Crash Course in Polite Conversations

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Nathan sat in Rose's room trying process what she just told him..........

"Nathan looks if want to leave I understand," Rose said looking down.

"What no. I'm not going anywhere. I will be there for you every step of the way." Nathan said hugging Rose.

"Thank you," Rose said kissing him.


It was the next morning Nathan had gone home and Rose was working at her shift at Karen's with Haley when an older man walks in. "Good morning, sir. Table or counter?"Rose asks the man.

"Um, actually, I'm looking for Karen." He replies.

"She's in Italy for cooking school," Haley informs and the man smiles.

"Good for her. How's that boy of hers doing?"

"Lucas? He's doing fine."Rose says. "Do you want me to leave Karen a message?"

Nah, that's all right. I'll just catch her the next time I'm passing through." He replies then leaves and Rose turns to look at Haley. "That was weird. Have you seen him before?"Rose asks.

"Never," Haley says, shaking her head.


"So this dinner thing's going to be pretty bad huh?"Rose asked Nathan as they walk down the streets of Tree Hill.

"Massacre. My Grandma's okay. It's just my Grandpa's pretty intense. You've guys have met my dad. Just imagine where he comes from." Nathan says and Rose shiver at the thought. "Okay, that's a scary thought," Rose says, scrunching her nose.

"Yeah. You should come tonight. Maybe it will make everybody behave." Nathan says.

"I'll come if you want me to."

"No, I wasn't serious. I wouldn't put you through that."

"No I mean, if you're asking, of course, my answer's yes."

"Well, then I'm asking, "Nathan said wrapping his arms around Rose waist.

"Well, then I'm coming."Rose kissing him.


Rose was in the room trying to find something to wear when her mom came into her room.

"Wow, what happens in here."

"Nathan invited me to dinner and I don't know what was." Nikki just smiled at her daughter and walking out of her room and went into her room and came back with a red dress.

"Here where this. I'm running late so good luck."

"Ok bye," Rose said as her mom walked out the door.

Rose got ready and took one last look at herself before making her way to Nathan's house.


Rose knocked on the door of Scott's house and Nathan's answers. "Thank God you're here, I think I was to faint." He says and Rose laughs as she enters, giving him a quick kiss before they go into the dining room.

Nathan introduces Rose to Royal and May, Dan, and Keith's parents, and when she sees Nathan's grandfather Rose immediately recognizes him from the café.

"Grandpa, Grandma, this is Rose," Nathan says to his grandparents.

"Hi," Rose said, sheepishly.

"Nice to meet you," Royal says, shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you too, "Rose says and it's obvious that he recognizes Haley and Rose from the cafe.

Playing With Fire || Nathan Scott [1-2]Where stories live. Discover now