Fire vs Ice || Power Rangers...

By onlyhuman_05

7.5K 119 89

In this sequel, Sofia Oliver returns to Blue Bay Harbor following the decimation of Lothor a year prior. When... More

Happy Birthday...Or Not
(Not So) Secret Admiration
Ancient Jewels Part 1
Ancient Jewels Part 2
Ancient Jewels Part 3
Opposites Attract
Crimson Jealousy
Fury of the Nymph
Shadow Deceit
Twisted Thunder Pt. 1
Twisted Thunder Pt. 2

The Return

1.8K 17 13
By onlyhuman_05

A/N: Hello and welcome to the first chapter of my original sequel to When the Blizzard Hits! I hope you enjoy this first chapter! Each chapter will be like an episode or episodes! Enjoy Fire vs. Ice!

Deep in the Alaskan wilderness, a dim light ignited the trees amid the blanket of darkness that the night had thrust upon them. It was coming from a house in the middle of the forest that had all its lights off except that of its basement.

A mysterious figure connected some cables to a power source that was connected to a computer. In the middle of the table laid a box.

It typed some code into the computer and the monitor glowed bright colors before dimming back down. The figure laughed in victory and pulled out a phone, dialed a number, and pressed it to its ear.

"Hey!" the figure greeted. "Yeah, it worked! Right, I'll bring it over tomorrow! See ya'!"

The figure turned on the light to reveal shining blue eyes and a head of long, blonde hair. She picked up the box on the table and before it was snapped shut, the viewer could clearly see six morphers with power discs and a green amulet with a matching power disc laying next to it.

Sofia Oliver snapped the lid shut, powered off the lights, and walked up the stairs.

Blue Bay Harbor

Tori Hanson walked down the stairs of her home to prepare herself breakfast before meeting Shane and Dustin and the Wind Ninja Academy. She was just preparing to eat her toast when a knock resonated on her front door. Confusion flashed in her eyes as she went to open the door.

"Sofia! What are you doing here?" Tori asked, beaming with excitement.

"I flew in last night! Don't tell the guys, except Cam because he already knows, I want to surprise them, especially Hunter," Sofia replied. The two females hugged.

"Okay, well, I'm heading to the academy now to meet Shane and Dustin. You want to come?" Tori suggested.

"I'm up for it," Sofia agreed. " Then I'm going to streak to the Thunder Academy and see Hunter."

"Cool, let's go," Tori said.

"What about your breakfast?" Sofia wondered.

"I'm not hungry anymore," Tori answered.

The girls walked out into the street and streaked to the Wind Ninja Academy.

Wind Ninja Academy

Shane Clarke and Dustin Brooks stood at the waterfall entrance in their sensei uniforms trimmed in red and yellow respectively.

"Where's Tori?" Dustin asked.

"She'll be here soon. She said that she has a surprise for us," Shane replied.

"Surprise? Hmm, wonder what it is," Dustin said.

Two streaks landed and when it cleared the boys saw Tori standing there with Sofia standing next to her.

"So, where's the surprise?" Dustin asked blankly.

"Right here," Tori pointed out Sofia.

Shane and Dustin's eyes brightened.

"Sofia!" they laughed.

"Yeah, it's me," Sofia answered as the boys sandwiched her in a hug. "Okay, you can let me go now!"

"Oops, sorry," Shane apologized as they released the former white ranger.

"Whew! Yeah, I flew in last night and got a hotel," Sofia explained.

"Oh, nice!" Dustin commented.

"Well, I have one more person to see! I'm off! Bye!" Sofia waved before fazing into her white ninja-streak.

"Shall we?" Tori asked.

"Oh, yeah," Shane replied.

The three senseis walked under the waterfall entrance to the newly restored Wind Ninja Academy.

Thunder Ninja Academy

Hunter Bradley was finishing with his group of students when they began giving him weird looks.

"Whatever you're looking at can't be as important as what I'm trying to teach you. Now pay attention!" Hunter lectured, not realizing that what his students were looking at was Sofia.

Sofia smiled at how strict and direct Hunter was behaving towards his students, not at all different from their ranger days.

