I am not a Cinderella

By UntamedTrailblazer91

116K 5.7K 2.3K

Just ForthBeam Story of ForthBeam. TaeTee as ForthBeam Video, Pics and Arts Full credit to the owners. More

Part 1 ( Can we dance ? )
Part 2 ( Unknown feeling )
Part 3 ( I am not going anywhere )
Part 4 ( Familiar yet impossible)
Part 5 ( Wavering heart )
Part 6 ( Say you won't give up )
Part 7 ( What now? )
Part 8 ( Still waiting!?? )
Part 9 - Beam's Thoughts ( Heart)
Part 10 - I hate ( Love) You...
Part 11 ( Vodka Cocktails )
Part 12 - A chance...
Part 13 - I am Beam Baramee!
Part 14 - The brat...
Part 15 - As Phi & Nong
Part 16 - Home with me.
Part 17 - Part of me
Part 18 - Jealousy
Part 19 - Love is to learn about him
Part 20 - The kids still remember!
Part 21 - The forgotten story & confession
Part 22 - Thousands confession
Part 23 - Our moments pt 1
Part 24 - Our moments Pt 2
Part 25 - Our Moments pt3
Part 26 - Our Moments Pt4
Part 27 - Our moments pt5
Part 28 - Our moments pt6
Part 29 Our moments Pt7
Part 30 - The plan, Us and others Pt1
Part 31- The Plan, Us and Others Pt2
Part 32 - The Plan, Us and Others Pt3
Part 33 - Plan, Us and Others
Part 34 - A Phase Pt 1
Part 35 - A Phase pt 2
Part 36 - A Phase Pt3
Part 37 - A Phase Pt4
Part 38 - Beyond the reason
Part 40 - The stubborn Man...

Part 39 - A simple happiness...

1K 56 2
By UntamedTrailblazer91

Third, 's Person POV

The next morning Mrs Vongviphan woke up with a pair of dark circle under her eyes. She probably doesn't sleep at all. Mr Vongviphan didn't make any comment because he knows lately both of them really had a hard time to sleep at night. He couldn't have but sighs deeply.

No one knows what's inside his mind, he is really that stubborn man.

Just sitting around the table and act like they have enjoyed their breakfasts, they sat quietly not saying any words. And this happened every day since then... their maids and butler also noticed it too, but nothing they can do except praying that their young master would return home.

Witnessing her husband attitude, it cut deep inside her heart when he thought about her son. She wondered if her stubborn husband already seeing those moments of her son and his lover. Did he ever notice it as she does?.

She hoping it will not simply adding fuel to the fire. Her husband doesn't make any remarks though. She wondered if her husband even has time to open his social media account. After that, they just finished their breakfasts and once again living the house almost empty to working.

The very next day, on Friday morning, while sitting in her own office room, sipping her favourite latte. Beam's mother always has these habits especially when she knew that Beam always keeps his Facebook and Twitter account alive this recently.

And this time Beam had uploaded the video in almost 3 minutes duration in his Twitter account.

No caption this time, just featuring Forth as the chef's assistant. They make their simple menu, toast with bacon and sausages and not to forgot the mango jam, for their breakfast.

This simple uploaded video has already been watched by Mrs Vongviphan for the fifth time. She ends up cancelling all of her appointments for that day.

From the video she watched, she saw sometimes they were whispering to each other and laughter can be heard clearly. It's really just short video, but it's more than enough to notice.

Seeing his son smiling; the most honest and happy smile she has ever seen. When she noticed their tender interactions, she could feel her heart thumping in her chest. Staring at them, it took a while for her realized that she been staring at the two young men in the video so deeply.

Her happy, Son. She can feel the warmth as she looks at it, and that couldn’t be mistaken for anything but love and concern.

After she watched the video for the last time at that moment, and or the first time she decided to leave a comment and even liking the video.

She wrote simple questions, " He's the one you have dating, right?. " Her corner of lip slightly curled upwards.

Of course, she can just guess it correctly, after all the pictures she saw before from the timeline was indicated that the young man is his son lovers.

Her hand on the table and intertwined, " So he can make breakfast too... and that's good enough..."Mrs Vongviphan said she mutters softly to no one.

" You make my only son looking so happy... what else I can ask for then? But still... " She sighs gladly as if all the burden on her shoulder her was release.


Meanwhile, Beam bursting in excitement, he almost shouts out loud, and he can't help but smile widely. Forth wonder what was had happened.

Showing his phone, he gestured at Forth to take a look. " My mother saw the video!! " Beam said loudly, he grins.

Beam chuffs Forth's arm " She make a comment too...Oh, what should I reply right now ?. " Beam ask Forth in excitedly.

