Playing With Fire || Nathan S...

Bởi jellyyayri

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Rose and Nathan's love was like playing with fire. Rose was a delicate flower that needed protection. She wa... Xem Thêm

Playing With Fire
*New Main Cast*
Rose's Family Tree
The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most
Are You True?
Crash Into You
All That You Can't Leave Behind
Every Night is Another Story
Life in a Glass House
The Search for Something More
With Arms Outstretched
With Arms Outstretched Part Two
The Living Years
Crash Course in Polite Conversations
Hanging by a Moment
I Shall Believe
Suddenly Everything Has Changed
The First Cut is the Deepest
Spirit in the Night
To Wish Impossible Things
How To Get Emancipated From Your Parents

You Gotta Go There to Come Back

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Bởi jellyyayri

Rose and Nathan are asleep in each other's arms........

"So if my mom and sister come in, I'm gonna act like I have amnesia, so don't freak out if I pretend not to know how you are still here," Rose said.

"Look, I think I should get back to the madness. But hey, if I could, I'd stay like this all day." Nathan says as Rose moans disapprovingly. Rose gets up and kisses Nathan

"Ok. Nathan, about last night..."

"Hey, look it's not about sex with me ok? When you're ready, I'll be too."Nathan says looking at Rose.

"Come here". Rose says as she sits up and kisses him then lays back down.

" Roseanne Choi, Get up now! I know you there too Nathan and its time for you to leave !"Nikki shouts. Rose and Nathan break apart from the kiss and burst out laughing.

"How is your mom so cool with all this."

"My mom might be in 40 but she is a teen at heart," Rose said.


Rose was in her kitchen with her mom and sister when the doorbell rang........

"Are you excepting anyone?"Nikki asked her daughters.

"No," Rose and Nina said together. Nikki put down her coffee and walked to the door. Nikki opened the door and there was Ava the lady her husband cheated on her with

"Oh god, I just took out the trash," Nikki said causing her daughter's to laugh.

"I just wanted to talk. We were best friends."Ava said.

"That was before you slept with my husband and like I said to Peter leave," Nikki said shutting the door in Ava's face.

" Rose you can take the car today," Nikki said taking her key from her bag and tossing them to Rose.

"Nice," Rose said grabbing her bag and made her way out the door.


Luke, Haley, and Rose were out of school and they were talking Peyton.

"It's not that hard, alright? Peyton and I just don't make sense as a couple". She said so herself." Lucas to us, slinging his backpack over his left shoulder.

" And then took it back," Haley and Rose said together.

"Now what are guys? Her lawyer?"

"I'm just...look I've seen Peyton really try to make an effort to turn things around and it just sucks that she got bit the first time she reached out to somebody, you know?" Rose says.

"Guys, I'm not the bad guy here, ok? Peyton's just too...hard."

"Unlike Brooke who I understand is nice and easy," Hayle says.

"Excuse me. She makes me laugh. She's honest, she's not afraid to be herself. Ok? Plus she's not covered head to toe in issues. What's so bad about that? "Luke says as we set on one of the benches

"Nothing! Nothing. If you're happy, we're happy."Rose says

" Yes."

"Are you? Happy." Luke asks looking at Rose

"Yeah," Rose

" I hope you guys are right."


It was later after school and Rose was working her shift with Haley

"Business seems to have dropped off lately, and I'm beginning to take it personally," Deb says, looking around the empty cafe.

"Oh don't, no, it's the University, they're on a break. It will pick up soon" Rose says as she wipes down the counters.

"You know, Karen always thought we should do live entertainment to bring people in, like um... like an open mic night," Haley suggests.

"Hmm, well that's a great idea," Deb says.

"I think so too," Rose says.

"Yeah, absolutely, but let me run it by Lucas first, you know, make sure he's okay with the idea," Deb says, carefully.

Yeah, or I could talk to him. I mean he hasn't popped in much lately."Haley says, looking over at Deb.

"Yeah, yeah I've noticed. That's one of the reasons I want to talk to him myself." Deb says.

"Okay. Well if you have this ghost town under control, then I have a study session with Nathan."Rose says, putting on her jacket.

"Rose, I'm glad you're seeing Nathan. He's lucky to have someone like you."

"Believe me, Mrs. Scott, I am the lucky one but thank you bye," Rose said smiling.


Rose was at Karen cafe talking to Nathan as she helped Haley with the flyer for the open mic.

"Oh just marveling at Haley and I lack artistic ability. How's the amazing race?"

"Well, it's about as well as can be expected," Nathan said over the phone.

