Chapter 51: The Yule Ball- #2

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*I couldn't help it. This is a long one (3627 words)*

The Great Hall was gorgeously designed to look like a winter wonderland. White frost decorated the walls and Christmas trees at every corner. A light snow fell from the high arching ceiling. Hundreds of garlands and ivy crossings with mistletoe clung to the banisters and star light sprinkled the Christmas trees. Many tables were placed throughout the front portion of the room and opened out to the dance floor making up the other half of the hall.

Jasper and I happily took the sights in before joining a side. I watched as  the champions to entered with McGonagall in the lead. Fleur followed in a 20's silver dress that emphasized that  Veela glow of hers; a true knockout to her open-mouthed date. Cedric followed in generic dress robes of black and white with Cho on his arm in silver and scarlet.

Krum and Hermione followed with many eyes watching them in awe and jealousy. Rosalie pointed out Krum's fan club by the door; all of whom throwed Hermione looks of deepest loathing. But my eyes somehow found their way to Pansy standing across the aisle with her date. She gaped at Hermione in disbelief while Malfoy didn't register an expression on his face. Pity. I was banking on seeing a good reaction from him tonight.

Harry walked fast after them with the Patil twin rushing to keep up. If I didn't know any better, I would think Harry was trying to avoid the crowd's eye. If so, he did a poor job of picking a date, as she was dressed far more colorfully than the other girls; acting like a beacon.

"At least we didn't have to be escorted in like that," Jasper said to me as the pair of us continued to clap.

"What's wrong with a big entrance?" I asked back. He waved to those around us.

"So many eyes. And for what? It's a bit much, no?" Marie, who was standing next to Jasper's other side, glanced my way, eyebrows raised. I only smiled at Jasper before letting him escort me to a table.

The rest of my friends and their dates joined, leaving two seats open for Mila and Ana, should they return. Their dates, Aleksi and Ivan, looked around sheepishly for their dates before giving up and sitting together.

Dinner was served through audible menus on golden plates. The food was scrumptious. After everyone had began to eat, our table became lively, with Jacqueline leading the conversation. She began by jokingly interrogating Gisele's date, a Hufflepuff named Caleb, who at first did not know how to handle Jacqueline's bluntness. Gisele of course acted as translator, with some mild adjustments to Jacqueline's words. This caused many funny answers to come from Caleb's mouth leading to laughter around the table.

Rosalie was conversing with Jasper, who was interested in her story of joining Beauxbatons as an American. And Marie, who at first spoke quietly to her date, Ivo, turned to me at last and recounted what I had missed between Ana and Mila while Ivo listened on.

"Aleksi stepped on Mila's dress, causing a rip to go through the hem line," Marie started, eyeing Aleksi across the table who was digging into his food with little ceremony.

"Poor Mila. She's been so excited for this ball and to have dress ruined before the dance started..." I said sadly. Marie nodded along slowly.

"Well, it was quite a scene. Ana immediately snapped at Aleksi before taking Mila out of the entrance hall. Ivan wasn't happy and called after her. She didn't like that. Ana has better practice with tailor spells than the rest of us so we let her go. But something tells me there will be more than just fixing a dress between those two."

"They are in desperate need of a heart to heart," I agreed, before taking a sip of my drink.

Ivo, who was listening in patiently, took his time to speak up for the first time.

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