The will of the Gilbert's (An...

By calebdouglas74

16.5K 635 120

33 year old Brantley Gilbert is happy being away from the whole world. He likes being up on his mountain. Bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 33

260 14 1
By calebdouglas74

Dylan's Pov 

It's been a long month since my twin brother Dalton rode off too Oregon for work. In the past month I've been working more and more on the cabin. In fact as of next week I'll be moving into it.  I'm going to get the last couple things done before I have Etta move in here. I'm meeting Mr. Ludwig today and show him the cabin and ask for his permission to marry his eldest daughter. I've been up all night thinking and trying to find the right words to ask this big question. All I can do is pray and trying to stay calm. I walked out of the my bedroom so I can hurry up and get to the cabin before Mr. Ludwig gets there. As I walked into the dinning room I heard mama and Lydia talking. 

"Morning ladies." I said to my mama and my big sister. I gave my mama a kiss on her cheek. Then I kissed Lydia on her forehead. This is the best and worst day in my life. They both looked at me and smiled. 

"Morning Dylan. You seem to be in a great mood." My oldest sister asked me. I smiled at her. 

"I am. Today is the day I asked Mr. Ludwig for his daughters hand. Up all night thinking on this." I said to mama and Lydia. Mama smiled at me. 

"Son you have known Otto all of your life. He knows how you feel about his daughter." Mama said to me smiling her big pretty mothering smile at me. I looked down at her. 

"Your right. Thanks mama" I said to her. I got me a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. 

"So Lydia hows the baby making going." I asked my sister. Lydia looked at me and walked out of the kitchen. 

"Lydia, wait." Mama said to her, but Lydia walked out of the house. I looked at mama and she smiled at me. 

"Mama, I didn't---" Mama cut me off. 

"Oh I know hon. It's just her and Cap just can't do it. All we do is pray for your sister and Cap. If anyone is needed to be a mama it's Lydia. Now eat up. You have a busy day." Mama said to me. She gave me a plate of food and before long I was done and walking outside. Mama told me pa and Cap went to the mill at 5 in the morning. It's only 6 now. After I was done eating and I got a few things done around the farm that pa needed me too do I was on my way too my cabin. 

I was up on the roof fixing the chimney when I looked down and saw someone riding up. I got a better looked and saw it was Mr. Ludwig. I jumped off the roof so I can talk too him. 

"Well, I'll be damn son this place is looking good." Mr. Ludwig said too me. I shook his hand. 

"Thank you sir. A lot of work but it's going too be home." I said to Mr. Ludwig. Otto was looking around the small cabin. 

"Doors have locks on them." He asked me. I looked right at him. 

"Yes sir. And the window's open up on nice spring days." I told him. 

"I see. Big kitchen for a young man who don't cook." Mr. Ludwig told me. I looked around and yeah it was a good size kitchen, but that's the one thing Etta wanted in this cabin. A big kitchen so she can do all the cooking. 

"Yeah it is sir." I told him. Mr. Ludwig walked around the cabin. Now is my chance too do this. 

"Sir, the reason I asked you here is because, well you see, I'm 18 years old and I have a good job and--" Mr. Ludwig cut me off. 

"Etta is going too love this place." Mr. Ludwig said too me. I looked at him. 

"How did you know I wanted too marry Etta?" I asked him. Otto smiled at me. 

"Well hell boy I've been around all you kids all of your lives. Now ask." Mr. Ludwig said too me. I looked right in his eyes. 

" Yes sir. Otto, Mr. Ludwig I love your daughter. I've loved her since I was 13 without even knowing I loved her. I'll promise I'll take great care of her. I want too wake up everyday with Etta in my arms. Please Otto may I have your permission too marry Etta." I asked him. Mr. Ludwig smiled at me. 

"If you hit her one time I'll kill you. Rather you are my partners son or not. If you hurt my little girl you are dead. Other then that son welcome to the family." Mr. Ludwig said too me holding his hand out for me too shake. 

"I'll never touch Etta like that. When I'm with her I'm a big goof around her." I told him. Mr. Ludwig laughed at me. 

"What are you working  up on the roof." Mr. Ludwig asked me. 

"The chimney sir." I told him. 

"Well, we better get it fix before I let my daughter move in here." Mr. Ludwig said too me climbing up to the roof. Maybe mama was right. This is all going too come together now. I need too get this cabin all done before Etta gets here. When she moves in this cabin will be running just like our families cabin. 

"Come on Dylan, if you are going too marry my Etta you need too know how too do this." Mr. Ludwig called for me. 

"Comin sir." I said too him. Glad this all over. Now all I need too do is get me a ring for the love of my life.

After 2 hours of working on the chimney with Mr. Ludwig we was done with it. I was looking around for anything else needed too get done. Small things really. I know mama and Maw are making us new curtains for the cabin. Can't wait too start this new life with Etta. She is the only one I want. She is the love of my life. 


Lydia's Pov 

Cap and I was laying in bed on this beautiful Sunday Morning. The last 5 years I've been married too Anderson have been a real blessing. I never thought I would ever find a man that is half the man as my papa is but I was wrong. I got him laying next too me. I looked down at Anderson and I smiled. He makes me so happy. I just wish I could give him a family. Mama always told me her best job in life was being a mama too all of us kids. I just wish I could understand whet she meant by that. Cap sat up in bed. It must be time to get up. I watched him leave our bed naked. After 5 wonderful years of marriage the love making hasn't stopped at all. Cap pulled up his pants and walked out of the bedroom. I got up and walked too our kitchen so I can start breakfast for us. We are meeting the family at church. 