"I want you boys to be here the same time tomorrow so we can work on your thunder abilities. Think about your commitment to your ninja training. Class dismissed," Hunter dismissed his boys, who bowed to their sensei as a sign of respect and lumbered away.

Hunter sighed in exasperation as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Well, not bad, Sensei Bradley," Sofia complimented. Hunter startled and turned around, his blue eyes lighting up with happiness.

"Soph," he whispered. He rushed to hug her.

"Yeah, I've returned," Sofia muttered. She squealed as Hunter swept her off her feet and spun her around. "Mmm, I've missed you, Hunter."

Hunter set her down on her feet, but didn't release her. "I've missed you, too, Sofia."

"I have a surprise for you," Sofia muttered.

"Oh, really? What is it?" Hunter asked in a low rumble.

"This," Sofia replied, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing a long, hard kiss on his lips.

"Some surprise," Hunter murmured when they parted sometime later.

Sofia laughed and leaned her head on his chest. The couple moved together in a tight hug, immediately squelching any daylight that happened to make it between them. Sofia lifted her head off his chest and looked into his beautiful silvery-blue irises. Sofia relished in the peace that she felt with her love now that Lothor was gone from their world. But she couldn't shake the nagging feeling in her gut that something bad was going to happen. She sighed softly and moved her arms from Hunter's neck down around his trim waist.

"Is something bothering you?" Hunter wondered. Sofia nodded.

"It's just... I feel like this serenity isn't going to last and we're going to be whisked off into battle again... I've gotten so used to Lothor being gone that I've forgotten what it feels like to be a ranger," Sofia sighed. Hunter let out a frustrated breath.

"Sofia... how many times do I have to tell you!? Whatever happens, we'll face it together! We're a team, you and I," Hunter reprimanded, rubbing her shoulders with his hands.

"Aw, Hunter! You're so sweet, but... try to be a little less uptight with your students," Sofia told him. "You need to relax... you're so tense." Hunter rolled his eyes.

"It's how Blake and I were taught when we were students and I guess... it rubbed off on me."

"Okay, Hunter, I was just giving you some advice, but if you look at yourself in the mirror, you would see that you are super worked. You look like you haven't slept in days," Sofia pointed out Hunter's exhausted appearance.

"I guess I've been worrying so much about my students that I haven't been sleeping at all," Hunter replied, rubbing his eyes.

"Hunter... you're a very dedicated teacher, but you need your rest," Sofia told him sternly.

"Me! You're the one who flew in last night," Hunter countered.

"Yes, but I got a hotel and actually slept," Sofia told him.

"Fine, I'll sleep tonight," Hunter sighed. "I better get going. I have paperwork to finish."

"Okay, now I'm going to take a walk around Blue Bay Harbor," Sofia said. She kissed Hunter's cheek and streaked off.

Hunter smirked and walked off to the Thunder Ninja Academy dorms.

A secluded island in the Pacific

Red eyes flickered to life as a deep and evil voice cackled through Doom Island.

"After so many years, I'm finally free to rule this world," Diabolos rumbled.


Sofia stood at the cliff overlooking the beach. She still couldn't get rid of the horrible feeling in her stomach that something terrible was going to happen. That's when she heard a whooshing behind her. Sofia turned and looked around but saw nothing.

"Who's there? Come out and face me," Sofia demanded.

That's when a gold and black streak came out of the bushes. She hardly had time to leap out of the way before it knocked her straight off the cliff and onto the sand below... hard!

With the consciousness that she had left, Sofia pulled out the emergency communicator that Cam had given her before she left for Alaska and spoke into it.

"Cam, gather the others. We have a situation," she ordered before signing off.

The last thing she remembered seeing was a large, gold, black, and monstrous figure approaching before her already fuzzy vision turned to black.

Scene change

Blake Bradley had just finished up a race. He rode onto the hill and cut the engine to his bike.

"Hey, man! You won again!" His pal, Jesse, complimented as he approached the former navy ranger.

"Hey, thanks, man. You didn't do so bad either," Blake replied.

