The Red Kings Volleyball Play...

By Cakes0404

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When the Karasuno volleyball team agree to a practice match against Ashinaka High School as well as a week lo... More

Before We Begin
Prologue/Hinata's Backstory
Chapter 1: Back to Shizume
Chapter 2: For Tatara!
Chapter 3: Difficult Conversations
Chapter 4: Karasuno Doesn't Get to Talk to Hinata
Chapter 6: Real Explanation
Chapter 7: Brought to the Bar
Chapter 8: Invasion

Chapter 5: Ruhi Played Volleyball

592 22 2
By Cakes0404

"Even the gold king has agreed to help you?" Munakata held a surprised tone when he spoke.

"Yes. But you need to keep the red king here for the time being. I figured you would like to know that the Mikoto has no plans on killing the boy. Only to talk." Hinata's voice was responsible and mature as he spoke with the blue king, unlike his regular personality.

"Yes. Well I must thank you for the information. It'll help a lot with our investigation." Reisi smiled at the orange haired boy in front of him.

"Great! Can I see Ruhi now?!" Hinata nearly yelled at the man in front of him.

"Of course." The bespectacled man said with a laugh at the childish personality.

The boy ran off, through the hallways of the building and jumped on a tall boy the was walking towards his office.

"Ruhi!" He yelled as he jumped.

"Tch, I'm trying to work." His voice sounded angry but Hinata knew the boy had a soft spot for him.

"It's still only 5:30 in the morning! You should take me to my volleyball camp and watch me play!" He hugged the tall boy as he spoke with excitement.

"I'll talk to king about that, but I would have to work on my Laptop while I'm there. Is that okay with you?" Fushimi asked, though he already knew the answer.

"Yes! Does that mean you'll come?" Hinata cheered and laughed as the soft side of Fushimi made an appearance only for the short volleyball player.

"I suppose," though he sighed in what was supposed to be annoyance, Hinata saw the ghost of a smile on his lips.

"Thank you, Ruhi!" Hinata hugged him tightly once more before he jumped off his back and went to grab his volleyball bag from the blue kings office.

"Be ready to leave in 10 minutes. I want to grab breakfast before we go." Hinata cheered at the idea of food.

"Okay!" He yelled as he turned to corner and continued running.

12 minutes later Fushimi was driving Hinata and him to a local Cafe for breakfast. When they walked in Fushimi grabbed Hinata's hand and led him to a table in the back corner, though Hinata didn't see his team, his team saw him as he walked with an unknown person, holding hands.

"Do you think that's his boyfriend?" Nishinoya whispered to the team as they watched the two talk and Hinata laugh at the others annoyance.

"I don't know, but if that's his boyfriend then what about that redheaded guy at the bar?" Daichi asked next.

"What if he's cheating on them?!" Tanaka annoyingly yelled, catching the attention of the boy Hinata was with, but not Hinata.

"Shut up!" Nishinoya whisper yelled at the other boy before they continued to talk.

"Maybe its just another friend?" Asahi spoke this time.

"What's up with his clothes though?" Tsukishima snickered at his ridiculous outfit.

"Maybe its a uniform. I've seen other people walking around in that get up. Perhaps the police?" Sugawara spoke softly though the rest of the team decided to stop talking about it and ask him later.

"You'll probably meet my team later during the day, is that okay?" Hinata was worried his friends would be overwhelming to the blue clansman.

"That'll be fine. I'm going to drop you off at the school then go home and change into some appropriate clothes." Hinata nodded enthusiastically as the other spoke.

"We won't start actually playing until around 6:45, so take your time. Are you staying all day?" Hinata's eyes gleamed with hope as he asked the question.

"I suppose. Im assuming you want me to take you back to the bar when its over?" Fushimi would've been annoyed if he hadn't expected the question.

"Yes please." Saruhiko checked his watch, reading 6:27 and stood up.

"Are you ready to leave?"

"Yeah. What time is it?"

"6:28" Hinata jumped out of his chair.

"We need to hurry if you're going home to change!"

They ran out of the small Cafe and hopped in Fushimi's car while the rest of the team was watching until they too left the cafe.

"Hinata! Where were you this morning? Kusanagi-san said you left around 4:40 something to meet with people." Kageyama was the first to question the boy when they walked in the gym at 6:37.

