Say Something ━━ Stiles Stili...

By Monrox

449K 10.9K 3.5K

{Completed} "in which a girl has seven wonders and seven sins" Shay Marshall has been the best friend of Stil... More

Important Author's Note
01. Straight and Fast
02. Feathers Flying
03. Seven Wonders
04. Open Wounds
05. Jealousy Rising
06. Shattered Glass
08. Covered in Red
09. A View to Kill
10. Heart to Heart
11. A Raven's Call
12. Down Memory Lane
13. Highway to Hell
14. American Gothic
15. Bates Motel
16. An Orphan's Pity
17. Closer walk with Thee
18. Deadly Tether
19. Breath of Life
20. Five Circles
21. Unblinking Death
22. Bad Blood
23. Absent without Leave
24. One Moment
25. Under the Water
26. Mother Knows Best
27. Women in Black
Sequel News
Sad News

07. Fearful Nights

15K 408 28
By Monrox

Chapter Seven

        Fearful Nights

     "She's not dead." Derek denied as he paced around the room in a panic. Ever since Isaac had announced that their was a dead body in the volt and that it could possibly be Erica, Derek's been anxious and stubbornly denial. Erica was apart of the pack and since Derek was her Alpha that meant he felt a powerful protectiveness over her. 

        "Derek, he said, "there's a dead body. It's Erica." Doesn't exactly leave us much room for interpretation." Stiles remarked and as much as I hate to admit it, he was right. Honestly there was no reason to debate if she was dead or not. If Isaac saw Erica dead than she's dead. Seems like Derek just doesn't want to admit that.

        "Then who was in the volt with Boyd?" Derek snapped.

        Stiles sighed, "Someone else obviously."

        Scott nodded and turned his direction over to Isaac, "And maybe it was the girl on the motorcycle. Okay, the one who saved you?"

        He shook his head, "No, she wasn't like us. And whoever was in the vault with Boyd was." Isaac answered who was surprisingly calm.

        "They, like, pin them against each other during the full moons and see which one survives. It's like werewolf thunder dome." Stiles remarked and it made sense. Every full moon the werewolves grow with raging blood lust and anger. They feel the urge to kill so they kill who ever is in the volt.

        "The full moon's coming soon." I whispered, staring at the ground.

       "Then we get them out tonight." Derek announced, determined to get Boyd and the possibly dead Erica out.

        "Be smart about this, Derek. You can't just go storming in." I said to him. Last thing any of us needs is for Derek to do something reckless and stupid.

        "If Isaac can get in, so can we." He argued back.

        "But he didn't get through a vault door, did he?" I rose my eyebrows at him, waiting for him to respond but before he could, Scott did, "We need a plan."

        "How are we gonna come up with a plan to break into a bank vault in less than 24 hours?" Derek asked Scott, sarcastically while I rolled my eyes at his rudeness.

        "I think someone already did, "Stiles said as he looked at the screen on his phone,"Beacon hills first national closes its doors three months after vault robbery. Doesn't say here how it was robbed, but it probably won't take long to find out."

        "How long?" 

       "It's the internet, Derek, "Stiles scoffed while Derek rose his brows, unimpressed and annoyed, "Okay, minutes?"

~ ~ ~

        When Stiles meant minutes, it was a false assumption. It took ten hours to find absolutely nothing. The whole night we printed out pictures and articles but none of them told us how they got into the bank. Stiles' floor had papers scattered around in the early morning. Scott was slouched down in the arm-chair, his mouth hanging open. Stiles was in a very awkward position with scrambled snored escaping his mouth. After kicking them off of the bed, I was able to sleep peacefully in Stiles' bed. I had to fight over it but everyone knew I would win.

        The sunlight from the window flashed the room and blinded my eyes causing me to shut my eyes tightly and groan, flipping over to my other side and burying my head into the pillow. A few minutes late the door opened.

      "Guys, hey, time to wake up!" A voice said that I recognized as Sheriff Stilinski. Scott and Stiles remained asleep while I just faked it because I was in no mood to wake up.

         "Guys...guys!" He shouted causing Stiles to jolt up from his awkward position, a paper sticking on his cheek. Scott sat up a bit, blinking and seeing as I had no chose, I sat up with a struggling groan, placing a hand on my messy blonde hair.