Forth gushes "Hmm, let's tell her, I am your man..." Beam laughing and entered the reply button, he types " Yes Mae, he is the one! "

It took a quiet time for the reply come out. His mother said " He's a handsome young man, well done! "

" I will call it progress..." Forth said while hugging Beam from behind. Beam nods back.

Beam almost moved to tears. He no longer can reply. The only thing he wanted to do is to hear his mother voices. It took him for a while to calm down.

So he makes a phone call after that.

" Hello, Mae..."

" Hello, my dear... " Beam doesn't talk... his tears roll down instead of saying any words for a moment.

" Are you crying my Beamy~ ?. " Mrs Vongviphan asked Beam in concern.

Beam shook his head although his mother can't see him, " No Mae ~ I am not... " but his voices are cracking betraying himself.

After a couple of minutes of silence, have been trying to say a better word, Mrs Vongviphan sighs softly and says, " I will come to visit you in town this Sunday...how about that? " His mother ask Beam.

" Oh? " Beam caught off guard, was he dreaming that he listening to those words from his mother ?.

Just then he asks carefully, his voices sound as he begging, " Mae, you mean you would come here ?... " Beam asked his mother

" Hmm, We can have lunches together...we can cook together too... it's good?. " His mother said

Beam nods vigorously "Hmm, sounds like a plan Mae... " Beam said excitedly.

" Then, see you two soon na, My sweetheart..." His mother's very last sentence keeps ringing in his mind.

His mothers have spoken very clearly about her attention, which means his mother would like to meet and talk with Forth too. For a moment's Beam look like he was a statue in standing there in the middle of their living room, but his eyes staring deeply at Forth.

Forth raised his eyebrows as he comes closer to Beam," Hey, Babe... What did she say ask nervously?

" My Mother... " Beam gasp

" — She... she would like to have lunches with us this Sunday..." Beam said and bite his lips. His eyes still staring at Forth.

Now it Forth turns to gasp, "— You mean... She... she really did?."

Beam nods back with his right palm covering his mouth, his eyes smiling while he nodding excitedly.


But when the weekend comes, Beam apparently not calms as he thought of himself. He calling his best friends to come for help. So that is how Phana and Kit have been there since Saturday night. Forth can't help but feel more nervous.

" Really Beamy?. " Kit raised his voice and his eyebrows furrow and he can't help but look around the bedroom. The two of them have been changing the shades for the third time and Beam still not satisfied enough.

" Yeah... i still think it's not good enough..." Beam has been complaining a lot. Kit rolled his eyes. " It's already good for me... " Kit says.

" My mother comes to visit us, and she gonna check all the room and even our bedroom..." Beam retorts

Kit clucked his tongue " The first thing you want Aunt to know is how both of you have been sleeping together?. " Now Kit can't help to wiggles his eyebrows.

Beam turn red and shook his head " It's not like that na ~~ "

Kit sighs " Then what's all about? ,"

Beam sitting on the edge of the bed, he sighs " I just want mother to know, that this is my home now. I just want her to know that I am comfortable with my life and at these moments...I want to let her know that I am, making the right decisions. "

Beam sighs again " To be honest I am afraid that she going to judge me when she coming here... "

Both then silent for a while.

Kit pinches his own chin when he thinks about what Beam has said " You
want your mother to know that Forth can take care of you... right?. "

Beam blinks " Yeah, that too...above of all, I want her to know that we can take care of each other, us, regardless of everything. "

Kit sighs, " Look at me Beamy na~, knowing how Aunt will act, I know you really worry. But Aunt should be the one understand you na. You and I are only 21 years old and so it's Forth. Regardless of everything it needs to be perfect...but come on, we are still just as students. She coming here after she knows that both of you living together, she can't expect that you will have a complete house like another couple should have... " Kit paused and continues, " But, Yeah... I understand... alright... we should continue to work then... let's just do as you always do na... " Kit says a smiling.

From grooming the bedroom and cleaning. They also make the whole kitchen feel more like home.

Well, when it was just only both of them... they tend to keep it simple at the end. More beers in the fridge than mineral water and soft drinks. Junk foods had occupied one of the cabinet racks.

And that's normal since the most time they have eats outside rather than cooking. But now, that have changed to have more food, vegetables and meat in the fridge, a lot of fresh fruits too, in the evening they have to fill all the necessary grocery in the kitchen.

While in the living room, the same thing happened, a new set of curtains is hanging, rather than grey and white colour it changed to a more bright colour, soft yellow. Forth and Phana both satisfies with their hard work.

More lively concept, and more flowers too. His mother is a fan of roses and tulips and so does Beam. But the busy life as a student, Beam found the time sucks to do the decoration every day.