"Well, I wish you were here. We're doing this open mic thing at the café tomorrow."

"So I'm gone for 2 hours and you go all Hollywood on me."

"Yeah, that's me, Glamour girl. Hey, you want to say hi to your mom?"

"No, uh, it's bad timing. Look, let me give you a call back alright? Bye."

"Bye," Rose says hanging up the phone as Deb walks over to her.

"How's he doing? "

"Well, there was no gunplay or screaming so I'm assuming pretty well. He said to say "hi"."

"Haley, Rose these um, these flyers..."

"Suck! Yeah, uh-huh! I know! I know! We are trying everything!" Haley says she looks out the window and see Peyton "Hang on!" Haley says grabbing Rose's arms out of the café past Keith who's walking in, "Hi Keith, bye Keith!"


"Hey!"Haley says stopping Peyton.


"We need your help. Don't worry it doesn't involve orphans or Nathan or any major commitment of any kind."Haley said.

"What does it involve?"

"Your artistic ability," Rose says holding up her and Haley's drawings; Peyton laughs and takes them.


"I know they're horrible. Can you fix it?"

"Yeah! I can burn them!"

"Can you come up with a design that doesn't suck?"Haley asks

"When do you need them by?"

"Tomorrow afternoon," Rose says.

"Ok ."

"Oh, thank you! You're the best. Haley and I take back everything we said about you before we met."Rose says walking away.


Rose just got home and she deiced to call Nathan.

"Hey, it's Rose."She says when he picks up

"Yeah, I know. Look it's not a good time right now, alright?"

''Oh sorry, I just... "

" I'll call you back."Nathan says hanging up. Leaving her confused.


Rose was at Peyton's house looking through her music and Peyton is drawing on the bed.

"Vex, Cat Power, Cheap Trick. You're all over the place!"

"I kind of got a lot of moods," Peyton says as her phone rings; Peyton gets up and hands the picture the Rose as her answering machine picks up in the background, "Alright finished."

"Oh, this is great! Thank you!"

"No problem," Peyton says as Brooke leaves a voicemail "Hello! Best friend! Pick up the phone. don't pretend you're not there, cause I can see you on your cry for the help web cam."

"WebCam?" Rose said looking around confused.

"Its..."Peyton says pointing to it but Brooke cuts her off.

"Hi to you too tutor girl!"

"Hold on just one second."Peyton says going to pick up her phone, "Hello? Look I'm busy, I promised I would do something."She said looking Rose knew she was obviously lying, " Okay. Yeah, I'll call you tonight. Bye."

"Do you need help with those?" Peyton asks pointing to the flyers.

"Oh no, you don't have to do that."

"No, yeah I do. I mean, if you want help."

"Yes, I would love help. Yeah, come on."Rose said understanding that Peyton needs an excuse not to see Brooke.


Peyton and Rose were walking and putting flyers on cars.

"Are you gonna come?"

" I don't know. I want it its just kind of..."

"Brooke and Lucas. He told Haley and me about the other night. "

"It's my own fault. I blew it."


"The worst part is though, Brooke is my best friend, you know and she doesn't have any idea how much this is killing me. I don't know what kind of karmic monster I was in my past life!"Peyton says

"Probably one of those sirens that lure in sailors and then kill them on the rocks," Rose says as Peyton jokingly pushes her and they laugh.

"Look, between you and me, I really don't see Lucas and Brooke as like an epic romance, ok? But I mean he did ask me to give them a chance, so I kind of owe him that you know?"

"Well, what do you think I should do?

"The same thing," Rose says.


It's now the open mic night at the cafe, Lucas, and Brooke sitting on a couch when Haley walks on stage.

"Hey, so I just want to remind everybody that the stage is open if anybody has any hidden talent they want to reveal," Haley says in the mic.

"I'll give it a shot," Jake says, walking into the cafe holding a baby in a carrier.

"Great come on up. Thank God. Jake Jagielski ladies and gentlemen." Haley says.

Jake puts the carrier on the stage and sits with his guitar. "Um, so normally, I only sing for my daughter. But something that a friend said convinced me that I should open up to a wider audience and this seemed like the right time and place."

"So everyone, this is my daughter, Jenny. And Jenny, this is my whole world." Jake says into the mic and everyone in the room looks shocked as Jake starts singing. Rose walks up to Peyton who was looking upset.

"You ok?"


The song gets very low as Rose walk into the kitchen picks up the phone to call Nathan.

Nathan walks into the room and stands behind her.