        "I got to get to work. You two get to school." The Sheriff said, turning around until Stiles stopped him.

        "Dad! Heather?"

        Last night Stiles informed me that Heather went missing. As much as I was upset about her kissing Stiles, she was a childhood friend. Her and her family were kind enough to show up at my parent's funeral and even if I hated her guts, I was thankful enough that she showed up.

        Stiles' father sighed, sadly, "No, nothing yet." Before walking out of the room.

        Stiles huffed in annoyance and grabbed a paper on the floor, angrily, "Ten hours and nothing."

        "We're going to find something." Scott reassured.

        "Finding something doesn't make Erica any less dead or Boyd any less about-to-be-dead." Stiles argued and unfortunately, I had to agree. For all we know Erica could already be dead even though we were 99% positive that she was.

        "Well, we still have time."

        "Is this whole, like, "remain optimistic "in the face of complete and utter disaster" thing a part of the "be a better Scott McCall" program?" Stiles asked annoyed.

        I smiled, "Your whole plan Scott is a catastrophic success."

        Stiles smiled and laughed with me until he looked down at the newspaper article in his hands and it was like a light bulb lit in his head.

        "Dad, dad!" He yelled before tossing the newspaper at Scott and running past me and out the door. I walked over to Scott and leaned over his shoulder. Right smack dab in the paper was a picture of the Sheriff arresting the bank robbers.

        "Well ain't that ironic." I whispered.

        "Alright, what'd you need me for?" I asked Allison as I leaned against the neighboring locker. While Stiles was driving Scott and I to school, he said later tonight at Derek's loft to discuss the plan. But also while being in the car, Allison texted me saying that she needed to meet with me.

        Allison sucked in a big breath before speaking, "I'm planning to break into the bank that Erica and Boyd are in."

        My eyes widened, "Are you insane?" I asked her in a panic.

        "I'm tired of Derek and Scott telling me to stay out of this. I'm a Hunter, it's my job." She ranted.

        I crossed my arms, "And why are you telling me this?"

        "I want you to come with me."

        I let a dry chuckle and raising my brows at her, "Break into a bank filled with werewolves on a full moon? You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to know it's a bad idea."

        "Fine, "Allison said, slamming her locker, "I'll go by myself."

        Once she started to walk away, I grabbed her forearm. I rolled my eyes and groaned, "Fine, I'll go with you but only because I don't want you going alone."

        A small smirk played her lips, mischievously, "Thanks."

        I'm gonna be in so much trouble when this is all over but fuck it, when have I ever been afraid of werewolves. Besides, it's time for us girls to kick some ass.

~ ~ ~

        "Should have picked some warmer to wear." I mumbled to myself as a cold wind brushed against my ankles. Allison had made the smart choice of wearing a soft yet warm coat and I made the dumb ass choice of just wearing a thin navy blue cardigan.

        We walked to the main entrance of the bank that securely had a metal chain wrapped around the handles. Allison broke the locks using whatever fancy tool she brought along with her. Once we walked in, we were greeted with the deathly silence. The whole place was trashed with desks and chairs flipped over, papers messily scattered everywhere, and not one sound except our footsteps.

        As we walked down the empty and vacant hallway, a person reached out and twisted my arm. I yelped in pain as the person pushed to the ground. The side of my forehead hit hardly against a metal pipe sticking out of the wall. My eyes shut tightly as an immense pain fell upon my head. The mystery person pushed Allison against the wall. 

        I saw long black brown and wide eyes, "Mrs. Morell?"

        "Keep your mouth shut, and listen close. You have no idea what you just stepped into. Right now you've got maybe 20 seconds to get your ass hidden." She said, glancing at both Allison and I.

        "What are you doing?" I asked, wincing painfully as I tried to get up.

        Mrs.Morell ignored me, "Get in that storage closet over there. Lock the door. When you hear the fighting start, that's when you come out."

        "What fighting?"

        "You'll hear it. Now, go!" She rushed as Allison was pushed into the closet.

        Mrs.Morell turned to me, just staring for a few seconds before talking, "You have the seven wonders, don't you?"

         I didn't answer her but before I could even try, she grabbed my arm and yanked me up, shoving me into the closet and shutting the door behind. Allison quickly went to my side as I leaned against the wall.

        "Am I bleeding?" I asked as concern filled her eyes, the pair wondering to my forehead.

