lone violin playing in the background, I heard nothing and I was grateful for it.

I started the address of my letter and for a moment, stopped to think about how I wanted to reply. Sam and I have tried our best to keep in contact over the summer but with my mother's bane on my letters, it was getting hard to hear about what was going on as it was happening. My mother believed letters took up too much of my time and should be spent on studying instead, or so she said. I think she honestly did not want me to keep in contact with Sam. It doesn't sound like they bonded that well when I ditched them last year.

Dear Sam,

I would gladly take your place if it meant I didn't have to deal with the Malfoys for a week. I have to call him Draco in front of our families and his mother has this strange interest in me which is unsettling. Maybe I should just run off to live with you and your family for the rest of the summer.

How did your sister break her wand exactly? Theo throws his wand everywhere and you would think it would break but it hasn't. Or at least, not yet. I don't know what I would do if I broke my wand. Damion broke his once after a duel that got him in detention. It is still a sore subject with my father. Something about the kid being dueled was my father's business partner's son or something.


"What are you doing?"

I looked up from my letter to catch sight of Malfoy appearing behind a shelf of books. He looked surprised to see me here of all places as did I. Wasn't Theo supposed to be watching him?

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