"Jerk never called you back, did he? Believe me, you didn't want to talk to him anyway."Nathan says as they turn around hugs him.

"No...I'm glad you're back," Rose said kissing him.

"Yeah me too! It's like, every time I'm with him, I just get caught in this riptide, you know, the harder I try to get out, the harder it is for me to keep from drowning."

"Maybe you just need to steer clear of the water for a little while," Rose says as Deb walks in.

"Oh honey I'm sorry, I should have known."

"Whatever, I'm used to it," Nathan concluded, wrapping his arm around Rose as they left the kitchen.

The two of them stood behind the counter and talked about their day.

"What did my beautiful girlfriend do today?"

"Well, I hung up flyers with Peyton, hung out with Peyton, and worked. Oh and while doing all of that, I multi-tasked missing you."Rose smiled cheesily.

"You hung out with Peyton and there was no catfight? Huh. Shows how much she really gave a crap about our break up." Nathan smiled.

"What was your day like?"

"Well, fought with my dad, played golf with my dad, and worked on not killing my dad on the car ride back to the girl I was missing." Nathan smiled squeezing Rose's hand

"You get some cake for being that cute." Rose smiled, going in the back grabbing a piece of chocolate cake with white frosting from the kitchen and two forks.

"Maybe I should be cute more often." Nathan smiled as Rose set the plate down and he picked up a fork.

"Well, you shouldn't have to work too hard to accomplish that." Rose smiled leaning forward to kiss him.

Nathan put some cake on a fork and held it toward Rose and when she opened her mouth to take it he pulled his hand away and ate it himself

"Hey!" Rose laughed, fake pouting.

"Aw I'm sorry here," Nathan replied, and she expected a new piece of cake but instead got frosting on her nose.

"Nathan!"Rose laughed.

"Look who's cute now?" He smiled leaning to kiss Rose but she grabbed his face and wiped the frosting on his cheek.

"Oh, you're so gonna get it!" He laughed.

"Is that Gavin DeGraw?" Rose asked causing Nathan to turn his head to the door.

"Holy crap."

The two of them started giggling as in a way of saying, 'Only in Tree Hill' when Luke approached them

"Listen, man, some of the guys and I are gonna go down to the River Court, I wanted to know if you and the team wanted to come," Lucas says, looking at Nathan.

"Why?" Nathan asks.

"Cause it's fun," Lucas says, shrugging his shoulders. "Don't you remember?"Luke looked at Rose and touched her back as he walked away.

Nathan nods as Lucas walks away, a smile on Rose's face ten miles wide is directed at Nathan and she jokingly nudges him.

"Alright matchmaker, so I go to play basketball. No big deal." He smiled.

"Whatever you say big shot." Rose smiled running up on stage. "Alright, Ladies and gentlemen give it up for Gavin DeGraw!"

After Gavin finished playing people cleared out.

"I'll see you down there, okay?" Rose said kissing his cheek as he left.

Deb ,Haley and Rose cleaned up and closed before Haley and Rose went down to the River Court.


They ended thier night at the River court, everyone was playing basketball, Peyton, Brooke was sitting on top of a Nathan's with Jenny between Peyton and Brooke, when Haley and Rose walks up to them


"Hey, tutor girls!"Brooke smiles.

"Hey, Haley."

"And I'm Rose." Haley and Rose say causing them all to laugh, then suddenly the ball rolls towards them and Jake goes after it Peyton picks it up and hands it to him and they smile at each other. Brooke takes a picture of Jake and hands it to Peyton.

"I guess this answers the gay question," Brooke says to Peyton.

"Give me this," Haley says talking the camera from Brooke.

"Get in."She says. Peyton, Brooke lean in towards Jenny and smile," Cheese! "

"Hey, Rosie gets over here and give me a good luck kiss" Nathan shouts.

"No man she gonna give me a good luck kiss right Ro."Rose laughed at both of them before walking up to Jake.

"Good Luck," Rose says kissing Jake cheek.

"Oh, come on really!" Nathan and Lucas say. Rose sticks out her tongue spikes back to Peyton, Brooke, and Haley who are laughing.

The rest of the night consisted of friends, fun, and Rose was happy for the first time in forever.

A/N: What did you think of this chapter? Let me know in the comments. Also Comment Ship Name for Rose and Nathan!

Disclaimer: I don't own One Tree Hill, I own all the characters I bring in. There will probably be spelling mistakes and things might make sense but I am trying my best to improve. I hope you like this book!

Copyright © 2020 by MJacob824| MICHELLE

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