Chapter 11: My Mother Shows Off

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It was like my mother knew where I was the moment she stepped on the stage, because her eyes immediately found me, her eyes dancing with delight at keeping this secret from me until now while I questioned what on earth my mother could be doing, guest speaking on my first day here.

"Mademoiselles, I would like to introduce to you to one of Beauxbatons proud alumni, Madam Emmeline Chapelle Fountaine. She is the leader of the Universal Witches Foundation as well as being one of those on the board of the American Witches Board of Ethics. This witch comes to us all the way from the United States to speak about the importance of confidence in the wizarding world as young witches," Madam Maxime began, in her rich french. "May I ask that we all welcome our year's first reflection guest, Madam Fountaine."  We all clapped politely as my mother thanked my Headmistress in welcome. My friends around me gave me questionable looks, recognizing my mother's last name in relation to my own.

I didn't need to say anything however, as the first sentence my mother decided to announce to the entire school was: 

"On top of all that has been mentioned, I would like to add that my most crowning achievement is to be the mother of one of your students here today, my daughter Ava, a new student here this year, " She said with a knowing smile causing girls who had come to know my name in a day look my way, while my friends around me looked from my mother to me, in stark surprise.

"I didn't know your mother was so smart," Marie commented after reflection ended. We were standing outside the patio as other girls milled about, some leaving for the garden, others doing as they pleased for their free time. Marie, Mila and Gisele were the only girls who decided to stay behind as we waited for my mother to finish answering questions from the girls left over in their seats. 

"Yes, she is, isn't she," I commented as I turned to watch through the window as my mother went on answering one of her last questions from the leftover crowd.

"Did you know she was coming?" Gisele asked eagerly. She kept turning to look at my mother as if she was inspired, a similar look to what all my old friends from home were like. 

I shook my head in answer, but explained how my mother has a habit of turning up when I least expect it.

"She's usually too busy for me to know where she is or what she is doing if I'm honest."

I recognized the sound of my mother's heels as she appeared behind me, quick to give me a kiss on the cheek in hello. She looked overjoyed to have been able to show off for my entire school for over two hours.

"Look at you, mon ange, you already look so beautiful! I assume you've been in the fountain." I placed a hand to my face, not sure what about myself changed since I last saw her as my friends shuffled closer to me, acting only too eager to speak to my mother up close.

"We made sure she joined us for the water fight this year, Madam Fountaine," Gisele started in her pretty french. I could tell just by the look my mother gave my friend that she approved of Gisele very much. 

Pretty french girls that dressed and acted how my mother dreams for me to act. How stereotypical of her.

"I am glad to hear it. Though it seems like Ava has yet to learn her manners when it comes to introducing her friends to me..." 

That was my cue. 

I went through the introductions of my friends to my mother and watched as Marie, tried her best to speak good french, although my mother knew just who she was before the girl could open her mouth.

"Where did you get your inspiration to work in the government, Madam Fountaine?" Marie asked, now more set in her mind than Gisele. 

"I had my own ambitions. I just choose to act on them with all my energy. Why, are you interested in my work?" Marie blushed, explaining how she was still unsure about her future though she was interested. Unlike what I was used to seeing when it came to my mother's grace over my friends, Marie did not seem interested in my mother for her beauty or her wealth. Rather, Marie seemed intrigued by the status my mother held. Power stance, that is. 

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