I was making beacon and eggs when I felt Cap's arms around my waist. 

"I love you Lyddy." Cap said to me. I looked up at him. 

"And I love you Anderson." I said too him. Anderson kissed me on my lips. Anderson moved me over to the kitchen table where he laid me down. 

"Anderson, I got your-- Oh. Anderson." I moaned out his name. 

"Damn baby I love you." Anderson said before he went right up my night gown. He was making me all weak when there was a knock on our door. Anderson looked at me and I knew he wasn't happy. 

"If it's one of the family member's I'm going too kill them." Anderson said too me. I looked at him. 

"Funny. Go on and get the door." I said too my husband. I slapped his butt when he walked away from me. He looked at me. 

"I'll be back too smack that ass baby." Anderson said too me. I smiled at him. I went back too the stove and saw the beacon was all but fried too a crisp. I know Cap likes it like that, so he can have these. I can make new ones for me. 

"Anderson who was at-- Oh hello Rev. Mueller. How are you?" I asked him. Brother Paul Mueller took over after Rev. Meyer died last winter. 

"I'm good Lydia how are you today?" Rev. Mueller asked me. 

"I'm good. Is everything okay?" I asked him. 

"Well I was telling Cap here that we have a small problem." Rev. Mueller told me. 

"What's going on?" I asked him. 

"3 orphans boys where left at the church. With a note saying find a good home." The Rev told us. 

"Where are they at?" I asked him. 

"In the wagon." He told me. I walked outside. And saw 3 small boys sitting there. They looked scared and hungry. I walked over too them. 

"Hello boys I'm Lydia Hatfield and this one eye man here is my husband Anderson. But y'all can call him Cap. Whats your names." I asked the oldest one. 

"I'm Abraham ma'am." He told me. I smiled at him. 

"How old are you son?" Cap asked him. 

"I'm 5. Me brothers are 3 and 1." Abraham told us. 

"What's there names?" I asked him. 

"He is Otis and he is Noah." Abraham told me. I smiled at him. 

"Well I bet you boys are hungry. Come on inside and Ill cook us up some eggs and beacon." I told them. I grabbed the baby Noah. The two older ones was right behind me. 

"Well Rev. Mueller I think the boys will be find here." I heard Cap telling the Rev. I looked back at him. 

"Rev you are more then welcome too join us if you want." I told him. 

"Nope. I can see the boys like you already Lydia. Boys Lydia and Cap will take great care of you all." Rev. Mueller said to the boys. They don't look as scared any more. The boys and I walked inside the cabin and sat down at the kitchen table. 

"Ma'am." Abraham asked me. I looked at him. 

"Yes sweetie." I said too him. 

"Can I use the outhouse." He asked me. I smiled at him. 

"Honey, you don't have too ask. Its right back there." I opened up the back door and showed him the outhouse. Otis was right behind him. I giggled at them two. I looked at the baby Noah who was smiling at me. He has the biggest green eyes I've ever seen. Hardly any hair on this poor kid. I kissed his forehead before I gave his some toys that I have here for my little brother Edwin when he was a babe and I would watch him for mama and daddy. 

"Darlin can we talk." Anderson asked me. I looked up at him. 

"Yes. Anderson look how cute he is. All the boys are just as cute as the next one. I can't believe someone just left them like that." I asked my husband. 

"I don't know if this could work?" Anderson said to me. I looked at him. 

"What do you mean by that Anderson? Look at that baby and tell me you don't mean it? These boys need us." I told him. 

"What if we have our own baby?" Anderson asked me. 

"What if we don't Anderson. These boys could be all we have. No. They are staying. They need a mother and her love. Please. Please Anderson. Look at it this way you gain 3 sons." I told him. Cap smiled at me. 

"We do have the room for all of these boys." Anderson said too me. 

"So does that mean they can stay." I asked my husband. 

"Yeah they can stay." Cap said to me. I pulled his face down too my level and gave him one hell of a kiss. 

"Ewww." both Abraham and Otis said too us. Cap and I both laughed. 

"Better get use too it boys. This house is full of love." Anderson said too the boys. 

"We are staying. He won't come back and hurt us." Abraham asked us. 

"No son. No one will ever hurt you again." Anderson said too the boys. Abraham and Otis had big smiles on there faces. 

"Can we call you ma and pa. Never had a real ma before." Abraham asked us. 

"Yes you can son." Anderson said too the boys. 

"After church we better talk too Rev. Mueller about adopting the boys." I said too Anderson. 

"No need. Read this note." Anderson said too me. 

"Abraham, you and Otis come with me. We need to do some chores before church." Anderson said to the boys. 

"Yes sir." They both said running out of the cabin. The look on Anderson face I knew he was happy. 

"Got us a family now Darlin." Anderson said to me. I smiled at him. 

"I love you." I said to my husband. 

"I love you too woman." Anderson said too me leaving the cabin. I read the note but the note dont mean a thing too me. These are my boys now and no one and I do mean no one will ever hurt them again. Baby Noah gave a loud yell. I looked down at him. 

"You want some milk baby." I said to him. Thank God I still have some bottles for when Edwin was a babe. 

I spent most of life wishing and praying for a family of my own just like Anderson did. 5 years of marriage and on this day we became the parents too Abraham John, Otis Eli and Noah Robert. This is what my mama always told me about and I know that feeling now. Now that I have it I won't let this great feeling disappear any time soon. I'm a mother now. 










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