"Hey, how about we go out to celebrate. You, me, and the other guys," Jesse suggested.

"Yeah, I'm up for it," Blake agreed. And that's when his least favorite sound chimed from his riding gear. "Oh, sorry, man. I'm going to have to take a rain check."

"Why? What happened? Is everything alright?" Jesse interrogated.

"I have no idea, but I have to go. I'll catch you later," Blake called as he rode off.

Outside Ninja Ops

Hunter, Shane, Tori, and Dustin approached the waterfall entrance to their secret base.

"I wonder what's so urgent that Cam had to call us away from our paperwork," Tori commented.

"Yeah, and where's Sofia?" Shane added.

Blake landed next to them in all his navy glory.

"Hey, guys," he greeted.

"Blake, great to see you," Hunter said, pulling his baby brother into a brotherly hug.

"Yeah, sweet," Dustin agreed.

"No doubt," Shane stated. The former yellow and red rangers clapped hands with the former navy ranger.

"Hey, Blake," Tori greeted shyly.

"Hey, Tor," Blake replied, smiling sweetly.

"How's racing?" Tori wondered.

"It's been going great. I've won every far," Blake replied. Tori nodded sadly. "Enough about me. Let's talk about why we're here."

"Cam called us. Said it was an emergency," Hunter replied.

"Well then, we should go see what it's all about," Shane said.

The five rangers walked under the waterfall to Ninja Ops.

Inside Ninja Ops

"Alright, Cam, what's the emergency?" Shane demanded as they strolled into the newly reconstructed Ninja Ops.

"Sofia called me...wait...where is Sofia?" Cam asked.

"I'm right here," Sofia breathed. The ninjas turned and noticed Sofia leaning against the wall, breathing heavily and holding her side. She pushed off of the wall gently and limped to her friends.

"Whoa! What happened to you?" Shane wondered as she stumbled.

"I was attacked," Sofia replied.

"What!? By who?" Hunter questioned, concern coating his words as he rushed to hold her.

"I have no clue. It moved too fast for me to see. One minute, I'm overlooking the beach and I heard a rustle in the bushes and the next...I'm falling. The last thing I remember is calling Cam and some monster towering over me before I blacked out," Sofia explained.

"Can you describe him?" Cam inquired.

"No, my vision was too blurry. I couldn't see the face properly...sorry," Sofia apologized. "All I remember is that he was black, gold, and massive."

"Rangers, it appears as though we may be needed once again," Sensei told them.

"But Sensei, we lost our ranger abilities in our last battle with Lothor," Shane reminded him.

"Ah, that's what we have here. Cam," Sensei said.

Cam retrieved the box and opened it.

"Whoa, but how?" Blake asked.

Cam nodded toward Sofia who smiled.

"We've been working for weeks on regenerating the morphers. Cam from Ninja Ops and I worked in my basement in Alaska late at night," Sofia informed.

The computer monitor beeped with a monster attack on the beach.

"Looks like it's back to action for us," Shane said.

"I've got to admit, it has been peaceful," Hunter commented.

"Duty calls," Tori sang.

The seven ninjas grabbed their respective morphers and power discs. Once they were situated, the rangers lined up like they had a year ago.

"Ready?" Shane asked.


"Ninja Storm!"


"Samurai Storm!"

"Blizzard Storm!"

"Ranger form, ha!"

Red, blue, yellow, white, crimson, navy, and green light encased their bodies and when the lights faded, they were once again in their ranger uniforms. The rangers streaked out of Ninja Ops and to the beach.

The beach

Diabolos waited for the rangers to appear so he could destroy them and conquer their planet. He got his wish when seven streaks of different colored shadows crashed down in front of him.

"Ahh, rangers. At long last we meet," he drawled with a chuckle.

"Who are you, freak job? And what do you want?" Shane demanded.

"Ah, yes, where are my manners? I am Diabolos, shadow ninja and ruler of the galaxy. Earth is my next conquest," Diabolos responded with an evil cackle. Sofia scoffed.

"Do you really think that we're going to let you take over Earth?" Sofia asked, stepping forward.