The most stunning woman, Mrs Vongviphan is known as the vice president for Wongpihat Group apart of her being recognized as one of Vongviphan. She comes striding into the entry hall of an apartment building, Beam gulped watching her coming closer for them. His mother walking in her most elegant ways, mincing our her high heels, in her right arms, shown very expensive Prada handbag,the latest collection this season, while her left hand holding a middle size of the basket.

Besides Kit, Beam has visibly stiff with anxiety. He steps into heft the impatient for greeting his mother. He giving her kisses on both cheeks. While his mother doing the same too, Mrs Vongviphan gave her comment " You look thinner compared to last time, don't you eat properly this time? " His mother asks as she gives the basket to Beam to hold.

" Aww, Mae... I like it this way and look at me na, No double chin now... " Beam says sweetly, finally he feel at more ease after received warm greeting. Beam's mother just laughs as she nods in ' I can't believe you ' reaction.

" Sawadee khrub Khun Mae, " Kit says as he still standing behind mother and son.

" Wadee na luk~ you are here too, so then, where is Pha then ?. " She asks in curious.

" Ehem, Mae, It's been a long time no see you Mae~ Pha — he's upstairs " Kit says and as his eyes, asking Beam to continues.

Beam nods " — I ask him to help Forth in the kitchen... so, Mae, let's come inside na..." Beam says

" They're cooking? " Mrs Vongviphan ask

" Well, Mae they're just doing the preparation... I hope those two is not running the kitchen right now. " This time Beam answers as he's joking.

Beam walk-in peers with his mother, they get inside the lift, and the little bit of nervousness come again when the exist the lift and walk to the apartment doors, his lips felt twitch and he finally makes a sound, Beam asks, " — Mae, How's Dad doing? "

Mrs Vongviphan sighs "— You know him... " her voice is sound flat. She raised her left eyebrows " Son, We don't need to talk about that stubborn man...can we ?. " She sighs again.

Beam nods along and swallowed back his next question. He means to ask more about his father...but... alas...it's not the right time yet. Lest the mood is ruined, Beam just covered his feeling inside with a smile on his face.

With Kit just followed them behind, although he can't see how Beam reacts, he can feel the blink of disappointments but it vanished when Mrs Vongviphan suddenly clinging to Beam side. Maybe she really wants Beam not to think more about the sad thing part.

Kit sighs slowly began to Wondering why he and Pha have agreed and even offered themselves for lunches together with the trio mother son and another son, which may be her future son in law.


Out of nowhere, before they key in the padlock, Phana has open it for them from inside, in very exciting ways, " Sawadee khrub and Good morning Mae, " Phana singsongs. " How nice to see you, Mae. Oh, Mae, you even look more beautiful than before na ..."

" Wadee na, Phana Kongthanin...you look so handsome too, but of course My Beamy still win. " She says as she winking at Phana. She smiling as she like the way Phana praises her, but in her eyes, her son is better in any way.

" Yes, Mae ~ " Phana, of course, understands it.

In that time the one and only Forth Jaturapoom fighting and struggles alone in the kitchen. He handled the meat; beef rib eye and tenderloin part of the meat.

At the same time Beam with his mother head towards the kitchen and Kit and Phana also follows.

Beam fake coughed " Ehem, Forth..." Beam uttered

Forth turn his heel and left the kitchen island. His long step, as he walks like a hot model in the magazine, he just wearing plan white T-shirt and long black jeans. His eyes meet with Beam for a while as he smiling.

He turns in most confidence ways towards Mrs Vongviphan. In that time Mrs Vongviphan can't help but impressed. The young man in front of her even looks more masculine and sharp than in those pictures and videos she has seen before. Still, she can't just yet show any indication of interest toward Forth. They just greeted each other.

" Hello, Ma'am, I am Forth Jaturapoom, Beam's Partner..."

" I've heard about you from my son... I am Beam's mother... nice to meet young man!." Mrs Vongviphan says as she offered her hand for and Forth gladly shake it.

And the situation falls at ease.

Beam presents the basket that his mother brought on the island and get the thing inside out. Kit with excitement opens it right away...

" Wow, this is really yummy... look at this all the nine auspicious dessert...this is art Mae ~~ " Kit giggling. They have always know Beam's mother really know how to make a delicious dessert, and the chance is here to eat them yet again after so long of a time. Mrs Vongviphan can't help but smile more wildly.

Truly are, the praise from the young man, really make her proud. She never that often in the kitchen because of working. When she has time, she will do it for her only son, Beamy.

" We're really grateful for this Ma'am... it looks so amazing. " Forth says insincerely to Mrs Vongviphan. Beam beside Forth just smiling at his mother.

" You probably never tasted this before, I once made it for Beam before and he brought this for his classmates. Well, although it was really our Thai dessert, people nowadays can't just found them in the mall or in the street food shop. My Beam knows how to make this too, he can make it for you again. " Beam's mother said in a soft way. Her words are very convincing and it makes Forth at ease.

