Life in a Glass House

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Rose was in the tutoring center with Nathan..............

"Oh, this is so stupid. What--why do we have to study history anyway?" Nathan asks Rose as they study for the upcoming history test.

"So we're not doomed to repeat it,"Rose says, quickly.

"What?" Nathan asks with a chuckle.

"So we're not doomed to repeat it," Rose said slowly and Nathan smiles at her. "Look, don't lose hope, okay? Tomorrow's a teacher's workday so you've got a three day weekend to study." Rose says.

"Minus my dad's annual kiss his ass jamboree. Hey, I would invite you and Haley, but it's kind of a b-ball crowd." Nathan says and Rose shakes her head.

"Oh, please, come on. Like I want to kiss your dad's ass anyway."Rose says.


"I made you a study guide. And, everything you need to ace your history exam is right in this little box of tricks here-NoDoz, eye drops, number-two pencils." Rose says handing  him the metal box.

"Why don't you just text message me the answers, "Nathan suggests.

"Oh! No. So, um, just give me a call if you need anything, okay? Thanks for cutting Lucas some slack."

"A deal's a deal, right?" Nathan says and Rose nods her head before walking off.


Rose was walking out of school when Peyton before crashing into them.

"Whoa! Walking here."Rose yells.

"God! I'm-I'm sorry."Peyton says.

"Like you weren't aiming."

"You are  not on that list," Peyton says causing Rose to  laugh.

"You need a ride somewhere?"Peyton asks them.


"Come on, get in."

"I guess it's better to be in your car than under it, "Rose says as her and help make there way over to the car.

"So, I'm not really good at this," Peyton says.

"Yeah, obviously you're gonna want to put that in gear and give it a little gas. "Rose says.

"No, I meant-I mean the whole not-being-defensive thing."

"Okay,"Rose said confused.

"Last week in Brooke's car, you said he cares about you, and I was trying really hard to be cool, and I didn't ask, um, whether you meant Nathan or Lucas."

"And now you're asking?" Rose asks.

"In a pathetic kind of way, yeah."

"I'm-I'm not gonna be much help. I-I guess I meant both of them. Lucky you."Rose says.

"Look, it's not like you need my permission or anything, but if you like Nathan, it's totally cool. Just be really careful."Peyton says as the time Rose says "Be careful. Yes, I know. You told me."


"You be careful, too."

"With which one?"

"Driving. My mother likes it when I get home alive. Let's go." Rose says causing Peyton to laugh. Peyton backs the car out of her parking spot.


It was after school Rose and Haley walked into Lucas' room.

"Rose, Haley?" Lucas asks them confused.

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