"Ah, White Ranger! I have a gift for you," Diabolos laughed.

"Whatever you have to offer, I don't want any part of it," Sofia growled, clenching her fists.

"Oh, I think you'll get a kick out of this one," Diabolos said. He raised his arm to the sky and snapped his clawed fingers.

The sky darkened and became black as night. Before Sofia could retort smartly, a streak swept her off her feet and flipped her onto the sand, causing her to land face first. The sky brightened again to reveal an eighth ranger in black standing in front of them. This ranger had golden trim all over, a white flame on his chest, and a dragon emblem on his helmet.

"Whoa! Another power ranger," Hunter exclaimed.

"Ho, ho! That's it," Sofia hissed, slamming her hand down on the sand before jumping, gracefully, onto her feet.

"You called, Master Diabolos?" the black ranger asked.

"Yes, dispose of the white ranger for me, my loyal soldier," Diabolos ordered.

"My pleasure, master," Black Ranger complied.

Sofia unsheathed her blade and pointed it at the mysterious ranger. "You're going down," she growled.

The two rangers charged at one another with their blades out, locking them in a deadlock.

"We've got to help her," Cam yelled.

Diabolos blocked their path.

"Get out of our way, freak job," Hunter spat.

"Ah, ah, ah, not so fast. I have something to keep you busy while your white ranger is off being destroyed," Diabolos responded. He held out his hands and ugly lizard creatures appeared led by a general of some sort who looked like he was an anaconda snake.

"Rangers, meet Serios, my right-hand...reptile and the Revolters," Diabolos laughed.

"Well...they certainly live up to their name. Those things are gross," Tori muttered.

"Attack," Serios ordered in a raspy voice.

The Revolters charged and Serios followed, unsheathing his cutlass and attacking Shane.

"Whew! You smell just as bad as you look," Shane said as the two leaders clashed swords.

"I could say the same about you, Red Ranger," Serios rebutted.

They pushed away from one another and Shane drew his hawk blaster. He fired a red blast, but Serios used his cutlass to block the blast.

"If that's the best you've got then your planet is doomed," Serios cackled. "Serpent blade, shadow strike!" His cutlass came alive with purple flames as he formed a plus sign with the slashes. Shane was knocked backward as the attack struck him.

"Shane!" Tori cried. The Revolters were proving more difficult to beat than the Kelzaks due to their tougher hide.

"Alright, guys, let's put 'em together," Shane called.

"Thunderstorm Cannon!"

"Ready?" Hunter started.

"Aim," Dustin added.

"Fire," Shane finished, pulling the trigger. A green orb fired at the lizards, destroying them upon impact, the resulting explosion throwing Serios through the air and sprawling into a nearby boulder.

They watched as Sofia exchanged parries and strikes with the black ranger.

"You're a good adversary...for a girl! I'm impressed," Black Ranger sneered.

"Oh, because I'm a girl, I can't fight! Wow! You really are sexist...aren't you?" Sofia retorted. "Your parents must be so proud of you!"

"Don't talk about my parents," Black Ranger spat. He snarled and knocked Sofia's blade out of her hand and kicked her in the chest, causing her to stumble back. "Fire blade, blazing strike!" His dragon-shaped sword was engulfed in a black flame as he formed a star with his sword and launched it at Sofia. It collided with her and she was thrust back onto the sand.

"Soph, are you alright?" Hunter asked as the rangers rushed to her side.

"Haha, never send a girl to do a man's job," Black Ranger cackled, he turned around and resheathed his sword as he walked away.

Sofia's eyes turned silver and she snarled ferally. She ripped herself from the grip of her closest friends and lunged at the retreating black ranger. The black ranger turned around just in time to be knocked down by the feral white ranger. "Say that again, I dare you," Sofia snarled. She somersaulted to her discarded blade and streaked toward the black ranger. Sofia grabbed his arm and pinned it against his back, running him into the base of a rocky cliff. "You want to say that to my face again and see where that gets you!"

"That's it! Release your anger and kill him! He'll cause you no more harm that way," a voice in her head whispered.

