I Shall Believe

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Rose stood in her room shocked at what came out of his mouth.................

"I'm sorry what did you just say?" Rose asked in utter disbelief.

"About what?" He asked.

"About the way that we started, "Rose said.

Rose's phone started ringing in the background as Nathan responded, but ignored the ringing.

"Nothing. Just when I first came to you for tutoring, I figured the easiest way to mess with Lucas was to hook up with you, but..."

"So everything between us has been a lie?"Rose interrupted.

"No, that's not-"

"I cannot believe this, Lucas was right about you all along," Rose said as her answering machine picked up.

"Rose, pick up." Keith's voice came through. "There's been an accident. Lucas is hurt pretty bad. Rose?"

Rose jumped over Nathan and grabbed the phone from the charger and answered. "Keith, hey... He's going to make it right? Okay, thanks."She said hanging up.

"Come on, I'll take you to the hospital." Nathan offered.

"I can't talk to you right now, Nathan," Rose said.

"Rose, look I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that," Nathan said.

"Just go. Just go."Rose said as she dialed Peyton's number.

"Hello?" Peyton asked.

"Peyton."Rose's voice came out shakier than she thought

"Rose, what's wrong?" She asked

"Lucas was in an accident, it's bad. Go to the hospital." Right after that, the line went dead and Rose was left alone in her room.

No boyfriend. No best friend. Just, silence. Where was Haley James when you need her?


Rose was in the room alone when Peyton walked in.

"Hey," Peyton greeted

"Hey."Rose greeted

"I thought you'd be at the hospital," Peyton said.

"Why aren't you there?"Rose asked.

"I dropped Brooke off. It's just kind of weird, she's still with Lucas." Peyton explained.

"She doesn't know about you guys yet?"Rose said.

"We were going to tell her tonight," Peyton said getting up.  "Don't you want to see him?" She asked.

"Yeah, I do. I just can't."Rose said.

"Yeah. Yeah okay. But I'm sure his mom would really like to see you." Peyton tried to convince her but Rose was not having it.

"Peyton, I'll go when I'm ready." Rose dismissed her.

"Sure." She said before leaving.


It was the next day and Rose at the cafe doing work.

"Rose, what are you doing?" Peyton asked entering the cafe.

"Inventory. "Rose answered coldly.

"Lucas is lying in a hospital why can't you just go see him?" Peyton pushed Rose over the edge.

"Because he wouldn't want to see me."Rose snapped.

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