The Living Years

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Rose sat in Karan cafe doing some homework when her dad walked in with Mina.......

Rose looked up and packed up her things wanting to leave. Peter looked over and saw his daughter trying to get past him without him noticing.

"Roseanne." Pater called out casuning Rose to stop.

"What do you want?"

"Hey don't talk to me like that. I'm your father."

"Not after you left us."

"Rose, I just want to talk give me time."

"No, I have better things to do. Goodbye Peter."Rose said out of the cafe. For the rest of the day Rose spend time with her mom and her sister.


It was the next day and was Rose was the tutoring center with Nathan

"Did you finish 'The Little Prince'?"Rose ask Nathan.

"No, I just rented the movie. This book is stupid." Nathan says and Rose cracks a smile. "Nathan, you're not going to pass French if you keep renting movies," Rose said, playfully narrowing her eyes at her boyfriend.

"Well, it's not like I have a lot of time to just sit around and read." He says looking at his girlfriend.

"So, are you ever going to tell me how it went?" Rose asked, remembering Nathan's family went for counseling.

"The therapist asked me if I really want to play basketball or not," Nathan says and Rose's eyes widen.

"What'd you say?" Rose asked.

"I didn't know what to say. Nobody's ever asked me that question." Nathan replies,

"Wow, that's really big Nate," Rose says.

"These last couple of weeks without it... I mean if I didn't play, I might actually have a life." Nathan says.

"What would you do?" Rose asks, curiously.

"I don't know. At least I'd have some time to figure it out, though. Besides, I'm pretty sure you and I find some things better to do." Nathan says leaning in to kiss Rose.

"You wish," Rose says, laughing. "I think you're really brave. To consider rebuilding who you are. I don't know if I could do that."Rose says.

"You could. Well, I got to go." Nathan says.

"Oh yeah," Rose says, checking the time. "Hey, um, practice starts back up again today,"

"Yeah. I'm just not sure I do." Nathan says, getting up. "I'll see ya."Nathan gives Rose one last kiss before leaving.


Rose was at her house doing some homework while her mom was cooking dinner.

"Eomma how did you know dad was the one?"


"I don't know I was just wording."

"Believe it or not I was your age."


"Your dad sucked at school and I had to tutor him. At first, I hated him but I fell in love with."


"Hold on do you think Nathan might be the one?" Nikki asked her daughter.

"I don't know. Maybe. But what if he turns out to be like..." Rose began but Nikki cut her off.

" Rose I'm gonna stop you right there just because your dad is an asshole does not mean Nathan will be the same. He really cares about you. Whatever you decided to do please be safe."

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