She turned him around and pressed his back against the cold stone wall. She held the blade of her sword against his throat before drawing back and preparing to strike down.

"Soph, wait! Please don't," Hunter pleaded, running over and grabbing her arms, pinning them behind her back.

"Let go of me, you bug," Sofia growled, struggling to break free of his strong grasp.

"No, Sofia, listen to me! This isn't you! Look inside your heart, you know this isn't right. Come back to me," Hunter protested, ignoring her hurtful words.

Sofia froze. Don't listen to him. He doesn't understand the power you own. Destroy them all and Earth will be yours to rule."

Sofia dropped her sword and grabbed her helmet. "No, no, get out of my head. I won't listen! I won't!" Her eyes faded back to blue as her morph canceled and she fell to her knees.

"Ha! Weakling," Black Ranger laughed. He streaked forward, knocking both Hunter and Sofia backward before coming to a stop in front of Diabolos.

"I've got to say, white ranger, I'm thoroughly impressed... impressed enough to offer you an entrance into my army," Diabolos offered.

"But...Master...she's a ranger," Serios argued.

"Quiet, Serios, before I turn you into a pair of snakeskin boots and hand you to your sister as a gift," Diabolos threatened. Serios nodded his scaly head and bowed.

"Me? Join your army! That armor must be cutting off the oxygen flow to your brain because you're fooling yourself if you think I'm going to abandon my team," Sofia spat as she and Hunter stood on their feet.

"Watch your tongue before I cut it out of your mouth," Black ranger snapped as he got into her face.

"Make me!" Sofia challenged. "You know, Black ranger, you're all talk but no game. How about next time, don't make promises that you can't keep!"

The black ranger scrambled for words, but none came.

"Mmhm, I thought so," Sofia said, turning and walking away. The other rangers demorphed and followed her.

"Don't walk away from me! You hear me!? Don't ever turn your back on me," the black ranger yelled. Without looking back, Sofia waggled her fingers in a sarcastic wave as they strolled off the beach.

"You failed, haha," Serios cackled maniacally before he disappeared in a shower of purple smoke.

"Master..." Black ranger whimpered.

"You let your pride take over! Don't let it happen again or I will reveal your identity to the rangers and I believe that they wouldn't be very happy with your choices, now would they?" Diabolos rumbled before he disappeared in a twister of golden aura.

The black ranger sighed and glanced at the horizon. "The rangers must never know my identity...especially that meddlesome white ranger," he grumbled. He made a ninja sign and disappeared in a smokescreen of black flames.

Ninja Ops

The ninjas sat in Ninja Ops, recovering from their long and grueling battle with the new evil that had arisen.

"Rangers, this battle will not be easy. Diabolos has proven himself to be a more powerful adversary than Lothor ever was," Sensei lectured.

"Sensei, when we were fighting Diabolos and Serios, there was another ranger, but he was evil," Tori informed.

"Yeah, he practically beat on Sofia," Dustin commented, earning an angry glare from the white ranger.

"Don't remind me. If I see him again, It'll be too soon," Sofia groaned.

"What happened to you?" Shane asked.

"What do you mean?" Sofia questioned in response.

"Well, for a moment there, you were growling and about to murder that black ranger," Shane replied.

"Oh, no, I must have blacked out because one minute I was laying on the sand watching the black ranger mock me and the next... Hunter was grabbing me and pulling me away from him," Sofia explained.

"Did you say black ranger?" Sensei asked.

"Yes, Dad, do you know something?" Cam inquired.

"Wait, Sensei, you don't think it could be him... could it?" Sofia wondered.

"It is a possibility," Sensei replied.

"Wait, who's him? And what does he have to do with our problem?" Blake interrogated. Sofia looked at the rangers.

"My brother," Sofia sighed.

The rangers looked at the white ranger with confusion and apprehension.

A/N: Well, that concludes the first chapter! I really hoped you enjoyed it! See you soon! Oh, and for those of you who were wondering, Diabolos is Greek for the devil, so I figured it'd be perfect for my character. Don't worry, it will get darker later on!

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