
By jellybeanreads

97K 4.1K 628

"You know the more I think about it, it starts to make more sense. Why you constantly checked up on me and ca... More



1.1K 55 12
By jellybeanreads

Namjoon POV
I tap my foot as my phone rang. I was continuously calling my mother to get answer for why she's letting Samchon do this. My mother had always supported me with it which makes me even more confused and frustrated.






Eomma what is this, why did Samchon-

What? I can't hear you honey. I'm about to board my plane. The signal is really bad. Remember I told you about the convention in the Philippines?

I facepalmed remembering that she had in fact told me about her trip that she was gonna be on for three weeks.

I'll call you wh-... I land. I don't- ....if I'll get signal tho-....

Her call was already starting to brake up.

Wait! Eomma!

Bye honey!

"Tch.." I stare down at my phone before pushing my hair back.

Now what? What other choice do I have in this. Samchon will have taken over this company before I can talk with my mother.

I walk to my office door, opening it to see Ms.Ka walking back to her chair. "Ms.Ka, call the management team and have them in a conference room in five minutes."

I continue walking to the conference room to wait for them there.

3rd POV
"So you're just going to change ownership?!" Namjoon, asked furry boiling up.

"We're just doing what's best for the company Mr.Kim." One on the older men answers.

"The company is my responsibility, it belongs to me! Shouldn't I get a say in this?!"

"The company belongs to the Kim family!" A man with a green tie spoke out. "And as far as we are all aware of, the oldest Kim is your uncle. He's given you many chances to improve after your mistakes, and clearly you have failed." He finished.

This struck Namjoon. Ever since the death of his father he had been under heavy pressure to continue running this 'perfect' company that his father had spent so much time bringing up from the ground.

Namjoon had always looked up to him, as he watched his dad inherit a crumbling building and be abel to bring into the light.

After his dad had gotten sick things had started going downhill. Namjoon had been training to take over but due to his fathers sickness he had to start with his position earlier than intended.

But despite this he wanted to show his dad that he was worthy enough to take his place and to give him the peace of mind that everything is ok so he don't have to worry about anything else but his health. But of course, fate had other plans.

Namjoon felt the lump in his throat grow bigger as he listened to them. "Fine, but I'm setting some restrictions.."

Jimin POV
I was walking back to my department after getting some information about our budget, from the financial team. I let out a breath as I walk down the hallway.

I continue walking only to see a female figure leaning against the wall by a conference room, seemingly waiting for someone. I hadn't seen her in a while after she started taking over Rose's job, or more specifically going back to her old position.

She glances up at me and straightens her back and pulls down her coat from its small wrinkle she got from leaning.

As soon as she pushes herself off the wall, she starts walking towards me, most likely heading back her office. I bowed as she passes me, after all she was my senior.

I watch as she got further and further.

"Whether or not we keep Mr.Park within the company will be Mr.Kim's decision to make and ours to support. You will have no part in it!" I turn my head to the right, hearing the loud conversation of who ever was inside.

"Mr.Park?" I whisper to myself

Are.. are they talking about me?

"My uncle gave me two weeks to settle everything, so this is my requirement."

"You're being ridiculous! Your uncle will review and reestablish anything he wishes, you are in no position to veto this." Sounds like one of the grumpy old men from the management department.

"His contract states 5 years. You, and this company need to keep those words true. And if not..I will expose it to the public, maybe even sue!"

I lean closer to the door to hear more, my eyebrows furrow as each word flows out the room.


"That'll be all for now.." I move aside, still trying to process what was said in there.

The door opens and Namjoon steps out, taking a deep breath as he closes the door. He takes a step forward before immediately pausing.

I look up at him waiting for his next move. He pushes his head back before slowly looking back at me, giving a side glance.

My mouth opens, intending on saying something...but nothing comes out.

He sighs and starts walking away.

Why is he so confusing? One second he's blaming me for bringing in a spy and the next he trying to keep me from losing my job?

I start thinking back to the last time with Rose when the stores were launched. Why is he acting so different in every situation??

3rd POV
"What do you mean?" Rose asked her heat starting to burn from anger and sadness. She and Jin were sitting in Seolhyun's office listening to her talk.

"When we checked up with the information and connection to the number didn't match. The person who was under the number was a middle class woman who works as a nurse in her 30's. Her alibis matched to her innocence." Seolhyun informed.

"Did you check back with the owner?" Jin asks

"Jungkook went and checked it out. But looking through their files, he said there was no information about the license plate."

"So, it's a dead end then?" Rose asked, disappointment showing on her face.

"We have a team still trying to follow with the street cameras, let's just keep looking."

Hey loves
Sorry I haven't been as active I took a small break.
I hope you all also take a break if you need to like off the internet for a while or whatever you maybe need.

I hope ur all safe and eating well.
Stay happy and I'll be back soon with the next chapter
Also go drink some water >:(
Ok bye
...I love you💜💕

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