Chapter 12: Parents Weekend

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Parents weekend marked a very festive dinner following my last class, which happened to be Care of Magical Creatures with the headmistress. 

Madame Maxime had us in the stables today, moving between the Hipogriffs that were sheltered in for an hour before they're flying time, and the Abraxans, who were in the process of being fed single malt whiskey.

Wizarding Opera played on a record player, something the Abraxans found soothing, as our headmistress explained to us while we went about our work.

"Headmistress, do the Hippogriffs like opera?" one of the second years named Isabeau asked from the far stables. 

"No, my dear girl. They only listen to soulful jazz. Remember you must never mix up the Abraxans music with the Hippogriffs or else we will lose control of our stables, right Monseir Ansel?"

The caretaker, a young man who lived just below the palace in the small town under, was switching out bushels of hay in a nearby stall and nodded dreadfully at the question. 

"What do the unicorns like, madam?" I asked as I lowered one of the massive jugs of whiskey. 

"For the life of me, I don't understand the reasoning behind this, but unicorns like boy band music, if you can believe it."

This led to much giggling among my classmates as we started to carry the empty whiskey bottles to the stable doors to be refilled for the Abraxan's next meal. 

"Now mademoiselles, before we depart I would like to clarify what is due for next class. Your essays on Hippogriff behavior will be due along with the completion of your reading on Unicorn grooming methods, is that understood?"

"Oui, Madam Maxime," The girls and I stated confidently before she gave the final nod of dismissal, letting us race back through the rocky hills up to one side of the garden where many girls parents were already milling about, all in the direction of the Flemal Fountain. 

The gardens had been decorated for the occasion with new statues that shifted poses in the garden for parents to marvel over and benches to rest were added for the older relatives.

I spent this time meeting Marie's family, who were even taller than she was and spoke little to no french, though they smiled eagerly at me the moment I shifted to fluent english. 

"Oh you must come visit, then. We always like seeing Marie's friends from school," her mother persuaded making me promise to bring it up to my mother.

I made it back to my dorm to find Oliver sliding in from the window that he had managed to creak open, with a dead mouse in his mouth.

"Oliver, we've talked about this. No rodents in my room." The cat gave me a dirty look before exiting back through the window with his meal intact. 

I had just dropped my books by my dresser when a knock came from my door. Opening it, I found to my surprise, Cèlia, dressed in rose pink robes waiting for me with open arms in greeting.

"Mon Chou! Have you missed me?" 

"Mon Chou! Have you missed me?" 

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