Chapter 47: Politics of Dating

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Hogwarts seemed eager to impress their guests once December hit the castle. Large evergreens lingered in the mass halls and the place was scrubbed unnaturally clean. A constant sighting of snow appeared in the great hall, with icicles dangling from the windows and the hearths blazed in every fireplace. Other than the welcoming scent of pine, the halls smelled of ginger and cinnamon, especially in the basement, where the entrance to the kitchens lay hidden. Such a scent had me craving gingerbread cookies during Ghoul studies and on more than one occasion had me searching for the kitchen's entrance.

Sadly, I've yet to find said entrance, but I had made a mental note to ask Theo, who I was certain knew this key information.

It was during the first week of December when most of the gifts for my friends had arrived for wrapping. Marie and Gisele, who were also on top of their gift giving, had offered to join me as we wrapped presents together in one of the open tables in the carriage.

It was Sunday, and I had just finished my Transfiguration essay on the importance of species to metal ratios when I met the two girls, already decked out in wrapping paper and self-wielding tape.

"We're not wrapping our presents for each other now, just fyi," Marie said, looking up at the boxes I had unloaded onto the table. Gisele was heavily focused, tapping silver wrapping paper to a box in a professional manner that had me jealous. Marie on the other hand was not as graceful.

"I'm not stupid," I said, sitting down just as a roll of green paper dropped to the ground and rolled away. Marie, holding the other end, cursed before getting up to retrieve it.

"Any news on that chocolate frog order?" Gisele asked, looking up at last from her project. I pulled out a massive five-pound wrapper filled with chocolate frogs that made Gisele laugh before returning to her present. Taking her wand out of her robes she tapped it briefly on the box causing silver ribbon to spin around before tying itself off with a bow.

"That's the last one," She said with a sigh making Marie snort as she returned with an armful of crinkled wrapping paper.

"How? We started at the same time and yet I'm only on my third gift!"

"Well you have butterfingers, Marie," I said with charm to her gaze as I took one of the unwrinkled roles of paper and spread it over my side of the table.

"I'd be happy to help if you need it," Gisele offered sweetly which Marie quickly accepted, before handing Gisele all her mother's presents.

"She won't judge me for how I wrap if you make them look perfect," Marie said eagerly before returning to her pigsty of a wrapping job.

"Who's that present for?" I asked comically, eyeing the wrinkled mess of green and silver ribbon.


"I thought we weren't wrapping presents in front of each other."

"You weren't here when I started. See, completely covered. It's perfect," She said circling the package in front of me proudly.

"Yes, that's one word for it," I said unfazed, causing Gisele to buckle in giggles while Marie deadpanned.

"So funny."

"It's not fair! I told you I wanted to go with him-" Mila's voice sounded from outside the carriage, making the three of us glance at the window and watch as Ana came near with Mila on her heels, deeply distraught.

The three of us glanced at one another with a similar question in our minds before the two of them found us at our table and unloaded their drama.

"Someone help me here," Ana started, stopping short, looking livid. "I shouldn't be in the wrong to be going with Ivan, right?"

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