"I had to meet with the... Chief of Police I guess to talk about something. Then I got breakfast with my friend Saruhiko." Hinata beamed at remembering his time with the friend he rarely saw since he left HOMRA.

"We saw you in the cafe with some guy dressed in weird clothes. Is that your friend?" Yamaguchi asked.

"Yeah! He's coming to watch our practice matches so you'll get to meet him." Hinata got more excited when he thought about how this would be the first time someone came to watch him play volleyball.

"Well that's good. I cant wait to meet him." Suga smiled and started to warm up.

Around 6:45 the door opened and a tall boy walked in and sat in a seat in the corner of the gym. Karasuno saw him, as well as all the other teams.

Fushimi sat down and pulled put his laptop and finishing up some emails he needed to send to members of Scepter 4. When he glanced up he saw Hinata jump up and spike a volleyball. Fushimi wasn't impressed. He had seen Hinata jump higher before, as well as hit harder.

Fushimi could only assume it was because his setter wasn't pushing him to jump higher. He used to play volleyball with Hinata for fun, especially when Hinata was first interested in the sport. Fushimi was the best setter in his prefecture when he was in highschool.

He wanted to remind Hinata of how he used to hit.

The day went by fast, Fushimi left to get lunch for the Karasuno volleyball team, as requested by Hinata. He also took that time to meet the team the boy was so fond of.

After the team introduced himself Hinata was talking about his playing. "Did you see my hits? I was like floosh then kablam and then it was like fwap!" He gestured with his hands as he excitedly spoke.

Hinata's team was listening into the conversation, curious as to how the older boy felt about the practice matches.

"I'm rather disappointed in your hits, actually." Fushimi felt the stares of many volleyball players around the gym as he said this.

"Wh-What do you mean?" Hinata spoke softly, he thought he did good.

"You used to jump higher than that. And you didn't swing as had as you did when I set you." Fushimi glared at the orange haired boy in front of him, "are you still training? Or did you forget about your goals when you left?"

"Hey! I'm hitting perfectly fine. And yes I'm still training! Are you still playing volleyball?" Hinata asked as his frustration quickly faded.

"Yes. You should let me set you. Like old times." The malicious smile on Fushimi's face sent a chill down everyone's spine. But not long after, a certain brunette setter recognized him.

"Hey, aren't you that one guy that they called 'The Joker'?" Oikawa asked, but the name brought up a memory, faint, but the older people in the gym immediately recognized the number 1 setter from a few years back.

"That would be me." Fushimi glared at the boy, but soon turned back to Hinata with a questioning look on his face. "Do you want a set?"

Hinata excitedly nodded his head before he rushed to get a ball and all the teams gathered around the court to watch the boys.

"Give me a few practice tosses. Don't swing on any of these yet." Hinata only tossed the ball and watched him set his favorite set, higher than Kageyama sets the ball, but closer to the net.

"If that's how the best setter sets, then I won't have a problem taking his throne." Oikawa boasted loudly.

"Yeah, there's no way Hinata can hit that ball." Kageyama scoffed, knowing that Hinata hit the ball with his eyes closed, so swinging at a ball on the net would be near impossible.

"Are you ready for me to swing yet? Or do you need a few more warm ups?" Hinata was tired of waiting he wanted to hit the ball.

"Two more." Was the simple reply, and both of the sets after were the exact same as the first set. "Swing on the next one."

"You got it!" Hinata cheered.

The toss was the same as the other three. Hinata timed his approach and ran as soon as the ball touched Fushimi's hands. The set was the same as the last three. On the net, and higher than Kageyama sets the ball. Hinata jumped about 4 inches higher than he normally jumped, eyes open, and swung the ball at and angle in front of the 10 foot line, harder than his normal hits.

"Yes! That was amazing Ruhi! Great set!" Hinata yelled as he jumped on his friend.

"Tch. If you would tell your setter the perfect set, then you could hit like that all the time." Fushimi sounded annoyed.

"Hinata! Have you been holding out on us?" Tanaka yelled being the first to recover from his shock.

"Hinata boke! How did you hit that with your eyes open?!" Kageyama yelled at the short middle hitter.

"I always used to hit Ruhi's sets. I know how to hit his with my eyes open." Hinata had an innocent look on his face while Kageyama scowled at the boy.

"Well, get back to your practice matches. I'll watch." Fushimi walked back to his seat and looked at Hinata's team, bombarding him with questions.


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