" Yes, Ma'am..." Forth answered

" Third time ... you have been calling me as Ma'am, so now be at ease young man... "

Forth gave her nods and smile " Thank you, Auntie... " This time Beam's mother nods as she likes it the way Forth gradually taking her heart.

" — What have you prepared... heard that from Beam you and Pha have been in the kitchen to prepare some..." Beam's mother walks around the kitchen... she walks and take another apron and used it.

Forth scratch his nape, and shyly says " — I've been handling this meat... " Forth says as he shows Mrs Vongviphan what had happened to the meat. It's not that bad actually, just the meat is looking like not enough sauce for marinating.

" Chop Chop ... Beamy, Kitty, Pha, just go and make yourself comfortable in the living and you Forth, please help me here... " Mrs Vongviphan says. Her voice is an absolute order.

" I know you and Beam probably don't have time for home-cooked meals these days, what with your study, lab and exam schedules, etc... " she says as she opens the fridge, and took notice of the thing inside; all still new and fresh.

Forth release soft chuckles " You really notice everything... " Forth says

" I've always... " Mrs Vongviphan paused.

"Perhaps ' always' still not the right word to say it..." Beam says continues

She chuckles " I noticed it because... —I know my son really well... " She glances at Forth in a soft way.

" You make my son smile amazingly... I am amused that you can make him beaming that brightly..." Beam's mother utters sincerely while she took and put the fresh vegetables on the island: cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, baby corns lastly basil leaf and garlic.

" — The way his smile is everything and all I want is to see him smile that ways every time...always. He looks stunning, handsome yet beautiful... I guess He took that from you, Aunt..." Forth says beaming.

Beam's mother chuckles softly too " Of course... " then she laughed.

Forth gradually make the sauce once again and marinate the whole meat again this time with Mrs Vongviphan instruction... what left is to let the meat there for a while so it's gonna taste more flavoured when it grilled later.

The menu is steaks with rice and stirs fried vegetables, salad fruits and of course the desserts.

For a while, both of them too occupied cooking the meals. When Forth has done grilling the steak and now Mrs Vongviphan prepared the salad fruits.

Forth look at how fast Mrs Vongviphan works with the knife cutting the fruit in the desired size for salad.

Forth sigh softly " Auntie…" Forth looked at her imploringly and earnestly stated " I will not take Beam away from you. He is still your son, always. I just like him and want to love him as much as you do... "

Mrs Vongviphan sighs softly as her eyebrows both raised. " How long have you known each other? " She asks for details. Of course, she has heard it from Beam before, at that night dinner.

" We're friends since our first years...we can count as drinking buddy... our second years... it feels like a fairytale... I must thank Pha for the chance. I fall his beautiful smile and his tender eyes when he dances with me... " Forth recalled and told Mrs Vongviphan everything. Never once the smile leaving his lip.

Mrs Vongviphan nods, sometimes she chuckles, she asks Forth, " Now and for the rest of your life, can you afford it? Your status is so much better than our family’s. I heard that your family taking liking of our Beamy... " She sighs softly yet again.

" My son is so young, he acts selfishly sometimes and he will hurt you and so are you, both of you were only 21 years old now...Perhaps, thought about the future and on... we never know what might happen. ”

Forth rebuked " Auntie..."

Mrs Vongviphan sigh again " I know... "

Forth wanted to say that it was not like that, be it in the future... he and Beam will still standing together.

As Beam's mother collected her thoughts, she looked to Forth and said " Beam is my son. I would like to says only his Mother knows who he really is. Only his parents know how many shortcomings he really has and only we are able to put up with them... " She paused for a while, looking at the young man more deeply, searching for honesty in Forth's eyes.

" I will never be someone that believes of lifetime promise. All I can says, If you want my blessing now, to be honest, I can't grant you just yet" sudden tension arose. But Forth act like he was not surprised. He almost can expect it...

" But I would never against you together with my Son, Beamy... It might take time. IF you still with my Son from now to 7 years later... You can ask me again... " She says, determined.

From the corner of the kitchen room, Beam almost sheds his tears once again. He has heard everything from the start to the last sentence... so does Kit and Phana. Whose said this young man could just stay in the living room?.

Beam almost run to hugs his mother from mother... " Kob Khun krup, Mae... " Beam says.

Yes. It's more than enough for them, his mother has acknowledged their relationship. Forth too thanks Mrs Vongviphan right away.

Yes, empty promises prove nothing. For as long as it takes, 7 years, 10 Years, as long as they could be together, time is the most powerful proof.

" Let's have our lunches now kids..." Mrs Vongviphan says.

" Yes, Mae... " All them says.


A/N : with lot of love...thank you for still reading this ff na kha. ☺🥰😘

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