        Allison nodded, "Just a long but small gash. Not too deep, thankfully. Got a small cut under your eyebrow."

        As dizziness formed in my head, I heard footsteps. Footsteps and some scraping. The footsteps stopped right in front of the door. My eyes widened as I realized who the people were. Werewolves. I carefully and quietly walked over to a bottle of ammonia and poured, a disgusting and foul scent filling the entire. I sighed in relief once I heard the footsteps continue, away from us.

        Allison flashed a light that belonged to her phone around the room. She moved the light around until she let out a scared gasped. I turned to her, about to say something until I saw what she was witnessing.

        Erica's dead and rotting corpse in the corner of the room.

        Suddenly the door quickly opened and a hand appeared. It was quick to grab me and yank me out, slamming the door behind. I was shoved against the wall by the one and only Mrs. Morell.

        "Are you bleeding?" She demanded. 

        Deciding not to fight or argue with her, I nodded. She sighed almost in remorse but not exactly, "I'm sorry I'm doing this?"

        I wanted to question her, demand she tell me what she was talking about but Mrs. Morell dragged me to an open volt. Forcefully, she pushed me in. I landed on my knees with a thud. A groan left my lips as I stinging pain ran through me. I looked up and saw Boyd. He looked at me, murderously, shaking and sweating. A girl, an unknown girl, stood next to him.

        "Shay?" A voice said from behind. I turned my head over my shoulder and saw Scott and Derek, their eyes wide and frantic. Before I could reply, Boyd and the mystery girl growled, their eyes shining a bright gold and their fangs bearing my their bottom and top lip.

        Fear sparked through me as I realized all hell was about to brake lose.

        Boyd swiftly raised his claws and swiped me onto my stomach. I screamed but was quick to scrambled and push myself away from him. Scott and Derek both growled at the two werewolves before attacking. I sat in the corner, harsh breaths desperately coming out of my mouth as my chest violently heaved up and down. The side of my stomach was covered in blood, bleeding into my shirt. Painful and sharp sparks made my body tremble and me to whimper.

        I watched the fight intensify as everything grew more heated and more terrifying. My hands were pressed against my wound, hoping to stop the bleeding but it was of no use. A puddle of blood started to surrounded me and I wished I never agreed to go on this stupid thing with Allison. The volt's sound was filled with the werewolves' growls and my strangled short screams of pain.

        "Boyd!" I heard a female voice to my side yell. I turned my head and saw Allison, completely oblivious that I was merely feet away. The trail of mountain ash trail that I never noticed was now broken as she pushed away a pile of it. The werewolves were quick and fast to run, not caring about any of us, and jumped out of the volt.

        Derek, covered in blood and had a dangerous and threatening look on his face, hummed furiously at Allison before racing over to her and dragging her away.

        "Don't hurt her!" Scott yelled before wrapping an arm around my back and helping me up. I let out a short yelp before limping, Scott guiding me.

        "What were you thinking?" Derek yelled at Allison as he released his grip on her.

        "That I had to do something." She argued.

        "She saved our lives, Shay's life." Scott pointed out.

        Derek angrily look at him, not bothering about me, "Yeah, and what do you think they're gonna do out there?" He said before shouting at Allison, "Do you have any idea what we just set free?"

        "You wanna blame me! Well I am not the one turning teenagers into killers." Allison shouted, her eyes filling with tears and her voice cracking.

        "No, no, that's just the rest of your family."

        "I made mistakes. Gerald was not my fault." Allison defended.

        "What about your mother?" Derek asked and I realized that he was releasing the cat from the bag.

        "What do you mean?"

        Derek turned his head towards Scott, "Tell her Scott."

        I knew Scott was dreading the moment that he had to tell Allison the truth but it's not fair to Allison not to know the truth. Yes, Derek bit her mother but in order to save Scott. If he hadn't done that then Scott would have been killed.

        "What does he mean, Scott? What does he mean?"

       Finally done with episode two!!!

        How'd you guys like it? I've been wanting to mention that on my second account I posted a new story called Nefarious, it is a Louis Tomlinson story ( I know that he is from One Direction and I must admit I am not a big fan but what the hell, why not?) Hope y'all don't hate me for hurting Shay so badly.

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~ Monrox (Kate)

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